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[Merge] lp:~len-ovenwerks/garcon/garcon into lp:garcon


Len Ovens has proposed merging lp:~len-ovenwerks/garcon/garcon into lp:garcon.

Requested reviews:
  Xubuntu Team (xubuntu-team)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1213518 in garcon (Ubuntu): "xfce-applications.menu merges in a non-standard way. default overrides merge"

For more details, see:

This to fix lp: #1213518. It may be easier to just change the file. I the change log version is probably wrong.
The attached diff has been truncated due to its size.
Your team Xubuntu Team is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~len-ovenwerks/garcon/garcon into lp:garcon.
=== added directory '.pc'
=== added file '.pc/.quilt_patches'
--- .pc/.quilt_patches	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .pc/.quilt_patches	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@

=== added file '.pc/.quilt_series'
--- .pc/.quilt_series	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .pc/.quilt_series	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@

=== added file '.pc/.version'
--- .pc/.version	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ .pc/.version	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@

=== added file '.pc/applied-patches'
=== added file 'AUTHORS'
--- AUTHORS	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ AUTHORS	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Travis Watkins <amaranth@xxxxxxxxxx>

=== renamed file 'AUTHORS' => 'AUTHORS.moved'
=== added file 'COPYING'
--- COPYING	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ COPYING	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+garcon's source code is licensed under the LGPLv2,
+while its documentation is licensed under the GFDL 1.1 (with no 
+invariant sections). The text of both licenses follow:
+		       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+    		    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the library GPL.  It is
+ numbered 2 because it goes with version 2 of the ordinary GPL.]
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Library General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated Free Software Foundation software, and to any
+other libraries whose authors decide to use it.  You can use it for
+your libraries, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if
+you distribute copies of the library, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link a program with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients so that they can relink them
+with the library, after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  Our method of protecting your rights has two steps: (1) copyright
+the library, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  Also, for each distributor's protection, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+library.  If the library is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original
+version, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on
+the original authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that companies distributing free
+software will individually obtain patent licenses, thus in effect
+transforming the program into proprietary software.  To prevent this,
+we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's
+free use or not licensed at all.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the ordinary
+GNU General Public License, which was designed for utility programs.  This
+license, the GNU Library General Public License, applies to certain
+designated libraries.  This license is quite different from the ordinary
+one; be sure to read it in full, and don't assume that anything in it is
+the same as in the ordinary license.
+  The reason we have a separate public license for some libraries is that
+they blur the distinction we usually make between modifying or adding to a
+program and simply using it.  Linking a program with a library, without
+changing the library, is in some sense simply using the library, and is
+analogous to running a utility program or application program.  However, in
+a textual and legal sense, the linked executable is a combined work, a
+derivative of the original library, and the ordinary General Public License
+treats it as such.
+  Because of this blurred distinction, using the ordinary General
+Public License for libraries did not effectively promote software
+sharing, because most developers did not use the libraries.  We
+concluded that weaker conditions might promote sharing better.
+  However, unrestricted linking of non-free programs would deprive the
+users of those programs of all benefit from the free status of the
+libraries themselves.  This Library General Public License is intended to
+permit developers of non-free programs to use free libraries, while
+preserving your freedom as a user of such programs to change the free
+libraries that are incorporated in them.  (We have not seen how to achieve
+this as regards changes in header files, but we have achieved it as regards
+changes in the actual functions of the Library.)  The hope is that this
+will lead to faster development of free libraries.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, while the latter only
+works together with the library.
+  Note that it is possible for a library to be covered by the ordinary
+General Public License rather than by this special one.
+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or other authorized
+party saying it may be distributed under the terms of this Library
+General Public License (also called "this License").  Each licensee is
+addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.
+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.
+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also compile or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    c) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    d) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally
+distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you
+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Library General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.
+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.
+		GNU Free Documentation License
+		   Version 1.1, March 2000
+ Copyright (C) 2000  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
+written document "free" in the sense of freedom: to assure everyone
+the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it, with or without
+modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.  Secondarily,
+this License preserves for the author and publisher a way to get
+credit for their work, while not being considered responsible for
+modifications made by others.
+This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
+works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.  It
+complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
+license designed for free software.
+We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
+software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
+program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
+software does.  But this License is not limited to software manuals;
+it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
+whether it is published as a printed book.  We recommend this License
+principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
+This License applies to any manual or other work that contains a
+notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be distributed
+under the terms of this License.  The "Document", below, refers to any
+such manual or work.  Any member of the public is a licensee, and is
+addressed as "you".
+A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
+Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
+modifications and/or translated into another language.
+A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
+the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
+publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
+(or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
+within that overall subject.  (For example, if the Document is in part a
+textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
+mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of historical
+connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
+commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
+The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
+are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
+that says that the Document is released under this License.
+The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
+as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
+the Document is released under this License.
+A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
+represented in a format whose specification is available to the
+general public, whose contents can be viewed and edited directly and
+straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
+pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
+drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
+for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
+to text formatters.  A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
+format whose markup has been designed to thwart or discourage
+subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.  A copy that is
+not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
+Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
+ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
+or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
+HTML designed for human modification.  Opaque formats include
+PostScript, PDF, proprietary formats that can be read and edited only
+by proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
+processing tools are not generally available, and the
+machine-generated HTML produced by some word processors for output
+purposes only.
+The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
+plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
+this License requires to appear in the title page.  For works in
+formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
+the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
+preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
+You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
+commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
+copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
+to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
+conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You may not use
+technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
+copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However, you may accept
+compensation in exchange for copies.  If you distribute a large enough
+number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
+You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
+you may publicly display copies.
+If you publish printed copies of the Document numbering more than 100,
+and the Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose
+the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
+Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
+the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
+you as the publisher of these copies.  The front cover must present
+the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
+visible.  You may add other material on the covers in addition.
+Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
+the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
+as verbatim copying in other respects.
+If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
+legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
+reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
+If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
+more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
+copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
+a publicly-accessible computer-network location containing a complete
+Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material, which the
+general network-using public has access to download anonymously at no
+charge using public-standard network protocols.  If you use the latter
+option, you must take reasonably prudent steps, when you begin
+distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure that this
+Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated location
+until at least one year after the last time you distribute an Opaque
+copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that edition to
+the public.
+It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
+Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
+them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
+You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
+the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
+the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
+Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
+and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
+of it.  In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
+A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
+   from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
+   (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
+   of the Document).  You may use the same title as a previous version
+   if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
+B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
+   responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
+   Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
+   Document (all of its principal authors, if it has less than five).
+C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
+   Modified Version, as the publisher.
+D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
+E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
+   adjacent to the other copyright notices.
+F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
+   giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
+   terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
+G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
+   and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
+H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
+I. Preserve the section entitled "History", and its title, and add to
+   it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
+   publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.  If
+   there is no section entitled "History" in the Document, create one
+   stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
+   given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
+   Version as stated in the previous sentence.
+J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
+   public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
+   the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
+   it was based on.  These may be placed in the "History" section.
+   You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
+   least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
+   publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
+K. In any section entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
+   preserve the section's title, and preserve in the section all the
+   substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
+   and/or dedications given therein.
+L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
+   unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
+   or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
+M. Delete any section entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
+   may not be included in the Modified Version.
+N. Do not retitle any existing section as "Endorsements"
+   or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
+If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
+appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
+copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
+of these sections as invariant.  To do this, add their titles to the
+list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
+These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
+You may add a section entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
+nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
+parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
+been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
+You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
+passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
+of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one passage of
+Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
+through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the Document already
+includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
+by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
+you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
+permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
+The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
+give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
+imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
+You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
+License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
+versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
+Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
+list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
+license notice.
+The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
+multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
+copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
+different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
+adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
+author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
+Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
+Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
+In the combination, you must combine any sections entitled "History"
+in the various original documents, forming one section entitled
+"History"; likewise combine any sections entitled "Acknowledgements",
+and any sections entitled "Dedications".  You must delete all sections
+entitled "Endorsements."
+You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
+released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
+License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
+the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
+verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.
+You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
+it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
+License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
+other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.
+A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
+and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
+distribution medium, does not as a whole count as a Modified Version
+of the Document, provided no compilation copyright is claimed for the
+compilation.  Such a compilation is called an "aggregate", and this
+License does not apply to the other self-contained works thus compiled
+with the Document, on account of their being thus compiled, if they
+are not themselves derivative works of the Document.
+If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
+copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one quarter
+of the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
+covers that surround only the Document within the aggregate.
+Otherwise they must appear on covers around the whole aggregate.
+Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
+distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
+Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
+permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
+translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
+original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
+translation of this License provided that you also include the
+original English version of this License.  In case of a disagreement
+between the translation and the original English version of this
+License, the original English version will prevail.
+You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except
+as expressly provided for under this License.  Any other attempt to
+copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
+automatically terminate your rights under this License.  However,
+parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
+of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.  See
+Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
+If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
+License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
+following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
+of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
+Free Software Foundation.  If the Document does not specify a version
+number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
+as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

