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Re: Question about parameters in SpheresContactGeometry


You can always derive from the geometry class and add your own data
members. But you still have access to inherited data members and
methods, should you need those. maxUn can (should) be stored in
InteractionPhysics, the same for cell volume, no?
(A) - maxUn (and other extrema of the variables contained in IntGeom, including initial orientations) in IntPhysics is ok with me. It will prevent the addition of excess parameters in IntGeometry.

I have SpheresContactGeometry::splitToEpsTMax(Real epsTMax),
which adjusts the original contact points such that |epsT|<epsTMax and
returns increment of eps_plastic. I believe that most constitutive laws
use similar notions of plasticity, so to me it made sense to add this to
You can't define this in ContGeom. This is in contradiction with (A), and also in contradiction with the fact the plastic part of a strain is defined for a given constitutive law.

An exemple of this : in creep equations (creep, like plasticity, is
changing the "neutral" position when it occures), the initial
orientations (from wich total bending/twisting are defined) are
updated to reflect creep. The way it is updated is valid only for the
specific creep law considered here, another constitutive law would
update the initial configuration differently.

The conclusion is you can't avoid the manipulation/storage of
geometrical data in some constitutive laws/physicalParameters.
Constitutive law can change geometry (as with the plasticity), in some
special cases. I know that I say something more than just "compute
stresses from strains". I would say that what is useful for multiple
constitutive laws could be defined as SpheresContactGeometry method
(plasticity), otherwise just that single constitutive law can manipulate
Again, usefull for me is : normal, Un, dUt, rad1, rad2. I don't need (want) anything more in SpheresContact description.
It makes code harder to read and it wastes memory.

If you say incremental shear, you still need access to 2 linear
velocities and 2 angular velocities, not just penetrationDepth and radii.

Well, dUt could be added in IntGeometry. But YOU don't need it...

rad1/rad2 should also be removed, this duplication caused troubles at least once when I was increasing the size of particles. I was multiplying each body->radius by a constant, but I forgot to multiply each interaction->rad1/2 at the same time. Spheres where increasing in size but contacts were computed based on the initial sizes. Consequence : no force were generated since the only "motion " was the radius evolution and it was not seen at the contact level. This is a major drawback of the "let us copy what we need from bodies to interaction geometry" approach.

If the objective is only "good design", I'm not sure it is worth it.

Duplicating data is bad in itself. By trying to avoid accessing bodies in constitutive laws, we are generating duplications and extra members/local variables. The variable is somewhere, let us find it where and when we need it. Forecasting what people do/will/could need in constitutive laws is almost impossible.

I personally don't trust the incremental code, although I admit that it
can be my personal weakness that I wasn't able to derive it and verify
myself. Besides that, it supposes that the rotation is such small that
displacements can be linearized (if I understand what it does) and I
think that could make for some problems in highly dynamic simulations.

This incremental formulation needs a serious discussion.
I'm not really convinced by the global scale comparison with FEM. FEM nodes have rotational DOF's and radius? Looking at your code, I suspect you wrote a definition of Ut which is not the classical one (so that the increment of your Ut is not my dUt). It is not "more precise", it is just "something else". You are perhaps also mixing the "incremental formulation" (no assumption on small rotations) with the approximated method to rotate current Ft in Yade (which indeed needs this assumption).

For rotating Ft. In short : in a rotation, the exact displacement of P is dP=(M-Id).P. the operator "(M-Id)." can be replaced by "R x ()" when the rotation is small. With R aligned on the rotation axis and scaled by the rotation angle, and "x" the vectorial cross product.

I've been reading "slipToDisplacementTMax" code, but I have now more questions than answers. I still can't understand what it is supposed to do. I guess this is because we have very different situations in mind.

- How can you update the "initial" position based on a real instead of a 3D vector? - Not related but still interesting : if(displacementTMax<=Mathr::ZERO_TOLERANCE), why not if(dMax<=0)?

Even the comment seems obscure to me :
/*! Perform slip of the projected contact points so that their distance becomes equal (or remains smaller) than the given one.
* The slipped distance is returned.

Why do you project material points?!

Quick check :

A sphere is in contact with a plane. The plane and the center of the sphere are fixed, the sphere can only rotate with an axis of rotation parallel to the plane.
IF the rotation of the sphere is pi/4, what is the tangential displacement?

