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[svn] r1722 - in trunk: . extra gui/py lib/smoothing


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-03-18 22:06:08 +0100 (Wed, 18 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 1722

1. Use local foreach.hpp if not found in the system
2. Use local file defining boost::python::len for boost<1.34

Modified: trunk/SConstruct
--- trunk/SConstruct	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/SConstruct	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -302,9 +302,8 @@
-	foreach=conf.CheckCXXHeader('boost/foreach.hpp','<>')
-	if not foreach: print "(You can get the foreach.hpp header from http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.physics.yade.devel/367 and save it in /usr/include/boost. It will coexist with boost 1.33 without problems.)"
-	ok&=foreach
+	env['haveForeach']=conf.CheckCXXHeader('boost/foreach.hpp','<>')
+	if not env['haveForeach']: print "(OK, local version will be used instead)"
 	if not env['useMiniWm3']: ok&=conf.CheckLibWithHeader('Wm3Foundation','Wm3Math.h','c++','Wm3::Math<double>::PI;',autoadd=1)
@@ -485,13 +484,6 @@
 					subInc=join(yadeInc,m.group(1).replace(sep,'-')) # replace pkg/lattice by pkg-lattice
 					if not prefix: # local include directory: do symlinks
 						if not isdir(subInc): os.makedirs(subInc)
-						def relpath(pf,pt):
-							"""Returns relative path from pf (path from) to pt (path to) as string.
-							Last component of pf MUST be filename, not directory name. It can be empty, though. Legal pf's: 'dir1/dir2/something.cc', 'dir1/dir2/'. Illegal: 'dir1/dir2'."""
-							from os.path import sep,join,abspath,split
-							apfl=abspath(split(pf)[0]).split(sep); aptl=abspath(pt).split(sep); i=0
-							while apfl[i]==aptl[i] and i<min(len(apfl),len(aptl))-1: i+=1
-							return sep.join(['..' for j in range(0,len(apfl)-i)]+aptl[i:])
 						linkName=join(subInc,f); linkTarget=relpath(linkName,join(root,f))
 						if not exists(linkName):
 							if lexists(linkName): os.remove(linkName) # broken symlink: remove it
@@ -499,6 +491,15 @@
 					else: # install directory: use scons' Install facility
+def relpath(pf,pt):
+	"""Returns relative path from pf (path from) to pt (path to) as string.
+	Last component of pf MUST be filename, not directory name. It can be empty, though. Legal pf's: 'dir1/dir2/something.cc', 'dir1/dir2/'. Illegal: 'dir1/dir2'."""
+	from os.path import sep,join,abspath,split
+	apfl=abspath(split(pf)[0]).split(sep); aptl=abspath(pt).split(sep); i=0
+	while apfl[i]==aptl[i] and i<min(len(apfl),len(aptl))-1: i+=1
+	return sep.join(['..' for j in range(0,len(apfl)-i)]+aptl[i:])
 def makePkgConfig(fileName):
 	cflags,libs='Cflags: ','Libs: '
 	cflags+=' '+' '.join(env['CXXFLAGS'])
@@ -528,8 +529,18 @@
 if not env.GetOption('clean'):
 	# how to make that executed automatically??! For now, run always.
+	from os.path import join,split,isabs,isdir,exists,lexists,islink,isfile,sep
 	installHeaders() # install to buildDir always
 	installHeaders(env.subst('$PREFIX')) # install to $PREFIX if specifically requested: like "scons /usr/local/include"
+	if not env['haveForeach']:
+		boostDir=buildDir+'/include/yade-'+env['version']+'/boost'
+		foreachLink=boostDir+'/foreach.hpp'
+		foreachTarget='extra/foreach.hpp_local'
+		if not exists(boostDir): os.makedirs(boostDir)
+		if not exists(foreachLink): 
+			if lexists(foreachLink): os.remove(foreachLink) # broken symlink: remove it
+			os.symlink(relpath(foreachLink,foreachTarget),foreachLink)
+		env.InstallAs(env['PREFIX']+'/include/yade-'+env['version']+'/boost/foreach.hpp',foreachTarget)
 	installAlias=env.Alias('install',instDirs) # build and install everything that should go to instDirs, which are $PREFIX/{bin,lib} (uses scons' Install); include pkgconfig stuff

Added: trunk/extra/boost_python_len.hpp
--- trunk/extra/boost_python_len.hpp	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/extra/boost_python_len.hpp	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#pragma once
+#if BOOST_VERSION<103400
+	// taken from boost-1.34/python/object.hpp
+	// Copyright David Abrahams 2002.