=== renamed file 'COPYING' => 'COPYING.moved'
=== added file 'ChangeLog'
--- ChangeLog	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ ChangeLog	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5846 @@
+commit f457f44961ba152fd6dc7713e73a8f98cab6b087
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun May 5 18:31:54 2013 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 6a69c53dcee2bc1ab101b817e93ad30da9effe73
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun May 5 18:30:42 2013 +0200
+    Use new mutex locking api if available.
+commit bb6d1e9c12d31508985415317423a91c98dabecc
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun May 5 18:30:00 2013 +0200
+    Fix deprecating warnings in tests.
+commit 2e9fe04180af50a829d01214ed707b292626d519
+Author: Pjotr vertaalt <pjotrvertaalt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 24 12:29:24 2013 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 89800c8e0c1ce6551ff396c9cb73a6a0a4584499
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Mar 31 17:44:28 2013 +0200
+    Fix build.
+commit 079850c83f6f94f7889e1de40bea3a96f1a14a70
+Author: Саша Петровић <salepetronije@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 27 11:04:02 2013 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Serbian (sr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2c7cbc55864e537c4508b654b32fac2dfbf1a235
+Author: Nenad Latinović <nenadlatinovic@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Mar 16 19:28:41 2013 +0100
+    l10n: Slovenian translation
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 17dd536eaf64e65137e35dd9e68df11904284b49
+Author: Саша Петровић <salepetronije@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Mar 5 13:42:23 2013 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Serbian (sr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8d7d6751280a9422caaf381df7605f587e30ff05
+Author: كريم أولاد الشلحة <herr.linux88@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 5 20:40:36 2013 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Arabic (ar) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 61ae6da0a4735183d24e32e63f916b1e98df0e24
+Author: Kiril Kirilov <cybercop_montana@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 27 17:07:54 2013 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Bulgarian (bg) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit a493ae6fcfb68e91ce3e10a9c1ffe0b122209e9e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 6 12:18:58 2013 +0100
+    Autotools updates.
+commit 10ec7a48c6ed5f73868ad37f60903d2379fa6780
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Dec 27 11:21:48 2012 +0100
+    Remove unmaintained translations.
+commit 7de8b5f48ae755c20a6578940f7230d623a570a0
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 18 05:49:51 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b8a5b37c571b074dd1d1a8a1c1908aedf5035383
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 18 05:39:54 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8873f62272bd899ec80a6c68de0c95a2ef437249
+Author: Gheyret Kenji <gheyret@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Oct 24 05:43:28 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Uyghur (ug) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0cfc0c1d93122f9589494d74fa011dbd1a7a1d3e
+Author: Francisco Javier Serrador <fserrador@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 13 11:59:52 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 07bdc7fd85453ae5e9e0c7b15b388060cda363ca
+Author: Jérôme Guelfucci <jeromeg@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 5 15:53:15 2012 +0200
+    g_thread_init is deprecated since glib 2.32.
+commit 1b9077289b6a6cb7381d393c6f4b8a4bff1c50ed
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 4 08:42:23 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0e4b019d6f1894757b8d8db490fd21e1334919b1
+Author: Gheyret Kenji <gheyret@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jul 16 08:14:17 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Uyghur (ug) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 14edbbf87fd5aa543ec4e620bc4fa4a37716bff9
+Author: Gheyret Kenji <gheyret@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jul 13 02:30:10 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Uyghur (ug) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9c63f1ad5bf76e0d92871f4acc10db79676da4c2
+Author: Sveinn í Felli <sveinki@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jun 29 19:53:41 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Icelandic (is) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 796017314a6f9c32fab454b2b680d345c9c4a40f
+Author: Мирослав Николић <miroslavnikolic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 4 22:58:52 2012 +0200
+    l10n: New translation for Serbian
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 65bf7819485f8882ed30dbab551f7ac088f538f8
+Author: Gheyret Kenji <gheyret@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 31 07:41:19 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Uyghur (ug) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ca70c1193ec49bf9a5e1a8506844d2f887e78bdc
+Author: Artem Zolochevskiy <artem.zolochevskiy@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed May 2 10:19:06 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Russian (ru) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8010835ca2858c2a1a6f241e43425a3932345dbc
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 1 02:26:32 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 024dfdbdd4080a718be93943f2a9dcb50fe8af81
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 28 22:07:58 2012 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit be303f2dcbdd876b5b723d4629bd8e009fcbdc39
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 28 22:06:16 2012 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit c6084f3fdb05f1f98d38db7571d602e51954d973
+Author: Mișu Moldovan <dumol@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 27 23:38:51 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Romanian (ro) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 486c20ce47c4c42b96ee9f2cb1f8f025f3c0bfc1
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <hashimo@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 25 13:44:11 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Japanese (ja) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0583115e503eeebec1348de1939c6080e12029d8
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong.luo@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Apr 23 08:35:03 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 788f6f6d9ef8c22fdae957376bf0650d1c35c357
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong.luo@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 20 14:49:23 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 875818a76b6b64e2830120f069611a4c7710255e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 19 21:06:01 2012 +0200
+    Fix stipid mistake in previous commit.
+commit 3e56d3394a90cddd1e65af9ee57f851bb28880d2
+Author: Jeff Bailes <thepizzaking@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 19 08:28:32 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated English (United Kingdom) (en_GB) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f1d9afd9eb0baef9ee9876d53712eab0b6047cb6
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Apr 17 21:42:04 2012 +0200
+    Reduce signal emission on delete events (bug #8671).
+commit d56006ebdbf6b99db2463ebe08ca454c8dd3a0f2
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Apr 17 16:17:34 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 36552312e8c6250b43061d9e6c45dda454747d1c
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Apr 17 12:26:07 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2496f37058d1d139910c30d5c3bbb9963f29ed52
+Author: Ivica  Kolić <ikoli@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 15 17:11:39 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Croatian (hr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 988f9ca0ec322df6675a6d3033350a88fec29f71
+Author: Ivica  Kolić <ikoli@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 15 17:09:42 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Croatian (hr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b34ef82c3408085378230c1ffda093889835b65d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 15 16:18:17 2012 +0200
+    Add debugging for file monitoring and reloading.
+commit 93239e99dbd2dcb7ab43975c747e2cae4e586bc3
+Author: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 14 20:48:43 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Hungarian (hu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2ea67148d2dc8880e3a8cd14d29a72ffe8d70c95
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 14 11:17:01 2012 +0200
+    Remove xfhelp4.desktop from the menu.
+commit f71b3fda8cd9131dd1771ce72868771448d65b70
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 14 11:11:47 2012 +0200
+    Updates for xfce4-run.desktop.
+commit 78ddd60849301fc10da0239b0033a52b91e6798a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 13 23:43:54 2012 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit 7d751bcffc38adf73d03c2f63f2bd4766e0bb1ba
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 13 23:39:05 2012 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 25896ce9536a7963bd9648ba9f9eb572b56fa961
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 13 21:30:06 2012 +0200
+    Fix segfault if null is set.
+commit 01f1edd2c8aa02b4603fbef5f3486956e8a8bd1e
+Author: Nuno Miguel <nunomgue@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 12 19:20:39 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 69245cb170811214e647577da8338316dccb3cd6
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <hashimo@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 11 14:40:30 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Japanese (ja) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b687ec13c7a6543eec65b00627b327d265f830c4
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Apr 10 13:09:42 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 101545a6a07dc7ede55d239ca64db714f38fc9a3
+Author: Efstathios Iosifidis <iefstathios@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 8 22:18:27 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit cc880a3b7903339f80284df1bdf9ab801e899cc4
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 8 00:10:42 2012 +0200
+    Add missing or fix incorrect licenses.
+commit 9cfde617245addedd5c7b0b04a821ec042581274
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 4 23:40:33 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 54487129a43aca941b1264d5068360187ca11ad0
+Author: Henrique P. Machado <zehrique@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Apr 2 03:21:06 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 16731278d69eb31e83a592be7de3049751f81e1f
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 1 23:25:52 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6d81ab154e0046bdda53f881301213726a00736f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 28 17:22:44 2012 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit ff31797fc542b7fd54d6a8edfd9bf208fcbb326c
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 28 17:21:50 2012 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 151f94230a3bac00725de3a1e12f817fa86b810d
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 28 15:13:30 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Finnish (fi) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9814f004b8e66fc192e8d960edcceb0b1ba91420
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Mar 26 18:59:29 2012 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6b427e8d7a5d228b8e1f810656c41e0d121a3237
+Author: Kamil Polczak <elderlinx@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 14 18:01:33 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Polish (pl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7210a5d0a0e2310ab9afa0559434cddd50061b07
+Author: Andres Sanchez <afsanchez93@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 14 17:44:31 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit db6a0a296d722060747bbad62a5d365e64273595
+Author: Praveen Illa <mail2ipn@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Mar 11 19:18:50 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Telugu (te) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 029bf8e340c9239514da6331fe5af84e62ce8754
+Author: Praveen Illa <mail2ipn@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Mar 11 19:17:09 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Telugu (te) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b6c0d85d5320854a930a443d5258bc48c42afd4b
+Author: Mișu Moldovan <dumol@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 7 17:32:20 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Romanian (ro) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 381222cf8f9708dc80edaa1b93a18dcbf7e3dd9c
+Author: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 29 16:01:09 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Hebrew (he) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d784e3acb7e8e644170acdea3743dfe8bff6f174
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 28 18:14:10 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit fe87c058e58d66acd7b8ee8beed215d3bc5a17e7
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong.luo@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 28 03:50:10 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e9314aa5d68bc79d2f30d992875ceec1df2986ae
+Author: Urmas D <davian818@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Feb 27 03:22:01 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Esperanto (eo) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 99c54d29401d2e07120a6a966ffed55763f8ff7d
+Author: Aleksandr Ponomarenko <davian818@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Feb 27 03:16:45 2012 +0100
+    l10n: EO translation by Pierre Vittet, with some changes
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit a6ab6ce6bbd93a4f1368523de3177649bbb4d200
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 26 07:10:23 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f2a12a3cbad93c295ca1546ea047ced418cb8868
+Author: Michal Várady <miko.vaji@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 24 14:09:57 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Czech (cs) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6ddc4b984723e902f6903eb644856aae48ab3ed6
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 19 23:11:11 2012 +0100
+    Use applications-science icon for education directory.
+commit 8755acc9ea228bcf8e32def589659151bd43c111
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 17 09:54:34 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 776fb1e78431cc48679ebf03ffb9028361920100
+Author: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad@xxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Feb 16 08:27:53 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Danish (da) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d5fc2aa53c092f6e18d25bac86db10a7eae25064
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 12 16:59:42 2012 +0100
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit 6a25505f671c3b7dc087328eb46b128ef26bbb93
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 12 16:52:26 2012 +0100
+    Updates for release.
+commit 7221d5d643a62148168f68fc6a7a729f5f3c68c9
+Author: Roger Pueyo Centelles <xfce@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 10 11:27:57 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Catalan (Valencian) (ca) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit cb76d783dd59344787c0d047a114450d819f18cc
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong.luo@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 8 10:17:06 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 520d9eec1090e8bc3b6042dff3922749a23e63a4
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong.luo@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 8 07:31:33 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 3fbe05e642c106f8358dd65dd3f4111f2e57fa2c
+Author: Thomas Schütz <xfce@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 7 19:02:49 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 819e4f45c0b8ae8adff436bc70831c5d5dbd0ee1
+Author: Chris Leick <c.leick@xxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 7 18:45:19 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 96%
+    New status: 30 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0668fc0e3db0797a5f71a51588a2d25396bfcbeb
+Author: Tomáš Vadina <kyberdev@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 7 09:27:12 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Slovak (sk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7bcbf974bd03c23bd2aa3776bd29c174133bd0e1
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 7 02:51:12 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 73b7b1bed825904b12259f12d982b8ee6874c57b
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <hashimo@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 5 10:02:36 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Japanese (ja) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c94a57065af9f15daae505117955666e184ff8f4
+Author: Aleksandr Ponomarenko <davian818@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 5 04:29:00 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Russian (ru) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 53d7be1dd883dd9f3e58d906616cfb0731acbff8
+Author: Kevin Brubeck Unhammer <p.ixiemotion@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Feb 4 16:09:27 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 5b3bd30c7148e60ab969d72d43cc37a6c906c50f
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Feb 4 14:05:34 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Italian (it) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bf809e3844432922f63552e8a5c70f5d624b0763
+Author: Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Feb 4 10:26:41 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bbd6a5ebae619be48f6e117239f381e78f6cc57b
+Author: Benoit THIBAUD <frombenny@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 3 19:40:41 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated French (fr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 4c310e9fb87fc4e5137d0fbb582213e2321ba0f9
+Author: Yarema aka Knedlyk <yupadmin@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Feb 2 23:49:46 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Ukrainian (uk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6e516586c6afdb81867f6824977682a6fedf0cde
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Feb 2 14:06:38 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 207ff3a8b4fb121e2c7f5f54f626bf8dd6bb17ac
+Author: Alper Tekinalp <alper.tekinalp@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 30 22:01:47 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Turkish (tr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit a6aa5fd53f990035f19cc72a9aecddf29d56cb0d
+Author: Andhika Padmawan <andhika.padmawan@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 30 15:24:06 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Indonesian (id) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 864a3bae7601926e564b3e63b812f5f357b1f045
+Author: Thomas Schütz <xfce@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 27 15:35:54 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 87%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 4 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f36eb94bf09aa31749a8ac4e4a53e5d754b94f1b
+Author: Thomas Schütz <xfce@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 27 15:34:13 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 87%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 4 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b9a1e5893877b96fad71fcc60fc34c63a0e095e2
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 27 11:52:44 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 999300e016cd7d5caf28cbc350d73f4941bf06f3
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 27 11:44:57 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b85a3fe583c4913ab6edcd2d4b1fe1026be18d65
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 27 06:44:03 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Kazakh (kk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f0d84d1f9c3afee2283753b276d608cf007e36fe
+Author: Algimantas Margevičius <gymka@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 25 17:46:24 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit eba5c3387ae5547ef0fe0426c514fbf7b8c9a332
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 25 12:52:26 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d07c77c08a44a03238380e2618fe06890df3379c
+Author: كريم أولاد الشلحة <herr.linux88@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jan 24 23:50:29 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Arabic (ar) translation to 100%
+    New status: 31 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6228d24f6d9e6b1379a4ecdb0f679a020323554f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 23 18:13:17 2012 +0100
+    Add hardware and personal directories.
+    Those will be used in the xfce-settings-menu, but this
+    is a better place to ship the files.
+commit 15c38c986055f9b3a79e6875057553374c2a6e48
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 18 13:39:41 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bcc27b02b6674debd53e563908f5febfeed2b40e
+Author: Algimantas Margevičius <gymka@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 15 14:21:05 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 465a3e8f136db7cd8d491d9da7a84e494f17fd71
+Author: Besnik Bleta <besnik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jan 10 19:50:24 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Albanian (sq) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e4d26eeeb0fecf8859a1e2b93523b272b0d3d54d
+Author: Algimantas Margevičius <gymka@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 9 11:45:28 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit edabf9e94eeb0f4cf3b745a02a7b69b456036712
+Author: Eivind Ødegård <gingermig@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jan 5 15:10:03 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Added Norwegian nynorsk translation
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b748e9ed9bda195409937e98e284e2d420f1526d
+Author: Michal Várady <miko.vaji@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 2 02:10:14 2012 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Czech (cs) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 40fa40d11edffca825db572da7185624f9113881
+Author: Milen Milev <fanfolet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 30 04:49:01 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updates to Bulgarian transaltion
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2b71fda1af79ec8bed05325fe4888643f3e13570
+Author: Yaron Shahrabani <sh.yaron@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Dec 28 15:43:17 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Hebrew (he) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7faa02b30d94911e2bcafd63e63a506917d8297c
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 24 12:34:29 2011 +0100
+    Fix invalid free.
+commit 8cfdc4b0d95d8fdf4585961c805643b7c7e48ad2
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 23 20:03:30 2011 +0100
+    Set an error domain.
+    Glib warns if the error domain is 0, so set a
+    domain and code that makes sence.
+commit 4f8d1d9803124fc092cdc636b6c02caf03e6092d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 23 20:01:10 2011 +0100
+    Fix previous commit.
+    Forgot the reload function, move exec line generation
+    to a generic place.
+commit e0f987ba52b8b2dcfca32fece44852b2bd736eaf
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 23 19:48:26 2011 +0100
+    Support Link desktop types.
+    Bit of Xfce hardcoding here (using exo-open), but this way
+    we nicely support Link desktop items out of the box.
+commit c2f0538dee6d91a3f7daa0ad011386baf36e4a09
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 9 15:13:50 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 3f47178fdde7cd120530dcc0a92198ccae7a686a
+Author: Sveinn í Felli <sveinki@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Dec 7 08:11:45 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Icelandic (is) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e0727f85367b731c2645d525ef9ca7aaf1e8c1ec
+Author: Carles Muñoz Gorriz <carlesmu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 6 21:05:55 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Catalan (Valencian) (ca) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e7564bda557b2dc99fb95515b1a9b78ae0e2da8d
+Author: Sveinn í Felli <sveinki@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 3 09:08:11 2011 +0100
+    l10n: sett inn
+    New status: 18 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 9 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8977d183f0412aa60605177b47981ac42f318e95
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 2 15:51:53 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit fce5d3d10213cb123580d169d852ad1b1b319a99
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 29 10:40:16 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 918e90ff78a5715569182b85f33cd18e35427cde
+Author: Piotr Sokół <psokol@xxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 23 16:37:58 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Polish (pl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 95fa9bb6318d92f00bce9d1a0414e0296136fb87
+Author: Kamil Polczak <elderlinx@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 23 10:26:42 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Polish (pl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 83076962b25d23eb4ab0c15c8f6d14322bc6de3c
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 15 12:34:29 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0e1d19f815259facad4810639ad0c1b2a3bf2020
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 15 12:05:38 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Korean (ko) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit df6e8a9eb1153db91cfe43351c3d9ed8b8a9ac79
+Author: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Nov 5 00:43:34 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Hungarian (hu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 1bc0e08b1b816a3cae06bc25d14e67c63319fbc7
+Author: Ričardas Vasiulis <ricardas.v@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 1 21:01:00 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit db0f1d94797920a563bd22794503c54eba808416
+Author: Daniel Nylander <po@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 30 14:21:28 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Swedish (sv) translation to 96%
+    New status: 26 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit fd3b1e5ba868ddd5fc73b891481e07c2fac419c9
+Author: Praveen Illa <mail2ipn@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 22 18:18:02 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Telugu (te) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 210460ecd4f45b7f4c6dc69c57807d15242bfffa
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Oct 20 12:35:58 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8e95f081954a520cb5920cc52b570af2e2b5ce70
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Oct 17 16:34:03 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d5b9f1289e440869dd1936508be6cc1e2e7c12d5
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Oct 17 14:11:40 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2e83f5a102e819a2cf26022cfb8b7a12d3012b62
+Author: Praveen Illa <mail2ipn@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 16 04:36:42 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Telugu (te) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 23eddb735f0d4708b156f887e592a37c8a93c789
+Author: Xavier Devlamynck <magicrhesus@xxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 1 19:19:01 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated French (fr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7becebd611efc1b0a5884a7a808e8d0843686c63
+Author: Alper Tekinalp <alper.tekinalp@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Sep 29 15:48:03 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Turkish (tr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 924ced26d47273be33dcc1615bda6a381c1ae4f6
+Author: Seong-ho Cho <darkcircle.0426@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 12 22:10:49 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Submission of Korean translation for garcon.master
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7705b738a2b76b67577816ecf5241eb096af3b8e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 12 20:24:51 2011 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit dcdbfb5b388968048c7477e215dc10b6d634af03
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 12 20:20:46 2011 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 1fe36e18e64a75751ccdb8d4caca856c684329ac
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Sep 9 20:12:42 2011 +0200
+    Return an error string instead of freeing it.
+commit 6ff5fb437eb927185796f3d851e5338af30710aa
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Sep 7 20:13:40 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 1b35c0ff8e2326250ff362f32110f3c694fb1dbf
+Author: Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 5 05:51:36 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 4cc68370971200a4ae90a5e5bd15d9f6c86a9f15
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Sep 1 15:31:57 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 27e14b2ade2165438caade39fade8e45eb08845e
+Author: Ardjuna <ard_h_r@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 28 03:49:55 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Indonesian (id) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ddf34f3654f863ec23e83ac3f3b2b02917f00b18
+Author: Mohd. Nadzrin Sapari <terjemah.puretech@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Aug 26 22:05:13 2011 +0200
+    l10n: New translation for Malay
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d43d9487be7ead6005d79a7b5842ea131be5bc9c
+Author: كريم أولاد الشلحة <herr.linux88@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Aug 24 04:25:24 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Arabic (ar) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 98103ad48c698568ba3c9a0de2a600c7d4ebae48
+Author: Mișu Moldovan <dumol@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jul 31 11:18:59 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Romanian (ro) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f4b738538f1cf56fe3a2525f80045d7ca54ad331
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jul 25 16:06:47 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e7e5c09a8d09c08fa635c8ef8e982e6341fbe9d7
+Author: Artem Zolochevskiy <artem.zolochevskiy@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jul 22 13:10:56 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Russian (ru) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bffa3c881d54d32c66d4771d1d0ee127792885e4
+Author: Andres Sanchez <afsanchez93@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jul 19 19:28:37 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c37e564d0955facdaf4185865dea887b489e724f
+Author: Andres Sanchez <afsanchez93@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jul 19 19:27:44 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 96%
+    New status: 26 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit caf43725263b07ebe22355888dcd6ba57b8479c0
+Author: Tomáš Vadina <kyberdev@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jul 15 08:35:37 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Slovak (sk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 1b91378bdbc5568301b7d3d704fb008b45c79a75
+Author: Rafael Neri <rafepel@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jul 12 14:28:14 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 3ea39286cc7d6834d47931fc6530bca92623c99f
+Author: alpertekinalp <alper.tekinalp@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jul 8 15:54:28 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Turkish (tr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bc52d25c2079f374ff8bd5e1b5ad302d7daf545e
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jul 8 10:02:39 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 592fd6e810b6bbdd685a6609684e223af081c9fd
+Author: Praveen Illa <mail2ipn@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jul 6 01:20:30 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Telugu (te) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bfcb569d6c1e260e0fbff5ab5de0677008f16afc
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jul 3 22:03:46 2011 +0200
+    Remove unneeded check.
+commit 82faf9ec8a1a24e678928596c5609991df1711e5
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jun 29 19:38:57 2011 +0200
+    Make a previous commit a bit nicer.
+commit 6f94f8b90ea802df19fb84e2e00b1d8fb3bb9c50
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 27 20:53:16 2011 +0200
+    Small function cleanup.
+commit 0e78e9a3279774c48ce181e0c3f8548faef3935e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 27 20:46:56 2011 +0200
+    Do utf-8 checking in the set functions.
+commit 02f2f540a2dec91d4e1c845e3e03b1bf73b92fc2
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:07:39 2011 +0200
+    Remove _garcon_keyfile_load.
+commit 160e15a643b57f9f857cda144c89b12f3ae43a84
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:06:36 2011 +0200
+    Port GarconMenuDirectory to XfceRc.
+commit ca2fa78c98cb2797337d6450de43791e78b21d9a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 22:59:20 2011 +0200
+    Port GarconMenuItem to use XfceRc.
+commit 69884e86a01211282976dcfba8b97bb3b8fdd441
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 22:58:58 2011 +0200
+    Depend on libxfce4util for XfceRc.
+commit 5ad8363be883a649c98ac351e9c0d1d8de13d9a9
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jun 28 23:25:03 2011 +0200
+    Do not sort the menu items twice with merge-all.
+    The _get_items and _get_menus functions both returned sorted
+    lists that were sorted again after concat, avoid this by
+    directly collecting the unsorted data in _get_elements.
+commit ba62f4e94bc79e63c0ef515b0d746077258affe2
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 27 21:24:58 2011 +0200
+    Add macro to free list with destroy function.
+    Used quite often in garcon and since 2.28 there is a
+    function for this in glib. Bit easier on the eye.
+commit 1d816daaaff26e7ee7bbfafa2aed9a38febb5c91
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:31:12 2011 +0200
+    Do not decrement the internal refcount of items.
+    This reverts commit c63c7b91f1b9cca982a9441de5397d4019fa6fb0. The
+    internal reference counter is used to check whether items are allocated
+    or not. Whenever an item has been included in a menu at least once (that
+    is, it matched an <Include> rule) it's refcount is not supposed to be
+    lowered anymore (in that sense it's more like a boolean flag than a
+    counter). Decrementing the refcount breaks <OnlyUnallocated/>.
+    Reverting this change might break menu reloading, so perhaps we need to
+    use something different than garcon_menu_item_unref() in
+    XfceMenuItemCache. Will check later.
+commit e55762858aac06aa4d55a0cde3d1ede77ac97f45
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 23:30:26 2011 +0200
+    Print information about the different stages of test-menu-parser.
+commit e75fc6a382ada4dcc4c55bb54f4db9149f0be7e2
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 21:39:19 2011 +0200
+    Fix printing the path of items in the test suite application.
+commit 3634884a49a513e27a32b6a91e9558052a1a735d
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 14:08:12 2011 +0200
+    Fix coding style a bit.
+    There are quite a number of places where the "< 90 chars per row" rule
+    is not honored. I guess at som point it would be good to copy the coding
+    style file over from tumbler and extend it by a few manual wrapping
+    rules.
+commit 8e056c7e9b900d9adfb3181cdee4f40dc1e104da
+Author: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad@xxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 12:11:58 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Danish (da) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9fe41fe9eca704be2a0e92f4e7cedf8ab1ffd4c6
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 11:35:49 2011 +0200
+    Queue more reload-required signals.
+commit ac66e7fbfc0788eb870ee773fc4420e432340370
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 08:59:44 2011 +0200
+    Sort cases in garcon_menu_node_tree_rule_matches().
+    Sort the most common node types to the top of the switch. With the
+    stock menu the followint types were processed:
+commit 42c7fdfde47a1f4ba79c70f28e9615cf7aee5164
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 08:46:42 2011 +0200
+    Optimize some functions that are called a lot.
+    Avoid the reverse check on garcon_menu_node_tree_get_child_node(),
+    which is called a bunch of times.
+    And post-reverse the lists that are generated with
+    garcon_menu_node_tree_get_string_children() and
+    garcon_menu_node_tree_get_child_nodes().
+commit 9ebab4a5b31448d4acafeafbe58c27acbbd7801a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 26 08:17:50 2011 +0200
+    Use GSList in garcon_menu_merger_remove_duplicate_paths().
+commit 6311a7f8579c3290cc53d3ee9cc6b40d205e4afe
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 23:26:20 2011 +0200
+    Move new appfinder item to top of default Xfce menu.
+commit 2a09cdb913eda786d1a8d47bc439fa8cade6010b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 21:22:06 2011 +0200
+    Plug leak in garcon_menu_merger_resolve_moves().
+commit aa10182c18268a570f85db412dff7a8c62cbec03
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 21:14:38 2011 +0200
+    Use a GSList for internal list of monitored files.
+commit 3c1bc907eeea622486b82f14651b4978a8fc8fd9
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 21:11:36 2011 +0200
+    Plug leak in garcon_menu_resolve_items() and use GSList.
+commit 3b303dddc60d6fd94d70107f8cd73ad0aac3b04d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 21:00:02 2011 +0200
+    Plug leak and speed up garcon_menu_get_elements().
+commit 3ffd9b2a021e730fbca82f2b8085c80815b4f738
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 17:09:03 2011 +0200
+    Merge multiple reload-required signals.
+    The signal is triggered up to 5 times when the menu is
+    changed. Use and idle to combine those events in 1
+    signal emit.
+commit afc4f4b3a844cbdc8e036363e033caed4e17b9a7
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 25 13:59:03 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Kazakh (kk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 05a41494a6a81fed1ee4675f4bf06171de7a2725
+Author: Yarema aka Knedlyk <yupadmin@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jun 22 10:37:12 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Ukrainian (uk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 51cd565bbb3a57410fec9bcb3578be19c57a23cf
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <hashimo@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jun 21 07:07:20 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Japanese (ja) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 525f76fe06ba9edb568ea07e95087037c54d5965
+Author: Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 20 22:48:50 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b043d840cf39703bd3a4dcd418c550835ba47b3a
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 20 22:20:06 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6a54aac2f50cc22179e144c5a4ff84389a6a3507
+Author: Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 20 21:21:19 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 96%
+    New status: 26 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e79dd157273e29f48e83c85c4898d855a96f5aab
+Author: Chipong Luo <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jun 20 02:39:10 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 60c4827e819410fcb4a685f1c939e6c1f3c7083e
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 19:04:19 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 4e9556a8f495423c4a56a43fd3984607d1af9bb4
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 17:21:54 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Italian (it) translation to 100%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e376b55a7600fe9b16ba06b42cab323949d97310
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 15:47:57 2011 +0200
+    Rename Network category to Internet (bug #3459).
+commit fe1ab5616d00f917cea1e8c97cab193fad6a2b5b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 15:36:47 2011 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit 592d5c3390d9bc5cbd66eb5d96a878162c9e221c
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 15:35:00 2011 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 2e5a4a70844b7c5e03029af32b38e9bec83a4b3a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 15:30:18 2011 +0200
+    Remove the science toplevel category (bug #1038).
+commit c22e3fea9453a08d0513c8306f66442fac64bc36
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 19 15:12:13 2011 +0200
+    Fix merging parent menu file (bug #7169).
+commit f8fddd91f726218935bb417fef8550b6f9c0bf00
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jun 17 12:11:08 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 84065e78a3932dfe3ed9a62d21d9bfe9ced76d55
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 5 20:48:03 2011 +0200
+    Handle local desktop file loading directly.
+    This is a tiny bit faster and uses less memory.
+commit 3d3e623ac9e8fa1e03f74143c8bcfb9f0dd752a0
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jun 2 12:03:08 2011 +0200
+    Don't unref NULL file in GarconMenuDirectory.
+commit a3f79532450bb741a9551665a6dfdb4b7501d02a
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 26 17:23:27 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit dce9e68ca0cdfb6e23e8cb7ac4b707e867abe9b3
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 26 17:15:39 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 4f1b0cb631adc16f8e4c044c45157961371083e2
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed May 25 11:01:32 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit dfdc6215d66e221baeedd77211db7fdf03ddd0cb
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed May 25 10:30:17 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 34bb0620dd84ad50345c07b54111937e33e46156
+Author: Ričardas Vasiulis <ricardas.v@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed May 18 19:32:15 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 96%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 51818aa7424e1292d7b5583bb758b69a83301736
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon May 9 18:04:49 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit db6235258c85166184a0306105d67619696cdce7
+Author: Pjotr Anon <pliniusminor@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon May 9 11:58:58 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9a5dee4721f717e45a16f43244f4a64ecfc026af
+Author: Christoph Wickert <christoph.wickert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri May 6 13:17:06 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 15d6320490357ec0be6c27f3ca6f84201f2779ca
+Author: Chipong L <chipong_l@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 29 12:02:33 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 46daedb7cc6a70077122bbbca9c2c3428f17e25c
+Author: Mark Trompell <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 27 12:47:36 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e4d1ff0c827428dfcd5935b8da64deff5af74f27
+Author: Sérgio Cipolla <secipolla@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Apr 25 22:10:40 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 70cf2195e56471af3afe5ce0b85ad2f3a832313b
+Author: Sérgio Cipolla <secipolla@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 21 16:21:44 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 4cbc97a7f0efc157b78219c4a53bc6511feafb4d
+Author: Praveen Illa <mail2ipn@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 21 15:26:36 2011 +0200
+    l10n: full Telugu translation
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 01a0493069c2351266702b7ae54c75df6add3ece
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 16 12:02:16 2011 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit 5a7ef3ffc30e05fa43f054888f9b681fa220be23
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Apr 16 12:01:21 2011 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 62ec543886a724d1956bacf0887e0faa2ec011e3
+Author: Lionel Le Folgoc <lionel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 7 10:12:18 2011 +0200
+    Respect XDG priorities when returning the menu file (Bug #7470)
+    799e206b introduced a fallback that is supposed to try
+    SYSCONFIGDIR/menus/xfce-applications.menu when no menu file was found in
+    $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. However, this doesn't work as expected, as
+    SYSCONFIGDIR/menus/xfce-applications.menu is always returned instead, and
+    overrides any menu in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS.
+commit 62235e6787cc3f43e01987773610909d938c2de4
+Author: Michal Löffler <lofflermichalloffler@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 10 22:32:09 2011 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Slovak (sk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 720760fc31eb777fc196051be7b8877f7d24cb3d
+Author: Michal Löffler <lofflermichalloffler@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 10 22:06:45 2011 +0200
+    l10n: slovak translation
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0e51f2784a30ab1b0dc9827329010bdd731e8a5e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 6 18:44:57 2011 +0200
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit 63c434a3fff873740759e42acdb3d61877995499
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 6 18:42:47 2011 +0200
+    Updates for release.
+commit 5cfabfa6d2daf31110bf6911fdd317f6af805fe5
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 6 18:38:16 2011 +0200
+    Monitor non-existing data and config directories (bug #7423).
+commit 0f23d47f8854fc531b1ce04fa49fc3bdcb482572
+Author: Lionel Le Folgoc <lionel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 6 18:33:36 2011 +0200
+    Fix ordering of menu items for non-english locales (bug #7414).
+commit 5e0525c346064f88159535f64b8e92caa77f97fd
+Author: Lionel Le Folgoc <lionel@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 6 18:29:50 2011 +0200
+    Fix search order of xdg data directories (bug #7187).
+commit 78fd5b4a096565d002179f029cc86a679603514b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 6 18:26:07 2011 +0200
+    Default menu prefix to "xfce-".
+    Lot of people have problems with this, if they start
+    xfce without startxfce4 (where we set the XDG_MENU_PREFIX.
+    It could lead to small problems, for example alacarte will
+    read another menu when garcon, but that's a smaller problem
+    when having no Xfce menu.
+commit 47e3e7d7d8db87c3c78655fc33fc2d0bf3a48569
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Mar 22 23:22:04 2011 +0100
+    Use Xdt macros for debugging and linker optimizations.
+commit f00d733785293126176c3a91d361fb8a5b70f113
+Author: Gonzalo Lagos <xalo.em@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 9 16:55:20 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2f756f3b33c049bd375ad988e7ef703f7c5deadc
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Feb 12 13:51:59 2011 +0100
+    Add <DefaultMergeDirs/> to xfce-applications.menu.
+    This allows third parties to install their own submenus without having
+    to touch xfce-applications.menu at all.
+commit 32877ade7de804912b955d8daa00e31c0b8346c4
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jan 25 20:00:41 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 799e206b6780ee6bab2bb56debf8412dca0346f5
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jan 20 11:31:10 2011 +0100
+    Also try the garcon install sysconfigdir for config lookups.
+    Hard-code the $(sysconfdir)/xdg path in garcon_config_lookup(),
+    so the chance we find xfce-applications.menu is higher on
+    systems that do not have XDG_CONFIG_DIRS setup properly.
+commit 16b348163bb064eddecd222e24da5e52e93abb56
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 16 14:46:31 2011 +0100
+    Post-release version bump.
+commit dddacbace9263632832dcf20c50bb04aaba1502f
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 16 14:43:24 2011 +0100
+    Release 0.1.5!
+commit 9d403979003b24f5662451bb2e9042dec5523c24
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jan 15 18:22:32 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated French (fr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 96d3f083231a8381d02f323383dc1a6b6d066ac3
+Author: Özgür Kuru <ozgur@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 12 20:59:54 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Turkish (tr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 18fa2b537a3094f92f7782966ad46567b171b13c
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 12 19:28:09 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 63e74ef481b279ee0094dbd30c6d2c15c1fbf5c5
+Author: Mișu Moldovan <dumol@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 5 20:54:40 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Initial Romanian translation for Garcon.
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7e36e45f0a011d2d3d43fca8cf2d938c48520b20
+Author: forfolias <forfolias@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 3 21:49:05 2011 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f64fb983e29ed30c8e1cb32cb66b8a66c03bd247
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 2 18:44:25 2011 +0100
+    Add excludes for toplevel desktop files in categories.
+    This way we don't show duplicates in the menu.
+commit 3df4d212ad2b3a282b5a7c646ea69bbcdfa1627c
+Author: Xu Meihong <mhuntxu@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 28 16:37:00 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ff00489e5e159b83ed52868a188027075c691490
+Author: كريم أولاد الشلحة <herr.linux88@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 28 03:26:00 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Arabic translation
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 910f844bb6d77ab34a593baa4bc2d833df658f15
+Author: Terje Uriansrud <terje@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 25 20:14:07 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Added norwegian bokmaal translation.
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 24dbde7d78734b7da51159952485165b6160eef8
+Author: Ivica  Kolić <ikoli@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Dec 22 23:03:17 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Croatian (hr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 96ef593a813a439617c5de00fcb26b5b809c1e44
+Author: Andhika Padmawan <andhika.padmawan@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Dec 19 12:32:16 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Indonesian (id) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 011ecc73115e3bb4857eba181c74ef6f05fd81dc
+Author: Daniel Nylander <po@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 18 17:06:01 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Swedish (sv) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ee3388b0c3f0b24952ddb988ab7f9578de272cac
+Author: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad@xxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 18 10:50:13 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Danish (da) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 69b1e5a196a09d875be0b8cf725da6d538ef9917
+Author: Jeff Bailes <thepizzaking@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 13 08:21:37 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated English (United Kingdom) (en_GB) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c20ae0bce373227b1117b2c9959a0ffed41193c3
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <hashimo@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 11 14:36:49 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Japanese (ja) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6b2bac00e5392989cbbbad30e22f92610966c83c
+Author: Harald Servat <redcrash@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Dec 8 21:47:13 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Catalan (Valencian) (ca) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 337619ec568e81080b9c88c62528b427e32bc777
+Author: Yarema aka Knedlyk <yupadmin@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 7 21:47:06 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Ukrainian (uk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9ebec4fce68a546cba7cb738a2536cfc1a119459
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 7 14:35:06 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Finnish (fi) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ba7f5e1848e95880604a8c95218db057753a6e58
+Author: Michal Várady <miko.vaji@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 7 02:11:11 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Czech (cs) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 765d5a0286c7358903dbaa81e04e7f0c6c8b3da1
+Author: Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 18:32:46 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 5e9fcad42c854ca83a11355834e5fbb1376ed54e
+Author: Paul Seyfert <pseyfert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 14:53:11 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit dd7e264c70487b8a42960f1b99af8db055182e84
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 14:32:26 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Italian (it) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 5d371d097cb2b5af7f34a3f941be1c67252e3f56
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 14:31:31 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Italian (it) translation to 96%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 1 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 38554d5306e5452fefb9cc190644749d0258b5fa
+Author: Hezy Amiel <open@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 04:49:24 2010 +0100
+    l10n: New Hebrew translation
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c8b697174786ae2cf1284c59468a7053956f71c3
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 04:34:40 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Kazakh (kk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 4b107654e841dd2d0b11e6d7914dd5ecc4094963
+Author: Henrique P. Machado <zehrique@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Dec 6 03:46:51 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit cd2fded2580df64be06b1be1d1d1ef1f816cfb54
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Dec 5 21:28:24 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9ed79559e6097c57fcf308bbd1b3bebd191e2aba
+Author: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Dec 5 21:06:59 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Hungarian (hu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b74d9b512ce992067ab2b27839dc385d337a914b
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Dec 5 15:37:24 2010 +0100
+    Post-release version bump.
+commit cd60533a7227b4021f57e102b015ea69a2185920
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Dec 5 15:32:47 2010 +0100
+    Release 0.1.4!
+commit b27fd617ad192c7cc1928737106db05889a709c7
+Author: Michael Martins <michaelfm21@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 4 20:31:22 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6a6807b37ba4409132fa067a3f5bcfe388127b6a
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 4 17:10:16 2010 +0100
+    Derive DefaultMergeDirs value from the menu filename (bug #6491).
+    We now use the following algorithm to derive the directory name of the
+    default merge dirs:
+      - if the .menu file is "${XDG_MENU_PREFIX}applications.menu" or if
+        the name cannot be derived (e.g. because the .menu file is called
+        ".menu" only) we use "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/"applications-merged"
+      - in all other cases, we use "$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/menus/XYZ-merged"
+        (where the .menu file is called "XYZ.menu")
+commit b66e39c727817d6ce6cc4de89d3caeee643008fc
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 4 15:00:18 2010 +0100
+    Add workaround to fix empty <DefaultLayout> elements (bug #6882).
+    For more information see my comment on the bug on
+      http://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6882#c2
+commit b8d44bd58d20ec2c16dc9620db3cb9e8776c6bc8
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 4 13:39:34 2010 +0100
+    Update the NEWS file.
+commit 0f7034bbc0032d62dff25c1fa0d02b8b769e37c8
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 4 13:36:58 2010 +0100
+    Explicitly link against gobject, add other missing libs (bug #6405).
+commit ab3d16ac5fb3870d51e1217183a46183427bb218
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 4 12:47:13 2010 +0100
+    Add support for XDG_MENU_PREFIX (bug #5980).
+    With this change, we can finally drop the code that tries to guess
+    the default application menu file, which makes garcon useful for
+    any desktop environment, regardless of the default .menu file they
+    decide on.
+commit b53fe3381f46b0bc824762808af0cfcb710c7c9b
+Author: tschertel <tschertel@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 23 18:03:31 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d16c3472a37ede45e94448f8c9539298bd8e1394
+Author: Xu Meihong <mhuntxu@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 23 16:21:26 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b6839b5a23a149da9f37dd181aafd43cbc1ea0cd
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Nov 20 23:50:55 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 95715a3c17e0051924f754127d8dbaa4bf1697a2
+Author: Ričardas Vasiulis <ricardas.v@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 11 22:16:10 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 96%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ce7999eeed92a4fff9edc125d9ee7f8f2a3e12ba
+Author: Ričardas Vasiulis <ricardas.v@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 11 22:01:53 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 93%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 2 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8f60b8b3450d84a3e1444fe59ee5046333d6defe
+Author: Ričardas Vasiulis <ricardas.v@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 11 21:56:47 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Lithuanian (lt) translation to 89%
+    New status: 26 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 2 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit be2a39385ee19d0d9352aafd9f917420208493a2
+Author: Ričardas Vasiulis <ricardas.v@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 11 21:44:06 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Lithuanian translation
+    New status: 13 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 16 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit dff9e5742f33abc0ad16e3f2d4c16a421428e71d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 7 11:39:24 2010 +0100
+    Post release tag bump.
+commit aaa3ff1060c44d28939b151d13d3a5d5d6b8ee3c
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 7 11:36:22 2010 +0100
+    Updates for release.
+commit 94e2ba73d2c1c9d0c52c92c6bbd0444a4aad266e
+Author: Andhika Padmawan <andhika.padmawan@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 7 09:52:12 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Indonesian (id) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8e5a993f8f4e3d10ed219b8de3a7ebcd64f9cfb7
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Nov 6 16:54:50 2010 +0100
+    Fix empty charset in Polish translation file (bug #6783).
+commit e9cf76d8adcbc9eceab9a3c00a8213bbb54b6891
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Nov 5 19:01:31 2010 +0100
+    Merge consecutive file change events using an idle handler.
+    In combination with handling G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CREATED, this properly
+    picks up all changes to application directories now. An idle handler is
+    used together with a GFile list to avoid processing the same file
+    multiple times, e.g. when receiving three consecutive CREATED,
+commit 53a350d9380b89e062c7f122c16a493e972341ce
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <cabezon.hashimoto@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Nov 5 15:53:24 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Japanese (ja) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 603c6752044a7d1320db0581b983840f1bfd0180
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 4 03:12:39 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit af08b1be06038dbd9a860882cf28cd4ee5b0b640
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 3 19:35:14 2010 +0100
+    Post-release version bump.
+commit 0a630bcc12f8f0864ba6ffbc84a733543dc538cc
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 3 19:16:48 2010 +0100
+    Release 0.1.2!
+commit bbad1fc9e2a814fb34c8454576bf46d20864f71a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 3 18:44:05 2010 +0100
+    Fix license header (bug #6226).
+commit 680eca3e2b586ae8044d8691f0a1b6d611e6255e
+Author: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 3 13:59:33 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Hungarian (hu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 84d779512a4c040976e2ffa75597fcde6a6b9b03
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 3 09:10:46 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ddee61074abd353ac935b62913843ecc50e7f20a
+Author: Harald Servat <redcrash@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 23 13:18:48 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Catalan (Valencian) (ca) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f099b09fa0275ca430df5c165fcf703a9810d383
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Oct 19 18:01:52 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9adcde03084622799b4858faf8db83e570ff3848
+Author: Daniel Nylander <po@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 17 17:22:22 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Swedish (sv) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit dc0e73dbe784b09bc519234893b97d40b84d6630
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 16 15:12:10 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Finnish (fi) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 1361e9d8f3f8c05cf346daab0d089b39cb2c70d8
+Author: Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 9 23:37:39 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 32028dc9234eab7dc2ed36d3f026cb7b90b2a203
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Sep 30 13:34:43 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 581f824d6267a1dfe504e64ac6b75efcfda491fd
+Author: Yarema aka Knedlyk <yupadmin@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 27 00:12:40 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Ukrainian (uk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c191ae86c456fff7f34532204440c7261b01d197
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Sep 15 12:56:55 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Italian (it) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 098c161f8d0116d88090a069e27c160c30820044
+Author: Denis Koryavov <dkoryavov@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 14 10:23:48 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Russian (ru) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6fddb7d1eb59f4083fcc04ee7e76ead650ccb1f0
+Author: Fabian Nowak <timystery@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 13 20:14:33 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 5068e37e0d33b063ae2511d6d66f1af7501d1ac6
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Sep 9 13:14:58 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 26e60006e9c8df360d56cbd06880c668febd04e1
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 7 22:00:55 2010 +0200
+    Fix build errors (unitialized variable and out-of-date test program).
+commit 365d8213100bd6420ba0747d4caf136a56203ad7
+Author: Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 6 12:41:50 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (Taiwan) (zh_TW) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0426ff6de0d9aeebeed29defe2ccd97541da320a
+Author: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad@xxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 6 10:23:15 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Danish (da) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 16bb4701ec29d8fe14c07885be8fd8d725b44d17
+Author: Gheyret Kenji <gheyret@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 6 10:08:47 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Uyghur (ug) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 3f1410bb9af43ebf7663f5a99c9a572d50077ca7
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 6 04:38:41 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Kazakh (kk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 29 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2d3750233542f9252fd0802e3438896d759f9fd3
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 21:39:11 2010 +0200
+    Properly react on delete events. They are not included in CHANGES_DONE.
+    Too bad, here we have our first exception. Delete events don't seem to
+    be included in the events closed by
+commit 2be335a2c9332d9b2c9f649245a764afb7140257
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 21:32:37 2010 +0200
+    Add garcon_menu_item_cache_invalidate_file, simplify app dir monitoring.
+    Only listen to G_FILE_MONITOR_EVENT_CHANGES_DONE_HINT events, otherwise
+    consecutive events may not be picked up. A good example is when a
+    desktop entry is edited and saved in VIM. This results in a series of
+    events (move, create, change etc.). Some of these will not be picked up
+    if garcon is busy reloading the menu at the time of their emission.
+    So, the only real choice we have is to hope that CHANGES_DONE_HINT is
+    always generated at the end of modifications like move, create, delete
+    and attribute changes.
+commit 60460406ec33394222f3f624f99d0ea46c3704fa
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 20:19:09 2010 +0200
+    Fix memory leak in merge file nodes with a filename.
+commit a5eaf19e977e06320fa23c8e60ab439362dd8bb3
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 19:15:02 2010 +0200
+    Remove g_debug statements.
+commit 0a6bf53a0838266fae5d7df7c71d2cb7f81ce80e
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 19:08:48 2010 +0200
+    React on app dir changes which, in most cases, requires a menu reload.
+    Add a boolean affects_the_outside return parameter to
+    garcon_menu_item_reload() and garcon_menu_item_reload_from_file() and
+    set it to TRUE if the categories are different before and after
+    reloading the file.
+    Most app dir changes result in the emission of a "reload-required"
+    signal of the root menu, except for when a change is made to a .desktop
+    file that only affects the item itself, not its position in the menu
+    hierarchy.
+    The monitoring implement is very similar to the basic monitoring
+    algorithm we had in libxfce4menu, except that it's a little bit smarter
+    and takes merged files and menu file priorities into account. So a
+    reload can sometimes be avoided without handling all the different
+    scenarios that would have to be handled ideally.
+commit 04256aea7dacea084af219c190e8c2925e513464
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 19:08:12 2010 +0200
+    Add garcon_menu_item_pool_lookup_file() to lookup items by GFiles.
+commit 2bfeb08bfb7f24cc075e22d15cc5405a13cf8456
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 18:11:23 2010 +0200
+    Monitor directory dirs, add the GarconMenu::directory-changed signal.
+    Also remove garcon-config.h and update a few copyright headers.
+commit 9513c7716c656735e5c6c92769579c854deaa644
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 17:34:21 2010 +0200
+    Monitor app dirs but don't react on changes there yet.
+commit ccf88785ae826293eb0a1868985dda89f542eac5
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 16:55:32 2010 +0200
+    Monitor merged files/dirs and reload menus when one of them changes.
+    This requires a modification to GarconMenuMerger as it needs to collect
+    and return a list of all files and directories that were merged into the
+    menu tree.
+commit 7b9ad615f0fb2c0945edd08a848afaa96e5e4dd1
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 16:36:51 2010 +0200
+    Add GarconMenu::reload-required signal. Monitor menu files.
+    Emit a "reload-required" signal iff a menu file with higher priority is
+    changed.
+    Also update the test-display-menu helper.
+commit ab3b66cf90382fd8dfe161783d423858e9dd3180
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 15:53:44 2010 +0200
+    Improve code quality of garcon_config_lookup().
+commit 186d64776a647e7b924c20ae3d01ff24aaac18e5
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 15:47:12 2010 +0200
+    Lookup relative filenames with garcon_config_build_paths().
+commit 8c25a7b68c86175c99c56848bc8ab54477bc5902
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 15:36:38 2010 +0200
+    Rework menu loading a bit based on a uses_custom_path flag.
+commit 9ae4e81297ec3031c17e35d7facf16da23d640be
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 15:30:50 2010 +0200
+    Update copyrights and add garcon_menu_item_pool_clear().
+commit 2d35906e4287a17a35386d1fe01799348e3e6c22
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Sep 5 15:01:23 2010 +0200
+    Reload Categories/OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn. Add garcon_menu_element_equal().
+commit 7d42e955c11060646e17d3e1f67a601ba3d6a503
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 28 14:39:57 2010 +0200
+    Make it easier to debug garcon with the test application.
+commit 6a6bd13d62e272f026bbaccef3f0d6efa172b728
+Author: Fabian Nowak <timystery@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 22 23:09:02 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f6601f154b2a41f332624e4126153d9d64625de0
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 22 13:02:30 2010 +0200
+    Remove deprecated encoding key from desktop files.
+commit fa6c04c753f6930aeff4587741b54cb073a8e918
+Author: Johannes Lips <johannes.lips@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Aug 20 07:57:27 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 78%
+    New status: 22 messages complete with 6 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2f0f81e033540c97651a036aff9d9ddf7ba04c24
+Author: Michael Martins <michaelfm21@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jul 18 03:07:40 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit ba6b20d1bc5ef9673726d4f366eaecc0cfba994d
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jun 26 09:07:40 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Italian (it) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 94df356edc7994b5d7fe311cc444c2be7c38114f
+Author: Spiros Georgaras <sng@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jun 18 12:53:46 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 52fcaba19316c4839af69a4e268244d952eafbe8
+Author: Spiros Georgaras <sng@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jun 18 12:51:30 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 92%
+    New status: 26 messages complete with 2 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 162917957d8bfe53dccc395c865264f0ca3dab24
+Author: Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jun 15 20:57:42 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 64%
+    New status: 18 messages complete with 8 fuzzies and 2 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 60577ca5be023260dd0ab8f14a206456e065652f
+Author: Piotr Sokół <psokol@xxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jun 10 10:55:52 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Polish (pl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 23d50b8fee53ec106426723fa1b90ff8e003fc37
+Author: Ivica  Kolić <ikoli@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jun 2 01:23:36 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updates to Croatian (hr) translation
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 75319201b0e7cf09bc05b9d631fc9a16d0830551
+Author: Andhika Padmawan <andhika.padmawan@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jun 1 17:37:16 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Indonesian (id) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 269efaea6b66eb7e19a204ca2afd2033933c656e
+Author: Ardjuna <ard_h_r@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jun 1 03:32:59 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Indonesian (id) translation to 71%
+    New status: 20 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 7 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 106fdf24cc19ed90506e6c4b2c4addbbfa76c8f4
+Author: Dmitry Nikitin <luckas_fb@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri May 28 15:49:49 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Ukrainian (uk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit fde37fd3f3464c7f7da12b30787cbe5cdc38b65f
+Author: Petar Koretić <petar.koretic@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 27 14:56:22 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Croatian (hr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 723609aca73efe394e156f95df94973382e51a74
+Author: Ivica  Kolić <ikoli@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed May 26 00:15:53 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updates to Croatian (hr) translation
+    New status: 24 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 4 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit cebf1da006cfe229258026f0021ee8f28efa2d07
+Author: Ivica  Kolić <ikoli@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 25 23:29:37 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Initial Croatian (hr) translation
+    New status: 18 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 10 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6ddda665b0436f98a00a1cacc1c05d029e078e1a
+Author: Abel Martín <abel.martin.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 25 14:48:06 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7230dfad8b9d05ea79c1269c12b388de92a843b7
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maximilian@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri May 21 16:04:26 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated French (fr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 52a3dfbbf30b3003004aadff6ddbb7c49990b273
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maximilian@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri May 21 15:34:20 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated French (fr) translation to 96%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 1 fuzzy and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit feaf6909e54f5fa3ccd21ec432ce47a7d735e876
+Author: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri May 21 11:45:42 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Hungarian (hu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8d12c0c5a8914b38f719392e949c4e244e80a37d
+Author: Gheyret Kenji <gheyret@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed May 19 04:38:06 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Uyghur translation
+    New status: 24 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 4 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e90360b0d08e22aa16514e4aa2b1e80bc022c6de
+Author: Ayhan YALÇINSOY <ayhanyalcinsoy@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 13 18:42:10 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Turkish (tr) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b7ebece02f063a0ffeea33c7b77d822241071f3e
+Author: Cheng-Chia Tseng <pswo10680@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat May 8 09:53:04 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updates to Traditional Chinese translation
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 96512e52ee0b359e481bb8f723b2f026aaf4a18b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 6 19:18:18 2010 +0200
+    Add menu file to extra dist to fix distcheck.
+commit ea4a7abef9a57f37acd4baabc91742990e49ff23
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 6 10:18:36 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 64d70609695deec0497d03c60b659d8ef64cf99b
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu May 6 10:18:01 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Basque (eu) translation to 96%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 1 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7e1d557c25ff220b330b6ba0f6209290ba08e567
+Author: Carles Muñoz Gorriz <carlesmu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 4 21:20:00 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Catalan (Valencian) (ca) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 8da76c615aff5c715516d6e8606a3583eec83fb0
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 4 18:09:51 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 58752e848397d18abb8ebfd75eaf1c01db719480
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 4 18:08:42 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Galician (gl) translation to 92%
+    New status: 26 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 2 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 7c9a9fda8d3adb4714366462890aa2e706a30356
+Author: Xu Meihong <mhuntxu@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 4 06:05:54 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 83953d7c4587fe40320b5044626f1c2cb4932a40
+Author: 微 尘 <yjwork@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 4 05:55:23 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation to 96%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 1 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c5849278ea718b0752a64a298652903172cbb6b9
+Author: Paul Seyfert <pseyfert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon May 3 23:41:38 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated German (de) translation to 78%
+    New status: 22 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 6 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c790e73ee80273ec53a1f99cb49f2cb22264e1d7
+Author: Denis Koryavov <dkoryavov@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 30 22:35:26 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Russian (ru) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 970f7620f02c7f939541935cdf5231aa738f23f8
+Author: Vincent Tunru <projects@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 30 16:16:05 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 2c78ea947f748294d3fe05f9ac4d838f48d79a4c
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 30 09:10:23 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Finnish (fi) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b6dfb60e528b186be1ad6819fa5c7fae53d541fe
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 30 05:29:04 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Kazakh (kk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c85e13fbc81fc83b0400a9cc371e9aa8df023d07
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Apr 30 05:28:37 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Kazakh (kk) translation to 96%
+    New status: 27 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 1 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit e28f27a7714a548ba20d22dd89fe9cbd06c6ea5c
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 29 14:55:27 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (pt) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit d32e634957be5eb864450f392f39eb8f033bfd3d
+Author: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad@xxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 29 10:52:52 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Danish (da) translation to 100%
+    New status: 28 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 902c6a0ff47a5a42e4541259fe5d88c0354bc468
+Author: Aleksandr Ponomarenko <dwqwt3i02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Apr 29 04:40:46 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Updated Russian (ru) translation to 64%
+    New status: 18 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 10 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 5dd5caebc09b308a861c4c1d6d8a417a5008c440
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 28 23:51:59 2010 +0200
+    Rebuild po files.
+commit cdd22b6f27567f978e1bdf2c9aabd9262f699aac
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Apr 28 23:44:00 2010 +0200
+    Add Xfce menu data from Xfdesktop (bug #6272).
+    Because this data is used by both Xfdesktop and Xfce4-panel, we
+    need to move it to a module both packages depend on.
+commit 66fac6bc616ca541c2bc9ac3fce619692e6a777d
+Author: A S  Alam <apreet.alam@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Apr 4 05:58:47 2010 +0200
+    l10n: Punjabi Translation Added
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 0dffc39d35f1b209be7fba8ce2c9121a1dac7921
+Author: Abel Martín <abel.martin.ruiz@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Mar 20 20:28:34 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation to 100%
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit bc96ebcaf312aee5aee8f5af2acba094b2828a59
+Author: Bauzhan Muftakhidinov <baurthefirst@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Mar 11 07:53:31 2010 +0100
+    l10n: New translation into Kazakh language
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 926ace115f1fe3b51118d36c5594afbfef4d61a0
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 5 12:00:36 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Finnish (fi) translation to 100%
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 9b78a4282dbdcb418b9d4d3733fbf4d7c32ef54c
+Author: Dmitry Nikitin <luckas_fb@xxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 5 11:01:59 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Ukrainian (uk) translation to 100%
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit f9c95ddab0558732ae7394e0e4c32eea41a69141
+Author: Og Maciel <ogmaciel@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Mar 4 23:54:33 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR) translation to 100%
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit c5696eb05b5fd37000575405716feff5d68cd21a
+Author: Cristian Marchi <cri.penta@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 3 19:35:01 2010 +0100
+    l10n: New file for Italian Translation
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 6f9891ad0c3a9c78a67728e99316bd0c239a9c5f
+Author: Jamil Ahmed <itsjamil@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 3 12:56:16 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Added Bengali translation.
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 706828b54d9efa9ad2f50ef899314e9b375e5e42
+Author: Alexander Matveyev <a.s.matveyev@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Mar 3 11:33:20 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Added russian translation
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 19d669dd6d9217e1c8fde3107ff6dc79b104760a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 26 16:13:41 2010 +0100
+    Bump tag after release.
+commit 06465d1b7233d36557ddc69df6e96e43b9fbe333
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 26 14:32:21 2010 +0100
+    Updates for release.
+commit 9bceacea5119fa5f68785ddb5d770c80f18d2052
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 26 14:56:10 2010 +0100
+    API documentation updates.
+commit 57bd4be54c513aa6d6292f3a7fc2e5cb4036db21
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 26 14:36:04 2010 +0100
+    Remove INSTALL.
+    This file is generated by automake.
+commit b89fec176eea886e25d2510f571c33f1e5a77c69
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 24 12:56:58 2010 +0100
+    l10n: AddedPortuguese language
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit b58126c9434f91b8fd39a7ec1491ef327cbb3873
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 19:16:41 2010 +0100
+    Build changelog in make dist.
+commit 61c1b10f4f46db7afacfb5b2fce7b4283740390b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 19:15:12 2010 +0100
+    Silent build.
+commit 1dae4cdea34c3d9e7f0ed1d1d4d2958784f9061d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 19:04:22 2010 +0100
+    Plug another leak.
+    Because the function had no return value, we never
+    fully traversed the tree.
+commit 12ec0729009c74537ce4142a74ffb325a108bd2a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 18:40:08 2010 +0100
+    Plug memory leak.
+commit 3ad82cea2c8fb893fb8a5c2ffd51d97faaf19729
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 14:38:35 2010 +0100
+    Fix indentation and drop trailing spaces.
+commit 2fded9b061372be5df499672c8d8942cb5658012
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 14:37:21 2010 +0100
+    Use g_value_dub_object where possible.
+commit 7146d9bf2013e627adf1cf4aae52c426bd3f89d5