I'd say Ut here is _exactly_ (radius x pi/4). Do you agree (I anticipate you don't, with this "projection" feature...)? In Yade, the incremental formulation gives exactly the same result. I mean, if you take the algorithm and write it in a mathematical form, you can proove that if the rotation pi/4 is discretised in N small steps, the sum of dUt's is exactly radius x pi/4.

If you think it is realiable and useful, I would be all for extracting
it to a stand-alone function that would get all the parameters it needs
and return what it computes.
It is not just "reliable" : it is what most people knowing DEM will look for in Yade, it is the very root of the DEM. Really.
So, yes, it will need to be adapted to the new design.
And if there is an error in the code, I need to spot it.
 Or shear strain could be added to
SpheresContactGeometry (or a new class, if you like), but computed by
InteractingSphere2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry. That would
make more sense to me.
Sorry to insist, but, what I'd like ideally is SpheresContactGeometry with Un, dUt, normal (dUt is actually not there, perhaps it should, rad1/rad2 are there - they should not). Anything else (rotation, etc.) should be in other classes inheriting from SpheresContactGeometry, one for each contact law.

I'd like to keep the basic and common Yade classes very simple, with nothing more than the classical dem. Same for IntPhysics : kn, ks, friction. Nothing more (this useless "intitials" kn/ks caused troubles in the past, a bit like the duplicated radii).

Oh, I didn't add those (except facetContactFace, which I'd like to keep
until SphresFacetGeometry is done). "svn blame" gives me "richefeu". But
I can remove that, no problem at all ;-)
Hehe. You started the "abusive storage" and others filled it with their stuff.
You are only "partly" to blame then. ;-)

I put those extra things under condition 'hasShear', they are not
assigned and should "just" take memory if you don't use them (29 bytes,
if I calculate correctly: 5 quaternions, 2 Vector3, 3 Reals).
Ok, all this instead of 2 vectors and 1 real makes, what? 4 times more?
It reminds me the question of Luc about the size of xml's... 70% of an xml is for interactions...

+ It is harder to read.

 If that is
not OK and if other peoples will not use it, I can move it to a separate
Yes please, move it in a new inheriting class.

Currently, the rotation variables for CohesiveFrictional are in CFInteractionPhysics.hpp, because it was simpler for Janek (see below). They are very similar to yours. If there is a new geometry class to put them, it is all good.

Currently in the CFI.hpp :

/Quaternionr    initialOrientation1,initialOrientation2,
Vector3r    initialPosition1,initialPosition2; /

I think initial's should not move. They would store in IPhys. the extrema of some IGeom. variables (still, I wonder if kinematic variables of contact laws will always be extrema of standard geometric variables. Wait and see...)

It is already stored there (iff hasShear): pos1, pos2, ori1, ori2. But I
have yet to see non-spherical particles in yade (if someone is serious
about that, he'd better fix global/local mismatch of inertia in Newton's
law first)
"Yet to see"?! Open your eyes then! :-P
Janek has been developping non-spherical grains for a while. I did not invent this position example, I got it from him.
Your clumps are a great exemple too, even with some mismatches left.

So, fundamentally, with you first statement in mind : "Constitutive
law should operate just on interaction geometry and interaction
physics. If it accesses rootBody->bodies, it is a design problem", all
information from bodies must be duplicated in interactionGeometry,
which is a serious design problem too...
I know it is a hassle, it could be that SpheresContactGeometry would
contain shared_ptr<Se3> shared with Body::physicalParameters, but
current serialization wouldn't handle that correctly (it would create 2
copies of the same Se3 instead of the shared one). I still have the
parallel stuff in mind and it is advantageous if the computation is as
local as possible (i.e. no access to rootBody->bodies and such).

Yes, I was suspecting potential conflicts with parallelisation... so ok.

Appart from that, yes, it is obvious that "interactions" should link to the particles in interaction. In PFC, you can get the pointer to grains from the pointer to an interaction, and you can get the pointer to contacts from the pointer to a particle. This is very usefull to write a number of algorithms, and I always wondered why we don't have this double-linked lists in Yade. Parallelisation is one reason now.



Chareyre Bruno
Maitre de conference

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