+	// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+	// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+	// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+	namespace boost { namespace python {
+		 inline ssize_t len(object const& obj)
+		 {
+			  ssize_t result = PyObject_Length(obj.ptr());
+			  if (PyErr_Occurred()) throw_error_already_set();
+			  return result;
+		 }
+	}} // namespace boost::python
+#endif // BOOST_VERSION<103400

Added: trunk/extra/foreach.hpp_local
--- trunk/extra/foreach.hpp_local	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/extra/foreach.hpp_local	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+// foreach.hpp header file
+// Copyright 2004 Eric Niebler.
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+// accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
+// Credits:
+//  Anson Tsao        - for the initial inspiration and several good suggestions.
+//  Thorsten Ottosen  - for Boost.Range, and for suggesting a way to detect
+//                      const-qualified rvalues at compile time on VC7.1+
+//  Russell Hind      - For help porting to Borland
+//  Alisdair Meredith - For help porting to Borland
+//  Stefan Slapeta    - For help porting to Intel
+// MS compatible compilers support #pragma once
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020)
+# pragma once
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <utility>  // for std::pair
+#include <boost/config.hpp>
+#include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp>
+// Some compilers let us detect even const-qualified rvalues at compile-time
+#if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, >= 1310)                                                       \
+ || (BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, >= 4) && !defined(BOOST_INTEL))                                 \
+ || (BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 4) && !defined(BOOST_INTEL))
+// Some compilers allow temporaries to be bound to non-const references.
+// These compilers make it impossible to for BOOST_FOREACH to detect
+// temporaries and avoid reevaluation of the collection expression.
+# if BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, <= 1300)                                                      \
+  || BOOST_WORKAROUND(__BORLANDC__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x564))                                     \
+  || (BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_INTEL_CXX_VERSION, <= 700) && defined(_MSC_VER))                   \
+  || BOOST_WORKAROUND(__SUNPRO_CC, BOOST_TESTED_AT(0x570))                                      \
+# endif
+// Some compilers do not correctly implement the lvalue/rvalue conversion
+// rules of the ternary conditional operator.
+# if defined(BOOST_FOREACH_NO_RVALUE_DETECTION)                                                 \
+  || defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE)                                                                   \
+  || BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_MSVC, BOOST_TESTED_AT(1400))                                        \
+  || BOOST_WORKAROUND(BOOST_INTEL_WIN, <= 810)                                                  \
+  || BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, < 3)                                                            \
+  || (BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ <= 2))                                \
+  || (BOOST_WORKAROUND(__GNUC__, == 3) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ <= 3) && defined(__APPLE_CC__))       \
+  || BOOST_WORKAROUND(__IBMCPP__, BOOST_TESTED_AT(600))                                         \
+# else
+# endif
+#include <boost/mpl/if.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/logical.hpp>
+#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
+#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/end.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/begin.hpp>
+#include <boost/range/result_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_abstract.hpp>
+#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_and_derived.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp>
+#include <boost/utility/addressof.hpp>
+# include <new>
+# include <boost/aligned_storage.hpp>
+# include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
+# include <boost/type_traits/remove_const.hpp>
+// This must be at global scope, hence the uglified name
+enum boost_foreach_argument_dependent_lookup_hack
+    boost_foreach_argument_dependent_lookup_hack_value
+namespace boost
+// forward declarations for iterator_range
+template<typename T>
+class iterator_range;
+// forward declarations for sub_range
+template<typename T>
+class sub_range;
+namespace foreach
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // in_range
+    //
+    template<typename T>
+    inline std::pair<T, T> in_range(T begin, T end)
+    {
+        return std::make_pair(begin, end);
+    }
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // boost::foreach::tag
+    //
+    typedef boost_foreach_argument_dependent_lookup_hack tag;
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // boost::foreach::is_lightweight_proxy
+    //   Specialize this for user-defined collection types if they are inexpensive to copy.