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 16 14:32:58 2010 +0100
+    Rename icon to icon_name in GarconMenuDirectory.
+    We return an icon name here. _icon should be reserved
+    in case we add api to return a GIcon.
+commit 1a722dc79944bd1184388ebe79e6fa1b931a83ab
+Author: Gabor Kelemen <kelemeng@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Feb 5 01:07:37 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Hungarian (hu) translation to 100%
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 28a37cd3648f6cb1780e9e9dafa349698dd208f6
+Author: Evaggelos Balaskas <ebalaskas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Feb 1 07:32:23 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updated Greek (el) translation to 100%
+    New status: 2 messages complete with 0 fuzzies and 0 untranslated.
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org).
+commit 91c43b124d66a3e36a4dd28d8fe21969a7090fc3
+Author: Sergio Marques <smarquespt@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 6 14:36:15 2010 +0100
+    l10n: Updates to pt_PT translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit c5a496c678de8b2fbb1c79c346a48c74e5b4bcc1
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Dec 30 17:28:03 2009 +0100
+    Fix warning in ku translations.
+commit fb62a8a3dcd411a554ed335e30b4a165926f0a8f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Dec 18 18:21:04 2009 +0100
+    Drop pot file and switch to xdt 4.7.2.
+commit c79d38a8d5c5d01e044e81c43cce16bca9a76ce1
+Author: Daniel Nylander <po@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Dec 16 13:16:45 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Swedish (sv) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit cc8c24c8cd5f5f24929374909451482f7d8702db
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 17 11:06:02 2009 +0100
+    Fix some compiler warnings in the tests.
+commit 9c1166438cc6af5922ef2ea85901543267325e89
+Author: Michal Várady <miko.vaji@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Nov 6 13:05:21 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Czech (cs) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 9191d7ab6a4fa38718d548da652857bc9c7f69fe
+Author: Xu Meihong <mhuntxu@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Oct 21 06:16:54 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Chinese (China) (zh_CN) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 4c1dccea48da996f091c1919f186dce0cadaab15
+Author: Leandro Regueiro <leandro.regueiro@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 18 13:47:16 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Galician (gl) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit ebf4cd792a05cfc9c25d25cfe3a263892eed0601
+Author: Masato Hashimoto <cabezon.hashimoto@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 11 07:37:39 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Japanese (ja) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit d972a1fe8a384d6999547c99c642cc3354142266
+Author: Steve Dodier <sidnioulz@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 12:25:38 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to French (fr) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 08b0140221c304f2d3bd570a571a12644e32dfbd
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 14:06:05 2009 +0200
+    Make tests noinst_PROGRAMS as they are not suited for automatic testing.
+commit b40af59481d10c5a9af59ae6379948189da6e36f
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 14:04:46 2009 +0200
+    Don't check for GTK+ in configure.in.in. We don't depend on it.
+commit d91d6cc2cf8d1b0cc651d7a94e830ce0fc0eb52d
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 03:27:21 2009 +0200
+    Post-release version bump, add git version tag back again.
+commit f1518dd963303937d079501c5ff52e039a3f4771
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 02:58:46 2009 +0200
+    Release 0.1.0!
+    This is the first development release of garcon. Even though it is still
+    lacking menu monitoring support, it might be worth adopting it some
+    applications already. After all, we can always fall back to the old,
+    less fine grained monitoring if we don't have something ready in time
+    for Xfce 4.8.
+commit cb4614ae90503aa740fe89fcbf0c7f1d35edb836
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 02:53:15 2009 +0200
+    Fix make distcheck and gtk-doc.
+commit a241b0ab3f9c1d8660c56ffe0d82d13840c75aeb
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 02:46:07 2009 +0200
+    Update AUTHORS, README, NEWS and more.
+commit 662304674ee25950570d0041b8737bba0e69d265
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 10 02:28:25 2009 +0200
+    Fix typos, POTFILES.in, add gitignore and update po files.
+commit 225dcae7533a6ab3cbde168c3efb59e2c7c73060
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 22 21:11:21 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Basque (eu) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 257974e0d0e01f87145853352bfc127a1e168e17
+Author: Rihards Prieditis <rprieditis@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Sep 18 20:23:58 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Latvian (lv) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 31371607499b4080289a46f5c320c10dc8fe4471
+Author: Carles Muñoz Gorriz <carlesmu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Sep 5 14:21:47 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Catalan (Valencian) (ca) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 6d08ace2b756d97b2e8c1d953d5ef2ce03ca62f0
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 1 23:24:35 2009 +0200
+    Fix typo causing all items to appear only in the Others menu.
+    Code and comment didn't match. We want to leave
+    garcon_menu_item_set_categories() if the category pointers are *equal*,
+    not if they are different.
+    Thanks to Andrea Santilli for reporting and git-bisect for revealing
+    the commit introducing the issue.
+commit e4e3413e3158f7b340e5c7fac481ccc782262d5d
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 1 22:50:11 2009 +0200
+    Update POTFILES.in and translation files.
+commit 2dd014607c864df164e01c0754d32a704c52bf38
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 1 22:46:12 2009 +0200
+    Make test applications compile and run again.
+commit bd9c268f41e6539b9fa8760823de43080658f103
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 1 22:37:53 2009 +0200
+    Use an up-to-date version of LGPLv2, put my name back into the header.
+commit 4f0fd727f1241c0b8c97186a60a97bc4d75c943f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 21:39:13 2009 +0200
+    Use g_strcmp0 everywhere in the code.
+commit ee318529ea9cb433c2ed12d23c6e23572610a5bc
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 21:06:12 2009 +0200
+    Minor cosmetic changes.
+commit e2a4d5fb5c86ce85f877fc365dde33f75699a800
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 19:57:16 2009 +0200
+    Drop public GIO helpers and move them in the private file.
+commit 587ad35c6dd88779bac6f76ab0e6b34859e2de3b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 19:01:14 2009 +0200
+    Add changed signal to GarconMenuItem.
+commit ee9b6537576b6403d9e9ca49315399c94af30085
+Merge: 9bf8853 6044be0
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:50:52 2009 +0200
+    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.xfce.org/git/libs/garcon
+commit 9bf88530587df0a34279a1a6cfdde213365ee51c
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:50:01 2009 +0200
+    Properly handle null name or exec keys.
+commit 19743f27e2994a30bf12e629306ccca4af275818
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:44:03 2009 +0200
+    Add hidden property to GarconMenuItem.
+    Because of file monitoring we'd like to know all the
+    changes of a file, so also if it is hidden/deleted.
+commit f41a2d03030871f77bbb205a8c0ed625bb52aa86
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:29:08 2009 +0200
+    UTF-8 validate the name, generic name and comment when set.
+commit e213da4bb6d3345b87792b1d50263cc3b0606702
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:27:29 2009 +0200
+    Cleanup and line-out some code.
+commit 2e8a4f4ff2cd09f2fe2816faf55e52b0082ddf19
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:24:26 2009 +0200
+    Take and notify file if reloaded with another file.
+commit 55fe07b1a59b4ccd4c482d0a70177b02a40a5a26
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:23:40 2009 +0200
+    Move some static function to the top of the document and mark them static.
+commit 20acdcd65defa788f8d4b3388d55bd32a7bfc39e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:16:32 2009 +0200
+    Use the GKeyFile macros in the load function too.
+commit 9ff22e379d31bac748a04a9b896a9b1e93b57a01
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:06:05 2009 +0200
+    Add reload functions to GarconMenuItem.
+    Not entirly finished because we need a global changed
+    signal for the menu item too, but it's a start.
+commit 9d1777980c832796696b0d21ca7e34b13723f44e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 18:04:36 2009 +0200
+    Check error variable, like we always do.
+commit 43a5189063c323fd6df009e47dc4832bc425cd8d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 17:42:50 2009 +0200
+    Leave early if the desktop file has no contents.
+commit 5a8f20ce84be1929028d97e11f78195d15571814
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 17:41:15 2009 +0200
+    Use _garcon_str_is_equal in GarconMenuItem.
+    This makes the code a bit cleaner and avoids a
+    property notify on possible null values.
+commit 2caae8003775ce0c521538f03240394bc0785a4f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 29 17:40:23 2009 +0200
+    Add a private for some internal functions.
+commit 6044be0ec435a77d78bca901149906f9ecd03911
+Author: Ignacio Velasco <elega@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Aug 21 04:09:06 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Spanish (Castilian) (es) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 7042cf3c6de66dfb1fb20ac72b36b49be957462d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Aug 18 19:36:21 2009 +0200
+    Disable the parent call for getting the appdirs.
+    A submenu always inherits the application directories of its parent,
+    that is the reason the parent call was added.
+    It only turned out we were looking in that same directories for
+    .desktop files multiple times.
+    This was caused by the combination of the parent call and
+    traversing the children in garcon_menu_collect_files(). For each
+    submenu the appdirs of the root were added and traversed again.
+    This is not needed because we always start at the root and traverse
+    in "pre-order", so all the desktop files are added in the hash-table.
+commit 4019f0dd48c2f4ec8320a58890730937eb455107
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Aug 18 18:16:30 2009 +0200
+    Use else if.
+commit d68e0db46e0ab86c33a0ca3365f86d80a6d8e180
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 22:28:07 2009 +0200
+    Add the test menu code again.
+    Useful for testing parts of the code, but only distribute it.
+commit ad38df8f34a17c8e0d3c971dbcb924ee84f6c865
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 22:03:52 2009 +0200
+    Change some code comments.
+commit faa3f82ab50c04ab62448a39629fcba6f5957a7e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 21:52:35 2009 +0200
+    Fix small typo.
+commit 833c813b070671bd374e59a3b1dfa715ea046d4f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 21:26:24 2009 +0200
+    Add garcon_menu_item_get_uri().
+    Simple helper function that makes it easier to get the
+    location of the desktop file. The uri is also valid
+    in almost all GFile locations, so therefore no filename
+    function.
+commit 3aa1a130aaa47d0ad9c036fb430e7db675b8430c
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 20:51:57 2009 +0200
+    Use the G_KEY_FILE_DESKTOP_ macros for entry names.
+commit 4e827bbd0288495f4ead0691246687f0f4d87b1e
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 19:39:56 2009 +0200
+    Get rid of garcon_{init,shutdown}.
+    Most likely garcon will only be used in normal applications,
+    so calling g_type_init() is handled by gtk_init(), if not
+    the user should call it.
+    For now an application implementing garcon should call
+    garcon_set_environment (...) before using any of the functions.
+    This will leak the string once, so if you want to avoid this
+    call garcon_set_environment (NULL) when the app exits..
+commit e105048e6e1c7699aa70dc286bef1c1d3a495ad3
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 19:36:23 2009 +0200
+    Fix GFile check in garcon_menu_directory_new.
+commit 3a83f39488a0547f1c6c1c0043411af52e2eec92
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 19:06:29 2009 +0200
+    Drop goto statements.
+commit 53b235e05771f5bd7ac44c4efc987a46b5ffb88a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 19:03:17 2009 +0200
+    Follow Jannis' coding style in loops.
+commit 7a509d72dd7f8c22b13900ef95fbf38392e431a2
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 18:17:13 2009 +0200
+    Drop some trailing spaces.
+commit 1146578a1d4f59d34422414fea0804c63ed4c34d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 18:14:08 2009 +0200
+    Use GIO for content loading in GarconMenuDirectory.
+    Implement this in a new function garcon_menu_directory_new,
+    just like we do in GarconMenuItem.
+commit be6aa1b24fd35d3cd001b3543b2939205f3829d4
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:59:12 2009 +0200
+    Fix wrong unref in GarconMenuItem.
+commit ad5df5a87f08a8ca06afba2a277c85f5d499a8bc
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:57:15 2009 +0200
+    Drop the g_thread_init() call.
+commit f9dd6b9bc5b02b34c2f5bada07870d882b1fafff
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:54:53 2009 +0200
+    Use a GStaticMutex in the item cache.
+    Because the object is implemented as a singleton we can
+    use a global lock in the file. The advantage is that
+    we can drop our g_thread_init() call in garcon_init(), so
+    the user can initialize garcon from every place in the
+    code.
+commit b449c28f93c1e9c13601a6c8f0a3a0a41160df34
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:49:21 2009 +0200
+    Remove g_type_class_peek_parent from the G_DEFINE_TYPE objects.
+commit f22335e8808dcc6a1f5ecb08b9fde2550aad1299
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:46:37 2009 +0200
+    Make GarconMenuSeparator a singleton.
+commit 415fd0ea800c21546b5fa170a560beaa36e18fa3
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:41:53 2009 +0200
+    Use g_hash_table_remove_all to clear invalidate the cache.
+commit bcc9171e5cf4eeed62eb271f2e2f1c9a3aa147ec
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:40:37 2009 +0200
+    Make GarconMenuItemCache a singleton.
+commit d72666bbb1beeaa9571eea3753e10a2164840213
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:34:50 2009 +0200
+    Optimize the garcon_menu_item_only_show_in_environment function.
+commit 6a867e6cddd4e7b48054475e57988af693c477da
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:29:55 2009 +0200
+    Optimize the garcon_menu_item_get_show_in_environment function.
+commit 389d7c4cf3c04d9c563cada7f09d710adbc5261d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:27:37 2009 +0200
+    Optimize the garcon_menu_directory_get_show_in_environment fucntion.
+commit 5e86ee0b43af1449e6fb25dcfd29b8f8caa5eeca
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 17 17:16:36 2009 +0200
+    Some cleanups in GarconMenuDirectory.
+commit 5fd39acafa47ba6591b265b2aa14f297cec005b6
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 22:36:54 2009 +0200
+    Fix 2 svn's in configure.in.in, spotted by Ali.
+commit da49fec34ac1bf8c250c8562f518f37bd76db3b9
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 21:17:27 2009 +0200
+    Change the item description to match the .pc file.
+commit cd82e73cf251601b3ba511634754020ed764f89d
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 20:58:28 2009 +0200
+    Drop some old svn stuff.
+commit ef110722a651a7ede4d2739eeb6716459b7b85f2
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 20:50:35 2009 +0200
+    Fix garcon_config_lookup.
+    Make the funtion easier to read and test for regular files
+    in the user's directory too.
+commit 461f62df39bd4009b0cc4dfd5ca5623f8be6ada9
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 20:35:30 2009 +0200
+    Some small changes.
+commit 91e4f7396aa1391a306dfe463cc53c8a657bffed
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 20:13:58 2009 +0200
+    Strip trailing spaces.
+commit 0d1df2d885a889fd974bdf01acec85a2018214f9
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 19:01:49 2009 +0200
+    Always return a reffed version of the GFiles.
+commit 9d9b8994c5ffb0628b673a1c69ecd8af68c04062
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 18:37:00 2009 +0200
+    Add API and a property to get the menu item's GFile.
+    Also drop the {set,get}_filename API since it's not really
+    safe for remote files. Setting the filename had no function
+    anyways.
+commit fbc06663a8c2f7e942fd064320d4f99d6648469f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 18:35:40 2009 +0200
+    Drop the menu monitor implementation.
+    We're going to use something based on GFileMonitor, so drop
+    the old code since it also conflics with the API changes
+    that will be committed to GarconMenuItem.
+commit 7401838c8b4b43ad27704432e969c78fae12383f
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 18:07:07 2009 +0200
+    Add module description file.
+commit f7a602518dd13a0b7f3f19505883f7d4b54843dd
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 18:03:55 2009 +0200
+    Change GarconMenu API to match GarcoMenuItem.
+    Use a GFile for garcon_menu_new() and a filename for
+    garcon_menu_new_for_path(). This matches the API change
+    in the pervious commit.
+commit ce9762d78694cc3636d3fe934f8d5ccf5f17a8cc
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 17:56:15 2009 +0200
+    Use GFile in garcon_menu_item_new and add convenient functions.
+    We use GIO for file loading internally. The two convenient
+    functions allow creating a GarconMenuItem from a filename or uri.
+commit 44be78065c4bdec5540dcd05eeff13d651a73990
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 13:53:48 2009 +0200
+    Check for TryExec in garcon_menu_item_get_element_visible.
+commit d36ce8d8f3a352a3d2e1fb0e704f2105d0a64daf
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 13:39:09 2009 +0200
+    Use gio for loading the desktop file contents.
+commit e404773f86ae5b0458be2a2746fc505d2e27d034
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 13:30:22 2009 +0200
+    Revert "Use the return value of g_key_file_load_from_file, not the error."
+    This reverts commit 3e471653350e674c1910bd2826a0dd1c331a8894.
+commit c63c7b91f1b9cca982a9441de5397d4019fa6fb0
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 13:19:30 2009 +0200
+    Also decrease the internal refcount when calling garcon_menu_item_unref.
+commit 3e471653350e674c1910bd2826a0dd1c331a8894
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 13:14:59 2009 +0200
+    Use the return value of g_key_file_load_from_file, not the error.
+commit 7c0663052cf2f48a5fef5b63339a7e538fb19bb1
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 13:10:38 2009 +0200
+    Fix memory leaks in garcon_menu_item_new.
+commit e3155d694770f29d838286423c36942f29c0280b
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 12:51:53 2009 +0200
+    Implement remaining properties and fix some ref issues.
+commit 36051c8fbc53e9f937b007928314676eac1ff94a
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 12:22:27 2009 +0200
+    Use G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS for properties.
+commit 321ff87ecd1cdbb9e9c0d4b6cc9c16b7c8f0b4e1
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 12:18:26 2009 +0200
+    Use G_DEFINE_TYPE where possible and make the iface types thread safe.
+commit 470608d5532e453ea92ea4237c0877302d23d724
+Author: Nick Schermer <nick@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 16 11:50:31 2009 +0200
+    Fix compilation errors.
+commit 6c29032506a81eb7e07f0fb2ba46c976bf3694ce
+Author: Auke Kok <sofar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 22:04:43 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Dutch (Flemish) (nl) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit 8458770a466d9a740a29a73025a7be121f2960ed
+Author: Auke Kok <sofar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 21:47:43 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Dutch translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit add678ee0318265939bf0245cae3fbe5f45830b3
+Author: Per Kongstad <p_kongstad@xxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 17:56:31 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to Danish (da) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit aa834e3e34e8e48ccf72a54cc14d4aa4b48187fd
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 19:52:21 2009 +0200
+    Revert "Just a test."
+    This reverts commit 5486112fa4044c65ac9dfeff674713ecbeab5318.
+commit d413c43bcb29796a078fffe808e94b89b9621034
+Merge: 5486112 e53bbbe
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 19:52:05 2009 +0200
+    Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.xfce.org/git/libs/garcon
+commit 5486112fa4044c65ac9dfeff674713ecbeab5318
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 19:51:52 2009 +0200
+    Just a test.
+commit e53bbbebb79d89311652bdb8928c3be87d16b032
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 01:33:42 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to German (de) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit cd7e46643ab15b012ba2d38712c1223c597b96bf
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 03:28:17 2009 +0200
+    Remove the display menu test. Update translation files.
+commit 19d1f0957693663ba983fca32e91e8da38fcde63
+Author: Transifex <noreply@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 00:19:18 2009 +0000
+    Revert "Just a test."
+    This reverts commit 98d557cd4ca5037a39bea48ea82929de2186650c.
+commit 98d557cd4ca5037a39bea48ea82929de2186650c
+Author: Transifex <noreply@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 15 00:17:03 2009 +0000
+    Just a test.
+commit 451cf94e9256f8699532f1eb783f187806583657
+Author: jannis <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Aug 14 23:54:28 2009 +0000
+    l10n: Updates to German (de) translation
+    Transmitted-via: Transifex (translations.xfce.org)
+commit daeb451ad49f071bba97be20c23430ddf17da2eb
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Aug 12 13:31:13 2009 +0200
+    Squashed commit of the following:
+    commit 2f76d64dfe0d9168d4b77dbefe8f0db9acf55385
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun May 10 20:23:47 2009 +0200
+        Fix references in garcon-docs.xml and garcon-sections.xml
+    commit 2d993a9d8fc4842ebfae520ee1e3791419daefd0
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun May 10 20:20:58 2009 +0200
+        Add missing pkg-config file.
+    commit 4bf640287b217691d9fa738f329e8dd99326d68e
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun May 10 20:17:51 2009 +0200
+        Rename files from e.g. garconmenudirectory.h to garcon-menu-directory.h.
+        Also add garcon-config.c.
+    commit b0e033b87c6bc05c8ad52bcc62a12ecd76003a7d
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun May 10 19:59:49 2009 +0200
+        Remove gdesktopmenu/ directory.
+    commit 57bbc1bfda7a0187f2a55cc955a8be7e5097ad63
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun May 10 18:48:28 2009 +0200
+        Rename gdesktopmenu to garcon. Major work done by Travis Watkins.
+        This commit renames gdesktop to garcon. It also improves the API docs
+        and adds Travis to the AUTHORS file. A few things still might be broken
+        due to the rename.
+    commit fbcf204a5e415add697f1562bc2ae0766c37e936
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu May 7 17:49:02 2009 +0200
+        	* gdesktopmenu/gdesktopmenu.c: Fix typo in g_desktop_menu_get_type().
+    commit 8ac6ce691f11c31feea6410b473550f180238241
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu May 7 17:28:17 2009 +0200
+        	* gdesktopmenu/gdesktopmenu.{c,h}: Move _GDesktopMenu and
+        	  _GDesktopMenuClass into the header file in order for
+        	  GObject-introspection to work.
+    commit cb9270e7bf96f3491afd7e89bd09eaa252a874e4
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu May 7 13:33:24 2009 +0200
+        	* docs/reference/: Improve API docs structure.
+        	* gdesktopmenu/Makefile.am, gdesktopmenu/gdesktopmenu.{c,h},
+        	  gdesktopmenu/gdesktopmenumain.{c,h}: Move init/shutdown code into
+        	  gdesktopmenumain.{c,h}.
+    commit 69bf037252b6ec66695846f238e8d242df7f3e96
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu May 7 04:08:13 2009 +0200
+        	* Fix compilation errors, missing "lib" prefix and set the API version
+        	  to 1 (not the libtool one).
+    commit cdc2006747cd9ff4a6c2a5b5f6e441e8f92e20fb
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu May 7 03:28:33 2009 +0200
+        	* Rename to gdesktopmenu. This will need a few more commits to work
+        	  again though.
+    commit ca38e06a2bc4f62efa4fa17deb661116175b93c5
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Mon May 4 00:10:56 2009 +0200
+        	* docs/reference/libxfce4menu-sections.txt,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-directory.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-element.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-separator.c,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Add xfce_menu_element_get_no_display() and
+        	  xfce_menu_element_get_visible_in_environment() to the
+        	  XfceMenuElement interface. Implement this in XfceMenu,
+        	  XfceMenuDirectory, XfceMenuItem and XfceMenuSeparator.
+    commit c5bda99f7d31cadf19978d85afb2da1eb1300698
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun May 3 23:31:17 2009 +0200
+        	* docs/reference/libxfce4menu-sections.txt, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-element.{c,h}, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.c,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-separator.c: Add new function
+        	  xfce_menu_element_get_comment() to the XfceMenuElement interface and
+        	  implement it in XfceMenu, XfceMenuItem and XfceMenuSeparator.
+    commit 681672a4bf447a33ecd36dda83fdc1323bd83745
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sat Apr 4 23:56:19 2009 +0200
+        	* AUTHORS: Add Travis Watkins as a contributor.
+        	* docs/reference: Update API docs.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-directory.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-element.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.c,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-separator.c, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Add
+        	  xfce_menu_element_get_visible() to XfceMenuElement. The
+        	  XfceMenuSeparator implementation always returns TRUE while the
+        	  XfceMenuItem implementation checks the Hidden/OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn
+        	  values of the corresponding desktop entry. XfceMenu checks the
+        	  Hidden/OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn values of its XfceMenuDirectory as well
+        	  as whether there are any visible child elements. Thanks to Travis
+        	  Watkins for the patch.
+        	* tests/test-display-menu.c, tests/test-menu-spec.c: Update tests to
+        	  reflect the latest API changes. Thanks to Travis for updating
+        	  test-display-menu.c.
+    commit 1beaec37e3e59a734660624928b8fbe77b864cf8
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Mar 15 04:26:59 2009 +0100
+        	* STATUS: Update STATUS file.
+    commit 8e9a5a836005b47691c2c35b08230855d3fc57e2
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Mar 15 04:22:26 2009 +0100
+        	* docs/reference/: Update API docs.
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.c: Set path pointer to NULL after freeing
+        	  it to avoid random data in it.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-merger.c: Prepend a default layout element
+        	  to the root menu so that the root menu and its children have a
+        	  layout to use as a fallback. Remove empty layout elements so that
+        	  we can fallback to the default layout.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.{c,h}: Add new function
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get_child_node(). Add
+        	  XFCE_MENU_NODE_TYPE_DEFAULT_LAYOUT to the XfceMenuNodeType enum.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-parser.c: Parse <DefaultLayout> elements.
+        	  Attributes are currently ignored.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Properly look up the right layout or
+        	  default layout in xfce_menu_get_elements().
+        	* tests/test-display-menu.c, tests/test-menu-spec.c: Improve error
+        	  messages.
+        	* POTFILES.in: Remove deleted file xfce-menu-layout.c.
+    commit 57ea0ddfef80394168f14676f64b7e66c8c10b47
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Mar 15 03:14:14 2009 +0100
+        	* docs/reference/libxfce4menu-sections.txt,
+        	  docs/reference/libxfce4menu.types, libxfce4menu/Makefile.am,
+        	  libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.h, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-layout.{c,h}: Remove XfceMenuLayout class.
+        	  Also remove xfce_menu_get_items() and rename
+        	  xfce_menu_get_layout_elements() to xfce_menu_get_elements(). Make
+        	  menu layouts work again with the GNode trees we have instead of
+        	  XfceMenuLayout now.
+        	* tests/test-display-menu.c, tests/test-menu-spec.c: Update tests to
+        	  the latest API.
+    commit 6370bb67c622e0ec699f6bccc2b2f9d12960e287
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Mar 15 02:17:10 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.c: Really fix the typo this time.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-parser.c: Remove break inside an if statement
+        	  and thereby fix the parsing of <Layout> child elements.
+    commit a45b9bc65f11f8af8edd76359025cb3b2193aadf
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Mar 15 02:03:08 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.c: Fix type macro typo in
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get_layout_merge_type().
+    commit e9606e53489220c0c418b3b7e597509091666345
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Mar 15 01:59:42 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-merger.c: Remove duplicate layout nodes and
+        	  only keep the last one.
+    commit 63a8fc24598d7ed329aaafcf927eab1b2f78fd64
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sat Mar 14 04:05:14 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/*.h: Remove trailing semicolons after G_BEGIN_DECLS and
+        	  G_END_DECLS because it makes gobject-introspection freak out and its
+        	  also a bit of a syntax error. Reported by Travis Watkins.
+    commit 0baa89ae693321efea5c71bd84e2924bbb958817
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sat Mar 14 02:09:38 2009 +0100
+        	* INSTALL: Update the install information.
+        	* configure.in.in, libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu-0.1.pc.in,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-directory.c,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.c,
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-merger.c, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-parser.c: Get
+        	  rid of libxfce4util and related code like xfce_resource_dirs(). Use
+        	  GKeyFile instead of XfceRc. A lot of this code comes from Travis
+        	  Watkins <amaranth@xxxxxxxxxx> who was kind enough to provide a
+        	  patch.
+        	* docs/reference/libxfce4menu-sections.txt: Update sections.
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.{c,h}: Rename xfce_menu_init() and
+        	  xfce_menu_shutdown() to libxfce4menu_init() and
+        	  libxfce4menu_shutdown(). Add new function
+        	  xfce_menu_config_lookup().
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.{c,h}: Use xfce_menu_config_lookup() instead
+        	  of xfce_resource_lookup(). Remove xfce_menu_init() and
+        	  xfce_menu_shutdown() declaration in the header file.
+        	* tdb/: Remove TDB entirely.
+        	* tests/test-display-menu.c, tests/test-menu-parser.c,
+        	  tests/test-menu-spec.c: Update to new API and get rid of
+        	  libxfce4util code.
+        	* POTFILES.in: Update translatable source file list.
+        	* libxfce4menu-0.1.pot: Update pot file.
+    commit ae27baffe7adf8d5557296689907f8f6ee045e38
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu Mar 12 02:29:11 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.h, libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.c:
+        	  Something is wrong with the API docs. Another try to fix them.
+    commit 916fee3ae4934e3876f8bc0ccc2532d73d8f8baa
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu Mar 12 01:06:40 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.h, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Try to
+        	  fix broken API docs syntax and add docs for the
+        	  XfceMenuMonitorVTable members.
+    commit e27803e72515c0d22272ffc20ef6450236fd95c1
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Thu Mar 12 00:38:48 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-directory.{c,h}: Add function
+        	  xfce_menu_directory_equal() which compares two XfceMenuDirectory
+        	  objects based on their GFile members.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-layout.{c,h}: Use GList instead of GSList
+        	  everywhere.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-merger.{c,h}: Never access GNode data
+        	  directly. Instead always use the xfce_menu_node_tree*() functions.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.{c,h}: Add functions
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get_child_nodes(),
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get_string_children(),
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get_boolean_child() and
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get_string_child() to collect the values of
+        	  immediate children of a GNode tree.  Add new functions
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_set_string() and
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_set_merge_file_filename() so that GNode data
+        	  needs to be accessed less often. Fix assertions in a few other
+        	  functions.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-parser.c: Fix segmentation fault due to an
+        	  uninitialized GError in GIO.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.{c,h}: Use GList instead of GSList everywhere.
+        	  Improve API docs for a few public functions. Change xfce_menu_new()
+        	  again to expect a filename as the first parameter. Add a separate
+        	  function xfce_menu_new_for_file() to create an XfceMenu from a
+        	  GFile. Rename xfce_menu_get_root() to xfce_menu_new_applications().
+        	  Replace a lot of traversing code with the new
+        	  xfce_menu_node_tree_get*() functions.
+        	* tests/test-display-menu.c, tests/test-menu-parser.c,
+        	  tests/test-menu-spec.c: Update to new libxfce4menu API.
+    commit 16f4b0a5bf618c39d7cd00809e80283c92b2854a
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 19:56:11 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.c: Add missing source file.
+        	* docs/reference/: Try to get the damn docs right.
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.{c,h}, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Move
+        	  xfce_menu_init() and xfce_menu_shutdown() into libxfce4menu.{c,h}.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.{c,h}: Make XfceMenuNodeType enum code
+        	  private.
+    commit ddc429f7579481beea1882ed2bcf04b92524dc2e
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 19:52:54 2009 +0100
+        	* docs/reference/: Try to get the damn docs right.
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.{c,h}, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Move
+        	  xfce_menu_init() and xfce_menu_shutdown() into libxfce4menu.{c,h}.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.{c,h}: Make XfceMenuNodeType enum code
+        	  private.
+    commit a59ae46f053fab057408b0fa86011d4a543758d9
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 18:20:34 2009 +0100
+        	* docs/reference/: Remove tmpl/ subdir.
+    commit 68b50bdd7ef47fd4734a76729c2961088b49d1a0
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 18:04:53 2009 +0100
+        	* docs/reference/: Update API docs.
+    commit b13a8f36fd6d378d100651b0d7e9a2d198656af0
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 17:47:32 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.h: Add missing declaration for
+        	  xfce_menu_node_type_get_type().
+    commit 4efdc16b02338f15aa5563cb455d06664d0a9d94
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 17:43:50 2009 +0100
+        	* docs/reference/: Update API docs section and stuff.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-move.{c,h}: Remove unused source files.
+    commit ba7f55403348aac3118384b413a28cd9c838ea44
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 17:30:04 2009 +0100
+        	* libfxce4menu/Makefile.am: Remove non-existent files and missing
+        	  ones.
+    commit 851ebfcb32feabbc572bc11e6e534df725d53cc8
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 17:26:54 2009 +0100
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-gio.{c,h}: Add missing source files for a few
+        	  GIO/GFile utility functions.
+    commit 41296e94a42c1898d7adcb6262539f1d32ae79c9
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Tue Feb 24 17:08:10 2009 +0100
+        	* STATUS: Big status update.
+        	* TODO: Create a TODO list.
+        	* configure.in.in, Makefile.am, tdb/: Remove TDB entirely.
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.h: Clean up.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-and-rules.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-not-rules.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-or-rules.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-standard-rules.{c,h},
+        	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-rules.{c,h}: Remove all the XfceMenu*Rules
+        	  classes. Replace them with one very simple XfceMenuNode function.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-directory.{c,h}: Replace the filename string
+        	  property with a GFile file property. Replace
+        	  xfce_menu_directory_get_filename() with
+        	  xfce_menu_directory_get_file() and remove
+        	  xfce_menu_directory_set_filename(). Fix typos in the signal
+        	  installation code.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c: Remove all TDB related code.
+        	  Avoid memory leaks when creating new items (same patch as went into
+        	  the old trunk a while ago, bug #3812).
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-pool.{c,h}: Update
+        	  xfce_menu_item_pool_apply_exclude_rule() and
+        	  xfce_menu_item_pool_filter_exclude() to use a GNode instead of an
+        	  XfceMenuRuleStandardRules.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.{c,h}: Accept URIs as input to
+        	  xfce_menu_item_new() and convert them to paths using GFile.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-merger.{c,h}: Implement the missing merging
+        	  and moving code. Fix a lot of bugs in the code. Never access
+        	  XfceMenuNodes directly, always use xfce_menu_node_tree_*()
+        	  functions.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.{c,h}: Add more xfce_menu_node_tree*()
+        	  functions. Simplify the code. Add support for matching
+        	  Include/Exclude/And/Or/etc. rules against XfceMenuItems.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-parser.{c,h}: Minor cleanups.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.{c,h}: Change the first parameter of
+        	  xfce_menu_new() to GFile. Remove all the parsing code. Use
+        	  XfceMenuParser and XfceMenuMerger in xfce_menu_load(). Update all
+        	  the menu loading code to use GNode DOM trees. Replace the filename
+        	  property with a GFile file property. Still waiting to be implemented
+        	  again is the layout stuff. Remove functions like
+        	  xfce_menu_get_directory_dirs() which were not meant for public use
+        	  anyway.
+        	* tests/test-display-menu.c, tests/test-menu-parser.c,
+        	  tests/test-menu-spec.c: Update to the new API. Cleanups.
+    commit c066f3c376d29eed1c9919f77e7cfa289d6e1375
+    Author: Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+    Date:   Sun Feb 22 20:43:33 2009 +0100
+        	* configure.in.in: Depend on GTK+ 2.12 and GLib 2.14. Add dependency
+        	  on GIO 2.14 as well.
+        	* libxfce4menu/Makefile.am: Add new source and header files.
+        	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.h: Add new header files.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-node.{c,h}: Add new class XfceMenuNode which
+        	  holds the information for one element in the menu DOM tree, e.g.
+        	  <MergeFile>, <Name> or <Menu>
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-tree-provider.{c,h}: Add new interface
+        	  XfceMenuTreeProvider for classes which hold a GNode DOM
+        	  representation for .menu files.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-parser.{c,h}: Add new parser for .menu XML
+        	  files. It builds a GNode DOM representation for the XML data. Each
+        	  GNode in the tree (except for the menu nodes) contains one
+        	  XfceMenuNode for the XML element information. The parser implements
+        	  XfceMenuTreeProvider.
+        	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-merger.{c,h}: Add new class XfceMenuMerger
+        	  which takes the DOM tree from the parser or any other
+        	  XfceMenuTreeProvider and resolves duplicates, relative paths and,
+        	  most importantly, merges and deletes menus according to the
+        	  information in the DOM tree. It implements XfceMenuTreeProvider. It
+        	  is not complete yet because it doesn't implement <Move> elements
+        	  and is not capable of consolidating child menus with the same name
+        	  at the moment.
+        	* tests/Makefile.am, tests/test-menu-parser.c: Add a small test
+        	  program which parses a menu file using XfceMenuParser and then runs
+        	  an XfceMenuMerger and prints the output of both.
+commit 131ec8a61226d262abac0b6d9cc72955e8bedf22
+Author: SZERVÁC Attila <sas@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 11 01:59:02 2009 +0000
+    [intl:hu] little updates for 4.6
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29477 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d5d007bc7ce997806b8a5c2ddd6125b493379f64
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Feb 8 08:20:15 2009 +0000
+    Translations udaptes - de id ja nb pl zh_CN
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29472 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 7ab774d2bddd34a188ef11b8d8ad498c381655d2
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 3 23:09:14 2009 +0000
+    	* NEWS: Update NEWS.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29446 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 5bd80cdee379d53777b99956b20d3a2883c29993
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 3 23:05:07 2009 +0000
+    	* COPYING: Add "no invariant sections" hint to the GFDL.
+    	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+    	* libxfce4mixer/xfce-menu.c: Fix crash when reading invalid menu files
+    	  with characters outside the root <Menu> element. Of course this even
+    	  works with documents which have no <Menu> element at all.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29445 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 8d4dfb34bcc3abf9aca26b6cc2164ecaebcd84b5
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Feb 3 21:07:56 2009 +0000
+    Translations updates - en_GB es
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29443 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 4ff964b88ff00e986b96fef7650749919d587ab7
+Author: Eren Turkay <turkay.eren@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jan 31 17:38:45 2009 +0000
+    Turkish translation update by Gokmen Gorgen and Samed Beyribey
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29417 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit b54c3a651a885d2d1dd5b585b34af1bf15e67992
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 26 20:39:38 2009 +0000
+    Translations updates - ca fr uk
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29394 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d7731d1473bf6f947a2af5399d67e1eca5548770
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 25 08:10:20 2009 +0000
+    Update Finnish translations.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29336 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3eca2f531e140069f2c750a7b46bd7d5424e5529
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 25 01:14:13 2009 +0000
+    	* NEWS: Update NEWS for the release.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29330 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d46897a1d1f560b75833d9b569882cf9f8752f70
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 25 01:13:41 2009 +0000
+    	* == released! ==
+    	* configure.in.in: Bump version and dependencies and remove 'svn'
+    	  version tag.
+     	* *.po: Update translation files.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29328 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 82c6a88c37e2d5a6e0a0dbaee39146dd319d06af
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 23 00:07:04 2009 +0000
+    	* COPYING: Add GFDL 1.1 as requested by Michael Casadevall from
+    	  Xubuntu.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29295 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit c804d6cde6138d3d7448979a4fbb874721a8188c
+Author: Per Kongstad <pko@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jan 22 09:28:46 2009 +0000
+    	* da.po: Updated to version 4.5.92 (Per Kongstad)
+     	* da.po: updated to version 4.5.92 (Per Kongstad)
+    	* da.po, LINGUAS: Danish Translation added (Per Kongstad)
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29291 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit cb1e758bdf0441e959d9088884a39f2da3bc3958
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 21 20:48:50 2009 +0000
+    Translations udpates - fr zh_CN
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29290 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 8e8c27da6ac99948055eada30b04c7cba3e9fe51
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 19 20:58:29 2009 +0000
+    Translations udpates - es fr nb_NO zh_CN
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29279 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d6e65c8a3bdf51cba201d3e73db0281637f75e79
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 18 18:00:04 2009 +0000
+    Translations updates - es et fr ja zh_CN
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29272 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d58d1bf23a383f8a8535834f4594490fe0f46c32
+Author: Alexander Toresson <alexander.toresson@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 18 12:32:33 2009 +0000
+    xfce4-session/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    xfce4-panel/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    xfce4-settings/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    libxfce4menu/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    libxfce4util/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    xfwm4/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    xfce4-appfinder/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    xfconf/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    libxfcegui4/trunk/po:
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29271 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit f47cbcfa3887ecd25ec56ebf9db31f48a93fb6bd
+Author: Og Maciel <ogmaciel@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jan 15 13:54:29 2009 +0000
+    Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29255 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit ee3f2d1aeafe9653f35ddd82f2dd22ecda8175d0
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jan 15 10:49:12 2009 +0000
+    Some trunk basque translations updates
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29254 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit f2e28ec1b32b4dfe714677565296b1503bcaf465
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 14 21:09:20 2009 +0000
+    Erm.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29239 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 74362439cd7d77dff6fcce95238dfabdbbf8d7a2
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 14 21:08:37 2009 +0000
+    	* configure.in.in: Post-release version bump.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29238 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 787b2d65601db20834a11fa9ba616b4d2d5a4523
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 12 21:04:35 2009 +0000
+    	* configure.in.in: Bump version and dependencies and remove 'svn'
+    	  version tag.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29194 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit cfc4c381694db835bc53640dbe6103394f8df3c0
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 12 21:04:31 2009 +0000
+    	* == 4.5.93 released! ==
+    	* configure.in.in: Bump version and dependencies.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29193 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a54c0c0210830f5ced6df9b48a66ce95383f2032
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jan 11 22:28:23 2009 +0000
+    Translations updates - ca es ja
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29184 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 85320eeeaef472986ad2014a73ac44e33ac1faf6
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jan 10 23:06:51 2009 +0000
+    	* NEWS: Update NEWS for the upcoming 4.5.93 (Xfce 4.6 beta3) release.
+     	* libxfce4menu-0.1.pot, *.po: Update translation files just to make
+    	  sure they are up to date for the string-freeze release.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29123 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit c01541aa1e40747924545191fed327e84506410c
+Author: Michal Varady <miko.vaji@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jan 6 11:37:13 2009 +0000
+    Czech translation updated
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29107 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 0a0d90859dacae8589fbf2915283b41b84f0d224
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jan 6 00:25:06 2009 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c:
+    	  Review strings.
+     	* libxfce4menu-0.1.pot, *.po: Update translation files.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29103 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 7a7296461d573c544f8c3c97a36afb2e07dc9e29
+Author: Nick Schermer <nickschermer@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 2 11:32:21 2009 +0000
+    * Typo.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29075 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 66ffe1a70f12acda3a487e8036fad452f374fb18
+Author: Nick Schermer <nickschermer@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Jan 2 11:30:34 2009 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c,
+    	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-separator.c: Add weak pointer to
+    	  XfceMenuItemCache and XfceMenuSeparator so you can init and shutdown
+    	  the library multiple times without running into trouble.
+    	* NEWS: Update.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29074 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9c6a25be13981831d6506efc6ff9506150dccb34
+Author: SZERVÁC Attila <sas@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 30 10:26:43 2008 +0000
+    [intl:hu] littlefixes2
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29063 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 4e48c412dda37628d403ed75c9732934abae9102
+Author: SZERVÁC Attila <sas@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 30 09:15:47 2008 +0000
+    [intl:hu] little updates
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29062 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 985cffc94c408c020aea117631604e933fe4ac43
+Author: Alexander Toresson <alexander.toresson@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Dec 9 23:22:24 2008 +0000
+    	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po, LINGUAS: Swedish translation added (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po, LINGUAS: Swedish translation added (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po, LINGUAS: Swedish translation added (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po, LINGUAS: Swedish translation added (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+     	* sv.po: Swedish translation update (Daniel Nylander)
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@29000 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 03a5d73a147b8251e537f0674470a1dff4fb47ea
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Dec 7 18:40:12 2008 +0000
+    xfce-trunk Basque translation update
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28987 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 293ae06dafca3de6e411a9a30f1470d3d531a103
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 6 00:58:40 2008 +0000
+    	* configure.in.in: Re-add svn version tag.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28981 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a5adfa0d56077724580c17dd0f160ba2f2b087f5
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Dec 4 13:55:16 2008 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Always use xfce_menu_get_element() when
+    	  comparing two menu elements instead of handling menus and items
+    	  in different ways.
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.c: Minor cleanup of the
+    	  XfceMenuElement functions.
+    	* tests/test-display-menu.c: Always use xfce_menu_get_element(), never
+    	  use xfce_menu_item_get_name() directly.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28979 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 76dc8068dcfaa914eb62d0868ab5725b64634937
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 30 19:23:12 2008 +0000
+    Translations updates - ca es fr ja
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28964 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 4d81e91d6d574fa0162b11d07a1c186f0b092f7c
+Author: Piarres Beobide <pi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Nov 26 23:45:03 2008 +0000
+     libxfce4menu and libxfce4ui Basque translation added
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28921 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 26f70eb88bed9b3dab86e2111a9e7993b6f32322
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 25 21:20:15 2008 +0000
+    Translations updates - es fr
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28914 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9bc9d5977982e92fa43998f1cc418d56eec2b614
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Nov 22 10:53:25 2008 +0000
+    Update Finnish translations.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28883 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 109b03839461fde5933e71ba2f96b47dece79708
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 18 22:45:43 2008 +0000
+    Translations updates for - de, id, ja, nb_NO and finally sq
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28850 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9273f308bf8b3c14e72dce87eb5f48eb6da7cdec
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 16 22:39:14 2008 +0000
+    Translations updates and additions - ca, de, es, id, tr, uk
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28829 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 71b365c9b9b93cdf10b68efc124ef11061e88e91
+Author: Og Maciel <ogmaciel@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 13 17:10:35 2008 +0000
+    Updated Brazilian Portuguese translations.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28787 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 1d126e9e7ef23704f2a09e349e22b6abe88ef111
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Nov 11 14:37:36 2008 +0000
+    	* == 4.5.92 released ==
+    	* configure.in.in: Bump version and update dependencies.
+    	* NEWS: Update NEWS file.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28748 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 8b5e430b31da1272487c2f035923cf57050d54c1
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 2 23:38:43 2008 +0000
+    Translation updates and additions - de es ku tr
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28595 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 70c53a2f4b1e834099cfc000dfd139d60c9f96d9
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Nov 1 23:16:19 2008 +0000
+    Translations udpates in Kurdish, also unfinished French, too lazy to take them out of the commit tonight
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28574 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a91fd9106136acc713110317d9e15a7fdec03cd4
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Oct 28 23:17:42 2008 +0000
+    Translations updates and additions HUGE
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28493 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 5b2400555df4aa072e88a5baa7ae3855e817b151
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Oct 28 22:33:05 2008 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu-config.h.in,
+    	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.c: Fix copyright header.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28488 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit e406bf72a82174c1e2207b883eb33b70c54678b0
+Author: Lars Nielsen <lars@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Oct 22 21:24:53 2008 +0000
+    update-po
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28367 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9117da47bb1345db478d0c7eb4b916cf5367c59e
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Oct 20 20:41:42 2008 +0000
+    Translation updates for many packages in many languages, is this message too vague
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28336 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit cd96ad8c581667043d6bdc80fdb057932dea29f9
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 18 14:25:59 2008 +0000
+    Translation updates and additions for many packages in es, fr, id, ja, nb_NO and tr
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28293 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 443cd4b73e374d08d0991a741212103ab21f151f
+Author: Stephan Arts <stephan.arts@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 12 22:32:40 2008 +0000
+    Update NEWS
+    Update ChangeLog
+    Update version number
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28186 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3bf098fafafe315c07df28eabbca83c891054679
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 5 17:52:51 2008 +0000
+    Updated and added Estonian translations for the libxfcegui4, terminal and mousepad trunk modules and libxfce4util branch 4.4 module
+    Updated Indonesian translations for the xfce-utils, xfce4-mixer, xarchiver, xfwm4, xfcalendar and xfdesktop trunk modules
+    Updated and added Spanish translations for the xfce4-appfinder, squeeze, libexo, xfce-utils, libxfce4menu, xfce4-session, xfce4-mixer, libxfce4util, libxfce4ui, xfce4-icon-theme, thunar, libxfcegui4, xfce4-panel, xfdesktop, xfce4-trigger-launcher, terminal, mousepad and xfmedia trunk modules
+    Updated Russian translation for the xarchiver, libexo and libxfcegui4 trunk modules
+    Updated and added German translation of the xfce4-settings and xfwm4 trunk modules
+    Updated Japanese translation for the thunar module
+    Updated Sinhalese translation for the libxfcegui4 trunk module
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@28040 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 83e33c32fc0ac4515982b44d4bda34425ec3f0d3
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Sep 12 19:51:16 2008 +0000
+    	* NEWS, TODO: Updated for the alpha release.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27839 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a2be9baa6d6a2a7b6f64039078bcbcf94ab7478b
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 9 07:38:03 2008 +0000
+    Translations updates and new ones for trunk in es,fr,id
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27775 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 12d43be6d530c502e273917a3130b166cfce8348
+Author: Stephan Arts <stephan.arts@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Sep 6 00:09:14 2008 +0000
+    Update ChangeLog
+    remove -svn tag
+    Bump libxfce4util dependency
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27670 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit ad29e5b3c1efc65a0d53f9e3db8c469e5bedc151
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 2 00:40:30 2008 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c: Properly release the mutex at
+    	  the end of xfce_menu_item_cache_foreach(). Calling g_mutex_lock()
+    	  won't unlock the mutex ...
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27641 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 70bec376c18bb124ec56f0bfa1f4476ce52f1a81
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 31 18:53:12 2008 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.{c,h}: Add
+    	  xfce_menu_item_only_show_in_environment() function which checks
+    	  whether the current environment is present in the OnlyShowIn key of
+    	  a menu item. This should close bug #3741.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27630 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3e0204771ec92410b1aded605d65d7cedea371b4
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 30 22:25:48 2008 +0000
+    Fix the previous commit.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27619 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 0112a278930b5062524048128ce0558101185b84
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Aug 30 22:16:11 2008 +0000
+    	* autogen.sh: Don't print errors when trying to detect the
+    	  revision of a git svn repository.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27618 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 77fab1db872b2870495dcf326700eb0ebca685ee
+Author: Stephan Arts <stephan.arts@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 18 05:36:39 2008 +0000
+    Bump version number
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27504 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 0103c0763ed23a2fa115cc12e239d3e23f199535
+Author: Stephan Arts <stephan.arts@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Aug 18 05:35:20 2008 +0000
+    Bump version number
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27502 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 08d201cabb876935aacdcd749a62c83f93ab66a7
+Author: Brian Tarricone <bjt23@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 17 22:11:19 2008 +0000
+    fix build... again
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27498 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 50276607ea2cc54cf518953d5f1bcf1afed11c63
+Author: Brian Tarricone <bjt23@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 17 20:58:08 2008 +0000
+    2008-08-17  Brian Tarricone <bjt23@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+        * configure.in.in: Set LIBXFCE4MENU_VERSION_API independently
+          of the package version.
+        * docs/reference/Makefile.am: use the correct API version when
+          linking with the library
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27489 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 7d3e90099277e3f215fc6b1aa7045bd4ff822ae2
+Author: Stephan Arts <stephan.arts@xxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 17 20:08:03 2008 +0000
+    Fix make distcheck
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27479 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 2fbabd2201380730391f2341f8412a0e7f87ec00
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Aug 10 21:42:27 2008 +0000
+    Translations updated and added in Indonesian, Korean and Polish.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27444 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9a2ac7fd632f3aa16cfa3c5eeb3fadf530150f1f
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jul 15 11:46:28 2008 +0000
+    Translations added and updated (gl;sk)
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27296 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit bcf3b0de3e69f82d023280e07a481583f3b74d74
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Jul 15 10:53:42 2008 +0000
+    	* autogen.sh: Change @REVISION@ substitution for git svn
+    	  repositories again.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27293 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d5ae635c2fe8ca87e3ba0514621f1b596612f222
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jul 9 22:23:53 2008 +0000
+    	* autogen.sh: Fix @REVISION@ substitution when using git svn.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27250 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit aff4ab597ac8ed547d013fab1aa00dc59dff84b5
+Author: Maxim Dziumanenko <mvd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jul 9 06:30:06 2008 +0000
+    Add Ukrainian translation
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27240 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a72a8ab3891ad5ed0bf6f6c331f5bd9871420130
+Author: Michal Varady <miko.vaji@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jul 7 17:23:29 2008 +0000
+    New and updated Czech translations
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27230 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 1bc82e0492f8dbdbfa5c72916d942ccb30ae0fa9
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jul 6 21:44:05 2008 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Add #if 0 around
+    	  xfce_menu_resolve_legacy_menus() and
+    	  xfce_menu_resolve_legacy_menu(). Avoids build errors on some
+    	  systems.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27223 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit f6141393872b31f757e7a3d0e04023e26b6ac81f
+Author: Maximilian Schleiss <maxschleiss@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Jun 26 22:09:16 2008 +0000
+    Translations added and updated for most trunk packages (gl)
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27155 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a8ab46e52a2d4f1b44e3dd247d18a59f4aea5402
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Jun 22 10:57:49 2008 +0000
+    update-po
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@27129 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit e90ed23e22767e0a30ee63cbefde5abc9132bd35
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 27 00:25:51 2008 +0000
+    update-po
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26985 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d1217927012277643c36ce945a53b9ee3759e480
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 13 09:23:13 2008 +0000
+    update en_GB translations
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26957 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 591ee888fe55d2c2f639db398e1d1241cf8cf1d4
+Author: Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg2002@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Mar 30 19:27:14 2008 +0000
+    Added Greek translation for libxfce4menu by Evaggelos Balaskas  <ebalaskas@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26699 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3cc01612ad21e679685ebe09db5e95977ecaa44e
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Mar 18 13:18:36 2008 +0000
+    Update Portuguese translation
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26685 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit d138a29d228bfa2b7467ccc7a493cf9b911dc05c
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 6 09:34:15 2008 +0000
+    Indentation fixed.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26597 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9de05134d7fac0aa26ac97979befd88afa8f58c4
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Feb 6 09:34:11 2008 +0000
+    	* STATUS: Status file updated, mainly to reflect the progress made
+    	  with filesystem monitoring.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26596 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3d8598b9156ddd276917f7362a918c72ca7044ef
+Author: Jari Rahkonen <jari.rahkonen@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Jan 7 16:57:49 2008 +0000
+    Added a Finnish translation for libxfce4menu and updated the translation
+    for xfce4-appfinder.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26552 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit bac6f45bf2a616aed6e1545af6b572a54507068d
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Jan 2 15:50:33 2008 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.{c,h}: Add support for the Comment field
+    	  via xfce_menu_item_get_comment().
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.{c,h}: Add support for defining what
+    	  kind of files/directories are monitored (XfceMenuMonitorFlags,
+    	  xfce_menu_monitor_set_flags(), xfce_menu_monitor_get_flags(),
+    	  xfce_menu_monitor_has_flags()).
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Check monitor flags before adding
+    	  files/directories to the monitoring system.
+    	* tests/test-display-menu.c: Center window on screen.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26527 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 71eec541808987498dca4e8e4e1bf8d18494cf2a
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Dec 27 00:13:05 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.c: Use the KEY, not the VALUE pointer
+    	  to remove items from the shared handle hash table. In this case, use
+    	  the directory string instead of the shared handle. This should fix
+    	  the issue we've had with monitoring directories only.
+    	  xfce_menu_item_has_category (XfceMenuItem *, const char *).
+    	  This can be used in combination with file monitoring: Once something
+    	  has changed a) destroy the current menu, b) invalidate the cache and
+    	  c) create the menu again.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26507 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a9fa0a52b9172768c514c1e1482fd35f8d046614
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Dec 22 23:38:52 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.{c,h}: Add support for "GenericName" as
+    	  requested by Brian. Also add a convenience function
+    		xfce_menu_item_has_category (XfceMenuItem *, const char *).
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c: Re-add caching features, but now
+    	  also allow the cache to be invalidated using _item_cache_invalidate().
+    		This can be used in combination with file monitoring: Once something
+    		has changed a) destroy the current menu, b) invalidate the cache and
+    		c) create the menu again.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26500 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 70d2a0f827fe8cff5b483506ce105d06adf60590
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Nov 15 09:14:39 2007 +0000
+    Add Urdu translations to trunk (hope this is right *sigh*)
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26296 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 298326e68c1cd1e21b3e6984dddbaca57692e838
+Author: Og Maciel <ogmaciel@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Nov 12 04:02:11 2007 +0000
+    Added Brazilian Portuguese translation and added it to LINGUAS
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26288 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 0c35ff05d8fa42aada306d74c3ef9b7505b9873a
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 11 03:25:30 2007 +0000
+    Update latvian
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26285 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 6f9fbd47adf8e224cb82fbac77b7ee0e8e70e541
+Author: Jean-François Wauthy <pollux@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Nov 4 09:36:53 2007 +0000
+    Add Albanian translation by Besnik Bleta <bbleta@xxxxxxxxx>
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26252 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9a6b38a241bacaca6374644b6e05c16faac147da
+Author: Brian Tarricone <bjt23@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Oct 24 22:26:53 2007 +0000
+    remove trailing parens on AC_INIT version info to work around bug
+    in intltool 0.35.x and 0.36.x
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26180 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit a45538e52638c3492990b46253ed4054aae4df62
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Oct 21 11:56:29 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.{c,h}: Add support for the "Path"
+    	  key of the .desktop entries. This makes it possible to start
+    	  menu items in a special working directory. Will make fixing
+    	  bug #3472 easier.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26170 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit db1763f4aa780058a8099288df9efa040565f89c
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 20 20:23:43 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.c: No, let's do it
+    	  differently: You can now redefine the vtable. You can also
+    	  clear it by passing NULL. Whenever you want to change the
+    	  user_data, just pass the same vtable as before.
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item-cache.c: Deactivate the cache
+    	  for now. Perhaps we can add it later, together with fast
+    	  checksum support to detect filesystem changes.
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.c: Add vtable != NULL check
+    	  to xfce_menu_monitor_set_vtable. Avoids crashes when passing
+    	  a NULL pointer and makes other developers aware of what they
+    	  might be doing wrong.
+    	* STATUS: Updated the status file to reflect the
+    	  current implementation status.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26163 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 066e813ad75539ab24ab714a641608c188828ddd
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Oct 20 19:44:48 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.c: Add vtable != NULL check
+    	  to xfce_menu_monitor_set_vtable. Avoids crashes when passing
+    	  a NULL pointer and makes other developers aware of what they
+    	  might be doing wrong.
+    	* STATUS: Updated the status file to reflect the
+    	  current implementation status.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26161 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 55a0c73811b54f0b4317257e606ed0a0fdc0ea2d
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Oct 12 12:27:27 2007 +0000
+    	* STATUS: Updated the status file to reflect the
+    	  current implementation status.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26129 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit ea24c095a21addd6b918845f2d613a569c483cfc
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 25 21:56:21 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-layout.c: As a follow-up to
+    	  the last commit, fix the disabled code. There is no
+    	  parameter named 'layout'.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26112 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3c74b9ef0183885b496dd36b3f27cb93361e21f3
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue Sep 25 02:34:54 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-layout.c: Fix bug #3568 which
+    	  was caused by the layout variable not being used in
+    	  _set_property and _get_property. Thanks to Tomasz Mon
+    	  for the hint.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26106 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3a2206f74b1bc8dacbd5c93ab3afc65aab00c170
+Author: Mike Massonnet <mmassonnet@xxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Mon Sep 24 01:41:15 2007 +0000
+     * thunar, xfce4-panel: Update Korean translation
+     * libxfce4menu, libxfcegui4, mousepad, squeeze, xfce4-appfinder,
+       xfce4-icon-theme, xfce4-mixer, xfce4-terminal, xfce4-trigger-launcher,
+       xfce-mcs-manager, xfce-utils: Add Latvian translation
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26104 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 9f2e54ed171630d4ab4cb9ec306513f24ba5ece5
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Thu Sep 20 20:32:20 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.c: Use g_str_hash and
+    	  g_str_equal for the file/directory to monitor handle
+    	  hash table, rather than comparing the pointers directly.
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Create submenu monitors after
+    	  parsing by traversing the XfceMenu tree but remove them
+    	  in xfce_menu_finalize (so creating the monitors happens
+    	  in the root menu, removing is handled inside the
+    	  submenus). Now all monitors are properly removed when
+    	  the root menu is destroyed.
+    	* tests/test-display-root-menu.c: Print the pseudo monitor
+    	  handle ID in monitor_file and monitor_directory.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26090 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 8626eb2a1f0b5c7947c576afca6937f4c37b19bd
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Wed Sep 19 22:28:31 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.{c,h}: Added methods to
+    	  monitor files and directories. That way we can now add
+    	  monitors for the main menu file as well as menu .directory
+    	  files and the application directories - I think that's
+    	  all we need. Since there may be several XfceMenu's monotoring
+    	  the same application directories and menu files, those
+    	  are managed using a reference counting mechanism, so that
+    	  the monitor is only removed when all menus have asked
+    	  to remove the monitor on them.
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Monitor the main menu file as
+    	  well as .directory files and application directories. And
+    	  of course remove the monitors when the menu is destroyed.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@26088 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit fc64cd57f74a2f280da236a59ca419556297299f
+Author: Daichi Kawahata <daichi.k@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Jul 14 03:04:18 2007 +0000
+    Added/Updated Japanese translations.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25914 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit f70ba560f9a667510887941d824fc42cccced1cf
+Author: Benedikt Meurer <benny@xxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Tue May 22 13:29:18 2007 +0000
+    2007-05-22	Benedikt Meurer <benny@xxxxxxxx>
+    	* libxfce4menu/Makefile.am: Fix typo.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25737 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 52618e95cf5ee7273b3ba78807f8b1421e5bbf9d
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun May 20 12:52:55 2007 +0000
+    	* configure.in.in: Disable empty AC_CHECK_FUNCS([]) call for
+    	  now. Fixes syntax error on IRIX (bug #3251, reported by
+    	  Daichi).
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25730 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3cd1f38929de276f002443d7b6c615d6adaf1ad6
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Mar 25 15:32:56 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.c: Use if statement
+    	  rather than g_return_(val_)if_fail to check whether vtable
+    	  functions have been set.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25294 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 84d807d267207375c63ac084ac6f729cea68c3ff
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sun Mar 25 11:56:37 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c: Fix weird typo as noted by
+    	  Jens Luedicke.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25288 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 4eac36da54a48146426a12dfa3781bd3cede382e
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Mar 24 22:51:33 2007 +0000
+    	  Add a missing NULL to g_strjoin() in xfce-menu.c as reported
+    	  by Jens Luedicke.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25282 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit e67b27ad4e307cc4d4bfc2962a891967ed6233a7
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Sat Mar 24 22:40:49 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/Makefile.am, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c,
+    	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-monitor.{c,h}: Add monitoring support
+    	  by making it possible for library clients to define a vtable
+    	  with functions to be called whenever monitoring a file or
+    	  directory becomes necessary. This way Thunar and xfdesktop
+    	  can use ThunarVFS for monitoring and I don't need to care
+    	  about how they do it. Note: xfce_menu_monitor_notify_change()
+    	  is missing but will be adedd as soon as possible.
+    	* tests/test-display-menu.c: Add some dummy code for testing
+    	  the monitoring system.
+    	* docs/reference/: Updated and reorganized API docs.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25281 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit ddd6873908882078a64ec93a2e8ae044fae2e2ee
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 21:38:16 2007 +0000
+    	* POTFILES.in: Add source files.
+    	* de.po, libxfce4menu-0.1.pot, LINGUAS: Add POT file and
+    	  initial German translations.
+     	* libxfce4menu/*.c: Remove gettext calls for strings
+    	  we don't really need to translate. Add gettext calls
+    	  were it makes sense. Remove several debug messages.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25275 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 99e6bb7d532769f2210bd2f4629633624f4a40be
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 19:20:47 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu.h, libxfce4menu/Makefile.am,
+    	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-element.{c,h}: XfceMenuElement
+    	  interface with methods xfce_menu_element_get_name() and
+    	  xfce_menu_element_get_icon_name() added.
+    	* libxfce4menu/xfce-menu.c, libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-item.c,
+    	  libxfce4menu/xfce-menu-separator.c: Add XfceMenuElementIface
+    	  to XfceMenu, XfceMenuItem and XfceMenuSeparator. Rename
+    	  xfce_menu_get_layout_items() to
+    	  xfce_menu_get_layout_elements().
+    	* tests/test-display-menu.c: Use XfceMenuElement methods
+    	  where possible.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25273 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 0651045d4939318cb29f73224e24e4b845784ba6
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 17:13:56 2007 +0000
+    	* tests/Makefile.am, tests/test-display-menu.c: Test program
+    	  for displaying a menu added again.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25271 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 3af482ea7fe7d47283f1fbc03c0fde06e62e83e7
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 11:11:47 2007 +0000
+    	* docs/reference/tmpl/: Remove tdb related files from
+    	  SVN. They won't be installed to the system anyway.
+    	* tests/Makefile.am, tests/test-menu-spec.c: Test program for
+    	  the menu specification test suite added again.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25266 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit db673127a9af87a1840930b94a20dad60f5cb9fb
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 02:34:02 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/libxfce4menu-0.1.pc.in: Update pkg-config
+    	  information to point to the new header file location.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25263 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 7ec187ba7c40c7f7114e66b9ceae434eb67d1c61
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 02:20:35 2007 +0000
+    	* libxfce4menu/Makefile.am: Install header files to
+    	  $includedir/xfce4/libxfce4menu-<version>/libxfce4menu/.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25262 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 0324d6605bc441088b720d19ce6f02b54a63b1f8
+Author: Jannis Pohlmann <info@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 01:53:16 2007 +0000
+    Move FrapMenu to libxfce4menu.
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25261 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636
+commit 721f50df731a6934ead69c22bbcdfa48029a1a4f
+Author: Brian Tarricone <bjt23@xxxxxxxxxxx>
+Date:   Fri Mar 23 01:34:33 2007 +0000
+    add libxfce4menu for jannis
+    git-svn-id: https://svn.xfce.org/svn/xfce/libxfce4menu/trunk@25260 a0aa69c2-05f4-0310-b83c-d5d913b14636

