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Re: my impression of BZR


On Sat, Jun 02, 2007 at 09:19:02PM +0200, Janek Kozicki wrote:
> 3. there is not enough bzr clients. I've found some bzr-gtk client,
> but backporting it to etch turned to be too conflicting with current
> packages so I gave up. For svn we have kdesvn, rapidsvn (which I'm
> using), tortoise-svn and other plugins (eg. for eclipse). No such
> software exists for bzr, yet, because bzr is too young.

Well, there exists bzr plugin for eclipse, but I have strong impression
it's still too young to trust it (I do remember young svn plugins :) ).

> I'm sorry to raise the points now - I should have done this research
> before the migration. But we knew, that it was for testing purposes
> and that we go back if we have problems.

No research is equivalent to real try, and that's what we're doing now.

IMHO, version control change in quite large (in means of active users or
in means of code volume) project is not too wise idea, if it's not
clearly superior to previous one. It's just too much of hassle, both to
developers and to end-users trying to get fresh yade from repo, as they
have done several times.

I'm not trying to say that changes are bad. I'm not convinced this one
is bad, either. But, I'm not conviced this one is good and I can see
that it costs in people time.

Same time could be invested in doing things that are waiting to be done.
Much can be done to ease first steps with yade: documentation, adding
comments to sources, little refactorings in code to shrink size of
user-written modules and so on.
These would be nice and helpful for people trying to use yade, while
changing repo on fly is not. When I need tool foo to do shmoo, I don't
want to learn new tool bar, unless it's inevitable. SVN is wide known
tool, bzr is not.

And I think all my points still hold even if we can make bzr somehow to
do bzr diff in split second, just as svn.

(I know I'm fresh yade developer with little or none work input. But
this helps me to see things from outside, I think :) )
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