+    //   This tells BOOST_FOREACH it can avoid the rvalue/lvalue detection stuff.
+    template<typename T>
+    struct is_lightweight_proxy
+      : boost::mpl::false_
+    {
+    };
+    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+    // boost::foreach::is_noncopyable
+    //   Specialize this for user-defined collection types if they cannot be copied.
+    //   This also tells BOOST_FOREACH to avoid the rvalue/lvalue detection stuff.
+    template<typename T>
+    struct is_noncopyable
+      : boost::mpl::or_<
+            boost::is_abstract<T>
+          , boost::is_base_and_derived<boost::noncopyable, T>
+        >
+      : boost::is_base_and_derived<boost::noncopyable, T>
+    #elif !defined(BOOST_NO_IS_ABSTRACT)
+      : boost::is_abstract<T>
+    #else
+      : boost::mpl::false_
+    #endif
+    {
+    };
+} // namespace foreach
+} // namespace boost
+// vc6/7 needs help ordering the following overloads
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_TAG_DEFAULT boost::foreach::tag
+// boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy
+//   Another customization point for the is_lightweight_proxy optimization,
+//   this one works on legacy compilers. Overload boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy
+//   at the global namespace for your type.
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::foreach::is_lightweight_proxy<T> *
+boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy(T *&, BOOST_FOREACH_TAG_DEFAULT) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::true_ *
+boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy(std::pair<T, T> *&, boost::foreach::tag) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::true_ *
+boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy(boost::iterator_range<T> *&, boost::foreach::tag) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::true_ *
+boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy(boost::sub_range<T> *&, boost::foreach::tag) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::true_ *
+boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy(T **&, boost::foreach::tag) { return 0; }
+// boost_foreach_is_noncopyable
+//   Another customization point for the is_noncopyable trait,
+//   this one works on legacy compilers. Overload boost_foreach_is_noncopyable
+//   at the global namespace for your type.
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::foreach::is_noncopyable<T> *
+boost_foreach_is_noncopyable(T *&, BOOST_FOREACH_TAG_DEFAULT) { return 0; }
+namespace boost
+namespace foreach_detail_
+// Define some utilities for assessing the properties of expressions
+typedef char yes_type;
+typedef char (&no_type)[2];
+yes_type is_true(boost::mpl::true_ *);
+no_type is_true(boost::mpl::false_ *);
+// Extracts the desired property from the expression without evaluating it
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_PROTECT(expr)                                                             \
+    (static_cast<boost::mpl::bool_<1 == sizeof(boost::foreach_detail_::is_true(expr))> *>(0))
+template<typename Bool1, typename Bool2>
+inline boost::mpl::and_<Bool1, Bool2> *and_(Bool1 *, Bool2 *) { return 0; }
+template<typename Bool1, typename Bool2, typename Bool3>
+inline boost::mpl::and_<Bool1, Bool2, Bool3> *and_(Bool1 *, Bool2 *, Bool3 *) { return 0; }
+template<typename Bool1, typename Bool2>
+inline boost::mpl::or_<Bool1, Bool2> *or_(Bool1 *, Bool2 *) { return 0; }
+template<typename Bool1, typename Bool2, typename Bool3>
+inline boost::mpl::or_<Bool1, Bool2, Bool3> *or_(Bool1 *, Bool2 *, Bool3 *) { return 0; }
+template<typename Bool>
+inline boost::mpl::not_<Bool> *not_(Bool *) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::false_ *is_rvalue_(T &, int) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::true_ *is_rvalue_(T const &, ...) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::is_array<T> *is_array_(T const &) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::is_const<T> *is_const_(T &) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline boost::mpl::true_ *is_const_(T const &) { return 0; }
+// auto_any_t/auto_any
+//  General utility for putting an object of any type into automatic storage
+struct auto_any_base
+    // auto_any_base must evaluate to false in boolean context so that
+    // they can be declared in if() statements.