=== added file 'HACKING'
--- HACKING	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ HACKING	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+Bug tracking system
+garcon uses the bug tracking system at http://bugzilla.xfce.org/
+hosted and maintained by the Xfce project.
+Please submit patches to the Xfce bug tracking system or to the
+people listed in the AUTHORS file. Your patch should be in unified
+diff format (the -u option to GNU diff).
+Please and send a patch against a recent version of this package. Patches
+against the Git master branch are most preferable. You can always
+access the master branch from 
+  http://git.xfce.org/libs/garcon/
+Feature requests
+Please file feature requests to the Xfce bug tracking system
+(http://bugzilla.xfce.org, product garcon) with a Severity of
+enhancement. Make sure that your feature request wasn't reported
+already before; requesting a feature several times won't increase
+the chance that it gets added.
+Coding Style
+ - GNU coding conventions, with GLib-like extensions, mostly the same as GTK+.
+ - Always expand tabs. This differs from the GNU suggestion, but is necessary!
+Release process
+  1) Check out a fresh copy from Git
+  2) Increment the version number in configure.in.in and the major version
+     number of the library whenever new functions got added.
+  3) Update NEWS and ChangeLog, and don't forget to add a note about the new
+     release to ChangeLog, so people can see which changes appeared in which
+     release.
+  4) Check the gtk-doc.
+  5) Run make update-po in po/ and update po/de.po (don't forget the header)!
+  6) Unset garcon_version_tag in configure.in.in and reset it after the
+     release is done.
+  7) Verify that make dist works.
+  8) "git commit -a" the changes.
+  9) Create a simple tag for the release.
+ 10) Upload the tarballs to xfce.org
+ 11) Upload the new online documentation to www.xfce.org.

