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wintermute-devel team mailing list archive

[info] Recollection of Resources


Hello team, first and fore-most, I hope that all of you developers are
registered as team members of the Institute at
https://www.launchpad.net/~sii. Also, I'd like to mention that while you
are a developer of Wintermute, we need all of the programming ability we
have in another project:
This project is going to released in March and is more likely of reaching
its first release as opposed to Wintermute. This project will also allow us
to get more friends to help us out :). Fear not, you're free to work on
Wintermute but I strongly recommend that you begin looking at
SpeechControl's bug list https://bugs.launchpad.net/speechcontrol, pick
something and *GO!*

One Vision. One Purpose.
We are the Synthetic Intellect Institute
contact@xxxxxxxxxx <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml', 'contact@xxxxxxxxxx');> ::
http://www.thesii.org/ :: #sii on FreeNode

Jacky Alcine, *Head Developer of Wintermute*
http://jackyalcine.co.cc :: jacky.alcine@xxxxxxxxxx <javascript:_e({},
'cvml', 'jacky.alcine@xxxxxxxxxx');> :: https://launchpad.net/~jackyalcine