+    operator bool() const
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+template<typename T>
+struct auto_any : auto_any_base
+    auto_any(T const &t)
+      : item(t)
+    {
+    }
+    // temporaries of type auto_any will be bound to const auto_any_base
+    // references, but we still want to be able to mutate the stored
+    // data, so declare it as mutable.
+    mutable T item;
+typedef auto_any_base const &auto_any_t;
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::if_<C, T const, T>::type &auto_any_cast(auto_any_t a)
+    return static_cast<auto_any<T> const &>(a).item;
+typedef boost::mpl::true_ const_;
+// type2type
+template<typename T, typename C = boost::mpl::false_>
+struct type2type
+  : boost::mpl::if_<C, T const, T>
+template<typename T, typename C = boost::mpl::false_>
+struct foreach_iterator
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::eval_if<
+        C
+      , range_const_iterator<T>
+      , range_iterator<T>
+    >::type type;
+template<typename T, typename C = boost::mpl::false_>
+struct foreach_reference
+  : iterator_reference<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type>
+// encode_type
+template<typename T>
+inline type2type<T> *encode_type(T &, boost::mpl::false_ *) { return 0; }
+template<typename T>
+inline type2type<T, const_> *encode_type(T const &, boost::mpl::true_ *) { return 0; }
+// set_false
+inline bool set_false(bool &b) { return b = false; }
+// to_ptr
+template<typename T>
+inline T *&to_ptr(T const &)
+    static T *t = 0;
+    return t;
+// Borland needs a little extra help with arrays
+template<typename T,std::size_t N>
+inline T (*&to_ptr(T (&)[N]))[N]
+    static T (*t)[N] = 0;
+    return t;
+// derefof
+template<typename T>
+inline T &derefof(T *t)
+    // This is a work-around for a compiler bug in Borland. If T* is a pointer to array type U(*)[N],
+    // then dereferencing it results in a U* instead of U(&)[N]. The cast forces the issue.
+    return reinterpret_cast<T &>(
+        *const_cast<char *>(
+            reinterpret_cast<char const volatile *>(t)
+        )
+    );
+// Detect at compile-time whether an expression yields an rvalue or
+// an lvalue. This is rather non-standard, but some popular compilers
+// accept it.
+// rvalue_probe
+template<typename T>
+struct rvalue_probe
+    struct private_type_ {};
+    // can't ever return an array by value
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::if_<
+        boost::mpl::or_<boost::is_abstract<T>, boost::is_array<T> >, private_type_, T
+    >::type value_type;
+    operator value_type();
+    operator T &() const;
+template<typename T>
+rvalue_probe<T> const make_probe(T const &t);
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_IS_RVALUE(COL)                                                           \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::and_(                                                               \
+        boost::foreach_detail_::not_(boost::foreach_detail_::is_array_(COL))                    \
+      , BOOST_FOREACH_PROTECT(boost::foreach_detail_::is_rvalue_(                               \
+            (true ? boost::foreach_detail_::make_probe(COL) : (COL)), 0)))
+// Detect at run-time whether an expression yields an rvalue
+// or an lvalue. This is 100% standard C++, but not all compilers
+// accept it. Also, it causes FOREACH to break when used with non-
+// copyable collection types.