=== renamed file 'HACKING' => 'HACKING.moved'
=== added file 'INSTALL'
--- INSTALL	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ INSTALL	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+Installation Instructions
+Copyright (C) 1994-1996, 1999-2002, 2004-2012 Free Software Foundation,
+   Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+notice and this notice are preserved.  This file is offered as-is,
+without warranty of any kind.
+Basic Installation
+   Briefly, the shell commands `./configure; make; make install' should
+configure, build, and install this package.  The following
+more-detailed instructions are generic; see the `README' file for
+instructions specific to this package.  Some packages provide this
+`INSTALL' file but do not implement all of the features documented
+below.  The lack of an optional feature in a given package is not
+necessarily a bug.  More recommendations for GNU packages can be found
+in *note Makefile Conventions: (standards)Makefile Conventions.
+   The `configure' shell script attempts to guess correct values for
+various system-dependent variables used during compilation.  It uses
+those values to create a `Makefile' in each directory of the package.
+It may also create one or more `.h' files containing system-dependent
+definitions.  Finally, it creates a shell script `config.status' that
+you can run in the future to recreate the current configuration, and a
+file `config.log' containing compiler output (useful mainly for
+debugging `configure').
+   It can also use an optional file (typically called `config.cache'
+and enabled with `--cache-file=config.cache' or simply `-C') that saves
+the results of its tests to speed up reconfiguring.  Caching is
+disabled by default to prevent problems with accidental use of stale
+cache files.
+   If you need to do unusual things to compile the package, please try
+to figure out how `configure' could check whether to do them, and mail
+diffs or instructions to the address given in the `README' so they can
+be considered for the next release.  If you are using the cache, and at
+some point `config.cache' contains results you don't want to keep, you
+may remove or edit it.
+   The file `configure.ac' (or `configure.in') is used to create
+`configure' by a program called `autoconf'.  You need `configure.ac' if
+you want to change it or regenerate `configure' using a newer version
+of `autoconf'.
+   The simplest way to compile this package is:
+  1. `cd' to the directory containing the package's source code and type
+     `./configure' to configure the package for your system.
+     Running `configure' might take a while.  While running, it prints
+     some messages telling which features it is checking for.
+  2. Type `make' to compile the package.
+  3. Optionally, type `make check' to run any self-tests that come with
+     the package, generally using the just-built uninstalled binaries.
+  4. Type `make install' to install the programs and any data files and
+     documentation.  When installing into a prefix owned by root, it is
+     recommended that the package be configured and built as a regular
+     user, and only the `make install' phase executed with root
+     privileges.
+  5. Optionally, type `make installcheck' to repeat any self-tests, but
+     this time using the binaries in their final installed location.
+     This target does not install anything.  Running this target as a
+     regular user, particularly if the prior `make install' required
+     root privileges, verifies that the installation completed
+     correctly.
+  6. You can remove the program binaries and object files from the
+     source code directory by typing `make clean'.  To also remove the
+     files that `configure' created (so you can compile the package for
+     a different kind of computer), type `make distclean'.  There is
+     also a `make maintainer-clean' target, but that is intended mainly
+     for the package's developers.  If you use it, you may have to get
+     all sorts of other programs in order to regenerate files that came
+     with the distribution.
+  7. Often, you can also type `make uninstall' to remove the installed
+     files again.  In practice, not all packages have tested that
+     uninstallation works correctly, even though it is required by the
+     GNU Coding Standards.
+  8. Some packages, particularly those that use Automake, provide `make
+     distcheck', which can by used by developers to test that all other
+     targets like `make install' and `make uninstall' work correctly.
+     This target is generally not run by end users.
+Compilers and Options
+   Some systems require unusual options for compilation or linking that
+the `configure' script does not know about.  Run `./configure --help'
+for details on some of the pertinent environment variables.
+   You can give `configure' initial values for configuration parameters
+by setting variables in the command line or in the environment.  Here
+is an example:
+     ./configure CC=c99 CFLAGS=-g LIBS=-lposix
+   *Note Defining Variables::, for more details.
+Compiling For Multiple Architectures
+   You can compile the package for more than one kind of computer at the
+same time, by placing the object files for each architecture in their
+own directory.  To do this, you can use GNU `make'.  `cd' to the
+directory where you want the object files and executables to go and run
+the `configure' script.  `configure' automatically checks for the
+source code in the directory that `configure' is in and in `..'.  This
+is known as a "VPATH" build.
+   With a non-GNU `make', it is safer to compile the package for one
+architecture at a time in the source code directory.  After you have
+installed the package for one architecture, use `make distclean' before
+reconfiguring for another architecture.
+   On MacOS X 10.5 and later systems, you can create libraries and
+executables that work on multiple system types--known as "fat" or
+"universal" binaries--by specifying multiple `-arch' options to the
+compiler but only a single `-arch' option to the preprocessor.  Like
+     ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \
+                 CXX="g++ -arch i386 -arch x86_64 -arch ppc -arch ppc64" \
+                 CPP="gcc -E" CXXCPP="g++ -E"
+   This is not guaranteed to produce working output in all cases, you
+may have to build one architecture at a time and combine the results
+using the `lipo' tool if you have problems.
+Installation Names
+   By default, `make install' installs the package's commands under
+`/usr/local/bin', include files under `/usr/local/include', etc.  You
+can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving
+`configure' the option `--prefix=PREFIX', where PREFIX must be an
+absolute file name.
+   You can specify separate installation prefixes for
+architecture-specific files and architecture-independent files.  If you
+pass the option `--exec-prefix=PREFIX' to `configure', the package uses
+PREFIX as the prefix for installing programs and libraries.
+Documentation and other data files still use the regular prefix.
+   In addition, if you use an unusual directory layout you can give
+options like `--bindir=DIR' to specify different values for particular
+kinds of files.  Run `configure --help' for a list of the directories
+you can set and what kinds of files go in them.  In general, the
+default for these options is expressed in terms of `${prefix}', so that
+specifying just `--prefix' will affect all of the other directory
+specifications that were not explicitly provided.
+   The most portable way to affect installation locations is to pass the
+correct locations to `configure'; however, many packages provide one or
+both of the following shortcuts of passing variable assignments to the
+`make install' command line to change installation locations without
+having to reconfigure or recompile.
+   The first method involves providing an override variable for each
+affected directory.  For example, `make install
+prefix=/alternate/directory' will choose an alternate location for all
+directory configuration variables that were expressed in terms of
+`${prefix}'.  Any directories that were specified during `configure',
+but not in terms of `${prefix}', must each be overridden at install
+time for the entire installation to be relocated.  The approach of
+makefile variable overrides for each directory variable is required by
+the GNU Coding Standards, and ideally causes no recompilation.
+However, some platforms have known limitations with the semantics of
+shared libraries that end up requiring recompilation when using this
+method, particularly noticeable in packages that use GNU Libtool.
+   The second method involves providing the `DESTDIR' variable.  For
+example, `make install DESTDIR=/alternate/directory' will prepend
+`/alternate/directory' before all installation names.  The approach of
+`DESTDIR' overrides is not required by the GNU Coding Standards, and
+does not work on platforms that have drive letters.  On the other hand,
+it does better at avoiding recompilation issues, and works well even
+when some directory options were not specified in terms of `${prefix}'
+at `configure' time.
+Optional Features
+   If the package supports it, you can cause programs to be installed
+with an extra prefix or suffix on their names by giving `configure' the
+option `--program-prefix=PREFIX' or `--program-suffix=SUFFIX'.
+   Some packages pay attention to `--enable-FEATURE' options to
+`configure', where FEATURE indicates an optional part of the package.
+They may also pay attention to `--with-PACKAGE' options, where PACKAGE
+is something like `gnu-as' or `x' (for the X Window System).  The
+`README' should mention any `--enable-' and `--with-' options that the
+package recognizes.
+   For packages that use the X Window System, `configure' can usually
+find the X include and library files automatically, but if it doesn't,
+you can use the `configure' options `--x-includes=DIR' and
+`--x-libraries=DIR' to specify their locations.
+   Some packages offer the ability to configure how verbose the
+execution of `make' will be.  For these packages, running `./configure
+--enable-silent-rules' sets the default to minimal output, which can be
+overridden with `make V=1'; while running `./configure
+--disable-silent-rules' sets the default to verbose, which can be
+overridden with `make V=0'.
+Particular systems
+   On HP-UX, the default C compiler is not ANSI C compatible.  If GNU
+CC is not installed, it is recommended to use the following options in
+order to use an ANSI C compiler:
+     ./configure CC="cc -Ae -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=500"
+and if that doesn't work, install pre-built binaries of GCC for HP-UX.
+   HP-UX `make' updates targets which have the same time stamps as
+their prerequisites, which makes it generally unusable when shipped
+generated files such as `configure' are involved.  Use GNU `make'
+   On OSF/1 a.k.a. Tru64, some versions of the default C compiler cannot
+parse its `<wchar.h>' header file.  The option `-nodtk' can be used as
+a workaround.  If GNU CC is not installed, it is therefore recommended
+to try
+     ./configure CC="cc"
+and if that doesn't work, try
+     ./configure CC="cc -nodtk"
+   On Solaris, don't put `/usr/ucb' early in your `PATH'.  This
+directory contains several dysfunctional programs; working variants of
+these programs are available in `/usr/bin'.  So, if you need `/usr/ucb'
+in your `PATH', put it _after_ `/usr/bin'.
+   On Haiku, software installed for all users goes in `/boot/common',
+not `/usr/local'.  It is recommended to use the following options:
+     ./configure --prefix=/boot/common
+Specifying the System Type
+   There may be some features `configure' cannot figure out
+automatically, but needs to determine by the type of machine the package
+will run on.  Usually, assuming the package is built to be run on the
+_same_ architectures, `configure' can figure that out, but if it prints
+a message saying it cannot guess the machine type, give it the
+`--build=TYPE' option.  TYPE can either be a short name for the system
+type, such as `sun4', or a canonical name which has the form:
+where SYSTEM can have one of these forms:
+     OS
+   See the file `config.sub' for the possible values of each field.  If
+`config.sub' isn't included in this package, then this package doesn't
+need to know the machine type.
+   If you are _building_ compiler tools for cross-compiling, you should
+use the option `--target=TYPE' to select the type of system they will
+produce code for.
+   If you want to _use_ a cross compiler, that generates code for a
+platform different from the build platform, you should specify the
+"host" platform (i.e., that on which the generated programs will
+eventually be run) with `--host=TYPE'.
+Sharing Defaults
+   If you want to set default values for `configure' scripts to share,
+you can create a site shell script called `config.site' that gives
+default values for variables like `CC', `cache_file', and `prefix'.
+`configure' looks for `PREFIX/share/config.site' if it exists, then
+`PREFIX/etc/config.site' if it exists.  Or, you can set the
+`CONFIG_SITE' environment variable to the location of the site script.
+A warning: not all `configure' scripts look for a site script.
+Defining Variables
+   Variables not defined in a site shell script can be set in the
+environment passed to `configure'.  However, some packages may run
+configure again during the build, and the customized values of these
+variables may be lost.  In order to avoid this problem, you should set
+them in the `configure' command line, using `VAR=value'.  For example:
+     ./configure CC=/usr/local2/bin/gcc
+causes the specified `gcc' to be used as the C compiler (unless it is
+overridden in the site shell script).
+Unfortunately, this technique does not work for `CONFIG_SHELL' due to
+an Autoconf limitation.  Until the limitation is lifted, you can use
+this workaround:
+     CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash ./configure CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/bash
+`configure' Invocation
+   `configure' recognizes the following options to control how it
+     Print a summary of all of the options to `configure', and exit.
+     Print a summary of the options unique to this package's
+     `configure', and exit.  The `short' variant lists options used
+     only in the top level, while the `recursive' variant lists options
+     also present in any nested packages.
+     Print the version of Autoconf used to generate the `configure'
+     script, and exit.
+     Enable the cache: use and save the results of the tests in FILE,
+     traditionally `config.cache'.  FILE defaults to `/dev/null' to
+     disable caching.
+     Alias for `--cache-file=config.cache'.
+     Do not print messages saying which checks are being made.  To
+     suppress all normal output, redirect it to `/dev/null' (any error
+     messages will still be shown).
+     Look for the package's source code in directory DIR.  Usually
+     `configure' can determine that directory automatically.
+     Use DIR as the installation prefix.  *note Installation Names::
+     for more details, including other options available for fine-tuning
+     the installation locations.
+     Run the configure checks, but stop before creating any output
+     files.
+`configure' also accepts some other, not widely useful, options.  Run
+`configure --help' for more details.

=== added file 'Makefile.am'
--- Makefile.am	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ Makefile.am	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General 
+# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+SUBDIRS =								\
+	garcon								\
+	docs								\
+	data								\
+	tests								\
+	po
+	rm -rf *.spec *.cache *~
+.PHONY: ChangeLog
+ChangeLog: Makefile
+	(GIT_DIR=$(top_srcdir)/.git git log > .changelog.tmp \
+	&& mv .changelog.tmp ChangeLog; rm -f .changelog.tmp) \
+	|| (touch ChangeLog; echo 'Git directory not found: installing possibly empty changelog.' >&2)
+dist-hook: ChangeLog
+EXTRA_DIST =								\
+	AUTHORS								\
+	COPYING								\
+	ChangeLog							\
+	HACKING								\
+	INSTALL								\
+	NEWS								\
+	README								\
+	THANKS								\
+	TODO								\
+	STATUS								\
+	intltool-extract.in						\
+	intltool-merge.in						\
+	intltool-update.in
+	garcon.spec						\
+	intltool-extract						\
+	intltool-merge							\
+	intltool-update
+	--enable-gtk-doc

=== renamed file 'Makefile.am' => 'Makefile.am.moved'
=== added file 'Makefile.in'
--- Makefile.in	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ Makefile.in	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,898 @@
+# Makefile.in generated by automake 1.13.1 from Makefile.am.
+# @configure_input@
+# Copyright (C) 1994-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This Makefile.in is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+# vi:set ts=8 sw=8 noet ai nocindent syntax=automake:
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Jannis Pohlmann <jannis@xxxxxxxx>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General 
+# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+VPATH = @srcdir@
+am__make_dryrun = \
+  { \
+    am__dry=no; \
+    case $$MAKEFLAGS in \
+      *\\[\ \	]*) \
+        echo 'am--echo: ; @echo "AM"  OK' | $(MAKE) -f - 2>/dev/null \
+          | grep '^AM OK$$' >/dev/null || am__dry=yes;; \
+      *) \
+        for am__flg in $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+          case $$am__flg in \
+            *=*|--*) ;; \
+            *n*) am__dry=yes; break;; \
+          esac; \
+        done;; \
+    esac; \
+    test $$am__dry = yes; \
+  }
+pkgdatadir = $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkgincludedir = $(includedir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibdir = $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@
+pkglibexecdir = $(libexecdir)/@PACKAGE@
+am__cd = CDPATH="$${ZSH_VERSION+.}$(PATH_SEPARATOR)" && cd
+install_sh_DATA = $(install_sh) -c -m 644
+install_sh_PROGRAM = $(install_sh) -c
+install_sh_SCRIPT = $(install_sh) -c
+transform = $(program_transform_name)
+build_triplet = @build@
+host_triplet = @host@
+target_triplet = @target@
+subdir = .
+	$(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \
+	$(top_srcdir)/configure $(am__configure_deps) \
+	$(srcdir)/config.h.in COPYING THANKS TODO compile config.guess \
+	config.sub install-sh missing ltmain.sh
+ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4
+am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac
+am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \
+am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES = config.status config.cache config.log \
+ configure.lineno config.status.lineno
+mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d
+CONFIG_HEADER = config.h
+AM_V_P = $(am__v_P_@AM_V@)
+am__v_P_ = $(am__v_P_@AM_DEFAULT_V@)
+am__v_P_0 = false
+am__v_P_1 = :
+AM_V_GEN = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_V@)
+am__v_GEN_ = $(am__v_GEN_@AM_DEFAULT_V@)
+am__v_GEN_0 = @echo "  GEN     " $@;
+am__v_GEN_1 = 
+AM_V_at = $(am__v_at_@AM_V@)
+am__v_at_ = $(am__v_at_@AM_DEFAULT_V@)
+am__v_at_0 = @
+am__v_at_1 = 
+RECURSIVE_TARGETS = all-recursive check-recursive cscopelist-recursive \
+	ctags-recursive dvi-recursive html-recursive info-recursive \
+	install-data-recursive install-dvi-recursive \
+	install-exec-recursive install-html-recursive \
+	install-info-recursive install-pdf-recursive \
+	install-ps-recursive install-recursive installcheck-recursive \
+	installdirs-recursive pdf-recursive ps-recursive \
+	tags-recursive uninstall-recursive
+am__can_run_installinfo = \
+  case $$AM_UPDATE_INFO_DIR in \
+    n|no|NO) false;; \
+    *) (install-info --version) >/dev/null 2>&1;; \
+  esac
+RECURSIVE_CLEAN_TARGETS = mostlyclean-recursive clean-recursive	\
+  distclean-recursive maintainer-clean-recursive
+am__recursive_targets = \
+  $(am__extra_recursive_targets)
+AM_RECURSIVE_TARGETS = $(am__recursive_targets:-recursive=) TAGS CTAGS \
+	cscope distdir dist dist-all distcheck
+am__tagged_files = $(HEADERS) $(SOURCES) $(TAGS_FILES) \
+	$(LISP)config.h.in
+# Read a list of newline-separated strings from the standard input,
+# and print each of them once, without duplicates.  Input order is
+# *not* preserved.
+am__uniquify_input = $(AWK) '\
+  BEGIN { nonempty = 0; } \
+  { items[$$0] = 1; nonempty = 1; } \
+  END { if (nonempty) { for (i in items) print i; }; } \
+# Make sure the list of sources is unique.  This is necessary because,
+# e.g., the same source file might be shared among _SOURCES variables
+# for different programs/libraries.
+am__define_uniq_tagged_files = \
+  list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \
+  unique=`for i in $$list; do \
+    if test -f "$$i"; then echo $$i; else echo $(srcdir)/$$i; fi; \
+  done | $(am__uniquify_input)`
+ETAGS = etags
+CTAGS = ctags
+CSCOPE = cscope
+distdir = $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)
+top_distdir = $(distdir)
+am__remove_distdir = \
+  if test -d "$(distdir)"; then \
+    find "$(distdir)" -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' \
+      && rm -rf "$(distdir)" \
+      || { sleep 5 && rm -rf "$(distdir)"; }; \
+  else :; fi
+am__post_remove_distdir = $(am__remove_distdir)
+am__relativize = \
+  dir0=`pwd`; \
+  sed_first='s,^\([^/]*\)/.*$$,\1,'; \
+  sed_rest='s,^[^/]*/*,,'; \
+  sed_last='s,^.*/\([^/]*\)$$,\1,'; \
+  sed_butlast='s,/*[^/]*$$,,'; \
+  while test -n "$$dir1"; do \
+    first=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+    if test "$$first" != "."; then \
+      if test "$$first" = ".."; then \
+        dir2=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_last"`/"$$dir2"; \
+        dir0=`echo "$$dir0" | sed -e "$$sed_butlast"`; \
+      else \
+        first2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_first"`; \
+        if test "$$first2" = "$$first"; then \
+          dir2=`echo "$$dir2" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+        else \
+          dir2="../$$dir2"; \
+        fi; \
+        dir0="$$dir0"/"$$first"; \
+      fi; \
+    fi; \
+    dir1=`echo "$$dir1" | sed -e "$$sed_rest"`; \
+  done; \
+  reldir="$$dir2"
+GZIP_ENV = --best
+DIST_ARCHIVES = $(distdir).tar.bz2
+DIST_TARGETS = dist-bzip2
+distuninstallcheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print
+am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles = $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) \
+  | sed 's|^\./|$(prefix)/|' | grep -v '$(infodir)/dir$$'
+distcleancheck_listfiles = find . -type f -print
+AR = @AR@
+AWK = @AWK@
+CC = @CC@
+CPP = @CPP@
+LD = @LD@
+LN_S = @LN_S@
+NM = @NM@
+OTOOL64 = @OTOOL64@
+SED = @SED@
+abs_builddir = @abs_builddir@
+abs_srcdir = @abs_srcdir@
+abs_top_builddir = @abs_top_builddir@
+abs_top_srcdir = @abs_top_srcdir@
+ac_ct_AR = @ac_ct_AR@
+ac_ct_CC = @ac_ct_CC@
+ac_ct_DUMPBIN = @ac_ct_DUMPBIN@
+am__include = @am__include@
+am__leading_dot = @am__leading_dot@
+am__quote = @am__quote@
+am__tar = @am__tar@
+am__untar = @am__untar@
+bindir = @bindir@
+build = @build@
+build_alias = @build_alias@
+build_cpu = @build_cpu@
+build_os = @build_os@
+build_vendor = @build_vendor@
+builddir = @builddir@
+datadir = @datadir@
+datarootdir = @datarootdir@
+docdir = @docdir@
+dvidir = @dvidir@
+exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@
+host = @host@
+host_alias = @host_alias@
+host_cpu = @host_cpu@
+host_os = @host_os@
+host_vendor = @host_vendor@
+htmldir = @htmldir@
+includedir = @includedir@
+infodir = @infodir@
+install_sh = @install_sh@
+intltool__v_merge_options_ = @intltool__v_merge_options_@
+intltool__v_merge_options_0 = @intltool__v_merge_options_0@
+libdir = @libdir@
+libexecdir = @libexecdir@
+localedir = @localedir@
+localstatedir = @localstatedir@
+mandir = @mandir@
+mkdir_p = @mkdir_p@
+oldincludedir = @oldincludedir@
+pdfdir = @pdfdir@
+prefix = @prefix@
+program_transform_name = @program_transform_name@
+psdir = @psdir@
+sbindir = @sbindir@
+sharedstatedir = @sharedstatedir@
+srcdir = @srcdir@
+sysconfdir = @sysconfdir@
+target = @target@
+target_alias = @target_alias@
+target_cpu = @target_cpu@
+target_os = @target_os@
+target_vendor = @target_vendor@
+top_build_prefix = @top_build_prefix@
+top_builddir = @top_builddir@
+top_srcdir = @top_srcdir@
+	garcon								\
+	docs								\
+	data								\
+	tests								\
+	po
+	AUTHORS								\
+	COPYING								\
+	ChangeLog							\
+	HACKING								\
+	INSTALL								\
+	NEWS								\
+	README								\
+	THANKS								\
+	TODO								\
+	STATUS								\
+	intltool-extract.in						\
+	intltool-merge.in						\
+	intltool-update.in
+	garcon.spec						\
+	intltool-extract						\
+	intltool-merge							\
+	intltool-update
+	--enable-gtk-doc
+all: config.h
+	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) all-recursive
+am--refresh: Makefile
+	@:
+$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(srcdir)/Makefile.am  $(am__configure_deps)
+	@for dep in $?; do \
+	  case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \
+	    *$$dep*) \
+	      echo ' cd $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu'; \
+	      $(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu \
+		&& exit 0; \
+	      exit 1;; \
+	  esac; \
+	done; \
+	echo ' cd $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu Makefile'; \
+	$(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && \
+	  $(AUTOMAKE) --gnu Makefile
+.PRECIOUS: Makefile
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(top_builddir)/config.status
+	@case '$?' in \
+	  *config.status*) \
+	    echo ' $(SHELL) ./config.status'; \
+	    $(SHELL) ./config.status;; \
+	  *) \
+	    echo ' cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe)'; \
+	    cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status $@ $(am__depfiles_maybe);; \
+	esac;
+$(top_builddir)/config.status: $(top_srcdir)/configure $(CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES)
+	$(SHELL) ./config.status --recheck
+$(top_srcdir)/configure: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps)
+	$(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(AUTOCONF)
+$(ACLOCAL_M4): @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__aclocal_m4_deps)
+	$(am__cd) $(srcdir) && $(ACLOCAL) $(ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS)
+config.h: stamp-h1
+	@if test ! -f $@; then rm -f stamp-h1; else :; fi
+	@if test ! -f $@; then $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) stamp-h1; else :; fi
+stamp-h1: $(srcdir)/config.h.in $(top_builddir)/config.status
+	@rm -f stamp-h1
+	cd $(top_builddir) && $(SHELL) ./config.status config.h
+$(srcdir)/config.h.in: @MAINTAINER_MODE_TRUE@ $(am__configure_deps) 
+	($(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) && $(AUTOHEADER))
+	rm -f stamp-h1
+	touch $@
+	-rm -f config.h stamp-h1
+	-rm -f *.lo
+	-rm -rf .libs _libs
+	-rm -f libtool config.lt
+# This directory's subdirectories are mostly independent; you can cd
+# into them and run 'make' without going through this Makefile.
+# To change the values of 'make' variables: instead of editing Makefiles,
+# (1) if the variable is set in 'config.status', edit 'config.status'
+#     (which will cause the Makefiles to be regenerated when you run 'make');
+# (2) otherwise, pass the desired values on the 'make' command line.
+	@fail= failcom='exit 1'; \
+	for f in x $$MAKEFLAGS; do \
+	  case $$f in \
+	    *=* | --[!k]*);; \
+	    *k*) failcom='fail=yes';; \
+	  esac; \
+	done; \
+	dot_seen=no; \
+	target=`echo $@ | sed s/-recursive//`; \
+	case "$@" in \
+	  distclean-* | maintainer-clean-*) list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+	  *) list='$(SUBDIRS)' ;; \
+	esac; \
+	for subdir in $$list; do \
+	  echo "Making $$target in $$subdir"; \
+	  if test "$$subdir" = "."; then \
+	    dot_seen=yes; \
+	    local_target="$$target-am"; \
+	  else \
+	    local_target="$$target"; \
+	  fi; \
+	  ($(am__cd) $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $$local_target) \
+	  || eval $$failcom; \
+	done; \
+	if test "$$dot_seen" = "no"; then \
+	  $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) "$$target-am" || exit 1; \
+	fi; test -z "$$fail"
+ID: $(am__tagged_files)
+	$(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); mkid -fID $$unique
+tags: tags-recursive
+TAGS: tags
+tags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files)
+	set x; \
+	here=`pwd`; \
+	if ($(ETAGS) --etags-include --version) >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
+	  include_option=--etags-include; \
+	  empty_fix=.; \
+	else \
+	  include_option=--include; \
+	  empty_fix=; \
+	fi; \
+	list='$(SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+	  if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+	    test ! -f $$subdir/TAGS || \
+	      set "$$@" "$$include_option=$$here/$$subdir/TAGS"; \
+	  fi; \
+	done; \
+	$(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \
+	shift; \
+	if test -z "$(ETAGS_ARGS)$$*$$unique"; then :; else \
+	  test -n "$$unique" || unique=$$empty_fix; \
+	  if test $$# -gt 0; then \
+	      "$$@" $$unique; \
+	  else \
+	      $$unique; \
+	  fi; \
+	fi
+ctags: ctags-recursive
+CTAGS: ctags
+ctags-am: $(TAGS_DEPENDENCIES) $(am__tagged_files)
+	$(am__define_uniq_tagged_files); \
+	test -z "$(CTAGS_ARGS)$$unique" \
+	     $$unique
+	here=`$(am__cd) $(top_builddir) && pwd` \
+	  && $(am__cd) $(top_srcdir) \
+	  && gtags -i $(GTAGS_ARGS) "$$here"
+cscope: cscope.files
+	test ! -s cscope.files \
+	  || $(CSCOPE) -b -q $(AM_CSCOPEFLAGS) $(CSCOPEFLAGS) -i cscope.files $(CSCOPE_ARGS)
+	-rm -f cscope.files
+cscope.files: clean-cscope cscopelist
+cscopelist: cscopelist-recursive
+cscopelist-am: $(am__tagged_files)
+	list='$(am__tagged_files)'; \
+	case "$(srcdir)" in \
+	  [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) sdir="$(srcdir)" ;; \
+	  *) sdir=$(subdir)/$(srcdir) ;; \
+	esac; \
+	for i in $$list; do \
+	  if test -f "$$i"; then \
+	    echo "$(subdir)/$$i"; \
+	  else \
+	    echo "$$sdir/$$i"; \
+	  fi; \
+	done >> $(top_builddir)/cscope.files
+	-rm -f cscope.out cscope.in.out cscope.po.out cscope.files
+distdir: $(DISTFILES)
+	$(am__remove_distdir)
+	test -d "$(distdir)" || mkdir "$(distdir)"
+	@srcdirstrip=`echo "$(srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+	topsrcdirstrip=`echo "$(top_srcdir)" | sed 's/[].[^$$\\*]/\\\\&/g'`; \
+	list='$(DISTFILES)'; \
+	  dist_files=`for file in $$list; do echo $$file; done | \
+	  sed -e "s|^$$srcdirstrip/||;t" \
+	      -e "s|^$$topsrcdirstrip/|$(top_builddir)/|;t"`; \
+	case $$dist_files in \
+	  */*) $(MKDIR_P) `echo "$$dist_files" | \
+			   sed '/\//!d;s|^|$(distdir)/|;s,/[^/]*$$,,' | \
+			   sort -u` ;; \
+	esac; \
+	for file in $$dist_files; do \
+	  if test -f $$file || test -d $$file; then d=.; else d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+	  if test -d $$d/$$file; then \
+	    dir=`echo "/$$file" | sed -e 's,/[^/]*$$,,'`; \
+	    if test -d "$(distdir)/$$file"; then \
+	      find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+	    fi; \
+	    if test -d $(srcdir)/$$file && test $$d != $(srcdir); then \
+	      cp -fpR $(srcdir)/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+	      find "$(distdir)/$$file" -type d ! -perm -700 -exec chmod u+rwx {} \;; \
+	    fi; \
+	    cp -fpR $$d/$$file "$(distdir)$$dir" || exit 1; \
+	  else \
+	    test -f "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+	    || cp -p $$d/$$file "$(distdir)/$$file" \
+	    || exit 1; \
+	  fi; \
+	done
+	@list='$(DIST_SUBDIRS)'; for subdir in $$list; do \
+	  if test "$$subdir" = .; then :; else \
+	    $(am__make_dryrun) \
+	      || test -d "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+	      || $(MKDIR_P) "$(distdir)/$$subdir" \
+	      || exit 1; \
+	    dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(distdir)/$$subdir"; \
+	    $(am__relativize); \
+	    new_distdir=$$reldir; \
+	    dir1=$$subdir; dir2="$(top_distdir)"; \
+	    $(am__relativize); \
+	    new_top_distdir=$$reldir; \
+	    echo " (cd $$subdir && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" distdir="$$new_distdir" \\"; \
+	    echo "     am__remove_distdir=: am__skip_length_check=: am__skip_mode_fix=: distdir)"; \
+	    ($(am__cd) $$subdir && \
+	      $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \
+	        top_distdir="$$new_top_distdir" \
+	        distdir="$$new_distdir" \
+		am__remove_distdir=: \
+		am__skip_length_check=: \
+		am__skip_mode_fix=: \
+	        distdir) \
+	      || exit 1; \
+	  fi; \
+	done
+	  top_distdir="$(top_distdir)" distdir="$(distdir)" \
+	  dist-hook
+	-test -n "$(am__skip_mode_fix)" \
+	|| find "$(distdir)" -type d ! -perm -755 \
+		-exec chmod u+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \
+	  ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
+	  ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
+	  ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec $(install_sh) -c -m a+r {} {} \; \
+	|| chmod -R a+r "$(distdir)"
+dist-gzip: distdir
+	tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).tar.gz
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist-bzip2: distdir
+	tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | BZIP2=$${BZIP2--9} bzip2 -c >$(distdir).tar.bz2
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist-lzip: distdir
+	tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | lzip -c $${LZIP_OPT--9} >$(distdir).tar.lz
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist-xz: distdir
+	tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | XZ_OPT=$${XZ_OPT--e} xz -c >$(distdir).tar.xz
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist-tarZ: distdir
+	tardir=$(distdir) && $(am__tar) | compress -c >$(distdir).tar.Z
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist-shar: distdir
+	shar $(distdir) | GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -c >$(distdir).shar.gz
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist-zip: distdir
+	-rm -f $(distdir).zip
+	zip -rq $(distdir).zip $(distdir)
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+dist dist-all:
+	$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) $(DIST_TARGETS) am__post_remove_distdir='@:'
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+# This target untars the dist file and tries a VPATH configuration.  Then
+# it guarantees that the distribution is self-contained by making another
+# tarfile.
+distcheck: dist
+	case '$(DIST_ARCHIVES)' in \
+	*.tar.gz*) \
+	  GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -dc $(distdir).tar.gz | $(am__untar) ;;\
+	*.tar.bz2*) \
+	  bzip2 -dc $(distdir).tar.bz2 | $(am__untar) ;;\
+	*.tar.lz*) \
+	  lzip -dc $(distdir).tar.lz | $(am__untar) ;;\
+	*.tar.xz*) \
+	  xz -dc $(distdir).tar.xz | $(am__untar) ;;\
+	*.tar.Z*) \
+	  uncompress -c $(distdir).tar.Z | $(am__untar) ;;\
+	*.shar.gz*) \
+	  GZIP=$(GZIP_ENV) gzip -dc $(distdir).shar.gz | unshar ;;\
+	*.zip*) \
+	  unzip $(distdir).zip ;;\
+	esac
+	chmod -R a-w $(distdir)
+	chmod u+w $(distdir)
+	mkdir $(distdir)/_build $(distdir)/_inst
+	chmod a-w $(distdir)
+	test -d $(distdir)/_build || exit 0; \
+	dc_install_base=`$(am__cd) $(distdir)/_inst && pwd | sed -e 's,^[^:\\/]:[\\/],/,'` \
+	  && dc_destdir="$${TMPDIR-/tmp}/am-dc-$$$$/" \
+	  && am__cwd=`pwd` \
+	  && $(am__cd) $(distdir)/_build \
+	  && ../configure --srcdir=.. --prefix="$$dc_install_base" \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dvi \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) installcheck \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) uninstall \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_install_base" \
+	        distuninstallcheck \
+	  && chmod -R a-w "$$dc_install_base" \
+	  && ({ \
+	       (cd ../.. && umask 077 && mkdir "$$dc_destdir") \
+	       && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" install \
+	       && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" uninstall \
+	       && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) DESTDIR="$$dc_destdir" \
+	            distuninstallcheck_dir="$$dc_destdir" distuninstallcheck; \
+	      } || { rm -rf "$$dc_destdir"; exit 1; }) \
+	  && rm -rf "$$dc_destdir" \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) dist \
+	  && rm -rf $(DIST_ARCHIVES) \
+	  && $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) distcleancheck \
+	  && cd "$$am__cwd" \
+	  || exit 1
+	$(am__post_remove_distdir)
+	@(echo "$(distdir) archives ready for distribution: "; \
+	  list='$(DIST_ARCHIVES)'; for i in $$list; do echo $$i; done) | \
+	  sed -e 1h -e 1s/./=/g -e 1p -e 1x -e '$$p' -e '$$x'
+	@test -n '$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' || { \
+	  echo 'ERROR: trying to run $@ with an empty' \
+	       '$$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' >&2; \
+	  exit 1; \
+	}; \
+	$(am__cd) '$(distuninstallcheck_dir)' || { \
+	  echo 'ERROR: cannot chdir into $(distuninstallcheck_dir)' >&2; \
+	  exit 1; \
+	}; \
+	test `$(am__distuninstallcheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \
+	   || { echo "ERROR: files left after uninstall:" ; \
+	        if test -n "$(DESTDIR)"; then \
+	          echo "  (check DESTDIR support)"; \
+	        fi ; \
+	        $(distuninstallcheck_listfiles) ; \
+	        exit 1; } >&2
+distcleancheck: distclean
+	@if test '$(srcdir)' = . ; then \
+	  echo "ERROR: distcleancheck can only run from a VPATH build" ; \
+	  exit 1 ; \
+	fi
+	@test `$(distcleancheck_listfiles) | wc -l` -eq 0 \
+	  || { echo "ERROR: files left in build directory after distclean:" ; \
+	       $(distcleancheck_listfiles) ; \
+	       exit 1; } >&2
+check-am: all-am
+check: check-recursive
+all-am: Makefile config.h
+installdirs: installdirs-recursive
+install: install-recursive
+install-exec: install-exec-recursive
+install-data: install-data-recursive
+uninstall: uninstall-recursive
+install-am: all-am
+	@$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) install-exec-am install-data-am
+installcheck: installcheck-recursive
+	if test -z '$(STRIP)'; then \
+	      install; \
+	else \
+	fi
+	-test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES)
+	-test . = "$(srcdir)" || test -z "$(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)" || rm -f $(CONFIG_CLEAN_VPATH_FILES)
+	-test -z "$(DISTCLEANFILES)" || rm -f $(DISTCLEANFILES)
+	@echo "This command is intended for maintainers to use"
+	@echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild."
+clean: clean-recursive
+clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am
+distclean: distclean-recursive
+	-rm -f Makefile
+distclean-am: clean-am distclean-generic distclean-hdr \
+	distclean-libtool distclean-local distclean-tags
+dvi: dvi-recursive
+html: html-recursive
+info: info-recursive
+install-dvi: install-dvi-recursive
+install-html: install-html-recursive
+install-info: install-info-recursive
+install-pdf: install-pdf-recursive
+install-ps: install-ps-recursive
+maintainer-clean: maintainer-clean-recursive
+	-rm -rf $(top_srcdir)/autom4te.cache
+	-rm -f Makefile
+maintainer-clean-am: distclean-am maintainer-clean-generic
+mostlyclean: mostlyclean-recursive
+mostlyclean-am: mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool
+pdf: pdf-recursive
+ps: ps-recursive
+.MAKE: $(am__recursive_targets) all install-am install-strip
+.PHONY: $(am__recursive_targets) CTAGS GTAGS TAGS all all-am \
+	am--refresh check check-am clean clean-cscope clean-generic \
+	clean-libtool cscope cscopelist-am ctags ctags-am dist \
+	dist-all dist-bzip2 dist-gzip dist-hook dist-lzip dist-shar \
+	dist-tarZ dist-xz dist-zip distcheck distclean \
+	distclean-generic distclean-hdr distclean-libtool \
+	distclean-local distclean-tags distcleancheck distdir \
+	distuninstallcheck dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am \
+	install install-am install-data install-data-am install-dvi \
+	install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \
+	install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \
+	install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \
+	install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \
+	installdirs-am maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \
+	mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am \
+	ps ps-am tags tags-am uninstall uninstall-am
+	rm -rf *.spec *.cache *~
+.PHONY: ChangeLog
+ChangeLog: Makefile
+	(GIT_DIR=$(top_srcdir)/.git git log > .changelog.tmp \
+	&& mv .changelog.tmp ChangeLog; rm -f .changelog.tmp) \
+	|| (touch ChangeLog; echo 'Git directory not found: installing possibly empty changelog.' >&2)
+dist-hook: ChangeLog
+# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
+# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.

