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Re: metaengines etc.


Václav Šmilauer said:     (by the date of Mon, 04 Feb 2008 16:17:04 +0100)

> Hi everybody (but mostly Janek),

Hi Vaclav,

> 1. What is the purpose of MetaEngine, if only MetaDispatchingEngine is used?

MetaEngine was "just in case" if we wanted to do something else than
dispatching. But it turned out to be useless. Refactor this out,
then ;-) There will be just MetaDispatcher.

I've sent to you some time ago the article submitted to CMAME, the
articles uses new class names.

> 2. Shouldn't I add a macro to EngineUnit's so that what types they take
> as arguments is inside the class? Then instead of saying
> dispatcher->add("InteractingBox","InteractingSphere","InteractingBox2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry"),
> one would only have to say
> dispatcher->add(instanceOfInteractingBox2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry)
> and the instance would say to the dispatcher what types it takes - like
> we have RENDERS in gl drawers, there would be something like
> DISPATCHES(InteractingBox,InteractingSphere) inside the
> InteractingBox2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry class. Sounds
> reasonable?

yeah, sounds good. I can't remember why I didn't do it before. Maybe
only because there wasn't enough time. I'm sure that when I get to
this I will soon recall the whole issue to my mind.

> 3. Why do we distinguish DeusExMachina and StandAloneEngine, if they do
> the same thing? I know it is supposed to apply different effects
> (kinematic vs. dynamic), but from programming point of view, is there a
> difference?

StandAloneEngine will be removed, we will have only EgiConditionApplier here.

> 4. What is the status of boost::serialization in yade, what is the
> status of removing singletons, moving to the boost factory (?) etc? I am
> asking because I want to know how much force should I put into python
> wrapper now, since it relies quite heavily on the old serialization model.

yeah. Why I'm still not working on yade?? It's already 3 weeks since
I'm in Grenoble ;-) Of course I want to do all of this ASAP.

- until 15 february I must submit 2 conference proceeding papers
  (6-12 pages each). And 2 conference abstracts (2 pages). That's 4 in total.

- I must keep the "snow" people happy about my progress with respect
  to modelling snow using yade. We have a meeting this week. There
  wasn't money available to work directly on yade. I'm supposed to
  implement snow modelling. So during my work on yade I got to keep
  them happy.

Because of this I'm slower with yade development than I'd like to :(

The rough yade dev schedule for me looks like this:

1. change all class names, as they appear in the CMAME article

1a. modify yade::serialization to understand both old and new names
    during serialization (if everyone agrees that it's necessary)

2. add boost::serialization, don't remove yade serialization (becomes
   deprecated, be removed later)

3. about two week regression testing if nothing got broken with respect to
   simulation results.

4. remove yade ClassFactory and use boost counterpart (I got to check
   which one we need here: boost::extension, or class factory provided with

4a. boost::extension is not yet formal part of boost, there will be a
    review this year, and I guess it will be released with 1.35:
       svn checkout http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/libs/extension
       svn checkout http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/boost/extension

4b. because boost::extension is not yet in boost, the
    boost::serialization has to use it's own micro-factory - because
    otherwise it would be impossible to instatinate classes during
    deserialization. And I know that this micro-factory works well
    with plugins (*.dll and *.so). So I got to check if it's enough for
    our needs, or whether we need boost::extension.

5. again two weeks of regression testing

6. remove remaining singletons, prepare grounds for real unit tests.
   (they work only without singletons). Learn boost::test, and start
   writing unit tests for every classes - will take a long time...

7. change the container layout to use boost::multi_index, drop
   BodyContainer and InterctionContainer. Look at thread with words
   "good example" in the subject:
   This is a major change, and it is pending for quite a long time.

Smaller stuff, which should go in parallel, but not restricted to go
somewhere between one thing and other thing.

1. investigate if my QT4-serialization applet works well with
   boost::serialization. Fix if it isn't. Then we have a GUI that can
   communicate with boost::serialization and we can drop

2. Start slow switch to QT4, by writing a new simple QT4 gui. When it
   becomes usable the old gui will become depraceted. Removal of
   yade::serialization equals to removal of QT3 GUI.

3. finally separate BodyState from BodyConstitutiveParameters

4. Write documentation (when?, I dunno, we got a lot of work here :-P )

5. Perhaps implement a "serialization on demand" interface. It uses
   boost::serialization, and can be used to check values when their name
   is given. The name is provided using syntax similar to directory/file.
   So you would ask gimmie("SomeClass/SomeMember/torsionalStiffness");
   and get the answer - the value. That could be later used for tracking
   variables maybe obtaining simulation results, and debugging.

6. implement some simple parallelization on single multi-core
   computer (shared memory), using boost::threads. Easy to do even now -
   just divide a container into several parts, and process each part on
   different CPU.

7. stop using yade::MultiMethods. Use a similar library from boost
   (that's a too complicated library to be part of yade, it should be

7a. check if there is a similar library in boost (gotta look at the
    boost mailing list archives), if there is one, then start using it

7b. if there isn't any in boost, then clean our MultiMethods,
    boostify them and submit to become part of boost.

7c. In either way we will be using MultiMethods from boost ;-D

You want to ask when all that? Good point. First of all I get to
finish those conference articles, and make something for snow meeting
this week.

Realistically speaking I think that I should be somewhere around
point (4) by middle/end of March.

Sounds good?

PS: maybe I missed several points. I should put this on wiki, and keep
up to date.
Janek Kozicki                                                         |
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