+// rvalue_probe
+template<typename T>
+struct rvalue_probe
+    rvalue_probe(T &t, bool &b)
+      : value(t)
+      , is_rvalue(b)
+    {
+    }
+    struct private_type_ {};
+    // can't ever return an array or an abstract type by value
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::if_<
+        boost::is_array<T>, private_type_, T
+    >::type value_type;
+    #else
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::mpl::if_<
+        boost::mpl::or_<boost::is_abstract<T>, boost::is_array<T> >, private_type_, T
+    >::type value_type;
+    #endif
+    operator value_type()
+    {
+        this->is_rvalue = true;
+        return this->value;
+    }
+    operator T &() const
+    {
+        return this->value;
+    }
+    T &value;
+    bool &is_rvalue;
+template<typename T>
+rvalue_probe<T> make_probe(T &t, bool &b) { return rvalue_probe<T>(t, b); }
+template<typename T>
+rvalue_probe<T const> make_probe(T const &t, bool &b)  { return rvalue_probe<T const>(t, b); }
+// simple_variant
+//  holds either a T or a T const*
+template<typename T>
+struct simple_variant
+    simple_variant(T const *t)
+      : is_rvalue(false)
+    {
+        *static_cast<T const **>(this->data.address()) = t;
+    }
+    simple_variant(T const &t)
+      : is_rvalue(true)
+    {
+        ::new(this->data.address()) T(t);
+    }
+    simple_variant(simple_variant const &that)
+      : is_rvalue(that.is_rvalue)
+    {
+        if(this->is_rvalue)
+            ::new(this->data.address()) T(*that.get());
+        else
+            *static_cast<T const **>(this->data.address()) = that.get();
+    }
+    ~simple_variant()
+    {
+        if(this->is_rvalue)
+            this->get()->~T();
+    }
+    T const *get() const
+    {
+        if(this->is_rvalue)
+            return static_cast<T const *>(this->data.address());
+        else
+            return *static_cast<T const * const *>(this->data.address());
+    }
+    enum size_type { size = sizeof(T) > sizeof(T*) ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(T*) };
+    simple_variant &operator =(simple_variant const &); 
+    bool const is_rvalue;
+    aligned_storage<size> data;
+// If the collection is an array or is noncopyable, it must be an lvalue.
+// If the collection is a lightweight proxy, treat it as an rvalue
+// BUGBUG what about a noncopyable proxy?
+template<typename LValue, typename IsProxy>
+inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::enable_if<boost::mpl::or_<LValue, IsProxy>, IsProxy>::type *
+should_copy_impl(LValue *, IsProxy *, bool *)
+    return 0;
+// Otherwise, we must determine at runtime whether it's an lvalue or rvalue
+inline bool *
+should_copy_impl(boost::mpl::false_ *, boost::mpl::false_ *, bool *is_rvalue)
+    return is_rvalue;
+// contain
+template<typename T>
+inline auto_any<T> contain(T const &t, boost::mpl::true_ *) // rvalue
+    return t;
+template<typename T>
+inline auto_any<T *> contain(T &t, boost::mpl::false_ *) // lvalue
+    // Cannot seem to get sunpro to handle addressof() with array types.
+    return &t;
+    #else
+    return boost::addressof(t);
+    #endif
+template<typename T>
+auto_any<simple_variant<T> >
+contain(T const &t, bool *rvalue)
+    return *rvalue ? simple_variant<T>(t) : simple_variant<T>(&t);
+// begin
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline auto_any<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type>
+begin(auto_any_t col, type2type<T, C> *, boost::mpl::true_ *) // rvalue
+    return boost::begin(auto_any_cast<T, C>(col));
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline auto_any<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type>
+begin(auto_any_t col, type2type<T, C> *, boost::mpl::false_ *) // lvalue
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME type2type<T, C>::type type;
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type iterator;
+    return iterator(boost::begin(derefof(auto_any_cast<type *, boost::mpl::false_>(col))));
+template<typename T>
+auto_any<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, const_>::type>
+begin(auto_any_t col, type2type<T, const_> *, bool *)
+    return boost::begin(*auto_any_cast<simple_variant<T>, boost::mpl::false_>(col).get());
+// end
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline auto_any<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type>
+end(auto_any_t col, type2type<T, C> *, boost::mpl::true_ *) // rvalue
+    return boost::end(auto_any_cast<T, C>(col));
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline auto_any<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type>
+end(auto_any_t col, type2type<T, C> *, boost::mpl::false_ *) // lvalue
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME type2type<T, C>::type type;
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type iterator;
+    return iterator(boost::end(derefof(auto_any_cast<type *, boost::mpl::false_>(col))));
+template<typename T>
+auto_any<BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, const_>::type>
+end(auto_any_t col, type2type<T, const_> *, bool *)
+    return boost::end(*auto_any_cast<simple_variant<T>, boost::mpl::false_>(col).get());
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline auto_any<int>
+end(auto_any_t col, type2type<T *, C> *, boost::mpl::true_ *) // null-terminated C-style strings
+    return 0; // not used
+// done