=== added file 'NEWS'
--- NEWS	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ NEWS	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+- g_thread_init is deprecated since glib 2.32.
+- Remove unmaintained translations.
+- Fix deprecating warnings in tests.
+- Use new mutex locking api if available.
+- Autotools updates.
+- Translation updates: Arabic, Bulgarian, Spanish (Castilian),
+  Icelandic, Korean, Kurdish, Malay, Dutch (Flemish), Russian,
+  Slovenian, Serbian, Uyghur.
+- Updates for xfce4-run.desktop.
+- Remove xfhelp4.desktop from the menu.
+- Add debugging for file monitoring and reloading.
+- Reduce signal emission on delete events (bug #8671).
+- Translation updates: English (United Kingdom), Croatian, Hungarian,
+  Japanese, Korean, Dutch (Flemish), Romanian, Chinese (China).
+- Add missing or fix incorrect licenses.
+- Fix segfault if null is set.
+- Translation updates: Greek, Galician, Japanese, Korean, Dutch
+  (Flemish), Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian).
+- Use applications-science icon for education directory.
+- Translations updates (cs, da, eo, es, eu, fi, he, ko, pl, ro,
+  te, zh_CN).
+- Add hardware and personal directories.
+- Support Link desktop types.
+- Translation updates: ar, bg, ca, cs, de, fr, gl, he, hu, id, is,
+  it, ja, kk, ko, lt, nl, nn, pl, pt, ru, sk, sq, sv, te, tr, uk,
+  zh_CN, zh_TW.
+- Rename Network category to Internet (bug #3459).
+- Queue multiple reload-required signals.
+- A number of small memory leaks have been fixed.
+- Speedup a number of critical code-paths.
+- Use GSList instead of GList where possible.
+- Use XfceRc instead of GKeyFile, this makes garcon depend on
+  libxfce4util, but is faster and more memory efficient.
+- Return an error string instead of freeing it, causing a sefgault in
+  xfce4-panel.
+- Do not decrement the internal refcount of items, this should fixed
+  the usage of <OnlyUnallocated/>.
+- Translations updates: Chinese (Taiwan), rabic, Romanian, Basque,
+  Russian, Spanish (Castilian), Slovak, Portuguese (Brazilian),
+  Turkish, Telugu, Kazakh, Ukrainian, Japanese, German, Portuguese,
+  German, Chinese, Dutch, Italian.
+- Remove the science toplevel category (bug #1038).
+- Fix merging parent menu file (bug #7169).
+- Handle local desktop file loading directly.
+- Don't unref NULL file in GarconMenuDirectory.
+- Translation updates: Telugu, Portuguese (Brazilian), Lithuanian,
+  Dutch (Flemish), Chinese (China), German (de).
+- Respect XDG priorities when returning the menu file (Bug #7470).
+- Translation updates: Slovak.
+- Add <DefaultMergeDirs/> to xfce-applications.menu.
+- Also try the garcon install sysconfigdir for config lookups.
+- Use Xdt macros for debugging and linker optimizations.
+- Default menu prefix to "xfce-".
+- Fix search order of xdg data directories (bug #7187).
+- Fix ordering of menu items for non-english locales (bug #7414).
+- Monitor non-existing data and config directories (bug #7423).
+- Translation updates: Basque, Spanish (Castilian).
+- Add exclude rules for toplevel desktop files to sub menus so that
+  these toplevel items don't appear multiple times.
+- Translation updates: Arabic, Catalan (Valencian), Chinese, Chinese
+  (Taiwan), Croatian, Czech, Danish, English (United Kingdom), Finnish,
+  French, Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Indonesian,
+  Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Norwegian Bokmaal, Portuguese (Brazilian),
+  Romanian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian.
+- Add support for XDG_MENU_PREFIX; use applications.menu as a fallback
+  (bug #5980).
+- Explicitly link against gobject, add other missing libs (bug #6405).
+- Add workaround to fix empty <DefaultLayout> elements (bug #6882).
+- Derive the directory name of <DefaultMergeDirs> from the name of the
+  .menu file (e.g. preferences.menu becomes preferences-merged) (bug
+  #6491).
+- Translation updates (pt_BR, zh_CN, eu, lt)
+- Merge consecutive file change events using an idle handler.
+- Fix empty charset in Polish translation file (bug #6783).
+- Translation updates (pt, ja, id).
+- Fix license headers (bug #6226).
+- Implement file system monitoring, adding the signals
+  GarconMenu::reload-required, GarconMenu::directory-changed and
+  GarconMenuItem::changed for applications to react on file system
+  changes.
+- Improve the code quality of garcon_config_lookup().
+- Lookup relative filenames with garcon_config_build_paths().
+- Rework menu loading a bit.
+- Reload the Categories/OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn fields when reloading
+  a GarconMenuItem.
+- Add new methods (this list may be incomplete):
+  - garcon_menu_element_equal()
+  - garcon_menu_item_pool_clear()
+  - garcon_menu_item_pool_lookup_file().
+- Add Xfce menu data files from xfdesktop (bug #6272).
+- Remove deprecated encoding key from desktop files.
+- Fix a memory leak in merge file nodes with a filename.
+- Translation updates (bm, ca, da, de, el, es, eu, fi, fr, gl, hu, hr,
+  id, it, kk, nl, pj, pl, pt, pt_BR, ru, sv, tr, ug, uk, zh_TW).
+- Don't check for GTK+ in configure.in.in. We don't depend on it.
+- Make tests noinst_PROGRAMS as they are not suited for automatic testing.
+- Fix some compiler warnings in the tests.
+- Drop pot file and switch to xdt 4.7.2.
+- Rename icon to icon_name in GarconMenuDirectory.
+- Use g_value_dub_object where possible.
+- Plug various memory leaks.
+- Silent build.
+- Build ChangeLog in make dist.
+- API documentation improvements.
+- Translation updates (fr, ja, gl, zh_CN, cs, sv, pt_PT, pt, el, hu).
+- This is a complete rewrite of the former Xfce menu library called
+  libxfce4menu. It covers almost every part of the menu specification
+  except for legacy menus and a few XML attributes. In contrast to
+  libxfce4menu, it can also load menus modified with menu editors such
+  as Alacarte as menu merging is now supported. The only crucial
+  feature still missing is monitoring menus and menu items for changes.
+  This is something that will be worked on for the next release.

=== renamed file 'NEWS' => 'NEWS.moved'
=== added file 'README'
--- README	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ README	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+What is it?
+This is garcon, a freedesktop.org compliant menu implementation based
+on GLib and GIO. It was started as a complete rewrite of the former 
+Xfce menu library called libxfce4menu, which, in contrast to garcon, 
+was lacking menu merging features essential for loading menus modified 
+with menu editors.
+Current state
+Garcon covers almost every part of the menu specification except for
+legacy menus and a few XML attributes. In contrast to 
+libxfce4menu, it can also load menus modified with menu editors such
+as Alacarte as menu merging is now supported. The only crucial 
+feature still missing is monitoring menus and menu items for changes.
+This is something that will be worked on for the next release.
+The garcon API will most likely not be frozen until its 1.0.0 release!
+The file 'INSTALL' contains generic installation instructions.
+Debugging Support
+garcon currently supports three different levels of debugging support, 
+which can be setup using the configure flag `--enable-debug' (check the output 
+of `configure --help'):
+  `yes'         This is the default for SVN snapshot builds. It adds all kinds
+                of checks to the code, and is therefore likely to run slower.
+                Use this for development of garcon and locating bugs in 
+                garcon.
+  `minimum'     This is the default for release builds. This is the recommended
+                behaviour.
+  `no'          Disables all sanity checks. Don't use this unless you know
+                exactly what you do.
+How to report bugs?
+Bugs should be reported to the Xfce bug tracking system 
+(http://bugzilla.xfce.org, product Garcon). You will need to create an 
+account for yourself.
+Please read the HACKING file for information on where to send changes or 
+bugfixes for this package.

=== renamed file 'README' => 'README.moved'
=== added file 'STATUS'
--- STATUS	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ STATUS	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+XDG menu specificatiom implementation status
+   I. Supported menu file elements
+  II. Test suite results
+ III. Filesystem monitoring
+  IV. UI interaction
+I. Supported menu file elements
+  [x] <Menu>                    
+  [x] <AppDir>                 
+  [x] <DefaultAppDirs>
+  [x] <DirectoryDir>
+  [x] <DefaultDirectoryDirs>
+  [x] <Name>
+  [x] <Directory>
+  [x] <OnlyUnallocated> and <NotOnlyUnallocated>
+        Supported by using a two-pass resolving mechanism as stated
+        in the spec ("Generating the menus").
+  [x] <Deleted> and <NotDeleted>
+  [x] <Include> 
+        Recursion scheme (only recurse on and/or/not elements):
+           and|or|not
+             and|or|not
+               and|or|not
+                 ...
+             category|filename
+           category|filename
+  [x] <Exclude>
+  [x] <Filename>
+  [x] <Category>
+  [x] <All>
+  [x] <And>
+  [x] <Or>
+  [x] <Not>
+  [x] <MergeFile>
+  [x] <MergeDir>
+  [x] <DefaultMergeDirs>
+  [ ] <LegacyDir>
+  [ ] <DefaultLegacyDirs>
+        See <LegacyDir>
+  [ ] <KDELegacyDirs>
+  [x] <Move>
+  [x] <Old>
+  [x] <New>
+  [x] <Layout>
+  [-] <DefaultLayout>
+        <DefaultLayout> elements are parsed and work fine but their
+        optional XML attributes (show_empty, inline etc.) are currently
+        being ignored.
+  [-] <Menuname>
+        See <DefaultLayout>.
+  [x] <Separator>
+  [x] <Merge>
+II. Test suite results
+  The script tests/test-menu-spec makes it possible to test our 
+  implementation with the freedesktop.org menu specification test suite:
+    http://webcvs.freedesktop.org/menus/menu-spec/tests/
+  Passed tests:
+    * All
+    * And
+    * AppDir-relative
+    * Category
+    * DefaultMergeDirs
+    * Deleted
+    * DesktopFileID
+    * Directory
+    * DirectoryDir-relative
+    * Exclude
+    * Filename
+    * Merge-combined
+    * MergeDir-absolute
+    * MergeDir-relative
+    * MergeFile2
+    * MergeFile3
+    * MergeFile-absolute
+    * MergeFile-parent
+    * MergeFile-path
+    * MergeFile-recursive
+    * MergeFile-relative
+    * Move
+    * Move-collapsing
+    * Move-ordering
+    * Move-submenu
+    * NoDisplay
+    * NoDisplay2
+    * NotOnlyUnallocated-default
+    * OnlyUnallocated
+    * Or
+    * boolean-logic
+    * desktop-name-collision
+    * menu-multiple-matching
+    * official-categories
+    * submenu-collision
+  Failed tests:
+    * AppDir (test suite bug, missing result file)
+    * DirectoryDir (test suite bug, missing result file)
+    * LegacyDir-Move
+    * LegacyDir-relative
+III. Filesystem monitoring
+  Filesystem monitoring is currently not supported but will be part of
+  future releases. Fine-grained change notifications via per-menu and
+  per-item signals are planned.

=== renamed file 'STATUS' => 'STATUS.moved'
=== added file 'THANKS'
=== renamed file 'THANKS' => 'THANKS.moved'
=== added file 'TODO'
--- TODO	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ TODO	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  * Add garcon.spec.in for building RPMs
+  * Integrate with menu spec test suite

