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[svn] r1541 - in trunk/gui: . py


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2008-10-11 15:28:17 +0200 (Sat, 11 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 1541

1. Yade now runs TCP server at the first free port above 9000 (accessible from localhost only), which simulates python console. (let me know if you need this over network -- it is DANGEROUS, since someone can delete all your files etc without any authentication). The interpreter has its own namespace.

Modified: trunk/gui/SConscript
--- trunk/gui/SConscript	2008-10-11 07:45:14 UTC (rev 1540)
+++ trunk/gui/SConscript	2008-10-11 13:28:17 UTC (rev 1541)
@@ -75,5 +75,6 @@
+		env.File('PythonTCPServer.py','py'),

Added: trunk/gui/py/PythonTCPServer.py
--- trunk/gui/py/PythonTCPServer.py	2008-10-11 07:45:14 UTC (rev 1540)
+++ trunk/gui/py/PythonTCPServer.py	2008-10-11 13:28:17 UTC (rev 1541)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import SocketServer
+import sys
+from yade.wrapper import *
+class PythonConsoleSocketEmulator(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
+	def setup(self):
+		if not self.client_address[0].startswith('127.0.0'):
+			print "TCP Connection from non-127.0.0.* address %s rejected"%self.client_address[0]
+			return
+		print self.client_address, 'connected!'
+		self.request.send("""__   __    ____                 __  _____ ____ ____  
+\ \ / /_ _|  _ \  ___    ___   / / |_   _/ ___|  _ \ 
+ \ V / _` | | | |/ _ \  / _ \ / /    | || |   | |_) |
+  | | (_| | |_| |  __/ | (_) / /     | || |___|  __/ 
+  |_|\__,_|____/ \___|  \___/_/      |_| \____|_|    
+(connected from %s:%d)
+>>> """%(str(self.client_address[0]),self.client_address[1]))
+	def displayhook(self,s):
+		import pprint
+		self.request.send(pprint.pformat(s))
+	def handle(self):
+		import code,cStringIO,traceback
+		buf=[]
+		while True:
+			data = self.request.recv(1024).rstrip()
+			if data=='\x04' or data=='exit' or data=='quit': # \x04 == ^D 
+				return
+			buf.append(data)
+			orig_displayhook,orig_stdout=sys.displayhook,sys.stdout
+			sio=cStringIO.StringIO()
+			continuation=False
+			#print "buffer:",buf
+			try:
+				comp=code.compile_command('\n'.join(buf))
+				if comp:
+					sys.displayhook=self.displayhook
+					sys.stdout=sio
+					exec comp
+					self.request.send(sio.getvalue())
+					buf=[]
+				else:
+					self.request.send('... '); continuation=True
+			except:
+				self.request.send(traceback.format_exc())
+				buf=[]
+			finally:
+				sys.displayhook,sys.stdout=orig_displayhook,orig_stdout
+				if not continuation: self.request.send('\n>>> ')
+	def finish(self):
+		print self.client_address, 'disconnected!'
+		self.request.send('\nBye ' + str(self.client_address) + '\n')
+class PythonTCPServer:
+	def __init__(self,minPort=9000,host='',maxPort=65536,background=True):
+		import socket
+		self.port=-1
+		self.host=host
+		tryPort=minPort
+		if maxPort==None: maxPort=minPort
+		while self.port==-1 and tryPort<=maxPort:
+			try:
+				self.server=SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer((host,tryPort),PythonConsoleSocketEmulator)
+				self.port=tryPort
+				print "Python TCP server listening on %s:%d"%(host if host else 'localhost',self.port)
+				if background:
+					import thread; thread.start_new_thread(self.server.serve_forever,())
+				else: self.server.serve_forever()
+			except socket.error:
+				tryPort+=1
+		if self.port==-1: raise RuntimeError("No free port to listen on in range %d-%d"%(minPort,maxPort))
+if __name__=='__main__':
+	PythonTCPServer(background=False)

Modified: trunk/gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py
--- trunk/gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py	2008-10-11 07:45:14 UTC (rev 1540)
+++ trunk/gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py	2008-10-11 13:28:17 UTC (rev 1541)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 from yade import runtime
 import sys
-sys.excepthook=sys.__excepthook__ # apport on ubuntu override this, we don't need it
+sys.excepthook=sys.__excepthook__ # apport on ubuntu overrides this, we don't need it
 # sys.path.insert(0,runtime.prefix+'/lib/yade'+runtime.suffix+'/extra')
 from yade.wrapper import *
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
 	def _quit(): import sys; sys.exit(0)
+## run the TCP server
+import yade.PythonTCPServer
 ## run simulation if requested from the command line
 if runtime.simulation:
 	print "Running simulation "+runtime.simulation