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline bool done(auto_any_t cur, auto_any_t end, type2type<T, C> *)
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type iter_t;
+    return auto_any_cast<iter_t, boost::mpl::false_>(cur) == auto_any_cast<iter_t, boost::mpl::false_>(end);
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline bool done(auto_any_t cur, auto_any_t, type2type<T *, C> *) // null-terminated C-style strings
+    return ! *auto_any_cast<T *, boost::mpl::false_>(cur);
+// next
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline void next(auto_any_t cur, type2type<T, C> *)
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type iter_t;
+    ++auto_any_cast<iter_t, boost::mpl::false_>(cur);
+// deref
+template<typename T, typename C>
+inline BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_reference<T, C>::type
+deref(auto_any_t cur, type2type<T, C> *)
+    typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME foreach_iterator<T, C>::type iter_t;
+    return *auto_any_cast<iter_t, boost::mpl::false_>(cur);
+} // namespace foreach_detail_
+} // namespace boost
+// A sneaky way to get the type of the collection without evaluating the expression
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_TYPEOF(COL)                                                               \
+    (true ? 0 : boost::foreach_detail_::encode_type(COL, boost::foreach_detail_::is_const_(COL)))
+// returns true_* if the type is noncopyable
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_IS_NONCOPYABLE(COL)                                                       \
+    boost_foreach_is_noncopyable(                                                               \
+        boost::foreach_detail_::to_ptr(COL)                                                     \
+      , boost_foreach_argument_dependent_lookup_hack_value)
+// returns true_* if the type is a lightweight proxy (and is not noncopyable)
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_IS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROXY(COL)                                                 \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::and_(                                                               \
+        boost::foreach_detail_::not_(BOOST_FOREACH_IS_NONCOPYABLE(COL))                         \
+      , boost_foreach_is_lightweight_proxy(                                                     \
+            boost::foreach_detail_::to_ptr(COL)                                                 \
+          , boost_foreach_argument_dependent_lookup_hack_value))
+// R-values and const R-values supported here with zero runtime overhead
+// No variable is needed to track the rvalue-ness of the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_PREAMBLE()                                                               \
+    /**/
+// Evaluate the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_EVALUATE(COL)                                                            \
+    (COL)
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_SHOULD_COPY(COL)                                                         \
+    (true ? 0 : boost::foreach_detail_::or_(                                                    \
+        BOOST_FOREACH_IS_RVALUE(COL)                                                            \
+// R-values and const R-values supported here
+// Declare a variable to track the rvalue-ness of the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_PREAMBLE()                                                               \
+    if (bool _foreach_is_rvalue = false) {} else
+// Evaluate the collection expression, and detect if it is an lvalue or and rvalue
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_EVALUATE(COL)                                                            \
+    (true ? boost::foreach_detail_::make_probe((COL), _foreach_is_rvalue) : (COL))
+// The rvalue/lvalue-ness of the collection expression is determined dynamically, unless
+// type type is an array or is noncopyable or is non-const, in which case we know it's an lvalue.
+// If the type happens to be a lightweight proxy, always make a copy.
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_SHOULD_COPY(COL)                                                         \
+    (boost::foreach_detail_::should_copy_impl(                                                  \
+        true ? 0 : boost::foreach_detail_::or_(                                                 \
+            boost::foreach_detail_::is_array_(COL)                                              \
+          , BOOST_FOREACH_IS_NONCOPYABLE(COL)                                                   \
+          , boost::foreach_detail_::not_(boost::foreach_detail_::is_const_(COL)))               \
+      , true ? 0 : BOOST_FOREACH_IS_LIGHTWEIGHT_PROXY(COL)                                      \
+      , &_foreach_is_rvalue))
+// R-values supported here, const R-values NOT supported here
+// No variable is needed to track the rvalue-ness of the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_PREAMBLE()                                                               \
+    /**/
+// Evaluate the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_EVALUATE(COL)                                                            \
+    (COL)
+// Determine whether the collection expression is an lvalue or an rvalue.
+// NOTE: this gets the answer wrong for const rvalues.