=== renamed file 'TODO' => 'TODO.moved'
=== added file 'aclocal.m4'
--- aclocal.m4	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ aclocal.m4	2013-08-19 00:01:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11301 @@
+# generated automatically by aclocal 1.13.1 -*- Autoconf -*-
+# Copyright (C) 1996-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+# gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it,
+# with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without
+# even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [m4_defun([_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [])m4_defun([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], [_AM_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS($@)])])
+m4_if(m4_defn([AC_AUTOCONF_VERSION]), [2.69],,
+[m4_warning([this file was generated for autoconf 2.69.
+You have another version of autoconf.  It may work, but is not guaranteed to.
+If you have problems, you may need to regenerate the build system entirely.
+To do so, use the procedure documented by the package, typically 'autoreconf'.])])
+# Copyright (C) 1995-2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2003,2004 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This file is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
+# General Public License.  As a special exception to the GNU General
+# Public License, this file may be distributed as part of a program
+# that contains a configuration script generated by Autoconf, under
+# the same distribution terms as the rest of that program.
+# This file can be copied and used freely without restrictions.  It can
+# be used in projects which are not available under the GNU Public License
+# but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext functionality.
+# Macro to add for using GNU gettext.
+# Ulrich Drepper <drepper@xxxxxxxxxx>, 1995, 1996
+# Modified to never use included libintl. 
+# Owen Taylor <otaylor@xxxxxxxxxx>, 12/15/1998
+# Major rework to remove unused code
+# Owen Taylor <otaylor@xxxxxxxxxx>, 12/11/2002
+# Added better handling of ALL_LINGUAS from GNU gettext version 
+# written by Bruno Haible, Owen Taylor <otaylor.redhat.com> 5/30/3002
+# Modified to require ngettext
+# Matthias Clasen <mclasen@xxxxxxxxxx> 08/06/2004
+# We need this here as well, since someone might use autoconf-2.5x
+# to configure GLib then an older version to configure a package
+dnl We go to great lengths to make sure that aclocal won't 
+dnl try to pull in the installed version of these macros
+dnl when running aclocal in the glib directory.
+dnl At the end, if we're not within glib, we'll define the public
+dnl definitions in terms of our private definitions.
+  [AC_CHECK_HEADERS([locale.h])
+    if test $ac_cv_header_locale_h = yes; then
+      [AC_TRY_LINK([#include <locale.h>], [return LC_MESSAGES],
+       am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=yes, am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES=no)])
+    if test $am_cv_val_LC_MESSAGES = yes; then
+        [Define if your <locale.h> file defines LC_MESSAGES.])
+    fi
+  fi])
+[# Extract the first word of "$2", so it can be a program name with args.
+set dummy $2; ac_word=[$]2
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $ac_word])
+[case "[$]$1" in
+  /*)
+  ac_cv_path_$1="[$]$1" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+  ;;
+  *)
+  IFS="${IFS= 	}"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}:"
+  for ac_dir in ifelse([$5], , $PATH, [$5]); do
+    test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
+    if test -f $ac_dir/$ac_word; then
+      if [$3]; then
+	ac_cv_path_$1="$ac_dir/$ac_word"
+	break
+      fi
+    fi
+  done
+  IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
+dnl If no 4th arg is given, leave the cache variable unset,
+dnl so AC_PATH_PROGS will keep looking.
+ifelse([$4], , , [  test -z "[$]ac_cv_path_$1" && ac_cv_path_$1="$4"
+  ;;
+if test ifelse([$4], , [-n "[$]$1"], ["[$]$1" != "$4"]); then
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1)
+  dnl NLS is obligatory
+  [USE_NLS=yes
+    gt_cv_have_gettext=no
+    AC_CHECK_HEADER(libintl.h,
+     [gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl="no"
+      libintl_extra_libs=""
+      #
+      # First check in libc
+      #
+      AC_CACHE_CHECK([for ngettext in libc], gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc,
+        [AC_TRY_LINK([
+#include <libintl.h>
+         [return !ngettext ("","", 1)],
+	  gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc=yes,
+          gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc=no)
+        ])
+      if test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes" ; then
+	      AC_CACHE_CHECK([for dgettext in libc], gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc,
+        	[AC_TRY_LINK([
+#include <libintl.h>
+	          [return !dgettext ("","")],
+		  gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=yes,
+	          gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=no)
+        	])
+      fi
+      if test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes" ; then
+        AC_CHECK_FUNCS(bind_textdomain_codeset)
+      fi
+      #
+      # If we don't have everything we want, check in libintl
+      #
+      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" != "yes" \
+	 || test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" != "yes" \
+         || test "$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" != "yes" ; then
+        AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, bindtextdomain,
+	    [AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, ngettext,
+		    [AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, dgettext,
+			          gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=yes)])])
+	if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" != "yes" ; then
+	  AC_MSG_CHECKING([if -liconv is needed to use gettext])
+  	  AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, ngettext,
+          	[AC_CHECK_LIB(intl, dcgettext,
+		       [gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=yes
+			libintl_extra_libs=-liconv],
+			:,-liconv)],
+		:,-liconv)
+        fi
+        #
+        # If we found libintl, then check in it for bind_textdomain_codeset();
+        # we'll prefer libc if neither have bind_textdomain_codeset(),
+        # and both have dgettext and ngettext
+        #
+        if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes" ; then
+          glib_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+          LIBS="$LIBS -lintl $libintl_extra_libs"
+          unset ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset
+          AC_CHECK_FUNCS(bind_textdomain_codeset)
+          LIBS="$glib_save_LIBS"
+          if test "$ac_cv_func_bind_textdomain_codeset" = "yes" ; then
+            gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc=no
+          else
+            if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" = "yes" \
+		&& test "$gt_cv_func_ngettext_libc" = "yes"; then
+              gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl=no
+            fi
+          fi
+        fi
+      fi
+      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libc" = "yes" \
+	|| test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes"; then
+        gt_cv_have_gettext=yes
+      fi
+      if test "$gt_cv_func_dgettext_libintl" = "yes"; then
+        INTLLIBS="-lintl $libintl_extra_libs"
+      fi
+      if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes"; then
+	  [Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled.])
+	  [test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep 'dv '`"], no)dnl
+	if test "$MSGFMT" != "no"; then
+          glib_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+          LIBS="$LIBS $INTLLIBS"
+	  AC_CHECK_FUNCS(dcgettext)
+	  AC_MSG_CHECKING([if msgfmt accepts -c])
+	  GLIB_RUN_PROG([$MSGFMT -c -o /dev/null],[
+msgid ""
+msgstr ""
+"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: test 1.0\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-02-15 12:01+0100\n"
+"Last-Translator: test <foo@xxxxxx>\n"
+"Language-Team: C <LL@xxxxxx>\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
+"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+], [MSGFMT_OPTS=-c; AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])], [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])])
+	    [test -z "`$ac_dir/$ac_word -h 2>&1 | grep '(HELP)'`"], :)
+	  AC_TRY_LINK(, [extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
+			 return _nl_msg_cat_cntr],
+	    [CATOBJEXT=.gmo 
+             DATADIRNAME=share],
+	    [case $host in
+	    *-*-solaris*)
+	    dnl On Solaris, if bind_textdomain_codeset is in libc,
+	    dnl GNU format message catalog is always supported,
+            dnl since both are added to the libc all together.
+	    dnl Hence, we'd like to go with DATADIRNAME=share and
+	    dnl and CATOBJEXT=.gmo in this case.
+            AC_CHECK_FUNC(bind_textdomain_codeset,
+	      [CATOBJEXT=.gmo 
+               DATADIRNAME=share],
+	      [CATOBJEXT=.mo
+               DATADIRNAME=lib])
+	    ;;
+	    *-*-openbsd*)
+	    CATOBJEXT=.mo
+            DATADIRNAME=share
+	    ;;
+	    *)
+	    CATOBJEXT=.mo
+            DATADIRNAME=lib
+	    ;;
+	    esac])
+          LIBS="$glib_save_LIBS"
+	else
+	  gt_cv_have_gettext=no
+	fi
+      fi
+    ])
+    if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes" ; then
+        [always defined to indicate that i18n is enabled])
+    fi
+    dnl Test whether we really found GNU xgettext.
+    if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then
+      dnl If it is not GNU xgettext we define it as : so that the
+      dnl Makefiles still can work.
+      if $XGETTEXT --omit-header /dev/null 2> /dev/null; then
+        : ;
+      else
+        AC_MSG_RESULT(
+	  [found xgettext program is not GNU xgettext; ignore it])
+        XGETTEXT=":"
+      fi
+    fi
+    # We need to process the po/ directory.
+    POSUB=po
+      [case "$CONFIG_FILES" in *po/Makefile.in*)
+        sed -e "/POTFILES =/r po/POTFILES" po/Makefile.in > po/Makefile
+      esac])
+    dnl These rules are solely for the distribution goal.  While doing this
+    dnl we only have to keep exactly one list of the available catalogs
+    dnl in configure.ac.
+    for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do
+      GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $lang.gmo"
+      POFILES="$POFILES $lang.po"
+    done
+    dnl Make all variables we use known to autoconf.
+  ])
+# -------------------
+# Do checks necessary for use of gettext. If a suitable implementation 
+# of gettext is found in either in libintl or in the C library,
+# it will set INTLLIBS to the libraries needed for use of gettext
+# and AC_DEFINE() HAVE_GETTEXT and ENABLE_NLS. (The shell variable
+# gt_cv_have_gettext will be set to "yes".) It will also call AC_SUBST()
+# on various variables needed by the Makefile.in.in installed by 
+# glib-gettextize.
+   if test "$gt_cv_have_gettext" = "yes"; then
+     if test "x$ALL_LINGUAS" = "x"; then
+       LINGUAS=
+     else
+       AC_MSG_CHECKING(for catalogs to be installed)
+       NEW_LINGUAS=
+       for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do
+         useit=no
+         if test "%UNSET%" != "${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}"; then
+           desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS"
+         else
+           desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS"
+         fi
+         for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do
+ 	   # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is
+           #   a. equal to presentlang, or
+           #   b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case,
+           #      presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages
+           #      which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog).
+           case "$desiredlang" in
+             "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;;
+           esac
+         done
+         if test $useit = yes; then
+           NEW_LINGUAS="$NEW_LINGUAS $presentlang"
+         fi
+       done
+     fi
+     dnl Construct list of names of catalog files to be constructed.
+     if test -n "$LINGUAS"; then
+       for lang in $LINGUAS; do CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang$CATOBJEXT"; done
+     fi
+   fi
+   dnl If the AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR macro for autoconf is used we possibly
+   dnl find the mkinstalldirs script in another subdir but ($top_srcdir).
+   dnl Try to locate is.
+   if test -n "$ac_aux_dir"; then
+     MKINSTALLDIRS="$ac_aux_dir/mkinstalldirs"
+   fi
+   if test -z "$MKINSTALLDIRS"; then
+     MKINSTALLDIRS="\$(top_srcdir)/mkinstalldirs"
+   fi
+   dnl Generate list of files to be processed by xgettext which will
+   dnl be included in po/Makefile.
+   test -d po || mkdir po
+   if test "x$srcdir" != "x."; then
+     if test "x`echo $srcdir | sed 's@/.*@@'`" = "x"; then
+       posrcprefix="$srcdir/"
+     else
+       posrcprefix="../$srcdir/"
+     fi
+   else
+     posrcprefix="../"
+   fi
+   rm -f po/POTFILES
+   sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^\$/d" -e "s,.*,	$posrcprefix& \\\\," -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" \
+	< $srcdir/po/POTFILES.in > po/POTFILES
+  ])
+# -------------------------------
+# Define VARIABLE to the location where catalog files will
+# be installed by po/Makefile.
+test "x$prefix" = xNONE && prefix=$ac_default_prefix
+test "x$exec_prefix" = xNONE && exec_prefix=$prefix
+datarootdir=`eval echo "${datarootdir}"`
+if test "x$CATOBJEXT" = "x.mo" ; then
+  localedir=`eval echo "${libdir}/locale"`
+  localedir=`eval echo "${datadir}/locale"`
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED($1, "$localedir",
+  [Define the location where the catalogs will be installed])
+dnl Now the definitions that aclocal will find
+# Create a temporary file with TEST-FILE as its contents and pass the
+# file name to PROGRAM.  Perform ACTION-IF-PASS if PROGRAM exits with
+# 0 and perform ACTION-IF-FAIL for any other exit status.
+[cat >conftest.foo <<_ACEOF
+if AC_RUN_LOG([$1 conftest.foo]); then
+  m4_ifval([$3], [$3], [:])
+m4_ifvaln([$4], [else $4])dnl
+echo "$as_me: failed input was:" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+sed 's/^/| /' conftest.foo >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+dnl -*- mode: autoconf -*-
+# serial 1
+dnl Usage:
+dnl   GTK_DOC_CHECK([minimum-gtk-doc-version])
+  AC_BEFORE([AC_PROG_LIBTOOL],[$0])dnl setup libtool first
+  AC_BEFORE([AM_PROG_LIBTOOL],[$0])dnl setup libtool first
+  dnl check for tools we added during development
+  AC_PATH_PROG([GTKDOC_CHECK],[gtkdoc-check])
+  AC_PATH_PROGS([GTKDOC_REBASE],[gtkdoc-rebase],[true])
+  AC_PATH_PROG([GTKDOC_MKPDF],[gtkdoc-mkpdf])
+  dnl for overriding the documentation installation directory
+  AC_ARG_WITH([html-dir],
+    AS_HELP_STRING([--with-html-dir=PATH], [path to installed docs]),,
+    [with_html_dir='${datadir}/gtk-doc/html'])
+  HTML_DIR="$with_html_dir"
+  dnl enable/disable documentation building
+  AC_ARG_ENABLE([gtk-doc],
+    AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk-doc],
+                   [use gtk-doc to build documentation [[default=no]]]),,
+    [enable_gtk_doc=no])
+  if test x$enable_gtk_doc = xyes; then
+    ifelse([$1],[],
+      [PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gtk-doc],,
+                        AC_MSG_ERROR([gtk-doc not installed and --enable-gtk-doc requested]))],
+      [PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([gtk-doc >= $1],,
+                        AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to have gtk-doc >= $1 installed to build $PACKAGE_NAME]))])
+    dnl don't check for glib if we build glib
+    if test "x$PACKAGE_NAME" != "xglib"; then
+      dnl don't fail if someone does not have glib
+      PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTKDOC_DEPS, glib-2.0 >= 2.10.0 gobject-2.0  >= 2.10.0,,)
+    fi
+  fi
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build gtk-doc documentation])
+  AC_MSG_RESULT($enable_gtk_doc)
+  dnl enable/disable output formats
+  AC_ARG_ENABLE([gtk-doc-html],
+    AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk-doc-html],
+                   [build documentation in html format [[default=yes]]]),,
+    [enable_gtk_doc_html=yes])
+    AC_ARG_ENABLE([gtk-doc-pdf],
+      AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gtk-doc-pdf],
+                     [build documentation in pdf format [[default=no]]]),,
+      [enable_gtk_doc_pdf=no])
+  if test -z "$GTKDOC_MKPDF"; then
+    enable_gtk_doc_pdf=no
+  fi
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_GTK_DOC], [test x$enable_gtk_doc = xyes])
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([GTK_DOC_BUILD_HTML], [test x$enable_gtk_doc_html = xyes])
+  AM_CONDITIONAL([GTK_DOC_BUILD_PDF], [test x$enable_gtk_doc_pdf = xyes])
+# serial 42 IT_PROG_INTLTOOL
+case "$am__api_version" in
+    1.[01234])
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([Automake 1.5 or newer is required to use intltool])
+    ;;
+    *)
+    ;;
+INTLTOOL_REQUIRED_VERSION_AS_INT=`echo $1 | awk -F. '{ print $ 1 * 1000 + $ 2 * 100 + $ 3; }'`
+INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION=`intltool-update --version | head -1 | cut -d" " -f3`
+INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION_AS_INT=`echo $INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION | awk -F. '{ print $ 1 * 1000 + $ 2 * 100 + $ 3; }'`
+if test -n "$1"; then
+    AC_MSG_CHECKING([for intltool >= $1])
+	AC_MSG_ERROR([Your intltool is too old.  You need intltool $1 or later.])
+AC_PATH_PROG(INTLTOOL_UPDATE, [intltool-update])
+AC_PATH_PROG(INTLTOOL_MERGE, [intltool-merge])
+AC_PATH_PROG(INTLTOOL_EXTRACT, [intltool-extract])
+if test -z "$INTLTOOL_UPDATE" -o -z "$INTLTOOL_MERGE" -o -z "$INTLTOOL_EXTRACT"; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([The intltool scripts were not found. Please install intltool.])
+if test -z "$AM_DEFAULT_VERBOSITY"; then
+INTLTOOL__v_MERGE_0='@echo "  ITMRG " [$]@;'
+  INTLTOOL_DESKTOP_RULE='%.desktop:   %.desktop.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+INTLTOOL_DIRECTORY_RULE='%.directory: %.directory.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+     INTLTOOL_KEYS_RULE='%.keys:      %.keys.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -k -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+     INTLTOOL_PROP_RULE='%.prop:      %.prop.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+      INTLTOOL_OAF_RULE='%.oaf:       %.oaf.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -o -p $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@'
+     INTLTOOL_PONG_RULE='%.pong:      %.pong.in      $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+   INTLTOOL_SERVER_RULE='%.server:    %.server.in    $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -o -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+    INTLTOOL_SHEET_RULE='%.sheet:     %.sheet.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+INTLTOOL_SOUNDLIST_RULE='%.soundlist: %.soundlist.in $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+       INTLTOOL_UI_RULE='%.ui:        %.ui.in        $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+      INTLTOOL_XML_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+if test "$INTLTOOL_APPLIED_VERSION_AS_INT" -ge 5000; then
+      INTLTOOL_XML_NOMERGE_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u --no-translations $< [$]@'
+      INTLTOOL_XML_NOMERGE_RULE='%.xml:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)_it_tmp_dir=tmp.intltool.[$][$]RANDOM && mkdir [$][$]_it_tmp_dir && LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u [$][$]_it_tmp_dir $< [$]@ && rmdir [$][$]_it_tmp_dir'
+      INTLTOOL_XAM_RULE='%.xam:       %.xml.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+      INTLTOOL_KBD_RULE='%.kbd:       %.kbd.in       $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -m -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+    INTLTOOL_CAVES_RULE='%.caves:     %.caves.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+  INTLTOOL_SCHEMAS_RULE='%.schemas:   %.schemas.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -s -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+    INTLTOOL_THEME_RULE='%.theme:     %.theme.in     $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@' 
+    INTLTOOL_SERVICE_RULE='%.service: %.service.in   $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -d -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@'
+   INTLTOOL_POLICY_RULE='%.policy:    %.policy.in    $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(wildcard $(top_srcdir)/po/*.po) ; $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE)LC_ALL=C $(INTLTOOL_MERGE) $(INTLTOOL_V_MERGE_OPTIONS) -x -u -c $(top_builddir)/po/.intltool-merge-cache $(top_srcdir)/po $< [$]@'
+# Check the gettext tools to make sure they are GNU
+if test -z "$XGETTEXT" -o -z "$MSGMERGE" -o -z "$MSGFMT"; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool])
+xgversion="`$XGETTEXT --version|grep '(GNU ' 2> /dev/null`"
+mmversion="`$MSGMERGE --version|grep '(GNU ' 2> /dev/null`"
+mfversion="`$MSGFMT --version|grep '(GNU ' 2> /dev/null`"
+if test -z "$xgversion" -o -z "$mmversion" -o -z "$mfversion"; then
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([GNU gettext tools not found; required for intltool])
+if test -z "$INTLTOOL_PERL"; then
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([perl not found])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for perl >= 5.8.1])
+$INTLTOOL_PERL -e "use 5.8.1;" > /dev/null 2>&1
+if test $? -ne 0; then
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([perl 5.8.1 is required for intltool])
+   IT_PERL_VERSION=`$INTLTOOL_PERL -e "printf '%vd', $^V"`
+if test "x$2" != "xno-xml"; then
+   AC_MSG_CHECKING([for XML::Parser])
+   if `$INTLTOOL_PERL -e "require XML::Parser" 2>/dev/null`; then
+       AC_MSG_RESULT([ok])
+   else
+       AC_MSG_ERROR([XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool])
+   fi
+# Substitute ALL_LINGUAS so we can use it in po/Makefile
+# Set DATADIRNAME correctly if it is not set yet
+# (copied from glib-gettext.m4)
+if test -z "$DATADIRNAME"; then
+    [AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]],
+                     [[extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr;
+                       return _nl_msg_cat_cntr]])],
+    [DATADIRNAME=share],
+    [case $host in
+    *-*-solaris*)
+    dnl On Solaris, if bind_textdomain_codeset is in libc,
+    dnl GNU format message catalog is always supported,
+    dnl since both are added to the libc all together.
+    dnl Hence, we'd like to go with DATADIRNAME=share
+    dnl in this case.
+    AC_CHECK_FUNC(bind_textdomain_codeset,
+      [DATADIRNAME=share], [DATADIRNAME=lib])
+    ;;
+    *)
+    [DATADIRNAME=lib]
+    ;;
+    esac])
+# ---------------------
+# All po subdirs have to be declared with this macro; the subdir "po" is
+# declared by IT_PROG_INTLTOOL.
+[AC_PREREQ([2.53])dnl We use ac_top_srcdir inside AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS.
+dnl The following CONFIG_COMMANDS should be executed at the very end
+dnl of config.status.
+  AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([$1/stamp-it], [
+    if [ ! grep "^# INTLTOOL_MAKEFILE$" "$1/Makefile.in" > /dev/null ]; then
+       AC_MSG_ERROR([$1/Makefile.in.in was not created by intltoolize.])
+    fi
+    rm -f "$1/stamp-it" "$1/stamp-it.tmp" "$1/POTFILES" "$1/Makefile.tmp"
+    >"$1/stamp-it.tmp"
+    [sed '/^#/d
+	 s/^[[].*] *//
+	 /^[ 	]*$/d
+	'"s|^|	$ac_top_srcdir/|" \
+      "$srcdir/$1/POTFILES.in" | sed '$!s/$/ \\/' >"$1/POTFILES"
+    ]
+    [sed '/^POTFILES =/,/[^\\]$/ {
+		/^POTFILES =/!d
+		r $1/POTFILES
+	  }
+	 ' "$1/Makefile.in" >"$1/Makefile"]
+    rm -f "$1/Makefile.tmp"
+    mv "$1/stamp-it.tmp" "$1/stamp-it"
+  ])
+# -------------------
+# Abstract macro to do either _AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE or AC_SUBST
+m4_ifdef([_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE], [_AM_SUBST_NOTMAKE([$1])])
+# deprecated macros
+# A hint is needed for aclocal from Automake <= 1.9.4:
+# libtool.m4 - Configure libtool for the host system. -*-Autoconf-*-
+#   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+#                 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software
+#                 Foundation, Inc.
+#   Written by Gordon Matzigkeit, 1996
+# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives
+# unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
+# modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
+m4_define([_LT_COPYING], [dnl
+#   Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005,
+#                 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software
+#                 Foundation, Inc.
+#   Written by Gordon Matzigkeit, 1996
+#   This file is part of GNU Libtool.
+# GNU Libtool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License,
+# if you distribute this file as part of a program or library that
+# is built using GNU Libtool, you may include this file under the
+# same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# GNU Libtool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with GNU Libtool; see the file COPYING.  If not, a copy
+# can be downloaded from http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html, or
+# obtained by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# serial 57 LT_INIT
+# ------------------
+# Complain and exit if this libtool version is less that VERSION.
+[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([LT_PACKAGE_VERSION]), [$1]), -1,
+       [m4_default([$3],
+		   [m4_fatal([Libtool version $1 or higher is required],
+		             63)])],
+       [$2])])
+# ------------------
+# Complain if the absolute build directory name contains unusual characters
+[case `pwd` in
+  *\ * | *\	*)
+    AC_MSG_WARN([Libtool does not cope well with whitespace in `pwd`]) ;;
+# ------------------
+AC_BEFORE([$0], [LT_LANG])dnl
+AC_BEFORE([$0], [LT_OUTPUT])dnl
+AC_BEFORE([$0], [LTDL_INIT])dnl
+dnl Autoconf doesn't catch unexpanded LT_ macros by default:
+dnl aclocal doesn't pull ltoptions.m4, ltsugar.m4, or ltversion.m4
+dnl unless we require an AC_DEFUNed macro:
+dnl Parse OPTIONS
+_LT_SET_OPTIONS([$0], [$1])
+# This can be used to rebuild libtool when needed
+# Always use our own libtool.
+LIBTOOL='$(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool'
+# Only expand once:
+])# LT_INIT
+# Old names:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+# -------------------
+# Calculate cc_basename.  Skip known compiler wrappers and cross-prefix.
+[for cc_temp in $1""; do
+  case $cc_temp in
+    compile | *[[\\/]]compile | ccache | *[[\\/]]ccache ) ;;
+    distcc | *[[\\/]]distcc | purify | *[[\\/]]purify ) ;;
+    \-*) ;;
+    *) break;;
+  esac
+cc_basename=`$ECHO "$cc_temp" | $SED "s%.*/%%; s%^$host_alias-%%"`
+# ----------------------
+# It is okay to use these file commands and assume they have been set
+# sensibly after `m4_require([_LT_FILEUTILS_DEFAULTS])'.
+[: ${CP="cp -f"}
+: ${MV="mv -f"}
+: ${RM="rm -f"}
+# ---------
+_LT_DECL([], [PATH_SEPARATOR], [1], [The PATH separator for the build system])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [host_alias], [0], [The host system])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [host], [0])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [host_os], [0])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [build_alias], [0], [The build system])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [build], [0])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [build_os], [0])dnl
+test -z "$LN_S" && LN_S="ln -s"
+_LT_DECL([], [LN_S], [1], [Whether we need soft or hard links])dnl
+_LT_DECL([objext], [ac_objext], [0], [Object file suffix (normally "o")])dnl
+_LT_DECL([], [exeext], [0], [Executable file suffix (normally "")])dnl
+# See if we are running on zsh, and set the options which allow our
+# commands through without removal of \ escapes INIT.
+if test -n "\${ZSH_VERSION+set}" ; then
+   setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" ; then
+   setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+case $host_os in
+  # AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program.  For some
+  # reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems
+  # vanish in a puff of smoke.
+  if test "X${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != Xset; then
+    export COLLECT_NAMES
+  fi
+  ;;
+# Global variables:
+# All known linkers require a `.a' archive for static linking (except MSVC,
+# which needs '.lib').
+# Set sane defaults for various variables
+test -z "$CC" && CC=cc
+test -z "$LTCC" && LTCC=$CC
+test -z "$LD" && LD=ld
+test -z "$ac_objext" && ac_objext=o
+# Only perform the check for file, if the check method requires it
+test -z "$MAGIC_CMD" && MAGIC_CMD=file
+case $deplibs_check_method in
+  if test "$file_magic_cmd" = '$MAGIC_CMD'; then
+  fi
+  ;;
+# Use C for the default configuration in the libtool script
+])# _LT_SETUP
+# --------------------------
+# Define a few sed substitution that help us do robust quoting.
+[# Backslashify metacharacters that are still active within
+# double-quoted strings.
+# Same as above, but do not quote variable references.
+# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped shell variable in a
+# double_quote_subst'ed string.
+# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped single quote.
+# Sed substitution to avoid accidental globbing in evaled expressions
+# ---------------
+# Note that this code is called both from `configure', and `config.status'
+# now that we use AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS to generate libtool.  Notably,
+# `config.status' has no value for ac_aux_dir unless we are using Automake,
+# so we pass a copy along to make sure it has a sensible value anyway.
+[m4_ifdef([AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE], [AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([ltmain.sh])])dnl
+# So that we can recreate a full libtool script including additional
+# tags, we accumulate the chunks of code to send to AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS
+# in macros and then make a single call at the end using the `libtool'
+# label.
+# ----------------------------------------
+# Register INIT-COMMANDS to be passed to AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS later.
+          [m4_append([_LT_OUTPUT_LIBTOOL_INIT],
+                     [$1
+# Initialize.
+# ------------------------------
+# Register COMMANDS to be passed to AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS later.
+          [m4_append([_LT_OUTPUT_LIBTOOL_COMMANDS],
+                     [$1
+# Initialize.
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# -----------------------------
+# Add leading comment marks to the start of each line, and a trailing
+# full-stop to the whole comment if one is not present already.
+[m4_ifval([$1], [
+m4_bpatsubst([m4_bpatsubst([$1], [^ *], [# ])],
+              [['`$\]], [\\\&])]m4_bmatch([$1], [[!?.]$], [], [.])
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# CONFIGNAME is the name given to the value in the libtool script.
+# VARNAME is the (base) name used in the configure script.
+# VALUE may be 0, 1 or 2 for a computed quote escaped value based on
+# VARNAME.  Any other value will be used directly.
+[lt_if_append_uniq([lt_decl_varnames], [$2], [, ],
+    [lt_dict_add_subkey([lt_decl_dict], [$2], [libtool_name],
+	[m4_ifval([$1], [$1], [$2])])
+    lt_dict_add_subkey([lt_decl_dict], [$2], [value], [$3])
+    m4_ifval([$4],
+	[lt_dict_add_subkey([lt_decl_dict], [$2], [description], [$4])])
+    lt_dict_add_subkey([lt_decl_dict], [$2],
+	[tagged?], [m4_ifval([$5], [yes], [no])])])
+# --------------------------------------------------------
+m4_define([_LT_TAGDECL], [_LT_DECL([$1], [$2], [$3], [$4], [yes])])
+# lt_decl_tag_varnames([SEPARATOR], [VARNAME1...])
+# ------------------------------------------------
+[_lt_decl_filter([tagged?], [yes], $@)])
+# _lt_decl_filter(SUBKEY, VALUE, [SEPARATOR], [VARNAME1..])
+# ---------------------------------------------------------
+  [0], [m4_fatal([$0: too few arguments: $#])],
+  [1], [m4_fatal([$0: too few arguments: $#: $1])],
+  [2], [lt_dict_filter([lt_decl_dict], [$1], [$2], [], lt_decl_varnames)],
+  [3], [lt_dict_filter([lt_decl_dict], [$1], [$2], [$3], lt_decl_varnames)],
+  [lt_dict_filter([lt_decl_dict], $@)])[]dnl
+# lt_decl_quote_varnames([SEPARATOR], [VARNAME1...])
+# --------------------------------------------------
+[_lt_decl_filter([value], [1], $@)])
+# lt_decl_dquote_varnames([SEPARATOR], [VARNAME1...])
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+[_lt_decl_filter([value], [2], $@)])
+# lt_decl_varnames_tagged([SEPARATOR], [VARNAME1...])
+# ---------------------------------------------------
+[m4_assert([$# <= 2])dnl
+_$0(m4_quote(m4_default([$1], [[, ]])),
+    m4_ifval([$2], [[$2]], [m4_dquote(lt_decl_tag_varnames)]),
+    m4_split(m4_normalize(m4_quote(_LT_TAGS)), [ ]))])
+[m4_ifval([$3], [lt_combine([$1], [$2], [_], $3)])])
+# lt_decl_all_varnames([SEPARATOR], [VARNAME1...])
+# ------------------------------------------------
+[_$0(m4_quote(m4_default([$1], [[, ]])),
+     m4_if([$2], [],
+	   m4_quote(lt_decl_varnames),
+	m4_quote(m4_shift($@))))[]dnl
+[lt_join($@, lt_decl_varnames_tagged([$1],
+			lt_decl_tag_varnames([[, ]], m4_shift($@))))dnl
+# ------------------------------------
+# Quote a variable value, and forward it to `config.status' so that its
+# declaration there will have the same value as in `configure'.  VARNAME
+# must have a single quote delimited value for this to work.
+[$1='`$ECHO "$][$1" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`'])
+# ------------------------------
+# We delimit libtool config variables with single quotes, so when
+# we write them to config.status, we have to be sure to quote all
+# embedded single quotes properly.  In configure, this macro expands
+# each variable declared with _LT_DECL (and _LT_TAGDECL) into:
+#    <var>='`$ECHO "$<var>" | $SED "$delay_single_quote_subst"`'
+[m4_foreach([_lt_var], m4_quote(lt_decl_all_varnames),
+    [m4_n([_LT_CONFIG_STATUS_DECLARE(_lt_var)])])])
+# ----------------
+# Output comment and list of tags supported by the script
+[_LT_FORMAT_COMMENT([The names of the tagged configurations supported by this script])dnl
+# -----------------------------------
+# Extract the dictionary values for VARNAME (optionally with TAG) and
+# expand to a commented shell variable setting:
+#    # Some comment about what VAR is for.
+#    visible_name=$lt_internal_name
+[_LT_FORMAT_COMMENT(m4_quote(lt_dict_fetch([lt_decl_dict], [$1],
+					   [description])))[]dnl
+    m4_quote(lt_dict_fetch([lt_decl_dict], [$1], [libtool_name])))[]dnl
+m4_case(m4_quote(lt_dict_fetch([lt_decl_dict], [$1], [value])),
+    [0], [_libtool_name=[$]$1],
+    [1], [_libtool_name=$lt_[]$1],
+    [2], [_libtool_name=$lt_[]$1],
+    [_libtool_name=lt_dict_fetch([lt_decl_dict], [$1], [value])])[]dnl
+m4_ifval([$2], [_$2])[]m4_popdef([_libtool_name])[]dnl
+# -----------------------
+# Produce commented declarations of non-tagged libtool config variables
+# suitable for insertion in the LIBTOOL CONFIG section of the `libtool'
+# script.  Tagged libtool config variables (even for the LIBTOOL CONFIG
+# section) are produced by _LT_LIBTOOL_TAG_VARS.
+    m4_quote(_lt_decl_filter([tagged?], [no], [], lt_decl_varnames)),
+    [m4_n([_LT_LIBTOOL_DECLARE(_lt_var)])])])
+# -------------------------
+[m4_foreach([_lt_var], m4_quote(lt_decl_tag_varnames),
+    [m4_n([_LT_LIBTOOL_DECLARE(_lt_var, [$1])])])])
+# ------------------------------
+m4_define([_LT_TAGVAR], [m4_ifval([$2], [$1_$2], [$1])])
+# -------------------
+# Send accumulated output to $CONFIG_STATUS.  Thanks to the lists of
+# variables for single and double quote escaping we saved from calls
+# to _LT_DECL, we can put quote escaped variables declarations
+# into `config.status', and then the shell code to quote escape them in
+# for loops in `config.status'.  Finally, any additional code accumulated
+# from calls to _LT_CONFIG_LIBTOOL_INIT is expanded.
+	dnl If the libtool generation code has been placed in $CONFIG_LT,
+	dnl instead of duplicating it all over again into config.status,
+	dnl then we will have config.status run $CONFIG_LT later, so it
+	dnl needs to know what name is stored there:
+        [AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([libtool],
+            [$SHELL $CONFIG_LT || AS_EXIT(1)], [CONFIG_LT='$CONFIG_LT'])],
+    dnl If the libtool generation code is destined for config.status,
+    dnl expand the accumulated commands and init code now:
+    [AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([libtool],
+# Initialize.
+# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout
+# if CDPATH is set.
+(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH
+# A function that is used when there is no print builtin or printf.
+func_fallback_echo ()
+  eval 'cat <<_LTECHO_EOF
+# Quote evaled strings.
+for var in lt_decl_all_varnames([[ \
+]], lt_decl_quote_varnames); do
+    case \`eval \\\\\$ECHO \\\\""\\\\\$\$var"\\\\"\` in
+    *[[\\\\\\\`\\"\\\$]]*)
+      eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\`\\\$ECHO \\"\\\$\$var\\" | \\\$SED \\"\\\$sed_quote_subst\\"\\\`\\\\\\""
+      ;;
+    *)
+      eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\$\$var\\\\\\""
+      ;;
+    esac
+# Double-quote double-evaled strings.
+for var in lt_decl_all_varnames([[ \
+]], lt_decl_dquote_varnames); do
+    case \`eval \\\\\$ECHO \\\\""\\\\\$\$var"\\\\"\` in
+    *[[\\\\\\\`\\"\\\$]]*)
+      eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\`\\\$ECHO \\"\\\$\$var\\" | \\\$SED -e \\"\\\$double_quote_subst\\" -e \\"\\\$sed_quote_subst\\" -e \\"\\\$delay_variable_subst\\"\\\`\\\\\\""
+      ;;
+    *)
+      eval "lt_\$var=\\\\\\"\\\$\$var\\\\\\""
+      ;;
+    esac
+# ------------------------------------
+# Generate a child script FILE with all initialization necessary to
+# reuse the environment learned by the parent script, and make the
+# file executable.  If COMMENT is supplied, it is inserted after the
+# `#!' sequence but before initialization text begins.  After this
+# macro, additional text can be appended to FILE to form the body of
+# the child script.  The macro ends with non-zero status if the
+# file could not be fully written (such as if the disk is full).
+cat >$1 <<_ASEOF || lt_write_fail=1
+#! $SHELL
+# Generated by $as_me.
+export SHELL
+cat >>$1 <<\_ASEOF || lt_write_fail=1
+exec AS_MESSAGE_FD>&1
+test $lt_write_fail = 0 && chmod +x $1[]dnl
+# ---------
+# This macro allows early generation of the libtool script (before
+# AC_OUTPUT is called), incase it is used in configure for compilation
+# tests.
+[: ${CONFIG_LT=./config.lt}
+[# Run this file to recreate a libtool stub with the current configuration.])
+cat >>"$CONFIG_LT" <<\_LTEOF
+exec AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD>>config.log
+  echo
+  AS_BOX([Running $as_me.])
+\`$as_me' creates a local libtool stub from the current configuration,
+for use in further configure time tests before the real libtool is
+Usage: $[0] [[OPTIONS]]
+  -h, --help      print this help, then exit
+  -V, --version   print version number, then exit
+  -q, --quiet     do not print progress messages
+  -d, --debug     don't remove temporary files
+Report bugs to <bug-libtool@xxxxxxx>."
+m4_ifset([AC_PACKAGE_NAME], [AC_PACKAGE_NAME ])config.lt[]dnl
+configured by $[0], generated by m4_PACKAGE_STRING.
+Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This config.lt script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+gives unlimited permision to copy, distribute and modify it."
+while test $[#] != 0
+  case $[1] in
+    --version | --v* | -V )
+      echo "$lt_cl_version"; exit 0 ;;
+    --help | --h* | -h )
+      echo "$lt_cl_help"; exit 0 ;;
+    --debug | --d* | -d )
+      debug=: ;;
+    --quiet | --q* | --silent | --s* | -q )
+      lt_cl_silent=: ;;
+    -*) AC_MSG_ERROR([unrecognized option: $[1]
+Try \`$[0] --help' for more information.]) ;;
+    *) AC_MSG_ERROR([unrecognized argument: $[1]
+Try \`$[0] --help' for more information.]) ;;
+  esac
+  shift
+if $lt_cl_silent; then
+  exec AS_MESSAGE_FD>/dev/null
+cat >>"$CONFIG_LT" <<_LTEOF
+cat >>"$CONFIG_LT" <<\_LTEOF
+AC_MSG_NOTICE([creating $ofile])
+chmod +x "$CONFIG_LT"
+# configure is writing to config.log, but config.lt does its own redirection,
+# appending to config.log, which fails on DOS, as config.log is still kept
+# open by configure.  Here we exec the FD to /dev/null, effectively closing
+# config.log, so it can be properly (re)opened and appended to by config.lt.
+test "$silent" = yes &&
+  lt_config_lt_args="$lt_config_lt_args --quiet"
+exec AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD>/dev/null
+$SHELL "$CONFIG_LT" $lt_config_lt_args || lt_cl_success=false
+exec AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD>>config.log
+$lt_cl_success || AS_EXIT(1)
+# ---------------
+# If TAG is the built-in tag, create an initial libtool script with a
+# default configuration from the untagged config vars.  Otherwise add code
+# to config.status for appending the configuration named by TAG from the
+# matching tagged config vars.
+  m4_define([_LT_TAG], m4_if([$1], [], [C], [$1]))dnl
+  m4_if(_LT_TAG, [C], [
+    # See if we are running on zsh, and set the options which allow our
+    # commands through without removal of \ escapes.
+    if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" ; then
+      setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+    fi
+    cfgfile="${ofile}T"
+    trap "$RM \"$cfgfile\"; exit 1" 1 2 15
+    $RM "$cfgfile"
+    cat <<_LT_EOF >> "$cfgfile"
+#! $SHELL
+# `$ECHO "$ofile" | sed 's%^.*/%%'` - Provide generalized library-building support services.
+# Generated automatically by $as_me ($PACKAGE$TIMESTAMP) $VERSION
+# Libtool was configured on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`:
+# NOTE: Changes made to this file will be lost: look at ltmain.sh.
+  case $host_os in
+  aix3*)
+    cat <<\_LT_EOF >> "$cfgfile"
+# AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program.  For some
+# reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems
+# vanish in a puff of smoke.
+if test "X${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != Xset; then
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # We use sed instead of cat because bash on DJGPP gets confused if
+  # if finds mixed CR/LF and LF-only lines.  Since sed operates in
+  # text mode, it properly converts lines to CR/LF.  This bash problem
+  # is reportedly fixed, but why not run on old versions too?
+  sed '$q' "$ltmain" >> "$cfgfile" \
+     || (rm -f "$cfgfile"; exit 1)
+   mv -f "$cfgfile" "$ofile" ||
+    (rm -f "$ofile" && cp "$cfgfile" "$ofile" && rm -f "$cfgfile")
+  chmod +x "$ofile"
+[cat <<_LT_EOF >> "$ofile"
+dnl Unfortunately we have to use $1 here, since _LT_TAG is not expanded
+dnl in a comment (ie after a #).
+])dnl /m4_if
+[m4_if([$1], [], [
+    RM='$RM'
+    ofile='$ofile'], [])
+# ---------------------
+# Trace this macro to discover what tags are supported by the libtool
+# --tag option, using:
+#    autoconf --trace 'LT_SUPPORTED_TAG:$1'
+# C support is built-in for now
+m4_define([_LT_LANG_C_enabled], [])
+m4_define([_LT_TAGS], [])
+# -------------
+# Enable libtool support for the given language if not already enabled.
+[AC_BEFORE([$0], [LT_OUTPUT])dnl
+  [C],			[_LT_LANG(C)],
+  [C++],		[_LT_LANG(CXX)],
+  [Go],			[_LT_LANG(GO)],
+  [Java],		[_LT_LANG(GCJ)],
+  [Fortran 77],		[_LT_LANG(F77)],
+  [Fortran],		[_LT_LANG(FC)],
+  [Windows Resource],	[_LT_LANG(RC)],
+  [m4_ifdef([_LT_LANG_]$1[_CONFIG],
+    [_LT_LANG($1)],
+    [m4_fatal([$0: unsupported language: "$1"])])])dnl
+])# LT_LANG
+# ------------------
+[m4_ifdef([_LT_LANG_]$1[_enabled], [],
+  [LT_SUPPORTED_TAG([$1])dnl
+  m4_append([_LT_TAGS], [$1 ])dnl
+  m4_define([_LT_LANG_]$1[_enabled], [])dnl
+  _LT_LANG_$1_CONFIG($1)])dnl
+])# _LT_LANG
+m4_ifndef([AC_PROG_GO], [
+# NOTE: This macro has been submitted for inclusion into   #
+#  GNU Autoconf as AC_PROG_GO.  When it is available in    #
+#  a released version of Autoconf we should remove this    #
+#  macro and use it instead.                               #
+AC_ARG_VAR([GOC],     [Go compiler command])dnl
+AC_ARG_VAR([GOFLAGS], [Go compiler flags])dnl
+if test -z "$GOC"; then
+  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+    AC_CHECK_PROG(GOC, [${ac_tool_prefix}gccgo], [${ac_tool_prefix}gccgo])
+  fi
+if test -z "$GOC"; then
+  AC_CHECK_PROG(GOC, gccgo, gccgo, false)
+# -----------------------
+  [LT_LANG(CXX)],
+  [m4_define([AC_PROG_CXX], defn([AC_PROG_CXX])[LT_LANG(CXX)])])
+  [LT_LANG(F77)],
+  [m4_define([AC_PROG_F77], defn([AC_PROG_F77])[LT_LANG(F77)])])
+  [LT_LANG(FC)],
+  [m4_define([AC_PROG_FC], defn([AC_PROG_FC])[LT_LANG(FC)])])
+dnl The call to [A][M_PROG_GCJ] is quoted like that to stop aclocal
+dnl pulling things in needlessly.
+  [LT_LANG(GCJ)],
+    [LT_LANG(GCJ)],
+      [LT_LANG(GCJ)],
+      [m4_ifdef([AC_PROG_GCJ],
+	[m4_define([AC_PROG_GCJ], defn([AC_PROG_GCJ])[LT_LANG(GCJ)])])
+       m4_ifdef([A][M_PROG_GCJ],
+	[m4_define([A][M_PROG_GCJ], defn([A][M_PROG_GCJ])[LT_LANG(GCJ)])])
+       m4_ifdef([LT_PROG_GCJ],
+	[m4_define([LT_PROG_GCJ], defn([LT_PROG_GCJ])[LT_LANG(GCJ)])])])])])
+  [LT_LANG(GO)],
+  [m4_define([AC_PROG_GO], defn([AC_PROG_GO])[LT_LANG(GO)])])
+  [LT_LANG(RC)],
+  [m4_define([LT_PROG_RC], defn([LT_PROG_RC])[LT_LANG(RC)])])
+# Obsolete macros:
+AU_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_F77], [LT_LANG(Fortran 77)])
+AU_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_RC], [LT_LANG(Windows Resource)])
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+dnl AC_DEFUN([AC_LIBTOOL_F77], [])
+# ----------------
+_LT_DECL([LTCC], [CC], [1], [A C compiler])dnl
+_LT_DECL([LTCFLAGS], [CFLAGS], [1], [LTCC compiler flags])dnl
+_LT_TAGDECL([CC], [compiler], [1], [A language specific compiler])dnl
+_LT_TAGDECL([with_gcc], [GCC], [0], [Is the compiler the GNU compiler?])dnl
+# If no C compiler was specified, use CC.
+# If no C compiler flags were specified, use CFLAGS.
+# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments.
+# ------------------------
+# Check for compiler boilerplate output or warnings with
+# the simple compiler test code.
+echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" >conftest.$ac_ext
+eval "$ac_compile" 2>&1 >/dev/null | $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' >conftest.err
+_lt_compiler_boilerplate=`cat conftest.err`
+$RM conftest*
+# ----------------------
+# Check for linker boilerplate output or warnings with
+# the simple link test code.
+echo "$lt_simple_link_test_code" >conftest.$ac_ext
+eval "$ac_link" 2>&1 >/dev/null | $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' >conftest.err
+_lt_linker_boilerplate=`cat conftest.err`
+$RM -r conftest*
+# -------------------------
+  case $host_os in
+    rhapsody* | darwin*)
+    AC_CHECK_TOOL([DSYMUTIL], [dsymutil], [:])
+    AC_CHECK_TOOL([NMEDIT], [nmedit], [:])
+    AC_CHECK_TOOL([LIPO], [lipo], [:])
+    AC_CHECK_TOOL([OTOOL], [otool], [:])
+    AC_CHECK_TOOL([OTOOL64], [otool64], [:])
+    _LT_DECL([], [DSYMUTIL], [1],
+      [Tool to manipulate archived DWARF debug symbol files on Mac OS X])
+    _LT_DECL([], [NMEDIT], [1],
+      [Tool to change global to local symbols on Mac OS X])
+    _LT_DECL([], [LIPO], [1],
+      [Tool to manipulate fat objects and archives on Mac OS X])
+    _LT_DECL([], [OTOOL], [1],
+      [ldd/readelf like tool for Mach-O binaries on Mac OS X])
+    _LT_DECL([], [OTOOL64], [1],
+      [ldd/readelf like tool for 64 bit Mach-O binaries on Mac OS X 10.4])
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([for -single_module linker flag],[lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod],
+      [lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod=no
+      if test -z "${LT_MULTI_MODULE}"; then
+	# By default we will add the -single_module flag. You can override
+	# by either setting the environment variable LT_MULTI_MODULE
+	# non-empty at configure time, or by adding -multi_module to the
+	# link flags.
+	rm -rf libconftest.dylib*
+	echo "int foo(void){return 1;}" > conftest.c
+	echo "$LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o libconftest.dylib \
+-dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module conftest.c" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+	$LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o libconftest.dylib \
+	  -dynamiclib -Wl,-single_module conftest.c 2>conftest.err
+        _lt_result=$?
+	# If there is a non-empty error log, and "single_module"
+	# appears in it, assume the flag caused a linker warning
+        if test -s conftest.err && $GREP single_module conftest.err; then
+	  cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+	# Otherwise, if the output was created with a 0 exit code from
+	# the compiler, it worked.
+	elif test -f libconftest.dylib && test $_lt_result -eq 0; then
+	  lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod=yes
+	else
+	  cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+	fi
+	rm -rf libconftest.dylib*
+	rm -f conftest.*
+      fi])
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([for -exported_symbols_list linker flag],
+      [lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list],
+      [lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list=no
+      save_LDFLAGS=$LDFLAGS
+      echo "_main" > conftest.sym
+      LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,conftest.sym"
+	[lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list=yes],
+	[lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list=no])
+    ])
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([for -force_load linker flag],[lt_cv_ld_force_load],
+      [lt_cv_ld_force_load=no
+      cat > conftest.c << _LT_EOF
+int forced_loaded() { return 2;}
+      echo "$LTCC $LTCFLAGS -c -o conftest.o conftest.c" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      $LTCC $LTCFLAGS -c -o conftest.o conftest.c 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      echo "$AR cru libconftest.a conftest.o" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      $AR cru libconftest.a conftest.o 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      echo "$RANLIB libconftest.a" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      $RANLIB libconftest.a 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      cat > conftest.c << _LT_EOF
+int main() { return 0;}
+      echo "$LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c -Wl,-force_load,./libconftest.a" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      $LTCC $LTCFLAGS $LDFLAGS -o conftest conftest.c -Wl,-force_load,./libconftest.a 2>conftest.err
+      _lt_result=$?
+      if test -s conftest.err && $GREP force_load conftest.err; then
+	cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      elif test -f conftest && test $_lt_result -eq 0 && $GREP forced_load conftest >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
+	lt_cv_ld_force_load=yes
+      else
+	cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      fi
+        rm -f conftest.err libconftest.a conftest conftest.c
+        rm -rf conftest.dSYM
+    ])
+    case $host_os in
+    rhapsody* | darwin1.[[012]])
+      _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;;
+    darwin1.*)
+      _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;;
+    darwin*) # darwin 5.x on
+      # if running on 10.5 or later, the deployment target defaults
+      # to the OS version, if on x86, and 10.4, the deployment
+      # target defaults to 10.4. Don't you love it?
+      case ${MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET-10.0},$host in
+	10.0,*86*-darwin8*|10.0,*-darwin[[91]]*)
+	  _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-undefined ${wl}dynamic_lookup' ;;
+	10.[[012]]*)
+	  _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-flat_namespace ${wl}-undefined ${wl}suppress' ;;
+	10.*)
+	  _lt_dar_allow_undefined='${wl}-undefined ${wl}dynamic_lookup' ;;
+      esac
+    ;;
+  esac
+    if test "$lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod" = "yes"; then
+      _lt_dar_single_mod='$single_module'
+    fi
+    if test "$lt_cv_ld_exported_symbols_list" = "yes"; then
+      _lt_dar_export_syms=' ${wl}-exported_symbols_list,$output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym'
+    else
+      _lt_dar_export_syms='~$NMEDIT -s $output_objdir/${libname}-symbols.expsym ${lib}'
+    fi
+    if test "$DSYMUTIL" != ":" && test "$lt_cv_ld_force_load" = "no"; then
+      _lt_dsymutil='~$DSYMUTIL $lib || :'
+    else
+      _lt_dsymutil=
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+# ---------------------------------
+# Checks for linker and compiler features on darwin
+  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=yes
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=unsupported
+  if test "$lt_cv_ld_force_load" = "yes"; then
+    _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test  -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience ${wl}-force_load,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"`'
+    m4_case([$1], [F77], [_LT_TAGVAR(compiler_needs_object, $1)=yes],
+                  [FC],  [_LT_TAGVAR(compiler_needs_object, $1)=yes])
+  else
+    _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=''
+  fi
+  _LT_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes
+  _LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)="$_lt_dar_allow_undefined"
+  case $cc_basename in
+     ifort*) _lt_dar_can_shared=yes ;;
+     *) _lt_dar_can_shared=$GCC ;;
+  esac
+  if test "$_lt_dar_can_shared" = "yes"; then
+    output_verbose_link_cmd=func_echo_all
+    _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)="\$CC -dynamiclib \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring $_lt_dar_single_mod${_lt_dsymutil}"
+    _LT_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)="\$CC \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib -bundle \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags${_lt_dsymutil}"
+    _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="sed 's,^,_,' < \$export_symbols > \$output_objdir/\${libname}-symbols.expsym~\$CC -dynamiclib \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring ${_lt_dar_single_mod}${_lt_dar_export_syms}${_lt_dsymutil}"
+    _LT_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)="sed -e 's,^,_,' < \$export_symbols > \$output_objdir/\${libname}-symbols.expsym~\$CC \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib -bundle \$libobjs \$deplibs \$compiler_flags${_lt_dar_export_syms}${_lt_dsymutil}"
+    m4_if([$1], [CXX],
+[   if test "$lt_cv_apple_cc_single_mod" != "yes"; then
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)="\$CC -r -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o \${lib}-master.o \$libobjs~\$CC -dynamiclib \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \${lib}-master.o \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring${_lt_dsymutil}"
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="sed 's,^,_,' < \$export_symbols > \$output_objdir/\${libname}-symbols.expsym~\$CC -r -keep_private_externs -nostdlib -o \${lib}-master.o \$libobjs~\$CC -dynamiclib \$allow_undefined_flag -o \$lib \${lib}-master.o \$deplibs \$compiler_flags -install_name \$rpath/\$soname \$verstring${_lt_dar_export_syms}${_lt_dsymutil}"
+    fi
+  else
+  _LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+  fi
+# ----------------------------------
+# Links a minimal program and checks the executable
+# for the system default hardcoded library path. In most cases,
+# this is /usr/lib:/lib, but when the MPI compilers are used
+# the location of the communication and MPI libs are included too.
+# If we don't find anything, use the default library path according
+# to the aix ld manual.
+# Store the results from the different compilers for each TAGNAME.
+# Allow to override them for all tags through lt_cv_aix_libpath.
+if test "${lt_cv_aix_libpath+set}" = set; then
+  aix_libpath=$lt_cv_aix_libpath
+  AC_CACHE_VAL([_LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])],
+  lt_aix_libpath_sed='[
+      /Import File Strings/,/^$/ {
+	  /^0/ {
+	      s/^0  *\([^ ]*\) *$/\1/
+	      p
+	  }
+      }]'
+  _LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])=`dump -H conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e "$lt_aix_libpath_sed"`
+  # Check for a 64-bit object if we didn't find anything.
+  if test -z "$_LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])"; then
+    _LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])=`dump -HX64 conftest$ac_exeext 2>/dev/null | $SED -n -e "$lt_aix_libpath_sed"`
+  fi],[])
+  if test -z "$_LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])"; then
+    _LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])="/usr/lib:/lib"
+  fi
+  ])
+  aix_libpath=$_LT_TAGVAR([lt_cv_aix_libpath_], [$1])
+# -------------------
+[m4_divert_text([M4SH-INIT], [$1
+# -----------------------
+# Find how we can fake an echo command that does not interpret backslash.
+# In particular, with Autoconf 2.60 or later we add some code to the start
+# of the generated configure script which will find a shell with a builtin
+# printf (which we can use as an echo command).
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to print strings])
+# Test print first, because it will be a builtin if present.
+if test "X`( print -r -- -n ) 2>/dev/null`" = X-n && \
+   test "X`print -r -- $ECHO 2>/dev/null`" = "X$ECHO"; then
+  ECHO='print -r --'
+elif test "X`printf %s $ECHO 2>/dev/null`" = "X$ECHO"; then
+  ECHO='printf %s\n'
+  # Use this function as a fallback that always works.
+  func_fallback_echo ()
+  {
+    eval 'cat <<_LTECHO_EOF
+  }
+  ECHO='func_fallback_echo'
+# func_echo_all arg...
+# Invoke $ECHO with all args, space-separated.
+func_echo_all ()
+    $ECHO "$*" 
+case "$ECHO" in
+  printf*) AC_MSG_RESULT([printf]) ;;
+  print*) AC_MSG_RESULT([print -r]) ;;
+  *) AC_MSG_RESULT([cat]) ;;
+  test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}${BASH_VERSION+set}" || (
+    ECHO='\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'
+    PATH=/empty FPATH=/empty; export PATH FPATH
+    test "X`printf %s $ECHO`" = "X$ECHO" \
+      || test "X`print -r -- $ECHO`" = "X$ECHO" )])])
+_LT_DECL([], [SHELL], [1], [Shell to use when invoking shell scripts])
+_LT_DECL([], [ECHO], [1], [An echo program that protects backslashes])
+# ----------------
+[AC_MSG_CHECKING([for sysroot])
+[  --with-sysroot[=DIR] Search for dependent libraries within DIR
+                        (or the compiler's sysroot if not specified).],
+[], [with_sysroot=no])
+dnl lt_sysroot will always be passed unquoted.  We quote it here
+dnl in case the user passed a directory name.
+case ${with_sysroot} in #(
+ yes)
+   if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+     lt_sysroot=`$CC --print-sysroot 2>/dev/null`
+   fi
+   ;; #(
+ /*)
+   lt_sysroot=`echo "$with_sysroot" | sed -e "$sed_quote_subst"`
+   ;; #(
+ no|'')
+   ;; #(
+ *)
+   AC_MSG_RESULT([${with_sysroot}])
+   AC_MSG_ERROR([The sysroot must be an absolute path.])
+   ;;
+ AC_MSG_RESULT([${lt_sysroot:-no}])
+_LT_DECL([], [lt_sysroot], [0], [The root where to search for ]dnl
+[dependent libraries, and in which our libraries should be installed.])])
+# ---------------
+  [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-libtool-lock],
+    [avoid locking (might break parallel builds)])])
+test "x$enable_libtool_lock" != xno && enable_libtool_lock=yes
+# Some flags need to be propagated to the compiler or linker for good
+# libtool support.
+case $host in
+  # Find out which ABI we are using.
+  echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext
+  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then
+    case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in
+      *ELF-32*)
+	HPUX_IA64_MODE="32"
+	;;
+      *ELF-64*)
+	HPUX_IA64_MODE="64"
+	;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  ;;
+  # Find out which ABI we are using.
+  echo '[#]line '$LINENO' "configure"' > conftest.$ac_ext
+  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then
+    if test "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+      case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in
+	*32-bit*)
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -melf32bsmip"
+	  ;;
+	*N32*)
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -melf32bmipn32"
+	  ;;
+	*64-bit*)
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -melf64bmip"
+	;;
+      esac
+    else
+      case `/usr/bin/file conftest.$ac_objext` in
+	*32-bit*)
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -32"
+	  ;;
+	*N32*)
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -n32"
+	  ;;
+	*64-bit*)
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -64"
+	  ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+  fi
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  ;;
+x86_64-*kfreebsd*-gnu|x86_64-*linux*|ppc*-*linux*|powerpc*-*linux*| \
+  # Find out which ABI we are using.
+  echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext
+  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then
+    case `/usr/bin/file conftest.o` in
+      *32-bit*)
+	case $host in
+	  x86_64-*kfreebsd*-gnu)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_i386_fbsd"
+	    ;;
+	  x86_64-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_i386"
+	    ;;
+	  ppc64-*linux*|powerpc64-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32ppclinux"
+	    ;;
+	  s390x-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_s390"
+	    ;;
+	  sparc64-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf32_sparc"
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      *64-bit*)
+	case $host in
+	  x86_64-*kfreebsd*-gnu)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64_fbsd"
+	    ;;
+	  x86_64-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64"
+	    ;;
+	  ppc*-*linux*|powerpc*-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64ppc"
+	    ;;
+	  s390*-*linux*|s390*-*tpf*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_s390"
+	    ;;
+	  sparc*-*linux*)
+	    LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_sparc"
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  ;;
+  # On SCO OpenServer 5, we need -belf to get full-featured binaries.
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -belf"
+  AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the C compiler needs -belf], lt_cv_cc_needs_belf,
+     AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([[]],[[]])],[lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=yes],[lt_cv_cc_needs_belf=no])
+     AC_LANG_POP])
+  if test x"$lt_cv_cc_needs_belf" != x"yes"; then
+    # this is probably gcc 2.8.0, egcs 1.0 or newer; no need for -belf
+  fi
+  ;;
+  # Find out which ABI we are using.
+  echo 'int i;' > conftest.$ac_ext
+  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then
+    case `/usr/bin/file conftest.o` in
+    *64-bit*)
+      case $lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld in
+      yes*)
+        case $host in
+        i?86-*-solaris*)
+          LD="${LD-ld} -m elf_x86_64"
+          ;;
+        sparc*-*-solaris*)
+          LD="${LD-ld} -m elf64_sparc"
+          ;;
+        esac
+        # GNU ld 2.21 introduced _sol2 emulations.  Use them if available.
+        if ${LD-ld} -V | grep _sol2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+          LD="${LD-ld}_sol2"
+        fi
+        ;;
+      *)
+	if ${LD-ld} -64 -r -o conftest2.o conftest.o >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	  LD="${LD-ld} -64"
+	fi
+	;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  ;;
+# -----------
+[AC_CHECK_TOOLS(AR, [ar], false)
+: ${AR=ar}
+: ${AR_FLAGS=cru}
+_LT_DECL([], [AR], [1], [The archiver])
+_LT_DECL([], [AR_FLAGS], [1], [Flags to create an archive])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for archiver @FILE support], [lt_cv_ar_at_file],
+  [lt_cv_ar_at_file=no
+     [echo conftest.$ac_objext > conftest.lst
+      lt_ar_try='$AR $AR_FLAGS libconftest.a @conftest.lst >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD'
+      AC_TRY_EVAL([lt_ar_try])
+      if test "$ac_status" -eq 0; then
+	# Ensure the archiver fails upon bogus file names.
+	rm -f conftest.$ac_objext libconftest.a
+	AC_TRY_EVAL([lt_ar_try])
+	if test "$ac_status" -ne 0; then
+          lt_cv_ar_at_file=@
+        fi
+      fi
+      rm -f conftest.* libconftest.a
+     ])
+  ])
+if test "x$lt_cv_ar_at_file" = xno; then
+  archiver_list_spec=
+  archiver_list_spec=$lt_cv_ar_at_file
+_LT_DECL([], [archiver_list_spec], [1],
+  [How to feed a file listing to the archiver])
+])# _LT_PROG_AR
+# -------------------
+test -z "$STRIP" && STRIP=:
+_LT_DECL([], [STRIP], [1], [A symbol stripping program])
+test -z "$RANLIB" && RANLIB=:
+_LT_DECL([], [RANLIB], [1],
+    [Commands used to install an old-style archive])
+# Determine commands to create old-style static archives.
+old_archive_cmds='$AR $AR_FLAGS $oldlib$oldobjs'
+old_postinstall_cmds='chmod 644 $oldlib'
+if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+  case $host_os in
+  openbsd*)
+    old_postinstall_cmds="$old_postinstall_cmds~\$RANLIB -t \$tool_oldlib"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    old_postinstall_cmds="$old_postinstall_cmds~\$RANLIB \$tool_oldlib"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  old_archive_cmds="$old_archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$tool_oldlib"
+case $host_os in
+  darwin*)
+    lock_old_archive_extraction=yes ;;
+  *)
+    lock_old_archive_extraction=no ;;
+_LT_DECL([], [old_postinstall_cmds], [2])
+_LT_DECL([], [old_postuninstall_cmds], [2])
+_LT_TAGDECL([], [old_archive_cmds], [2],
+    [Commands used to build an old-style archive])
+_LT_DECL([], [lock_old_archive_extraction], [0],
+    [Whether to use a lock for old archive extraction])
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+# Check whether the given compiler option works
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([$1], [$2],
+  [$2=no
+   m4_if([$4], , [ac_outfile=conftest.$ac_objext], [ac_outfile=$4])
+   echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext
+   lt_compiler_flag="$3"
+   # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or
+   # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end.
+   # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins
+   # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly.
+   # The option is referenced via a variable to avoid confusing sed.
+   lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \
+   -e 's:.*FLAGS}\{0,1\} :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \
+   -e 's: [[^ ]]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \
+   -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'`
+   (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $lt_compile\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD)
+   (eval "$lt_compile" 2>conftest.err)
+   ac_status=$?
+   cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+   echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+   if (exit $ac_status) && test -s "$ac_outfile"; then
+     # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized
+     # So say no if there are warnings other than the usual output.
+     $ECHO "$_lt_compiler_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' >conftest.exp
+     $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' conftest.err >conftest.er2
+     if test ! -s conftest.er2 || diff conftest.exp conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then
+       $2=yes
+     fi
+   fi
+   $RM conftest*
+if test x"[$]$2" = xyes; then
+    m4_if([$5], , :, [$5])
+    m4_if([$6], , :, [$6])
+# Old name:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+#                  [ACTION-SUCCESS], [ACTION-FAILURE])
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Check whether the given linker option works
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([$1], [$2],
+  [$2=no
+   echo "$lt_simple_link_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext
+   if (eval $ac_link 2>conftest.err) && test -s conftest$ac_exeext; then
+     # The linker can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized
+     # So say no if there are warnings
+     if test -s conftest.err; then
+       # Append any errors to the config.log.
+       cat conftest.err 1>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+       $ECHO "$_lt_linker_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' > conftest.exp
+       $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' conftest.err >conftest.er2
+       if diff conftest.exp conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then
+         $2=yes
+       fi
+     else
+       $2=yes
+     fi
+   fi
+   $RM -r conftest*
+if test x"[$]$2" = xyes; then
+    m4_if([$4], , :, [$4])
+    m4_if([$5], , :, [$5])
+# Old name:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+# find the maximum length of command line arguments
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([the maximum length of command line arguments])
+AC_CACHE_VAL([lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len], [dnl
+  i=0
+  teststring="ABCD"
+  case $build_os in
+  msdosdjgpp*)
+    # On DJGPP, this test can blow up pretty badly due to problems in libc
+    # (any single argument exceeding 2000 bytes causes a buffer overrun
+    # during glob expansion).  Even if it were fixed, the result of this
+    # check would be larger than it should be.
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=12288;    # 12K is about right
+    ;;
+  gnu*)
+    # Under GNU Hurd, this test is not required because there is
+    # no limit to the length of command line arguments.
+    # Libtool will interpret -1 as no limit whatsoever
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=-1;
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw* | cegcc*)
+    # On Win9x/ME, this test blows up -- it succeeds, but takes
+    # about 5 minutes as the teststring grows exponentially.
+    # Worse, since 9x/ME are not pre-emptively multitasking,
+    # you end up with a "frozen" computer, even though with patience
+    # the test eventually succeeds (with a max line length of 256k).
+    # Instead, let's just punt: use the minimum linelength reported by
+    # all of the supported platforms: 8192 (on NT/2K/XP).
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192;
+    ;;
+  mint*)
+    # On MiNT this can take a long time and run out of memory.
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192;
+    ;;
+  amigaos*)
+    # On AmigaOS with pdksh, this test takes hours, literally.
+    # So we just punt and use a minimum line length of 8192.
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192;
+    ;;
+  netbsd* | freebsd* | openbsd* | darwin* | dragonfly*)
+    # This has been around since 386BSD, at least.  Likely further.
+    if test -x /sbin/sysctl; then
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`/sbin/sysctl -n kern.argmax`
+    elif test -x /usr/sbin/sysctl; then
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`/usr/sbin/sysctl -n kern.argmax`
+    else
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=65536	# usable default for all BSDs
+    fi
+    # And add a safety zone
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 4`
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \* 3`
+    ;;
+  interix*)
+    # We know the value 262144 and hardcode it with a safety zone (like BSD)
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=196608
+    ;;
+  os2*)
+    # The test takes a long time on OS/2.
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=8192
+    ;;
+  osf*)
+    # Dr. Hans Ekkehard Plesser reports seeing a kernel panic running configure
+    # due to this test when exec_disable_arg_limit is 1 on Tru64. It is not
+    # nice to cause kernel panics so lets avoid the loop below.
+    # First set a reasonable default.
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=16384
+    #
+    if test -x /sbin/sysconfig; then
+      case `/sbin/sysconfig -q proc exec_disable_arg_limit` in
+        *1*) lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=-1 ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+    ;;
+  sco3.2v5*)
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=102400
+    ;;
+  sysv5* | sco5v6* | sysv4.2uw2*)
+    kargmax=`grep ARG_MAX /etc/conf/cf.d/stune 2>/dev/null`
+    if test -n "$kargmax"; then
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`echo $kargmax | sed 's/.*[[	 ]]//'`
+    else
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=32768
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`(getconf ARG_MAX) 2> /dev/null`
+    if test -n "$lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len"; then
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 4`
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \* 3`
+    else
+      # Make teststring a little bigger before we do anything with it.
+      # a 1K string should be a reasonable start.
+      for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ; do
+        teststring=$teststring$teststring
+      done
+      SHELL=${SHELL-${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh}}
+      # If test is not a shell built-in, we'll probably end up computing a
+      # maximum length that is only half of the actual maximum length, but
+      # we can't tell.
+      while { test "X"`env echo "$teststring$teststring" 2>/dev/null` \
+	         = "X$teststring$teststring"; } >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+	      test $i != 17 # 1/2 MB should be enough
+      do
+        i=`expr $i + 1`
+        teststring=$teststring$teststring
+      done
+      # Only check the string length outside the loop.
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr "X$teststring" : ".*" 2>&1`
+      teststring=
+      # Add a significant safety factor because C++ compilers can tack on
+      # massive amounts of additional arguments before passing them to the
+      # linker.  It appears as though 1/2 is a usable value.
+      lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len=`expr $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len \/ 2`
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+if test -n $lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len ; then
+  AC_MSG_RESULT($lt_cv_sys_max_cmd_len)
+  AC_MSG_RESULT(none)
+_LT_DECL([], [max_cmd_len], [0],
+    [What is the maximum length of a command?])
+# Old name:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+# ----------------
+[AC_CHECK_HEADERS([dlfcn.h], [], [], [AC_INCLUDES_DEFAULT])dnl
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------
+if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then :
+  [$4]
+  lt_dlunknown=0; lt_dlno_uscore=1; lt_dlneed_uscore=2
+  lt_status=$lt_dlunknown
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_LT_EOF
+[#line $LINENO "configure"
+#include "confdefs.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#  ifdef DL_GLOBAL
+#  else
+#    define LT_DLGLOBAL		0
+#  endif
+/* We may have to define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we
+   find out it does not work in some platform. */
+#  ifdef RTLD_LAZY
+#  else
+#    ifdef DL_LAZY
+#      define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW		DL_LAZY
+#    else
+#      ifdef RTLD_NOW
+#        define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW	RTLD_NOW
+#      else
+#        ifdef DL_NOW
+#          define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW	DL_NOW
+#        else
+#          define LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW	0
+#        endif
+#      endif
+#    endif
+#  endif
+/* When -fvisbility=hidden is used, assume the code has been annotated
+   correspondingly for the symbols needed.  */
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && (((__GNUC__ == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)) || (__GNUC__ > 3))
+int fnord () __attribute__((visibility("default")));
+int fnord () { return 42; }
+int main ()
+  void *self = dlopen (0, LT_DLGLOBAL|LT_DLLAZY_OR_NOW);
+  int status = $lt_dlunknown;
+  if (self)
+    {
+      if (dlsym (self,"fnord"))       status = $lt_dlno_uscore;
+      else
+        {
+	  if (dlsym( self,"_fnord"))  status = $lt_dlneed_uscore;
+          else puts (dlerror ());
+	}
+      /* dlclose (self); */
+    }
+  else
+    puts (dlerror ());
+  return status;
+  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext} 2>/dev/null; then
+    (./conftest; exit; ) >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD 2>/dev/null
+    lt_status=$?
+    case x$lt_status in
+      x$lt_dlno_uscore) $1 ;;
+      x$lt_dlneed_uscore) $2 ;;
+      x$lt_dlunknown|x*) $3 ;;
+    esac
+  else :
+    # compilation failed
+    $3
+  fi
+rm -fr conftest*
+# ------------------
+if test "x$enable_dlopen" != xyes; then
+  enable_dlopen=unknown
+  enable_dlopen_self=unknown
+  enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown
+  lt_cv_dlopen=no
+  lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+  case $host_os in
+  beos*)
+    lt_cv_dlopen="load_add_on"
+    lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+    lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes
+    ;;
+  mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+    lt_cv_dlopen="LoadLibrary"
+    lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+    ;;
+  cygwin*)
+    lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen"
+    lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+    ;;
+  darwin*)
+  # if libdl is installed we need to link against it
+    AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [dlopen],
+		[lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldl"],[
+    lt_cv_dlopen="dyld"
+    lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+    lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes
+    ])
+    ;;
+  *)
+    AC_CHECK_FUNC([shl_load],
+	  [lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load"],
+      [AC_CHECK_LIB([dld], [shl_load],
+	    [lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldld"],
+	[AC_CHECK_FUNC([dlopen],
+	      [lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen"],
+	  [AC_CHECK_LIB([dl], [dlopen],
+		[lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldl"],
+	    [AC_CHECK_LIB([svld], [dlopen],
+		  [lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-lsvld"],
+	      [AC_CHECK_LIB([dld], [dld_link],
+		    [lt_cv_dlopen="dld_link" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldld"])
+	      ])
+	    ])
+	  ])
+	])
+      ])
+    ;;
+  esac
+  if test "x$lt_cv_dlopen" != xno; then
+    enable_dlopen=yes
+  else
+    enable_dlopen=no
+  fi
+  case $lt_cv_dlopen in
+  dlopen)
+    test "x$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" = xyes && CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -DHAVE_DLFCN_H"
+    save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"
+    wl=$lt_prog_compiler_wl eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $export_dynamic_flag_spec\"
+    save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+    LIBS="$lt_cv_dlopen_libs $LIBS"
+    AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether a program can dlopen itself],
+	  lt_cv_dlopen_self, [dnl
+	    lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes, lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes,
+	    lt_cv_dlopen_self=no, lt_cv_dlopen_self=cross)
+    ])
+    if test "x$lt_cv_dlopen_self" = xyes; then
+      wl=$lt_prog_compiler_wl eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $lt_prog_compiler_static\"
+      AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself],
+	  lt_cv_dlopen_self_static, [dnl
+	    lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes, lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes,
+	    lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=no,  lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=cross)
+      ])
+    fi
+    LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS"
+    LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  case $lt_cv_dlopen_self in
+  yes|no) enable_dlopen_self=$lt_cv_dlopen_self ;;
+  *) enable_dlopen_self=unknown ;;
+  esac
+  case $lt_cv_dlopen_self_static in
+  yes|no) enable_dlopen_self_static=$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static ;;
+  *) enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown ;;
+  esac
+_LT_DECL([dlopen_support], [enable_dlopen], [0],
+	 [Whether dlopen is supported])
+_LT_DECL([dlopen_self], [enable_dlopen_self], [0],
+	 [Whether dlopen of programs is supported])
+_LT_DECL([dlopen_self_static], [enable_dlopen_self_static], [0],
+	 [Whether dlopen of statically linked programs is supported])
+# Old name:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+# ---------------------------
+# Check to see if options -c and -o are simultaneously supported by compiler.
+# This macro does not hard code the compiler like AC_PROG_CC_C_O.
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([if $compiler supports -c -o file.$ac_objext],
+  [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)],
+  [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)=no
+   $RM -r conftest 2>/dev/null
+   mkdir conftest
+   cd conftest
+   mkdir out
+   echo "$lt_simple_compile_test_code" > conftest.$ac_ext
+   lt_compiler_flag="-o out/conftest2.$ac_objext"
+   # Insert the option either (1) after the last *FLAGS variable, or
+   # (2) before a word containing "conftest.", or (3) at the end.
+   # Note that $ac_compile itself does not contain backslashes and begins
+   # with a dollar sign (not a hyphen), so the echo should work correctly.
+   lt_compile=`echo "$ac_compile" | $SED \
+   -e 's:.*FLAGS}\{0,1\} :&$lt_compiler_flag :; t' \
+   -e 's: [[^ ]]*conftest\.: $lt_compiler_flag&:; t' \
+   -e 's:$: $lt_compiler_flag:'`
+   (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $lt_compile\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD)
+   (eval "$lt_compile" 2>out/conftest.err)
+   ac_status=$?
+   cat out/conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+   echo "$as_me:$LINENO: \$? = $ac_status" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+   if (exit $ac_status) && test -s out/conftest2.$ac_objext
+   then
+     # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized
+     # So say no if there are warnings
+     $ECHO "$_lt_compiler_boilerplate" | $SED '/^$/d' > out/conftest.exp
+     $SED '/^$/d; /^ *+/d' out/conftest.err >out/conftest.er2
+     if test ! -s out/conftest.er2 || diff out/conftest.exp out/conftest.er2 >/dev/null; then
+       _LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)=yes
+     fi
+   fi
+   chmod u+w . 2>&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+   $RM conftest*
+   # SGI C++ compiler will create directory out/ii_files/ for
+   # template instantiation
+   test -d out/ii_files && $RM out/ii_files/* && rmdir out/ii_files
+   $RM out/* && rmdir out
+   cd ..
+   $RM -r conftest
+   $RM conftest*
+_LT_TAGDECL([compiler_c_o], [lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o], [1],
+	[Does compiler simultaneously support -c and -o options?])
+# ----------------------------------
+# Check to see if we can do hard links to lock some files if needed
+if test "$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_c_o, $1)" = no && test "$need_locks" != no; then
+  # do not overwrite the value of need_locks provided by the user
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([if we can lock with hard links])
+  hard_links=yes
+  $RM conftest*
+  ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no
+  touch conftest.a
+  ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>&5 || hard_links=no
+  ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([$hard_links])
+  if test "$hard_links" = no; then
+    AC_MSG_WARN([`$CC' does not support `-c -o', so `make -j' may be unsafe])
+    need_locks=warn
+  fi
+  need_locks=no
+_LT_DECL([], [need_locks], [1], [Must we lock files when doing compilation?])
+# ----------------
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for objdir], [lt_cv_objdir],
+[rm -f .libs 2>/dev/null
+mkdir .libs 2>/dev/null
+if test -d .libs; then
+  lt_cv_objdir=.libs
+  # MS-DOS does not allow filenames that begin with a dot.
+  lt_cv_objdir=_libs
+rmdir .libs 2>/dev/null])
+_LT_DECL([], [objdir], [0],
+         [The name of the directory that contains temporary libtool files])dnl
+AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(LT_OBJDIR, "$lt_cv_objdir/",
+  [Define to the sub-directory in which libtool stores uninstalled libraries.])
+# --------------------------------------
+# Check hardcoding attributes.
+[AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to hardcode library paths into programs])
+_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=
+if test -n "$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)" ||
+   test -n "$_LT_TAGVAR(runpath_var, $1)" ||
+   test "X$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)" = "Xyes" ; then
+  # We can hardcode non-existent directories.
+  if test "$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)" != no &&
+     # If the only mechanism to avoid hardcoding is shlibpath_var, we
+     # have to relink, otherwise we might link with an installed library
+     # when we should be linking with a yet-to-be-installed one
+     ## test "$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)" != no &&
+     test "$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)" != no; then
+    # Linking always hardcodes the temporary library directory.
+    _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=relink
+  else
+    # We can link without hardcoding, and we can hardcode nonexisting dirs.
+    _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=immediate
+  fi
+  # We cannot hardcode anything, or else we can only hardcode existing
+  # directories.
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)=unsupported
+AC_MSG_RESULT([$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)])
+if test "$_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_action, $1)" = relink ||
+   test "$_LT_TAGVAR(inherit_rpath, $1)" = yes; then
+  # Fast installation is not supported
+  enable_fast_install=no
+elif test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes ||
+     test "$enable_shared" = no; then
+  # Fast installation is not necessary
+  enable_fast_install=needless
+_LT_TAGDECL([], [hardcode_action], [0],
+    [How to hardcode a shared library path into an executable])
+# ----------------
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether stripping libraries is possible])
+if test -n "$STRIP" && $STRIP -V 2>&1 | $GREP "GNU strip" >/dev/null; then
+  test -z "$old_striplib" && old_striplib="$STRIP --strip-debug"
+  test -z "$striplib" && striplib="$STRIP --strip-unneeded"
+  AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+# FIXME - insert some real tests, host_os isn't really good enough
+  case $host_os in
+  darwin*)
+    if test -n "$STRIP" ; then
+      striplib="$STRIP -x"
+      old_striplib="$STRIP -S"
+      AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
+    else
+      AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+    ;;
+  esac
+_LT_DECL([], [old_striplib], [1], [Commands to strip libraries])
+_LT_DECL([], [striplib], [1])
+# -----------------------------
+# PORTME Fill in your ld.so characteristics
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([dynamic linker characteristics])
+	[], [
+if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+  case $host_os in
+    darwin*) lt_awk_arg="/^libraries:/,/LR/" ;;
+    *) lt_awk_arg="/^libraries:/" ;;
+  esac
+  case $host_os in
+    mingw* | cegcc*) lt_sed_strip_eq="s,=\([[A-Za-z]]:\),\1,g" ;;
+    *) lt_sed_strip_eq="s,=/,/,g" ;;
+  esac
+  lt_search_path_spec=`$CC -print-search-dirs | awk $lt_awk_arg | $SED -e "s/^libraries://" -e $lt_sed_strip_eq`
+  case $lt_search_path_spec in
+  *\;*)
+    # if the path contains ";" then we assume it to be the separator
+    # otherwise default to the standard path separator (i.e. ":") - it is
+    # assumed that no part of a normal pathname contains ";" but that should
+    # okay in the real world where ";" in dirpaths is itself problematic.
+    lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" | $SED 's/;/ /g'`
+    ;;
+  *)
+    lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" | $SED "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"`
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Ok, now we have the path, separated by spaces, we can step through it
+  # and add multilib dir if necessary.
+  lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec=
+  lt_multi_os_dir=`$CC $CPPFLAGS $CFLAGS $LDFLAGS -print-multi-os-directory 2>/dev/null`
+  for lt_sys_path in $lt_search_path_spec; do
+    if test -d "$lt_sys_path/$lt_multi_os_dir"; then
+      lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec="$lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec $lt_sys_path/$lt_multi_os_dir"
+    else
+      test -d "$lt_sys_path" && \
+	lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec="$lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec $lt_sys_path"
+    fi
+  done
+  lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_tmp_lt_search_path_spec" | awk '
+BEGIN {RS=" "; FS="/|\n";} {
+  lt_foo="";
+  lt_count=0;
+  for (lt_i = NF; lt_i > 0; lt_i--) {
+    if ($lt_i != "" && $lt_i != ".") {
+      if ($lt_i == "..") {
+        lt_count++;
+      } else {
+        if (lt_count == 0) {
+          lt_foo="/" $lt_i lt_foo;
+        } else {
+          lt_count--;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (lt_foo != "") { lt_freq[[lt_foo]]++; }
+  if (lt_freq[[lt_foo]] == 1) { print lt_foo; }
+  # AWK program above erroneously prepends '/' to C:/dos/paths
+  # for these hosts.
+  case $host_os in
+    mingw* | cegcc*) lt_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" |\
+      $SED 's,/\([[A-Za-z]]:\),\1,g'` ;;
+  esac
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$lt_search_path_spec" | $lt_NL2SP`
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
+dynamic_linker="$host_os ld.so"
+sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib"
+# when you set need_version to no, make sure it does not cause -set_version
+# flags to be left without arguments
+case $host_os in
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix $libname.a'
+  shlibpath_var=LIBPATH
+  # AIX 3 has no versioning support, so we append a major version to the name.
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+    # AIX 5 supports IA64
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix $libname${shared_ext}'
+    shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  else
+    # With GCC up to 2.95.x, collect2 would create an import file
+    # for dependence libraries.  The import file would start with
+    # the line `#! .'.  This would cause the generated library to
+    # depend on `.', always an invalid library.  This was fixed in
+    # development snapshots of GCC prior to 3.0.
+    case $host_os in
+      aix4 | aix4.[[01]] | aix4.[[01]].*)
+      if { echo '#if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 97)'
+	   echo ' yes '
+	   echo '#endif'; } | ${CC} -E - | $GREP yes > /dev/null; then
+	:
+      else
+	can_build_shared=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    esac
+    # AIX (on Power*) has no versioning support, so currently we can not hardcode correct
+    # soname into executable. Probably we can add versioning support to
+    # collect2, so additional links can be useful in future.
+    if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then
+      # If using run time linking (on AIX 4.2 or later) use lib<name>.so
+      # instead of lib<name>.a to let people know that these are not
+      # typical AIX shared libraries.
+      library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+    else
+      # We preserve .a as extension for shared libraries through AIX4.2
+      # and later when we are not doing run time linking.
+      library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.a $libname.a'
+      soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+    fi
+    shlibpath_var=LIBPATH
+  fi
+  ;;
+  case $host_cpu in
+  powerpc)
+    # Since July 2007 AmigaOS4 officially supports .so libraries.
+    # When compiling the executable, add -use-dynld -Lsobjs: to the compileline.
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+    ;;
+  m68k)
+    library_names_spec='$libname.ixlibrary $libname.a'
+    # Create ${libname}_ixlibrary.a entries in /sys/libs.
+    finish_eval='for lib in `ls $libdir/*.ixlibrary 2>/dev/null`; do libname=`func_echo_all "$lib" | $SED '\''s%^.*/\([[^/]]*\)\.ixlibrary$%\1%'\''`; test $RM /sys/libs/${libname}_ixlibrary.a; $show "cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a"; cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a || exit 1; done'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${shared_ext}'
+  dynamic_linker="$host_os ld.so"
+  shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/contrib/lib /lib /usr/local/lib"
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
+  # the default ld.so.conf also contains /usr/contrib/lib and
+  # /usr/X11R6/lib (/usr/X11 is a link to /usr/X11R6), but let us allow
+  # libtool to hard-code these into programs
+  ;;
+cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+  version_type=windows
+  shrext_cmds=".dll"
+  need_version=no
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  case $GCC,$cc_basename in
+  yes,*)
+    # gcc
+    library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a'
+    # DLL is installed to $(libdir)/../bin by postinstall_cmds
+    postinstall_cmds='base_file=`basename \${file}`~
+      dlpath=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $dir/'\''\${base_file}'\''i; echo \$dlname'\''`~
+      dldir=$destdir/`dirname \$dlpath`~
+      test -d \$dldir || mkdir -p \$dldir~
+      $install_prog $dir/$dlname \$dldir/$dlname~
+      chmod a+x \$dldir/$dlname~
+      if test -n '\''$stripme'\'' && test -n '\''$striplib'\''; then
+        eval '\''$striplib \$dldir/$dlname'\'' || exit \$?;
+      fi'
+    postuninstall_cmds='dldll=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $file; echo \$dlname'\''`~
+      dlpath=$dir/\$dldll~
+       $RM \$dlpath'
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+    case $host_os in
+    cygwin*)
+      # Cygwin DLLs use 'cyg' prefix rather than 'lib'
+      soname_spec='`echo ${libname} | sed -e 's/^lib/cyg/'``echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}'
+m4_if([$1], [],[
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec /usr/lib/w32api"])
+      ;;
+    mingw* | cegcc*)
+      # MinGW DLLs use traditional 'lib' prefix
+      soname_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}'
+      ;;
+    pw32*)
+      # pw32 DLLs use 'pw' prefix rather than 'lib'
+      library_names_spec='`echo ${libname} | sed -e 's/^lib/pw/'``echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}'
+      ;;
+    esac
+    dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe'
+    ;;
+  *,cl*)
+    # Native MSVC
+    libname_spec='$name'
+    soname_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext}'
+    library_names_spec='${libname}.dll.lib'
+    case $build_os in
+    mingw*)
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec=
+      lt_save_ifs=$IFS
+      IFS=';'
+      for lt_path in $LIB
+      do
+        IFS=$lt_save_ifs
+        # Let DOS variable expansion print the short 8.3 style file name.
+        lt_path=`cd "$lt_path" 2>/dev/null && cmd //C "for %i in (".") do @echo %~si"`
+        sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec $lt_path"
+      done
+      IFS=$lt_save_ifs
+      # Convert to MSYS style.
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | sed -e 's|\\\\|/|g' -e 's| \\([[a-zA-Z]]\\):| /\\1|g' -e 's|^ ||'`
+      ;;
+    cygwin*)
+      # Convert to unix form, then to dos form, then back to unix form
+      # but this time dos style (no spaces!) so that the unix form looks
+      # like /cygdrive/c/PROGRA~1:/cygdr...
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec=`cygpath --path --unix "$LIB"`
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec=`cygpath --path --dos "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" 2>/dev/null`
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec=`cygpath --path --unix "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"`
+      ;;
+    *)
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec="$LIB"
+      if $ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | [$GREP ';[c-zC-Z]:/' >/dev/null]; then
+        # It is most probably a Windows format PATH.
+        sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e 's/;/ /g'`
+      else
+        sys_lib_search_path_spec=`$ECHO "$sys_lib_search_path_spec" | $SED -e "s/$PATH_SEPARATOR/ /g"`
+      fi
+      # FIXME: find the short name or the path components, as spaces are
+      # common. (e.g. "Program Files" -> "PROGRA~1")
+      ;;
+    esac
+    # DLL is installed to $(libdir)/../bin by postinstall_cmds
+    postinstall_cmds='base_file=`basename \${file}`~
+      dlpath=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $dir/'\''\${base_file}'\''i; echo \$dlname'\''`~
+      dldir=$destdir/`dirname \$dlpath`~
+      test -d \$dldir || mkdir -p \$dldir~
+      $install_prog $dir/$dlname \$dldir/$dlname'
+    postuninstall_cmds='dldll=`$SHELL 2>&1 -c '\''. $file; echo \$dlname'\''`~
+      dlpath=$dir/\$dldll~
+       $RM \$dlpath'
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+    dynamic_linker='Win32 link.exe'
+    ;;
+  *)
+    # Assume MSVC wrapper
+    library_names_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | $SED -e 's/[[.]]/-/g'`${versuffix}${shared_ext} $libname.lib'
+    dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # FIXME: first we should search . and the directory the executable is in
+  shlibpath_var=PATH
+  ;;
+darwin* | rhapsody*)
+  dynamic_linker="$host_os dyld"
+  version_type=darwin
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${major}$shared_ext ${libname}$shared_ext'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${major}$shared_ext'
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  shlibpath_var=DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shrext_cmds='`test .$module = .yes && echo .so || echo .dylib`'
+m4_if([$1], [],[
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec /usr/local/lib"])
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/usr/local/lib /lib /usr/lib'
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname$shared_ext'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+  # DragonFly does not have aout.  When/if they implement a new
+  # versioning mechanism, adjust this.
+  if test -x /usr/bin/objformat; then
+    objformat=`/usr/bin/objformat`
+  else
+    case $host_os in
+    freebsd[[23]].*) objformat=aout ;;
+    *) objformat=elf ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  version_type=freebsd-$objformat
+  case $version_type in
+    freebsd-elf*)
+      library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext} $libname${shared_ext}'
+      need_version=no
+      need_lib_prefix=no
+      ;;
+    freebsd-*)
+      library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix $libname${shared_ext}$versuffix'
+      need_version=yes
+      ;;
+  esac
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  case $host_os in
+  freebsd2.*)
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+    ;;
+  freebsd3.[[01]]* | freebsdelf3.[[01]]*)
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+    hardcode_into_libs=yes
+    ;;
+  freebsd3.[[2-9]]* | freebsdelf3.[[2-9]]* | \
+  freebsd4.[[0-5]] | freebsdelf4.[[0-5]] | freebsd4.1.1 | freebsdelf4.1.1)
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+    hardcode_into_libs=yes
+    ;;
+  *) # from 4.6 on, and DragonFly
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+    hardcode_into_libs=yes
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}${major} ${libname}${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  dynamic_linker="$host_os runtime_loader"
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}${major} ${libname}${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/boot/home/config/lib /boot/common/lib /boot/system/lib'
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  ;;
+hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+  # Give a soname corresponding to the major version so that dld.sl refuses to
+  # link against other versions.
+  version_type=sunos
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  case $host_cpu in
+  ia64*)
+    shrext_cmds='.so'
+    hardcode_into_libs=yes
+    dynamic_linker="$host_os dld.so"
+    shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes # Unless +noenvvar is specified.
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+    soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+    if test "X$HPUX_IA64_MODE" = X32; then
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/hpux32 /usr/local/lib/hpux32 /usr/local/lib"
+    else
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/hpux64 /usr/local/lib/hpux64"
+    fi
+    sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec
+    ;;
+  hppa*64*)
+    shrext_cmds='.sl'
+    hardcode_into_libs=yes
+    dynamic_linker="$host_os dld.sl"
+    shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH # How should we handle SHLIB_PATH
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes # Unless +noenvvar is specified.
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+    soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+    sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib/pa20_64 /usr/ccs/lib/pa20_64"
+    sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec=$sys_lib_search_path_spec
+    ;;
+  *)
+    shrext_cmds='.sl'
+    dynamic_linker="$host_os dld.sl"
+    shlibpath_var=SHLIB_PATH
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no # +s is required to enable SHLIB_PATH
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+    soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # HP-UX runs *really* slowly unless shared libraries are mode 555, ...
+  postinstall_cmds='chmod 555 $lib'
+  # or fails outright, so override atomically:
+  install_override_mode=555
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  dynamic_linker='Interix 3.x ld.so.1 (PE, like ELF)'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  ;;
+irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+  case $host_os in
+    nonstopux*) version_type=nonstopux ;;
+    *)
+	if test "$lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+		version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+	else
+		version_type=irix
+	fi ;;
+  esac
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${release}${shared_ext} $libname${shared_ext}'
+  case $host_os in
+  irix5* | nonstopux*)
+    libsuff= shlibsuff=
+    ;;
+  *)
+    case $LD in # libtool.m4 will add one of these switches to LD
+    *-32|*"-32 "|*-melf32bsmip|*"-melf32bsmip ")
+      libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=32-bit;;
+    *-n32|*"-n32 "|*-melf32bmipn32|*"-melf32bmipn32 ")
+      libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 libmagic=N32;;
+    *-64|*"-64 "|*-melf64bmip|*"-melf64bmip ")
+      libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 libmagic=64-bit;;
+    *) libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=never-match;;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  esac
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY${shlibsuff}_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff} /usr/local/lib${libsuff}"
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff}"
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  ;;
+# No shared lib support for Linux oldld, aout, or coff.
+linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*)
+  dynamic_linker=no
+  ;;
+# This must be glibc/ELF.
+linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  # Some binutils ld are patched to set DT_RUNPATH
+  AC_CACHE_VAL([lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath],
+    [lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+    save_libdir=$libdir
+    eval "libdir=/foo; wl=\"$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)\"; \
+	 LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)\""
+      [AS_IF([ ($OBJDUMP -p conftest$ac_exeext) 2>/dev/null | grep "RUNPATH.*$libdir" >/dev/null],
+	 [lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes])])
+    libdir=$save_libdir
+    ])
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=$lt_cv_shlibpath_overrides_runpath
+  # This implies no fast_install, which is unacceptable.
+  # Some rework will be needed to allow for fast_install
+  # before this can be enabled.
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  # Append ld.so.conf contents to the search path
+  if test -f /etc/ld.so.conf; then
+    lt_ld_extra=`awk '/^include / { system(sprintf("cd /etc; cat %s 2>/dev/null", \[$]2)); skip = 1; } { if (!skip) print \[$]0; skip = 0; }' < /etc/ld.so.conf | $SED -e 's/#.*//;/^[	 ]*hwcap[	 ]/d;s/[:,	]/ /g;s/=[^=]*$//;s/=[^= ]* / /g;s/"//g;/^$/d' | tr '\n' ' '`
+    sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib $lt_ld_extra"
+  fi
+  # We used to test for /lib/ld.so.1 and disable shared libraries on
+  # powerpc, because MkLinux only supported shared libraries with the
+  # GNU dynamic linker.  Since this was broken with cross compilers,
+  # most powerpc-linux boxes support dynamic linking these days and
+  # people can always --disable-shared, the test was removed, and we
+  # assume the GNU/Linux dynamic linker is in use.
+  dynamic_linker='GNU/Linux ld.so'
+  ;;
+  version_type=sunos
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ >/dev/null; then
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${shared_ext}$versuffix'
+    finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir'
+    dynamic_linker='NetBSD (a.out) ld.so'
+  else
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major ${libname}${shared_ext}'
+    soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+    dynamic_linker='NetBSD ld.elf_so'
+  fi
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  ;;
+*nto* | *qnx*)
+  version_type=qnx
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  dynamic_linker='ldqnx.so'
+  ;;
+  version_type=sunos
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib"
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  # Some older versions of OpenBSD (3.3 at least) *do* need versioned libs.
+  case $host_os in
+    openbsd3.3 | openbsd3.3.*)	need_version=yes ;;
+    *)				need_version=no  ;;
+  esac
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${shared_ext}$versuffix'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then
+    case $host_os in
+      openbsd2.[[89]] | openbsd2.[[89]].*)
+	shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+	;;
+      *)
+	shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+	;;
+      esac
+  else
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  fi
+  ;;
+  libname_spec='$name'
+  shrext_cmds=".dll"
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  library_names_spec='$libname${shared_ext} $libname.a'
+  dynamic_linker='OS/2 ld.exe'
+  shlibpath_var=LIBPATH
+  ;;
+osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+  version_type=osf
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/shlib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /var/shlib"
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec"
+  ;;
+  dynamic_linker=no
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  # ldd complains unless libraries are executable
+  postinstall_cmds='chmod +x $lib'
+  ;;
+  version_type=sunos
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${shared_ext}$versuffix'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/usr/etc" ldconfig $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+    need_lib_prefix=no
+  fi
+  need_version=yes
+  ;;
+sysv4 | sysv4.3*)
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  case $host_vendor in
+    sni)
+      shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+      need_lib_prefix=no
+      runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH
+      ;;
+    siemens)
+      need_lib_prefix=no
+      ;;
+    motorola)
+      need_lib_prefix=no
+      need_version=no
+      shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec='/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib'
+      ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  if test -d /usr/nec ;then
+    version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+    library_names_spec='$libname${shared_ext}.$versuffix $libname${shared_ext}.$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+    soname_spec='$libname${shared_ext}.$major'
+    shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  fi
+  ;;
+sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*)
+  version_type=freebsd-elf
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext} $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+    sys_lib_search_path_spec='/usr/local/lib /usr/gnu/lib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib /lib'
+  else
+    sys_lib_search_path_spec='/usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib'
+    case $host_os in
+      sco3.2v5*)
+        sys_lib_search_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec /lib"
+	;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec='/usr/lib'
+  ;;
+  # TPF is a cross-target only.  Preferred cross-host = GNU/Linux.
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  hardcode_into_libs=yes
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux # correct to gnu/linux during the next big refactor
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$versuffix ${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major $libname${shared_ext}'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}${shared_ext}$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  dynamic_linker=no
+  ;;
+test "$dynamic_linker" = no && can_build_shared=no
+variables_saved_for_relink="PATH $shlibpath_var $runpath_var"
+if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+  variables_saved_for_relink="$variables_saved_for_relink GCC_EXEC_PREFIX COMPILER_PATH LIBRARY_PATH"
+if test "${lt_cv_sys_lib_search_path_spec+set}" = set; then
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="$lt_cv_sys_lib_search_path_spec"
+if test "${lt_cv_sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec+set}" = set; then
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="$lt_cv_sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec"
+_LT_DECL([], [variables_saved_for_relink], [1],
+    [Variables whose values should be saved in libtool wrapper scripts and
+    restored at link time])
+_LT_DECL([], [need_lib_prefix], [0],
+    [Do we need the "lib" prefix for modules?])
+_LT_DECL([], [need_version], [0], [Do we need a version for libraries?])
+_LT_DECL([], [version_type], [0], [Library versioning type])
+_LT_DECL([], [runpath_var], [0],  [Shared library runtime path variable])
+_LT_DECL([], [shlibpath_var], [0],[Shared library path variable])
+_LT_DECL([], [shlibpath_overrides_runpath], [0],
+    [Is shlibpath searched before the hard-coded library search path?])
+_LT_DECL([], [libname_spec], [1], [Format of library name prefix])
+_LT_DECL([], [library_names_spec], [1],
+    [[List of archive names.  First name is the real one, the rest are links.
+    The last name is the one that the linker finds with -lNAME]])
+_LT_DECL([], [soname_spec], [1],
+    [[The coded name of the library, if different from the real name]])
+_LT_DECL([], [install_override_mode], [1],
+    [Permission mode override for installation of shared libraries])
+_LT_DECL([], [postinstall_cmds], [2],
+    [Command to use after installation of a shared archive])
+_LT_DECL([], [postuninstall_cmds], [2],
+    [Command to use after uninstallation of a shared archive])
+_LT_DECL([], [finish_cmds], [2],
+    [Commands used to finish a libtool library installation in a directory])
+_LT_DECL([], [finish_eval], [1],
+    [[As "finish_cmds", except a single script fragment to be evaled but
+    not shown]])
+_LT_DECL([], [hardcode_into_libs], [0],
+    [Whether we should hardcode library paths into libraries])
+_LT_DECL([], [sys_lib_search_path_spec], [2],
+    [Compile-time system search path for libraries])
+_LT_DECL([], [sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec], [2],
+    [Run-time system search path for libraries])
+# --------------------------
+# find a file program which can recognize shared library
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1])
+[case $MAGIC_CMD in
+[[\\/*] |  ?:[\\/]*])
+  lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD="$MAGIC_CMD" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+  ;;
+  lt_save_MAGIC_CMD="$MAGIC_CMD"
+  lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR
+dnl $ac_dummy forces splitting on constant user-supplied paths.
+dnl POSIX.2 word splitting is done only on the output of word expansions,
+dnl not every word.  This closes a longstanding sh security hole.
+  ac_dummy="m4_if([$2], , $PATH, [$2])"
+  for ac_dir in $ac_dummy; do
+    IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+    test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
+    if test -f $ac_dir/$1; then
+      lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD="$ac_dir/$1"
+      if test -n "$file_magic_test_file"; then
+	case $deplibs_check_method in
+	"file_magic "*)
+	  file_magic_regex=`expr "$deplibs_check_method" : "file_magic \(.*\)"`
+	  MAGIC_CMD="$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD"
+	  if eval $file_magic_cmd \$file_magic_test_file 2> /dev/null |
+	    $EGREP "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then
+	    :
+	  else
+	    cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: the command libtool uses to detect shared libraries,
+*** $file_magic_cmd, produces output that libtool cannot recognize.
+*** The result is that libtool may fail to recognize shared libraries
+*** as such.  This will affect the creation of libtool libraries that
+*** depend on shared libraries, but programs linked with such libtool
+*** libraries will work regardless of this problem.  Nevertheless, you
+*** may want to report the problem to your system manager and/or to
+*** bug-libtool@xxxxxxx
+	  fi ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+  MAGIC_CMD="$lt_save_MAGIC_CMD"
+  ;;
+if test -n "$MAGIC_CMD"; then
+_LT_DECL([], [MAGIC_CMD], [0],
+	 [Used to examine libraries when file_magic_cmd begins with "file"])dnl
+# Old name:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+# --------------
+# find a file program which can recognize a shared library
+[_LT_PATH_TOOL_PREFIX(${ac_tool_prefix}file, /usr/bin$PATH_SEPARATOR$PATH)
+if test -z "$lt_cv_path_MAGIC_CMD"; then
+  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix"; then
+  else
+    MAGIC_CMD=:
+  fi
+# ----------
+# find the pathname to the GNU or non-GNU linker
+    [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-gnu-ld],
+	[assume the C compiler uses GNU ld @<:@default=no@:>@])],
+    [test "$withval" = no || with_gnu_ld=yes],
+    [with_gnu_ld=no])dnl
+if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+  # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path.
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by $CC])
+  case $host in
+  *-*-mingw*)
+    # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw
+    ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;;
+  *)
+    ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;;
+  esac
+  case $ac_prog in
+    # Accept absolute paths.
+    [[\\/]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*)
+      re_direlt='/[[^/]][[^/]]*/\.\./'
+      # Canonicalize the pathname of ld
+      ac_prog=`$ECHO "$ac_prog"| $SED 's%\\\\%/%g'`
+      while $ECHO "$ac_prog" | $GREP "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do
+	ac_prog=`$ECHO $ac_prog| $SED "s%$re_direlt%/%"`
+      done
+      test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog"
+      ;;
+  "")
+    # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC.
+    ac_prog=ld
+    ;;
+  *)
+    # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH.
+    with_gnu_ld=unknown
+    ;;
+  esac
+elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for GNU ld])
+  AC_MSG_CHECKING([for non-GNU ld])
+[if test -z "$LD"; then
+  lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR
+  for ac_dir in $PATH; do
+    IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+    test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
+    if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then
+      lt_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog"
+      # Check to see if the program is GNU ld.  I'd rather use --version,
+      # but apparently some variants of GNU ld only accept -v.
+      # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer.
+      case `"$lt_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 </dev/null` in
+      *GNU* | *'with BFD'*)
+	test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break
+	;;
+      *)
+	test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break
+	;;
+      esac
+    fi
+  done
+  IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+  lt_cv_path_LD="$LD" # Let the user override the test with a path.
+if test -n "$LD"; then
+test -z "$LD" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable ld found in \$PATH])
+_LT_TAGDECL([], [LD], [1], [The linker used to build libraries])
+# Old names:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+dnl AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_LD], [])
+dnl AC_DEFUN([AC_PROG_LD], [])
+#- --------------
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld], lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld,
+[# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU lds only accept -v.
+case `$LD -v 2>&1 </dev/null` in
+*GNU* | *'with BFD'*)
+  lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld=yes
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_prog_gnu_ld=no
+  ;;
+# --------------
+# find reload flag for linker
+#   -- PORTME Some linkers may need a different reload flag.
+[AC_CACHE_CHECK([for $LD option to reload object files],
+  lt_cv_ld_reload_flag,
+  [lt_cv_ld_reload_flag='-r'])
+case $reload_flag in
+"" | " "*) ;;
+*) reload_flag=" $reload_flag" ;;
+reload_cmds='$LD$reload_flag -o $output$reload_objs'
+case $host_os in
+  cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+    if test "$GCC" != yes; then
+      reload_cmds=false
+    fi
+    ;;
+  darwin*)
+    if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+      reload_cmds='$LTCC $LTCFLAGS -nostdlib ${wl}-r -o $output$reload_objs'
+    else
+      reload_cmds='$LD$reload_flag -o $output$reload_objs'
+    fi
+    ;;
+_LT_TAGDECL([], [reload_flag], [1], [How to create reloadable object files])dnl
+_LT_TAGDECL([], [reload_cmds], [2])dnl
+# ----------------------
+# how to check for library dependencies
+#  -- PORTME fill in with the dynamic library characteristics
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to recognize dependent libraries],
+# Need to set the preceding variable on all platforms that support
+# interlibrary dependencies.
+# 'none' -- dependencies not supported.
+# `unknown' -- same as none, but documents that we really don't know.
+# 'pass_all' -- all dependencies passed with no checks.
+# 'test_compile' -- check by making test program.
+# 'file_magic [[regex]]' -- check by looking for files in library path
+# which responds to the $file_magic_cmd with a given extended regex.
+# If you have `file' or equivalent on your system and you're not sure
+# whether `pass_all' will *always* work, you probably want this one.
+case $host_os in
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[ML]]SB (shared object|dynamic lib)'
+  lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/usr/bin/file -L'
+  lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/shlib/libc.so
+  ;;
+  # func_win32_libid is a shell function defined in ltmain.sh
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL'
+  lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='func_win32_libid'
+  ;;
+mingw* | pw32*)
+  # Base MSYS/MinGW do not provide the 'file' command needed by
+  # func_win32_libid shell function, so use a weaker test based on 'objdump',
+  # unless we find 'file', for example because we are cross-compiling.
+  # func_win32_libid assumes BSD nm, so disallow it if using MS dumpbin.
+  if ( test "$lt_cv_nm_interface" = "BSD nm" && file / ) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ^x86 archive import|^x86 DLL'
+    lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='func_win32_libid'
+  else
+    # Keep this pattern in sync with the one in func_win32_libid.
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic file format (pei*-i386(.*architecture: i386)?|pe-arm-wince|pe-x86-64)'
+    lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='$OBJDUMP -f'
+  fi
+  ;;
+  # use the weaker test based on 'objdump'. See mingw*.
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic file format pe-arm-.*little(.*architecture: arm)?'
+  lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='$OBJDUMP -f'
+  ;;
+darwin* | rhapsody*)
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+  if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ > /dev/null; then
+    case $host_cpu in
+    i*86 )
+      # Not sure whether the presence of OpenBSD here was a mistake.
+      # Let's accept both of them until this is cleared up.
+      lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (FreeBSD|OpenBSD|DragonFly)/i[[3-9]]86 (compact )?demand paged shared library'
+      lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+      lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/libc.so.*`
+      ;;
+    esac
+  else
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  fi
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+hpux10.20* | hpux11*)
+  lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  case $host_cpu in
+  ia64*)
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]|ELF-[[0-9]][[0-9]]) shared object file - IA64'
+    lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/hpux32/libc.so
+    ;;
+  hppa*64*)
+    [lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[0-9][0-9][0-9]|ELF[ -][0-9][0-9])(-bit)?( [LM]SB)? shared object( file)?[, -]* PA-RISC [0-9]\.[0-9]']
+    lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/pa20_64/libc.sl
+    ;;
+  *)
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic (s[[0-9]][[0-9]][[0-9]]|PA-RISC[[0-9]]\.[[0-9]]) shared library'
+    lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/libc.sl
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  # PIC code is broken on Interix 3.x, that's why |\.a not |_pic\.a here
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so|\.a)$'
+  ;;
+irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+  case $LD in
+  *-32|*"-32 ") libmagic=32-bit;;
+  *-n32|*"-n32 ") libmagic=N32;;
+  *-64|*"-64 ") libmagic=64-bit;;
+  *) libmagic=never-match;;
+  esac
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+# This must be glibc/ELF.
+linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ > /dev/null; then
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so\.[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+|_pic\.a)$'
+  else
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so|_pic\.a)$'
+  fi
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[ML]]SB (executable|dynamic lib)'
+  lt_cv_file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/usr/lib/libnls.so
+  ;;
+*nto* | *qnx*)
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so\.[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+|\.so|_pic\.a)$'
+  else
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='match_pattern /lib[[^/]]+(\.so\.[[0-9]]+\.[[0-9]]+|_pic\.a)$'
+  fi
+  ;;
+osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*)
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+sysv4 | sysv4.3*)
+  case $host_vendor in
+  motorola)
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[ML]]SB (shared object|dynamic lib) M[[0-9]][[0-9]]* Version [[0-9]]'
+    lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/libc.so*`
+    ;;
+  ncr)
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+    ;;
+  sequent)
+    lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/bin/file'
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[LM]]SB (shared object|dynamic lib )'
+    ;;
+  sni)
+    lt_cv_file_magic_cmd='/bin/file'
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF [[0-9]][[0-9]]*-bit [[LM]]SB dynamic lib"
+    lt_cv_file_magic_test_file=/lib/libc.so
+    ;;
+  siemens)
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+    ;;
+  pc)
+    lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+if test "$build" = "$host"; then
+  case $host_os in
+  mingw* | pw32*)
+    if ( shopt | grep nocaseglob ) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+      want_nocaseglob=yes
+    else
+      file_magic_glob=`echo aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ | $SED -e "s/\(..\)/s\/[[\1]]\/[[\1]]\/g;/g"`
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+test -z "$deplibs_check_method" && deplibs_check_method=unknown
+_LT_DECL([], [deplibs_check_method], [1],
+    [Method to check whether dependent libraries are shared objects])
+_LT_DECL([], [file_magic_cmd], [1],
+    [Command to use when deplibs_check_method = "file_magic"])
+_LT_DECL([], [file_magic_glob], [1],
+    [How to find potential files when deplibs_check_method = "file_magic"])
+_LT_DECL([], [want_nocaseglob], [1],
+    [Find potential files using nocaseglob when deplibs_check_method = "file_magic"])
+# ----------
+# find the pathname to a BSD- or MS-compatible name lister
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)], lt_cv_path_NM,
+[if test -n "$NM"; then
+  # Let the user override the test.
+  lt_cv_path_NM="$NM"
+  lt_nm_to_check="${ac_tool_prefix}nm"
+  if test -n "$ac_tool_prefix" && test "$build" = "$host"; then
+    lt_nm_to_check="$lt_nm_to_check nm"
+  fi
+  for lt_tmp_nm in $lt_nm_to_check; do
+    lt_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR
+    for ac_dir in $PATH /usr/ccs/bin/elf /usr/ccs/bin /usr/ucb /bin; do
+      IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+      test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
+      tmp_nm="$ac_dir/$lt_tmp_nm"
+      if test -f "$tmp_nm" || test -f "$tmp_nm$ac_exeext" ; then
+	# Check to see if the nm accepts a BSD-compat flag.
+	# Adding the `sed 1q' prevents false positives on HP-UX, which says:
+	#   nm: unknown option "B" ignored
+	# Tru64's nm complains that /dev/null is an invalid object file
+	case `"$tmp_nm" -B /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in
+	*/dev/null* | *'Invalid file or object type'*)
+	  lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm -B"
+	  break
+	  ;;
+	*)
+	  case `"$tmp_nm" -p /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in
+	  */dev/null*)
+	    lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm -p"
+	    break
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    lt_cv_path_NM=${lt_cv_path_NM="$tmp_nm"} # keep the first match, but
+	    continue # so that we can try to find one that supports BSD flags
+	    ;;
+	  esac
+	  ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+    done
+    IFS="$lt_save_ifs"
+  done
+  : ${lt_cv_path_NM=no}
+if test "$lt_cv_path_NM" != "no"; then
+  NM="$lt_cv_path_NM"
+  # Didn't find any BSD compatible name lister, look for dumpbin.
+  if test -n "$DUMPBIN"; then :
+    # Let the user override the test.
+  else
+    AC_CHECK_TOOLS(DUMPBIN, [dumpbin "link -dump"], :)
+    case `$DUMPBIN -symbols /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'` in
+    *COFF*)
+      DUMPBIN="$DUMPBIN -symbols"
+      ;;
+    *)
+      DUMPBIN=:
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  if test "$DUMPBIN" != ":"; then
+    NM="$DUMPBIN"
+  fi
+test -z "$NM" && NM=nm
+_LT_DECL([], [NM], [1], [A BSD- or MS-compatible name lister])dnl
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([the name lister ($NM) interface], [lt_cv_nm_interface],
+  [lt_cv_nm_interface="BSD nm"
+  echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.$ac_ext
+  (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $ac_compile\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD)
+  (eval "$ac_compile" 2>conftest.err)
+  cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+  (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: $NM \\\"conftest.$ac_objext\\\"\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD)
+  (eval "$NM \"conftest.$ac_objext\"" 2>conftest.err > conftest.out)
+  cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+  (eval echo "\"\$as_me:$LINENO: output\"" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD)
+  cat conftest.out >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+  if $GREP 'External.*some_variable' conftest.out > /dev/null; then
+    lt_cv_nm_interface="MS dumpbin"
+  fi
+  rm -f conftest*])
+# Old names:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+dnl AC_DEFUN([AM_PROG_NM], [])
+dnl AC_DEFUN([AC_PROG_NM], [])
+# --------------------------------
+# how to determine the name of the shared library
+# associated with a specific link library.
+#  -- PORTME fill in with the dynamic library characteristics
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to associate runtime and link libraries],
+case $host_os in
+cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+  # two different shell functions defined in ltmain.sh
+  # decide which to use based on capabilities of $DLLTOOL
+  case `$DLLTOOL --help 2>&1` in
+  *--identify-strict*)
+    lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=func_cygming_dll_for_implib
+    ;;
+  *)
+    lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=func_cygming_dll_for_implib_fallback
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  # fallback: assume linklib IS sharedlib
+  lt_cv_sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd="$ECHO"
+  ;;
+test -z "$sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd" && sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd=$ECHO
+_LT_DECL([], [sharedlib_from_linklib_cmd], [1],
+    [Command to associate shared and link libraries])
+# ----------------------
+# locate the manifest tool
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([if $MANIFEST_TOOL is a manifest tool], [lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool],
+  [lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool=no
+  echo "$as_me:$LINENO: $MANIFEST_TOOL '-?'" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+  $MANIFEST_TOOL '-?' 2>conftest.err > conftest.out
+  cat conftest.err >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+  if $GREP 'Manifest Tool' conftest.out > /dev/null; then
+    lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool=yes
+  fi
+  rm -f conftest*])
+if test "x$lt_cv_path_mainfest_tool" != xyes; then
+_LT_DECL([], [MANIFEST_TOOL], [1], [Manifest tool])dnl
+# --------
+# check for math library
+case $host in
+*-*-beos* | *-*-cegcc* | *-*-cygwin* | *-*-haiku* | *-*-pw32* | *-*-darwin*)
+  # These system don't have libm, or don't need it
+  ;;
+  AC_CHECK_LIB(mw, _mwvalidcheckl, LIBM="-lmw")
+  AC_CHECK_LIB(m, cos, LIBM="$LIBM -lm")
+  ;;
+  AC_CHECK_LIB(m, cos, LIBM="-lm")
+  ;;
+])# LT_LIB_M
+# Old name:
+dnl aclocal-1.4 backwards compatibility:
+# -------------------------------
+_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)=
+if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+  case $cc_basename in
+  nvcc*)
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)=' -Xcompiler -fno-builtin' ;;
+  *)
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)=' -fno-builtin' ;;
+  esac
+  _LT_COMPILER_OPTION([if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions],
+    lt_cv_prog_compiler_rtti_exceptions,
+    [-fno-rtti -fno-exceptions], [],
+    [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)="$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions"])
+_LT_TAGDECL([no_builtin_flag], [lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag], [1],
+	[Compiler flag to turn off builtin functions])
+# ----------------------
+# Check for command to grab the raw symbol name followed by C symbol from nm.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([command to parse $NM output from $compiler object])
+# These are sane defaults that work on at least a few old systems.
+# [They come from Ultrix.  What could be older than Ultrix?!! ;)]
+# Character class describing NM global symbol codes.
+# Regexp to match symbols that can be accessed directly from C.
+# Define system-specific variables.
+case $host_os in
+  symcode='[[BCDT]]'
+  ;;
+cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+  symcode='[[ABCDGISTW]]'
+  ;;
+  if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+    symcode='[[ABCDEGRST]]'
+  fi
+  ;;
+irix* | nonstopux*)
+  symcode='[[BCDEGRST]]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[[BCDEGQRST]]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[[BDRT]]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[[DT]]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[[DT]]'
+  ;;
+sysv5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*)
+  symcode='[[ABDT]]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[[DFNSTU]]'
+  ;;
+# If we're using GNU nm, then use its standard symbol codes.
+case `$NM -V 2>&1` in
+*GNU* | *'with BFD'*)
+  symcode='[[ABCDGIRSTW]]' ;;
+# Transform an extracted symbol line into a proper C declaration.
+# Some systems (esp. on ia64) link data and code symbols differently,
+# so use this general approach.
+lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^T .* \(.*\)$/extern int \1();/p' -e 's/^$symcode* .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'"
+# Transform an extracted symbol line into symbol name and symbol address
+lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address="sed -n -e 's/^: \([[^ ]]*\)[[ ]]*$/  {\\\"\1\\\", (void *) 0},/p' -e 's/^$symcode* \([[^ ]]*\) \([[^ ]]*\)$/  {\"\2\", (void *) \&\2},/p'"
+lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix="sed -n -e 's/^: \([[^ ]]*\)[[ ]]*$/  {\\\"\1\\\", (void *) 0},/p' -e 's/^$symcode* \([[^ ]]*\) \(lib[[^ ]]*\)$/  {\"\2\", (void *) \&\2},/p' -e 's/^$symcode* \([[^ ]]*\) \([[^ ]]*\)$/  {\"lib\2\", (void *) \&\2},/p'"
+# Handle CRLF in mingw tool chain
+case $build_os in
+  opt_cr=`$ECHO 'x\{0,1\}' | tr x '\015'` # option cr in regexp
+  ;;
+# Try without a prefix underscore, then with it.
+for ac_symprfx in "" "_"; do
+  # Transform symcode, sympat, and symprfx into a raw symbol and a C symbol.
+  symxfrm="\\1 $ac_symprfx\\2 \\2"
+  # Write the raw and C identifiers.
+  if test "$lt_cv_nm_interface" = "MS dumpbin"; then
+    # Fake it for dumpbin and say T for any non-static function
+    # and D for any global variable.
+    # Also find C++ and __fastcall symbols from MSVC++,
+    # which start with @ or ?.
+    lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="$AWK ['"\
+"     {last_section=section; section=\$ 3};"\
+"     /^COFF SYMBOL TABLE/{for(i in hide) delete hide[i]};"\
+"     /Section length .*#relocs.*(pick any)/{hide[last_section]=1};"\
+"     \$ 0!~/External *\|/{next};"\
+"     / 0+ UNDEF /{next}; / UNDEF \([^|]\)*()/{next};"\
+"     {if(hide[section]) next};"\
+"     {f=0}; \$ 0~/\(\).*\|/{f=1}; {printf f ? \"T \" : \"D \"};"\
+"     {split(\$ 0, a, /\||\r/); split(a[2], s)};"\
+"     s[1]~/^[@?]/{print s[1], s[1]; next};"\
+"     s[1]~prfx {split(s[1],t,\"@\"); print t[1], substr(t[1],length(prfx))}"\
+"     ' prfx=^$ac_symprfx]"
+  else
+    lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="sed -n -e 's/^.*[[	 ]]\($symcode$symcode*\)[[	 ]][[	 ]]*$ac_symprfx$sympat$opt_cr$/$symxfrm/p'"
+  fi
+  lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe="$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe | sed '/ __gnu_lto/d'"
+  # Check to see that the pipe works correctly.
+  pipe_works=no
+  rm -f conftest*
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<_LT_EOF
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+char nm_test_var;
+void nm_test_func(void);
+void nm_test_func(void){}
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+int main(){nm_test_var='a';nm_test_func();return(0);}
+  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_compile); then
+    # Now try to grab the symbols.
+    nlist=conftest.nm
+    if AC_TRY_EVAL(NM conftest.$ac_objext \| "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" \> $nlist) && test -s "$nlist"; then
+      # Try sorting and uniquifying the output.
+      if sort "$nlist" | uniq > "$nlist"T; then
+	mv -f "$nlist"T "$nlist"
+      else
+	rm -f "$nlist"T
+      fi
+      # Make sure that we snagged all the symbols we need.
+      if $GREP ' nm_test_var$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then
+	if $GREP ' nm_test_func$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then
+	  cat <<_LT_EOF > conftest.$ac_ext
+/* Keep this code in sync between libtool.m4, ltmain, lt_system.h, and tests.  */
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+/* DATA imports from DLLs on WIN32 con't be const, because runtime
+   relocations are performed -- see ld's documentation on pseudo-relocs.  */
+# define LT@&t@_DLSYM_CONST
+#elif defined(__osf__)
+/* This system does not cope well with relocations in const data.  */
+# define LT@&t@_DLSYM_CONST
+# define LT@&t@_DLSYM_CONST const
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+	  # Now generate the symbol file.
+	  eval "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist" | $GREP -v main >> conftest.$ac_ext'
+	  cat <<_LT_EOF >> conftest.$ac_ext
+/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols.  */
+LT@&t@_DLSYM_CONST struct {
+  const char *name;
+  void       *address;
+lt__PROGRAM__LTX_preloaded_symbols[[]] =
+  { "@PROGRAM@", (void *) 0 },
+	  $SED "s/^$symcode$symcode* \(.*\) \(.*\)$/  {\"\2\", (void *) \&\2},/" < "$nlist" | $GREP -v main >> conftest.$ac_ext
+	  cat <<\_LT_EOF >> conftest.$ac_ext
+  {0, (void *) 0}
+/* This works around a problem in FreeBSD linker */
+static const void *lt_preloaded_setup() {
+  return lt__PROGRAM__LTX_preloaded_symbols;
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+	  # Now try linking the two files.
+	  mv conftest.$ac_objext conftstm.$ac_objext
+	  lt_globsym_save_LIBS=$LIBS
+	  lt_globsym_save_CFLAGS=$CFLAGS
+	  LIBS="conftstm.$ac_objext"
+	  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_no_builtin_flag, $1)"
+	  if AC_TRY_EVAL(ac_link) && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+	    pipe_works=yes
+	  fi
+	  LIBS=$lt_globsym_save_LIBS
+	  CFLAGS=$lt_globsym_save_CFLAGS
+	else
+	  echo "cannot find nm_test_func in $nlist" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+	fi
+      else
+	echo "cannot find nm_test_var in $nlist" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+      fi
+    else
+      echo "cannot run $lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD
+    cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  fi
+  rm -rf conftest* conftst*
+  # Do not use the global_symbol_pipe unless it works.
+  if test "$pipe_works" = yes; then
+    break
+  else
+    lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe=
+  fi
+if test -z "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe"; then
+  lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl=
+if test -z "$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe$lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl"; then
+  AC_MSG_RESULT(failed)
+# Response file support.
+if test "$lt_cv_nm_interface" = "MS dumpbin"; then
+  nm_file_list_spec='@'
+elif $NM --help 2>/dev/null | grep '[[@]]FILE' >/dev/null; then
+  nm_file_list_spec='@'
+_LT_DECL([global_symbol_pipe], [lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe], [1],
+    [Take the output of nm and produce a listing of raw symbols and C names])
+_LT_DECL([global_symbol_to_cdecl], [lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_cdecl], [1],
+    [Transform the output of nm in a proper C declaration])
+    [lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address], [1],
+    [Transform the output of nm in a C name address pair])
+    [lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_to_c_name_address_lib_prefix], [1],
+    [Transform the output of nm in a C name address pair when lib prefix is needed])
+_LT_DECL([], [nm_file_list_spec], [1],
+    [Specify filename containing input files for $NM])
+# ---------------------------
+_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)=
+_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=
+_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)=
+m4_if([$1], [CXX], [
+  # C++ specific cases for pic, static, wl, etc.
+  if test "$GXX" = yes; then
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+    case $host_os in
+    aix*)
+      # All AIX code is PIC.
+      if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	# AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      fi
+      ;;
+    amigaos*)
+      case $host_cpu in
+      powerpc)
+            # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support
+            _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+        ;;
+      m68k)
+            # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but
+            # adding the `-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better,
+            # like `-m68040'.
+            _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4'
+        ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    beos* | irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux* | osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+      # PIC is the default for these OSes.
+      ;;
+    mingw* | cygwin* | os2* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+      # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being
+      # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example).
+      # Although the cygwin gcc ignores -fPIC, still need this for old-style
+      # (--disable-auto-import) libraries
+      m4_if([$1], [GCJ], [],
+	[_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT'])
+      ;;
+    darwin* | rhapsody*)
+      # PIC is the default on this platform
+      # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fno-common'
+      ;;
+    *djgpp*)
+      # DJGPP does not support shared libraries at all
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=
+      ;;
+    haiku*)
+      # PIC is the default for Haiku.
+      # The "-static" flag exists, but is broken.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)=
+      ;;
+    interix[[3-9]]*)
+      # Interix 3.x gcc -fpic/-fPIC options generate broken code.
+      # Instead, we relocate shared libraries at runtime.
+      ;;
+    sysv4*MP*)
+      if test -d /usr/nec; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=-Kconform_pic
+      fi
+      ;;
+    hpux*)
+      # PIC is the default for 64-bit PA HP-UX, but not for 32-bit
+      # PA HP-UX.  On IA64 HP-UX, PIC is the default but the pic flag
+      # sets the default TLS model and affects inlining.
+      case $host_cpu in
+      hppa*64*)
+	;;
+      *)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+	;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    *qnx* | *nto*)
+      # QNX uses GNU C++, but need to define -shared option too, otherwise
+      # it will coredump.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC -shared'
+      ;;
+    *)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+      ;;
+    esac
+  else
+    case $host_os in
+      aix[[4-9]]*)
+	# All AIX code is PIC.
+	if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	  # AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	else
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp'
+	fi
+	;;
+      chorus*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	cxch68*)
+	  # Green Hills C++ Compiler
+	  # _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)="--no_auto_instantiation -u __main -u __premain -u _abort -r $COOL_DIR/lib/libOrb.a $MVME_DIR/lib/CC/libC.a $MVME_DIR/lib/classix/libcx.s.a"
+	  ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      mingw* | cygwin* | os2* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+	# This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being
+	# built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example).
+	m4_if([$1], [GCJ], [],
+	  [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT'])
+	;;
+      dgux*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  ec++*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	    ;;
+	  ghcx*)
+	    # Green Hills C++ Compiler
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+	# FreeBSD uses GNU C++
+	;;
+      hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  CC*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='${wl}-a ${wl}archive'
+	    if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then
+	      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='+Z'
+	    fi
+	    ;;
+	  aCC*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='${wl}-a ${wl}archive'
+	    case $host_cpu in
+	    hppa*64*|ia64*)
+	      # +Z the default
+	      ;;
+	    *)
+	      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='+Z'
+	      ;;
+	    esac
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      interix*)
+	# This is c89, which is MS Visual C++ (no shared libs)
+	# Anyone wants to do a port?
+	;;
+      irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  CC*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+	    # CC pic flag -KPIC is the default.
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  KCC*)
+	    # KAI C++ Compiler
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='--backend -Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+	    ;;
+	  ecpc* )
+	    # old Intel C++ for x86_64 which still supported -KPIC.
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+	    ;;
+	  icpc* )
+	    # Intel C++, used to be incompatible with GCC.
+	    # ICC 10 doesn't accept -KPIC any more.
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+	    ;;
+	  pgCC* | pgcpp*)
+	    # Portland Group C++ compiler
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fpic'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	    ;;
+	  cxx*)
+	    # Compaq C++
+	    # Make sure the PIC flag is empty.  It appears that all Alpha
+	    # Linux and Compaq Tru64 Unix objects are PIC.
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+	    ;;
+	  xlc* | xlC* | bgxl[[cC]]* | mpixl[[cC]]*)
+	    # IBM XL 8.0, 9.0 on PPC and BlueGene
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-qpic'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-qstaticlink'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in
+	    *Sun\ C*)
+	      # Sun C++ 5.9
+	      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld '
+	      ;;
+	    esac
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      lynxos*)
+	;;
+      m88k*)
+	;;
+      mvs*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  cxx*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-W c,exportall'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      netbsd*)
+	;;
+      *qnx* | *nto*)
+        # QNX uses GNU C++, but need to define -shared option too, otherwise
+        # it will coredump.
+        _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC -shared'
+        ;;
+      osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  KCC*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='--backend -Wl,'
+	    ;;
+	  RCC*)
+	    # Rational C++ 2.4.1
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic'
+	    ;;
+	  cxx*)
+	    # Digital/Compaq C++
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    # Make sure the PIC flag is empty.  It appears that all Alpha
+	    # Linux and Compaq Tru64 Unix objects are PIC.
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      psos*)
+	;;
+      solaris*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  CC* | sunCC*)
+	    # Sun C++ 4.2, 5.x and Centerline C++
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld '
+	    ;;
+	  gcx*)
+	    # Green Hills C++ Compiler
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-PIC'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      sunos4*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  CC*)
+	    # Sun C++ 4.x
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	    ;;
+	  lcc*)
+	    # Lucid
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  CC*)
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      tandem*)
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  NCC*)
+	    # NonStop-UX NCC 3.20
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	    ;;
+	  *)
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      vxworks*)
+	;;
+      *)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no
+	;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+    case $host_os in
+      aix*)
+      # All AIX code is PIC.
+      if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	# AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      fi
+      ;;
+    amigaos*)
+      case $host_cpu in
+      powerpc)
+            # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support
+            _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+        ;;
+      m68k)
+            # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but
+            # adding the `-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better,
+            # like `-m68040'.
+            _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4'
+        ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    beos* | irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux* | osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+      # PIC is the default for these OSes.
+      ;;
+    mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*)
+      # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being
+      # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example).
+      # Although the cygwin gcc ignores -fPIC, still need this for old-style
+      # (--disable-auto-import) libraries
+      m4_if([$1], [GCJ], [],
+	[_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT'])
+      ;;
+    darwin* | rhapsody*)
+      # PIC is the default on this platform
+      # Common symbols not allowed in MH_DYLIB files
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fno-common'
+      ;;
+    haiku*)
+      # PIC is the default for Haiku.
+      # The "-static" flag exists, but is broken.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)=
+      ;;
+    hpux*)
+      # PIC is the default for 64-bit PA HP-UX, but not for 32-bit
+      # PA HP-UX.  On IA64 HP-UX, PIC is the default but the pic flag
+      # sets the default TLS model and affects inlining.
+      case $host_cpu in
+      hppa*64*)
+	# +Z the default
+	;;
+      *)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+	;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    interix[[3-9]]*)
+      # Interix 3.x gcc -fpic/-fPIC options generate broken code.
+      # Instead, we relocate shared libraries at runtime.
+      ;;
+    msdosdjgpp*)
+      # Just because we use GCC doesn't mean we suddenly get shared libraries
+      # on systems that don't support them.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no
+      enable_shared=no
+      ;;
+    *nto* | *qnx*)
+      # QNX uses GNU C++, but need to define -shared option too, otherwise
+      # it will coredump.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC -shared'
+      ;;
+    sysv4*MP*)
+      if test -d /usr/nec; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=-Kconform_pic
+      fi
+      ;;
+    *)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+      ;;
+    esac
+    case $cc_basename in
+    nvcc*) # Cuda Compiler Driver 2.2
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Xlinker '
+      if test -n "$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)"; then
+        _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)="-Xcompiler $_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    esac
+  else
+    # PORTME Check for flag to pass linker flags through the system compiler.
+    case $host_os in
+    aix*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	# AIX 5 now supports IA64 processor
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp'
+      fi
+      ;;
+    mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2* | cegcc*)
+      # This hack is so that the source file can tell whether it is being
+      # built for inclusion in a dll (and should export symbols for example).
+      m4_if([$1], [GCJ], [],
+	[_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-DDLL_EXPORT'])
+      ;;
+    hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      # PIC is the default for IA64 HP-UX and 64-bit HP-UX, but
+      # not for PA HP-UX.
+      case $host_cpu in
+      hppa*64*|ia64*)
+	# +Z the default
+	;;
+      *)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='+Z'
+	;;
+      esac
+      # Is there a better lt_prog_compiler_static that works with the bundled CC?
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='${wl}-a ${wl}archive'
+      ;;
+    irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      # PIC (with -KPIC) is the default.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+      ;;
+    linux* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+      case $cc_basename in
+      # old Intel for x86_64 which still supported -KPIC.
+      ecc*)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+        ;;
+      # icc used to be incompatible with GCC.
+      # ICC 10 doesn't accept -KPIC any more.
+      icc* | ifort*)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+        ;;
+      # Lahey Fortran 8.1.
+      lf95*)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='--shared'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='--static'
+	;;
+      nagfor*)
+	# NAG Fortran compiler
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,-Wl,,'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-PIC'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	;;
+      pgcc* | pgf77* | pgf90* | pgf95* | pgfortran*)
+        # Portland Group compilers (*not* the Pentium gcc compiler,
+	# which looks to be a dead project)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fpic'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+        ;;
+      ccc*)
+        _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+        # All Alpha code is PIC.
+        _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+        ;;
+      xl* | bgxl* | bgf* | mpixl*)
+	# IBM XL C 8.0/Fortran 10.1, 11.1 on PPC and BlueGene
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-qpic'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-qstaticlink'
+	;;
+      *)
+	case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in
+	*Sun\ Ceres\ Fortran* | *Sun*Fortran*\ [[1-7]].* | *Sun*Fortran*\ 8.[[0-3]]*)
+	  # Sun Fortran 8.3 passes all unrecognized flags to the linker
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)=''
+	  ;;
+	*Sun\ F* | *Sun*Fortran*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld '
+	  ;;
+	*Sun\ C*)
+	  # Sun C 5.9
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	  ;;
+        *Intel*\ [[CF]]*Compiler*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-static'
+	  ;;
+	*Portland\ Group*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fpic'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+	  ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    newsos6)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      ;;
+    *nto* | *qnx*)
+      # QNX uses GNU C++, but need to define -shared option too, otherwise
+      # it will coredump.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-fPIC -shared'
+      ;;
+    osf3* | osf4* | osf5*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      # All OSF/1 code is PIC.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+      ;;
+    rdos*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-non_shared'
+      ;;
+    solaris*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      case $cc_basename in
+      f77* | f90* | f95* | sunf77* | sunf90* | sunf95*)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld ';;
+      *)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,';;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    sunos4*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Qoption ld '
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-PIC'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      ;;
+    sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      ;;
+    sysv4*MP*)
+      if test -d /usr/nec ;then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-Kconform_pic'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      fi
+      ;;
+    sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-KPIC'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      ;;
+    unicos*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1)='-Wl,'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    uts4*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)='-pic'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)='-Bstatic'
+      ;;
+    *)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+case $host_os in
+  # For platforms which do not support PIC, -DPIC is meaningless:
+  *djgpp*)
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=
+    ;;
+  *)
+    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)="$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)@&t@m4_if([$1],[],[ -DPIC],[m4_if([$1],[CXX],[ -DPIC],[])])"
+    ;;
+AC_CACHE_CHECK([for $compiler option to produce PIC],
+  [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic, $1)],
+  [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)])
+_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic, $1)
+# Check to make sure the PIC flag actually works.
+if test -n "$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)"; then
+  _LT_COMPILER_OPTION([if $compiler PIC flag $_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1) works],
+    [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_pic_works, $1)],
+    [$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)@&t@m4_if([$1],[],[ -DPIC],[m4_if([$1],[CXX],[ -DPIC],[])])], [],
+    [case $_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1) in
+     "" | " "*) ;;
+     *) _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=" $_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)" ;;
+     esac],
+    [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_pic, $1)=
+     _LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_can_build_shared, $1)=no])
+_LT_TAGDECL([pic_flag], [lt_prog_compiler_pic], [1],
+	[Additional compiler flags for building library objects])
+_LT_TAGDECL([wl], [lt_prog_compiler_wl], [1],
+	[How to pass a linker flag through the compiler])
+# Check to make sure the static flag actually works.
+wl=$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_wl, $1) eval lt_tmp_static_flag=\"$_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)\"
+_LT_LINKER_OPTION([if $compiler static flag $lt_tmp_static_flag works],
+  _LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler_static_works, $1),
+  $lt_tmp_static_flag,
+  [],
+  [_LT_TAGVAR(lt_prog_compiler_static, $1)=])
+_LT_TAGDECL([link_static_flag], [lt_prog_compiler_static], [1],
+	[Compiler flag to prevent dynamic linking])
+# ----------------------------
+# See if the linker supports building shared libraries.
+AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether the $compiler linker ($LD) supports shared libraries])
+m4_if([$1], [CXX], [
+  _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+  _LT_TAGVAR(exclude_expsyms, $1)=['_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_|_GLOBAL__F[ID]_.*']
+  case $host_os in
+  aix[[4-9]]*)
+    # If we're using GNU nm, then we don't want the "-C" option.
+    # -C means demangle to AIX nm, but means don't demangle with GNU nm
+    # Also, AIX nm treats weak defined symbols like other global defined
+    # symbols, whereas GNU nm marks them as "W".
+    if $NM -V 2>&1 | $GREP 'GNU' > /dev/null; then
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "W")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols'
+    else
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols'
+    fi
+    ;;
+  pw32*)
+    _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)="$ltdll_cmds"
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw* | cegcc*)
+    case $cc_basename in
+    cl*)
+      ;;
+    *)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[[BCDGRS]][[ ]]/s/.*[[ ]]\([[^ ]]*\)/\1 DATA/;s/^.*[[ ]]__nm__\([[^ ]]*\)[[ ]][[^ ]]*/\1 DATA/;/^I[[ ]]/d;/^[[AITW]][[ ]]/s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(exclude_expsyms, $1)=['[_]+GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_|[_]+GLOBAL__[FID]_.*|[_]+head_[A-Za-z0-9_]+_dll|[A-Za-z0-9_]+_dll_iname']
+      ;;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  *)
+    _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+    ;;
+  esac
+], [
+  runpath_var=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(compiler_needs_object, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_automatic, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct_absolute, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=unsupported
+  _LT_TAGVAR(inherit_rpath, $1)=no
+  _LT_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=unknown
+  _LT_TAGVAR(module_cmds, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(module_expsym_cmds, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_new_cmds, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_expsyms_cmds, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(thread_safe_flag_spec, $1)=
+  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=
+  # include_expsyms should be a list of space-separated symbols to be *always*
+  # included in the symbol list
+  _LT_TAGVAR(include_expsyms, $1)=
+  # exclude_expsyms can be an extended regexp of symbols to exclude
+  # it will be wrapped by ` (' and `)$', so one must not match beginning or
+  # end of line.  Example: `a|bc|.*d.*' will exclude the symbols `a' and `bc',
+  # as well as any symbol that contains `d'.
+  _LT_TAGVAR(exclude_expsyms, $1)=['_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_|_GLOBAL__F[ID]_.*']
+  # Although _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is a valid symbol C name, most a.out
+  # platforms (ab)use it in PIC code, but their linkers get confused if
+  # the symbol is explicitly referenced.  Since portable code cannot
+  # rely on this symbol name, it's probably fine to never include it in
+  # preloaded symbol tables.
+  # Exclude shared library initialization/finalization symbols.
+dnl Note also adjust exclude_expsyms for C++ above.
+  extract_expsyms_cmds=
+  case $host_os in
+  cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+    # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time
+    # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using
+    # Microsoft Visual C++.
+    if test "$GCC" != yes; then
+      with_gnu_ld=no
+    fi
+    ;;
+  interix*)
+    # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++)
+    with_gnu_ld=yes
+    ;;
+  openbsd*)
+    with_gnu_ld=no
+    ;;
+  esac
+  _LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=yes
+  # On some targets, GNU ld is compatible enough with the native linker
+  # that we're better off using the native interface for both.
+  lt_use_gnu_ld_interface=no
+  if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+    case $host_os in
+      aix*)
+	# The AIX port of GNU ld has always aspired to compatibility
+	# with the native linker.  However, as the warning in the GNU ld
+	# block says, versions before 2.19.5* couldn't really create working
+	# shared libraries, regardless of the interface used.
+	case `$LD -v 2>&1` in
+	  *\ \(GNU\ Binutils\)\ 2.19.5*) ;;
+	  *\ \(GNU\ Binutils\)\ 2.[[2-9]]*) ;;
+	  *\ \(GNU\ Binutils\)\ [[3-9]]*) ;;
+	  *)
+	    lt_use_gnu_ld_interface=yes
+	    ;;
+	esac
+	;;
+      *)
+	lt_use_gnu_ld_interface=yes
+	;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  if test "$lt_use_gnu_ld_interface" = yes; then
+    # If archive_cmds runs LD, not CC, wlarc should be empty
+    wlarc='${wl}'
+    # Set some defaults for GNU ld with shared library support. These
+    # are reset later if shared libraries are not supported. Putting them
+    # here allows them to be overridden if necessary.
+    runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH
+    _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+    _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-dynamic'
+    # ancient GNU ld didn't support --whole-archive et. al.
+    if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP 'no-whole-archive' > /dev/null; then
+      _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)="$wlarc"'--whole-archive$convenience '"$wlarc"'--no-whole-archive'
+    else
+      _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=
+    fi
+    supports_anon_versioning=no
+    case `$LD -v 2>&1` in
+      *GNU\ gold*) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;;
+      *\ [[01]].* | *\ 2.[[0-9]].* | *\ 2.10.*) ;; # catch versions < 2.11
+      *\\ *) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;; # RH7.3 ...
+      *\\ *) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;; # Mandrake 8.2 ...
+      *\ 2.11.*) ;; # other 2.11 versions
+      *) supports_anon_versioning=yes ;;
+    esac
+    # See if GNU ld supports shared libraries.
+    case $host_os in
+    aix[[3-9]]*)
+      # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken
+      if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+	cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: the GNU linker, at least up to release 2.19, is reported
+*** to be unable to reliably create shared libraries on AIX.
+*** Therefore, libtool is disabling shared libraries support.  If you
+*** really care for shared libraries, you may want to install binutils
+*** 2.20 or above, or modify your PATH so that a non-GNU linker is found.
+*** You will then need to restart the configuration process.
+      fi
+      ;;
+    amigaos*)
+      case $host_cpu in
+      powerpc)
+            # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support
+            _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+            _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)=''
+        ;;
+      m68k)
+            _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$RM $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define NAME $libname" > $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define VERSION $major" >> $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define REVISION $revision" >> $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $output_objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)'
+            _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir'
+            _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+        ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    beos*)
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported
+	# Joseph Beckenbach <jrb3@xxxxxxxx> says some releases of gcc
+	# support --undefined.  This deserves some investigation.  FIXME
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -nostart $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+      # _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1) is actually meaningless,
+      # as there is no search path for DLLs.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--export-all-symbols'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported
+      _LT_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=no
+      _LT_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[[BCDGRS]][[ ]]/s/.*[[ ]]\([[^ ]]*\)/\1 DATA/;s/^.*[[ ]]__nm__\([[^ ]]*\)[[ ]][[^ ]]*/\1 DATA/;/^I[[ ]]/d;/^[[AITW]][[ ]]/s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(exclude_expsyms, $1)=['[_]+GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_|[_]+GLOBAL__[FID]_.*|[_]+head_[A-Za-z0-9_]+_dll|[A-Za-z0-9_]+_dll_iname']
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then
+        _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -o $output_objdir/$soname ${wl}--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker $lib'
+	# If the export-symbols file already is a .def file (1st line
+	# is EXPORTS), use it as is; otherwise, prepend...
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='if test "x`$SED 1q $export_symbols`" = xEXPORTS; then
+	  cp $export_symbols $output_objdir/$soname.def;
+	else
+	  echo EXPORTS > $output_objdir/$soname.def;
+	  cat $export_symbols >> $output_objdir/$soname.def;
+	fi~
+	$CC -shared $output_objdir/$soname.def $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags -o $output_objdir/$soname ${wl}--enable-auto-image-base -Xlinker --out-implib -Xlinker $lib'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    haiku*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes
+      ;;
+    interix[[3-9]]*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath,$libdir'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E'
+      # Hack: On Interix 3.x, we cannot compile PIC because of a broken gcc.
+      # Instead, shared libraries are loaded at an image base (0x10000000 by
+      # default) and relocated if they conflict, which is a slow very memory
+      # consuming and fragmenting process.  To avoid this, we pick a random,
+      # 256 KiB-aligned image base between 0x50000000 and 0x6FFC0000 at link
+      # time.  Moving up from 0x10000000 also allows more sbrk(2) space.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-h,$soname ${wl}--image-base,`expr ${RANDOM-$$} % 4096 / 2 \* 262144 + 1342177280` -o $lib'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='sed "s,^,_," $export_symbols >$output_objdir/$soname.expsym~$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-h,$soname ${wl}--retain-symbols-file,$output_objdir/$soname.expsym ${wl}--image-base,`expr ${RANDOM-$$} % 4096 / 2 \* 262144 + 1342177280` -o $lib'
+      ;;
+    gnu* | linux* | tpf* | k*bsd*-gnu | kopensolaris*-gnu)
+      tmp_diet=no
+      if test "$host_os" = linux-dietlibc; then
+	case $cc_basename in
+	  diet\ *) tmp_diet=yes;;	# linux-dietlibc with static linking (!diet-dyn)
+	esac
+      fi
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | $EGREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null \
+	 && test "$tmp_diet" = no
+      then
+	tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag'
+	tmp_sharedflag='-shared'
+	case $cc_basename,$host_cpu in
+        pgcc*)				# Portland Group C compiler
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--whole-archive`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test  -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` ${wl}--no-whole-archive'
+	  tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag'
+	  ;;
+	pgf77* | pgf90* | pgf95* | pgfortran*)
+					# Portland Group f77 and f90 compilers
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--whole-archive`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test  -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` ${wl}--no-whole-archive'
+	  tmp_addflag=' $pic_flag -Mnomain' ;;
+	ecc*,ia64* | icc*,ia64*)	# Intel C compiler on ia64
+	  tmp_addflag=' -i_dynamic' ;;
+	efc*,ia64* | ifort*,ia64*)	# Intel Fortran compiler on ia64
+	  tmp_addflag=' -i_dynamic -nofor_main' ;;
+	ifc* | ifort*)			# Intel Fortran compiler
+	  tmp_addflag=' -nofor_main' ;;
+	lf95*)				# Lahey Fortran 8.1
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=
+	  tmp_sharedflag='--shared' ;;
+	xl[[cC]]* | bgxl[[cC]]* | mpixl[[cC]]*) # IBM XL C 8.0 on PPC (deal with xlf below)
+	  tmp_sharedflag='-qmkshrobj'
+	  tmp_addflag= ;;
+	nvcc*)	# Cuda Compiler Driver 2.2
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--whole-archive`for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test  -n \"$conv\" && new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` ${wl}--no-whole-archive'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(compiler_needs_object, $1)=yes
+	  ;;
+	esac
+	case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in
+	*Sun\ C*)			# Sun C 5.9
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--whole-archive`new_convenience=; for conv in $convenience\"\"; do test -z \"$conv\" || new_convenience=\"$new_convenience,$conv\"; done; func_echo_all \"$new_convenience\"` ${wl}--no-whole-archive'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(compiler_needs_object, $1)=yes
+	  tmp_sharedflag='-G' ;;
+	*Sun\ F*)			# Sun Fortran 8.3
+	  tmp_sharedflag='-G' ;;
+	esac
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC '"$tmp_sharedflag""$tmp_addflag"' $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+        if test "x$supports_anon_versioning" = xyes; then
+          _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='echo "{ global:" > $output_objdir/$libname.ver~
+	    cat $export_symbols | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~
+	    echo "local: *; };" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~
+	    $CC '"$tmp_sharedflag""$tmp_addflag"' $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-version-script ${wl}$output_objdir/$libname.ver -o $lib'
+        fi
+	case $cc_basename in
+	xlf* | bgf* | bgxlf* | mpixlf*)
+	  # IBM XL Fortran 10.1 on PPC cannot create shared libs itself
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='--whole-archive$convenience --no-whole-archive'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -soname $soname -o $lib'
+	  if test "x$supports_anon_versioning" = xyes; then
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='echo "{ global:" > $output_objdir/$libname.ver~
+	      cat $export_symbols | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~
+	      echo "local: *; };" >> $output_objdir/$libname.ver~
+	      $LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -soname $soname -version-script $output_objdir/$libname.ver -o $lib'
+	  fi
+	  ;;
+	esac
+      else
+        _LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    netbsd*)
+      if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | $GREP __ELF__ >/dev/null; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -o $lib'
+	wlarc=
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+      fi
+      ;;
+    solaris*)
+      if $LD -v 2>&1 | $GREP 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+	cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: The releases 2.8.* of the GNU linker cannot reliably
+*** create shared libraries on Solaris systems.  Therefore, libtool
+*** is disabling shared libraries support.  We urge you to upgrade GNU
+*** binutils to release 2.9.1 or newer.  Another option is to modify
+*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is
+*** used, and then restart.
+      elif $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*)
+      case `$LD -v 2>&1` in
+        *\ [[01]].* | *\ 2.[[0-9]].* | *\ 2.1[[0-5]].*)
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+	cat <<_LT_EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: Releases of the GNU linker prior to can not
+*** reliably create shared libraries on SCO systems.  Therefore, libtool
+*** is disabling shared libraries support.  We urge you to upgrade GNU
+*** binutils to release or newer.  Another option is to modify
+*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is
+*** used, and then restart.
+	;;
+	*)
+	  # For security reasons, it is highly recommended that you always
+	  # use absolute paths for naming shared libraries, and exclude the
+	  # DT_RUNPATH tag from executables and libraries.  But doing so
+	  # requires that you compile everything twice, which is a pain.
+	  if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+	  else
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+	  fi
+	;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    sunos4*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -assert pure-text -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags'
+      wlarc=
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    *)
+      if $LD --help 2>&1 | $GREP ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)=no
+      fi
+      ;;
+    esac
+    if test "$_LT_TAGVAR(ld_shlibs, $1)" = no; then
+      runpath_var=
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)=
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)=
+      _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)=
+    fi
+  else
+    # PORTME fill in a description of your system's linker (not GNU ld)
+    case $host_os in
+    aix3*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported
+      _LT_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$LD -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags -bE:$export_symbols -T512 -H512 -bM:SRE~$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $output_objdir/$soname'
+      # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there
+      # are no directories specified by -L.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+      if test "$GCC" = yes && test -z "$lt_prog_compiler_static"; then
+	# Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a
+	# broken collect2.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=unsupported
+      fi
+      ;;
+    aix[[4-9]]*)
+      if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	# On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't
+	# have to do anything special.
+	aix_use_runtimelinking=no
+	exp_sym_flag='-Bexport'
+	no_entry_flag=""
+      else
+	# If we're using GNU nm, then we don't want the "-C" option.
+	# -C means demangle to AIX nm, but means don't demangle with GNU nm
+	# Also, AIX nm treats weak defined symbols like other global
+	# defined symbols, whereas GNU nm marks them as "W".
+	if $NM -V 2>&1 | $GREP 'GNU' > /dev/null; then
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -Bpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B") || (\$ 2 == "W")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols'
+	else
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM -BCpg $libobjs $convenience | awk '\''{ if (((\$ 2 == "T") || (\$ 2 == "D") || (\$ 2 == "B")) && ([substr](\$ 3,1,1) != ".")) { print \$ 3 } }'\'' | sort -u > $export_symbols'
+	fi
+	aix_use_runtimelinking=no
+	# Test if we are trying to use run time linking or normal
+	# AIX style linking. If -brtl is somewhere in LDFLAGS, we
+	# need to do runtime linking.
+	case $host_os in aix4.[[23]]|aix4.[[23]].*|aix[[5-9]]*)
+	  for ld_flag in $LDFLAGS; do
+	  if (test $ld_flag = "-brtl" || test $ld_flag = "-Wl,-brtl"); then
+	    aix_use_runtimelinking=yes
+	    break
+	  fi
+	  done
+	  ;;
+	esac
+	exp_sym_flag='-bexport'
+	no_entry_flag='-bnoentry'
+      fi
+      # When large executables or shared objects are built, AIX ld can
+      # have problems creating the table of contents.  If linking a library
+      # or program results in "error TOC overflow" add -mminimal-toc to
+      # CXXFLAGS/CFLAGS for g++/gcc.  In the cases where that is not
+      # enough to fix the problem, add -Wl,-bbigtoc to LDFLAGS.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)=''
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct_absolute, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=':'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(link_all_deplibs, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(file_list_spec, $1)='${wl}-f,'
+      if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+	case $host_os in aix4.[[012]]|aix4.[[012]].*)
+	# We only want to do this on AIX 4.2 and lower, the check
+	# below for broken collect2 doesn't work under 4.3+
+	  collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2`
+	  if test -f "$collect2name" &&
+	   strings "$collect2name" | $GREP resolve_lib_name >/dev/null
+	  then
+	  # We have reworked collect2
+	  :
+	  else
+	  # We have old collect2
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=unsupported
+	  # It fails to find uninstalled libraries when the uninstalled
+	  # path is not listed in the libpath.  Setting hardcode_minus_L
+	  # to unsupported forces relinking
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=
+	  fi
+	  ;;
+	esac
+	shared_flag='-shared'
+	if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then
+	  shared_flag="$shared_flag "'${wl}-G'
+	fi
+      else
+	# not using gcc
+	if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	# VisualAge C++, Version 5.5 for AIX 5L for IA-64, Beta 3 Release
+	# chokes on -Wl,-G. The following line is correct:
+	  shared_flag='-G'
+	else
+	  if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then
+	    shared_flag='${wl}-G'
+	  else
+	    shared_flag='${wl}-bM:SRE'
+	  fi
+	fi
+      fi
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-bexpall'
+      # It seems that -bexpall does not export symbols beginning with
+      # underscore (_), so it is better to generate a list of symbols to export.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes
+      if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then
+	# Warning - without using the other runtime loading flags (-brtl),
+	# -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)='-berok'
+        # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an
+        # empty executable.
+        _LT_SYS_MODULE_PATH_AIX([$1])
+        _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath"
+        _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs '"\${wl}$no_entry_flag"' $compiler_flags `if test "x${allow_undefined_flag}" != "x"; then func_echo_all "${wl}${allow_undefined_flag}"; else :; fi` '"\${wl}$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols $shared_flag"
+      else
+	if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)="-z nodefs"
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs '"\${wl}$no_entry_flag"' $compiler_flags ${wl}${allow_undefined_flag} '"\${wl}$exp_sym_flag:\$export_symbols"
+	else
+	 # Determine the default libpath from the value encoded in an
+	 # empty executable.
+	 _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath"
+	  # Warning - without using the other run time loading flags,
+	  # -berok will link without error, but may produce a broken library.
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(no_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-bernotok'
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=' ${wl}-berok'
+	  if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+	    # We only use this code for GNU lds that support --whole-archive.
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}--whole-archive$convenience ${wl}--no-whole-archive'
+	  else
+	    # Exported symbols can be pulled into shared objects from archives
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(whole_archive_flag_spec, $1)='$convenience'
+	  fi
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds_need_lc, $1)=yes
+	  # This is similar to how AIX traditionally builds its shared libraries.
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs ${wl}-bnoentry $compiler_flags ${wl}-bE:$export_symbols${allow_undefined_flag}~$AR $AR_FLAGS $output_objdir/$libname$release.a $output_objdir/$soname'
+	fi
+      fi
+      ;;
+    amigaos*)
+      case $host_cpu in
+      powerpc)
+            # see comment about AmigaOS4 .so support
+            _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+            _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)=''
+        ;;
+      m68k)
+            _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$RM $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define NAME $libname" > $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define VERSION $major" >> $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$ECHO "#define REVISION $revision" >> $output_objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$AR $AR_FLAGS $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $output_objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)'
+            _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir'
+            _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+        ;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    bsdi[[45]]*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)=-rdynamic
+      ;;
+    cygwin* | mingw* | pw32* | cegcc*)
+      # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using
+      # Microsoft Visual C++.
+      # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is
+      # no search path for DLLs.
+      case $cc_basename in
+      cl*)
+	# Native MSVC
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)=' '
+	_LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported
+	_LT_TAGVAR(always_export_symbols, $1)=yes
+	_LT_TAGVAR(file_list_spec, $1)='@'
+	# Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files.
+	libext=lib
+	# Tell ltmain to make .dll files, not .so files.
+	shrext_cmds=".dll"
+	# FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $compiler_flags $deplibs -Wl,-dll~linknames='
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='if test "x`$SED 1q $export_symbols`" = xEXPORTS; then
+	    sed -n -e 's/\\\\\\\(.*\\\\\\\)/-link\\\ -EXPORT:\\\\\\\1/' -e '1\\\!p' < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/$soname.exp;
+	  else
+	    sed -e 's/\\\\\\\(.*\\\\\\\)/-link\\\ -EXPORT:\\\\\\\1/' < $export_symbols > $output_objdir/$soname.exp;
+	  fi~
+	  $CC -o $tool_output_objdir$soname $libobjs $compiler_flags $deplibs "@$tool_output_objdir$soname.exp" -Wl,-DLL,-IMPLIB:"$tool_output_objdir$libname.dll.lib"~
+	  linknames='
+	# The linker will not automatically build a static lib if we build a DLL.
+	# _LT_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_new_cmds, $1)='true'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=yes
+	_LT_TAGVAR(export_symbols_cmds, $1)='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | $SED -e '\''/^[[BCDGRS]][[ ]]/s/.*[[ ]]\([[^ ]]*\)/\1,DATA/'\'' | $SED -e '\''/^[[AITW]][[ ]]/s/.*[[ ]]//'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+	# Don't use ranlib
+	_LT_TAGVAR(old_postinstall_cmds, $1)='chmod 644 $oldlib'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(postlink_cmds, $1)='lt_outputfile="@OUTPUT@"~
+	  lt_tool_outputfile="@TOOL_OUTPUT@"~
+	  case $lt_outputfile in
+	    *.exe|*.EXE) ;;
+	    *)
+	      lt_outputfile="$lt_outputfile.exe"
+	      lt_tool_outputfile="$lt_tool_outputfile.exe"
+	      ;;
+	  esac~
+	  if test "$MANIFEST_TOOL" != ":" && test -f "$lt_outputfile.manifest"; then
+	    $MANIFEST_TOOL -manifest "$lt_tool_outputfile.manifest" -outputresource:"$lt_tool_outputfile" || exit 1;
+	    $RM "$lt_outputfile.manifest";
+	  fi'
+	;;
+      *)
+	# Assume MSVC wrapper
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)=' '
+	_LT_TAGVAR(allow_undefined_flag, $1)=unsupported
+	# Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files.
+	libext=lib
+	# Tell ltmain to make .dll files, not .so files.
+	shrext_cmds=".dll"
+	# FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -o $lib $libobjs $compiler_flags `func_echo_all "$deplibs" | $SED '\''s/ -lc$//'\''` -link -dll~linknames='
+	# The linker will automatically build a .lib file if we build a DLL.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(old_archive_from_new_cmds, $1)='true'
+	# FIXME: Should let the user specify the lib program.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(old_archive_cmds, $1)='lib -OUT:$oldlib$oldobjs$old_deplibs'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(enable_shared_with_static_runtimes, $1)=yes
+	;;
+      esac
+      ;;
+    darwin* | rhapsody*)
+      ;;
+    dgux*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-L$libdir'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    # FreeBSD 2.2.[012] allows us to include c++rt0.o to get C++ constructor
+    # support.  Future versions do this automatically, but an explicit c++rt0.o
+    # does not break anything, and helps significantly (at the cost of a little
+    # extra space).
+    freebsd2.2*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags /usr/lib/c++rt0.o'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    # Unfortunately, older versions of FreeBSD 2 do not have this feature.
+    freebsd2.*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    # FreeBSD 3 and greater uses gcc -shared to do shared libraries.
+    freebsd* | dragonfly*)
+      _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='-R$libdir'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+      ;;
+    hpux9*)
+      if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$RM $output_objdir/$soname~$CC -shared $pic_flag ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags~test $output_objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$RM $output_objdir/$soname~$LD -b +b $install_libdir -o $output_objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags~test $output_objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $output_objdir/$soname $lib'
+      fi
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=:
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+      # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH,
+      # but as the default location of the library.
+      _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+      _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E'
+      ;;
+    hpux10*)
+      if test "$GCC" = yes && test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags'
+      fi
+      if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=:
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct_absolute, $1)=yes
+	_LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E'
+	# hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH,
+	# but as the default location of the library.
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+      fi
+      ;;
+    hpux11*)
+      if test "$GCC" = yes && test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then
+	case $host_cpu in
+	hppa*64*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+	  ;;
+	ia64*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+nodefaultrpath -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+	  ;;
+	*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+	  ;;
+	esac
+      else
+	case $host_cpu in
+	hppa*64*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -b ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+	  ;;
+	ia64*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -b ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+nodefaultrpath -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'
+	  ;;
+	*)
+	m4_if($1, [], [
+	  # Older versions of the 11.00 compiler do not understand -b yet
+	  # (HP92453-01 A.11.01.20 doesn't, HP92453-01 B.11.X.35175-35176.GP does)
+	  _LT_LINKER_OPTION([if $CC understands -b],
+	    _LT_TAGVAR(lt_cv_prog_compiler__b, $1), [-b],
+	    [_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -b ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'],
+	    [_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linker_flags'])],
+	  [_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -b ${wl}+h ${wl}$soname ${wl}+b ${wl}$install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags'])
+	  ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+      if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+	_LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_libdir_separator, $1)=:
+	case $host_cpu in
+	hppa*64*|ia64*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=no
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_shlibpath_var, $1)=no
+	  ;;
+	*)
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct, $1)=yes
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_direct_absolute, $1)=yes
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(export_dynamic_flag_spec, $1)='${wl}-E'
+	  # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH,
+	  # but as the default location of the library.
+	  _LT_TAGVAR(hardcode_minus_L, $1)=yes
+	  ;;
+	esac
+      fi
+      ;;
+    irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*)
+      if test "$GCC" = yes; then
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring"` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${output_objdir}/so_locations -o $lib'
+	# Try to use the -exported_symbol ld option, if it does not
+	# work, assume that -exports_file does not work either and
+	# implicitly export all symbols.
+	# This should be the same for all languages, so no per-tag cache variable.
+	AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the $host_os linker accepts -exported_symbol],
+	  [lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol],
+	  [save_LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS"
+	   LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -shared ${wl}-exported_symbol ${wl}foo ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}/dev/null"
+	        [AC_LANG_CASE([C], [[int foo (void) { return 0; }]],
+			      [C++], [[int foo (void) { return 0; }]],
+			      [Fortran 77], [[
+      subroutine foo
+      end]],
+			      [Fortran], [[
+      subroutine foo
+      end]])])],
+	      [lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol=yes],
+	      [lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol=no])
+           LDFLAGS="$save_LDFLAGS"])
+	if test "$lt_cv_irix_exported_symbol" = yes; then
+          _LT_TAGVAR(archive_expsym_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $pic_flag $libobjs $deplibs $compiler_flags ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && func_echo_all "${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring"` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${output_objdir}/so_locations ${wl}-exports_file ${wl}$export_symbols -o $lib'
+	fi
+      else
+	_LT_TAGVAR(archive_cmds, $1)='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $compi