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_SHOULD_COPY(COL)                                                         \
+    (true ? 0 : boost::foreach_detail_::or_(                                                    \
+        boost::foreach_detail_::is_rvalue_((COL), 0)                                            \
+// R-values NOT supported here
+// No variable is needed to track the rvalue-ness of the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_PREAMBLE()                                                               \
+    /**/
+// Evaluate the collection expression
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_EVALUATE(COL)                                                            \
+    (COL)
+// Can't use rvalues with BOOST_FOREACH (unless they are lightweight proxies)
+# define BOOST_FOREACH_SHOULD_COPY(COL)                                                         \
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_CONTAIN(COL)                                                              \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::contain(                                                            \
+        BOOST_FOREACH_EVALUATE(COL)                                                             \
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_BEGIN(COL)                                                                \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::begin(                                                              \
+        _foreach_col                                                                            \
+      , BOOST_FOREACH_TYPEOF(COL)                                                               \
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_END(COL)                                                                  \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::end(                                                                \
+        _foreach_col                                                                            \
+      , BOOST_FOREACH_TYPEOF(COL)                                                               \
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_DONE(COL)                                                                 \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::done(                                                               \
+        _foreach_cur                                                                            \
+      , _foreach_end                                                                            \
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_NEXT(COL)                                                                 \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::next(                                                               \
+        _foreach_cur                                                                            \
+#define BOOST_FOREACH_DEREF(COL)                                                                \
+    boost::foreach_detail_::deref(                                                              \
+        _foreach_cur                                                                            \
+//   For iterating over collections. Collections can be
+//   arrays, null-terminated strings, or STL containers.
+//   The loop variable can be a value or reference. For
+//   example:
+//   std::list<int> int_list(/*stuff*/);
+//   BOOST_FOREACH(int &i, int_list)
+//   {
+//       /* 
+//        * loop body goes here.
+//        * i is a reference to the int in int_list.
+//        */
+//   }
+//   Alternately, you can declare the loop variable first,
+//   so you can access it after the loop finishes. Obviously,
+//   if you do it this way, then the loop variable cannot be
+//   a reference.
+//   int i;
+//   BOOST_FOREACH(i, int_list)
+//       { ... }
+#define BOOST_FOREACH(VAR, COL)                                                                 \
+    BOOST_FOREACH_PREAMBLE()                                                                    \
+    if (boost::foreach_detail_::auto_any_t _foreach_col = BOOST_FOREACH_CONTAIN(COL)) {} else   \
+    if (boost::foreach_detail_::auto_any_t _foreach_cur = BOOST_FOREACH_BEGIN(COL)) {} else     \
+    if (boost::foreach_detail_::auto_any_t _foreach_end = BOOST_FOREACH_END(COL)) {} else       \
+    for (bool _foreach_continue = true;                                                         \
+              _foreach_continue && !BOOST_FOREACH_DONE(COL);                                    \
+              _foreach_continue ? BOOST_FOREACH_NEXT(COL) : (void)0)                            \
+        if  (boost::foreach_detail_::set_false(_foreach_continue)) {} else                      \
+        for (VAR = BOOST_FOREACH_DEREF(COL); !_foreach_continue; _foreach_continue = true)

Modified: trunk/gui/py/_eudoxos.cpp
--- trunk/gui/py/_eudoxos.cpp	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/gui/py/_eudoxos.cpp	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 using namespace boost::python;
 using namespace std;
 # if 0

Modified: trunk/gui/py/_utils.cpp
--- trunk/gui/py/_utils.cpp	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/gui/py/_utils.cpp	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

Modified: trunk/gui/py/pyAttrUtils.hpp
--- trunk/gui/py/pyAttrUtils.hpp	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/gui/py/pyAttrUtils.hpp	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #ifndef FOREACH

Modified: trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp
--- trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
 using namespace std;
 class RenderingEngine;
@@ -200,7 +202,7 @@
 	pyParallelEngine(python::list slaves){init("ParallelEngine"); slaves_set(slaves);}
 	void slaves_set(python::list slaves){
 		ensureAcc(); shared_ptr<ParallelEngine> me=dynamic_pointer_cast<ParallelEngine>(proxee); if(!me) throw runtime_error("Proxied class not a ParallelEngine. (WTF?)");
-		int len=PySequence_Size(slaves.ptr()); /*[boost1.34] python::len(ftrs)*/;
+		int len=python::len(slaves);
 		me->slaves=ParallelEngine::slaveContainer(); // empty the container
 		for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
 			python::extract<python::list> grpMaybe(slaves[i]);
@@ -217,7 +219,7 @@
 		python::list ret;
 		FOREACH(vector<shared_ptr<Engine > >& grp, me->slaves){
 			python::list rret=anyEngines_get(grp);
-			if(PySequence_Size(rret.ptr())==1){ ret.append(rret[0]); } else ret.append(rret);
+			if(python::len(rret)==1){ ret.append(rret[0]); } else ret.append(rret);
 		return ret;
@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@
 		void functors_set(python::list ftrs){
 			ensureAcc(); shared_ptr<MetaEngine> me=dynamic_pointer_cast<MetaEngine>(proxee); if(!me) throw runtime_error("Proxied class not a MetaEngine. (?!)");
-			me->clear(); int len=PySequence_Size(ftrs.ptr()) /*[boost1.34] python::len(ftrs)*/;
+			me->clear(); int len=python::len(ftrs);
 			for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
 				python::extract<pyEngineUnit> euEx(ftrs[i]); if(!euEx.check()) throw invalid_argument("Unable to extract type EngineUnit from sequence.");
 				bool ok=false;
@@ -297,7 +299,7 @@
 void anyEngines_set(vector<shared_ptr<Engine> >& engContainer, python::object egs){
-	int len=PySequence_Size(egs.ptr()) /*[boost1.34] python::len(egs)*/;
+	int len=python::len(egs);
 	//const shared_ptr<MetaBody>& rootBody=OMEGA.getRootBody(); rootBody->engines.clear();
 	for(int i=0; i<len; i++){
@@ -386,7 +388,7 @@
 		pyInteractionIterator pyIter(){return pyInteractionIterator(proxee);}
 		pyInteraction pyGetitem(python::object id12){
 			if(!PySequence_Check(id12.ptr())) throw invalid_argument("Key must be a tuple");
-			if(PySequence_Size(id12.ptr())!=2) throw invalid_argument("Key must be a 2-tuple: id1,id2.");
+			if(python::len(id12)!=2) throw invalid_argument("Key must be a 2-tuple: id1,id2.");
 			python::extract<body_id_t> id1_(PySequence_GetItem(id12.ptr(),0)), id2_(PySequence_GetItem(id12.ptr(),1));
 			if(!id1_.check()) throw invalid_argument("Could not extract id1");
 			if(!id2_.check()) throw invalid_argument("Could not extract id2");
@@ -410,7 +412,7 @@
 		pyPhysicalActionContainer(const shared_ptr<PhysicalActionContainer>& _proxee): proxee(_proxee){}
 		pyPhysicalAction pyGetitem(python::object action_and_id){
 			if(!PySequence_Check(action_and_id.ptr())) throw invalid_argument("Key must be a tuple");
-			if(PySequence_Size(action_and_id.ptr())!=2) throw invalid_argument("Key must be a 2-tuple: [action-name , body id].");
+			if(python::len(action_and_id)!=2) throw invalid_argument("Key must be a 2-tuple: [action-name , body id].");
 			python::extract<string> actionName_(PySequence_GetItem(action_and_id.ptr(),0));
 			python::extract<body_id_t> id_(PySequence_GetItem(action_and_id.ptr(),1));
 			if(!actionName_.check()) throw invalid_argument("Could not extract action-name.");
@@ -538,7 +540,7 @@
 	void miscParams_set(python::list l){
-		int len=PySequence_Size(l.ptr());
+		int len=python::len(l);
 		vector<shared_ptr<Serializable> >& miscParams=OMEGA.getRootBody()->miscParams;
 		for(int i=0; i<len; i++){

Modified: trunk/lib/smoothing/WeightedAverage2d.hpp
--- trunk/lib/smoothing/WeightedAverage2d.hpp	2009-03-17 15:14:49 UTC (rev 1721)
+++ trunk/lib/smoothing/WeightedAverage2d.hpp	2009-03-18 21:06:08 UTC (rev 1722)
@@ -12,8 +12,11 @@
+#ifndef FOREACH
 using namespace std;
 using namespace boost;