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[svn] r1742 - in trunk: gui/py pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine scripts


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-04-01 01:10:43 +0200 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 1742

1. MAJOR change in python syntax (backwards-compatible, though): through small bit of very dirty code,  classes can be instantiated as python objects with keyowrd arguments, i.e. instead of


you can now (also) say


Changed simple-scene.py, looks much more readable now!

2. Forgotten bex sync in PhysicalActionApplier.

Modified: trunk/gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py
--- trunk/gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py	2009-03-31 20:23:18 UTC (rev 1741)
+++ trunk/gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py	2009-03-31 23:10:43 UTC (rev 1742)
@@ -18,6 +18,29 @@
 #	atexit.register(yade.qt.close)
 #except ImportError: pass
+### direct object creation through automatic wrapper functions
+def listChildClassesRecursive(base):
+	ret=O.childClasses(base)
+	for bb in ret:
+		ret2=listChildClassesRecursive(bb)
+		if ret2: ret+=ret2
+	return ret
+# not sure whether __builtins__ is the right place?
+for root in ['StandAloneEngine','DeusExMachina','EngineUnit1D','EngineUnit2D','GeometricalModel','InteractingGeometry','PhysicalParameters','BoundingVolume','InteractingGeometry','InteractionPhysics','FileGenerator','MetaEngine']:
+	root2=root if (root not in classTranslations.keys()) else classTranslations[root]
+	for p in listChildClassesRecursive(root):
+		class argStorage:
+			def __init__(self,_root,_class): self._root,self._class=_root,_class
+			def wrap(self,*args): return yade.wrapper.__dict__[self._root](self._class,*args)
+		if root=='MetaEngine': _dd[p]=argStorage(root2,p).wrap
+		else:                  _dd[p]=lambda __r_=root2,__p_=p,**kw : yade.wrapper.__dict__[__r_](__p_,kw) # eval(root2)(p,kw)
+### end wrappers
 # python2.4 workaround (so that quit() works as it does in 2.5)
 if not callable(__builtins__.quit):
 	def _quit(): import sys; sys.exit(0)

Modified: trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp
--- trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp	2009-03-31 20:23:18 UTC (rev 1741)
+++ trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp	2009-03-31 23:10:43 UTC (rev 1742)
@@ -577,6 +577,13 @@
 		return (Omega::instance().isInheritingFrom(child,base));
+	boost::python::list plugins_get(){
+		const map<string,DynlibDescriptor>& plugins=Omega::instance().getDynlibsDescriptor();
+		std::pair<string,DynlibDescriptor> p; boost::python::list ret;
+		FOREACH(p, plugins) ret.append(p.first);
+		return ret;
+	}
 	pyTags tags_get(void){assertRootBody(); return pyTags(OMEGA.getRootBody());}
 	void interactionContainer_set(string clss){
@@ -641,6 +648,7 @@
+		.def("plugins",&pyOmega::plugins_get)

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/PhysicalActionApplier.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/PhysicalActionApplier.cpp	2009-03-31 20:23:18 UTC (rev 1741)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/PhysicalActionApplier.cpp	2009-03-31 23:10:43 UTC (rev 1742)
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 void PhysicalActionApplier::action(MetaBody* ncb){
+	ncb->bex.sync();
 	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *ncb->bodies){

Modified: trunk/scripts/simple-scene.py
--- trunk/scripts/simple-scene.py	2009-03-31 20:23:18 UTC (rev 1741)
+++ trunk/scripts/simple-scene.py	2009-03-31 23:10:43 UTC (rev 1742)
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 ## Initializers are run before the simulation.
 	## Create bounding boxes. They are needed to zoom the 3d view properly before we start the simulation.
-	MetaEngine('BoundingVolumeMetaEngine',[EngineUnit('InteractingSphere2AABB'),EngineUnit('InteractingBox2AABB'),EngineUnit('MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB')])
-	]
+	BoundingVolumeMetaEngine([InteractingSphere2AABB(),InteractingBox2AABB(),MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB()])
 ## Engines are called consecutively at each iteration. Their order matters.
@@ -20,56 +20,56 @@
 ## MetaEngines act as dispatchers and based on the type of objects they operate on, different EngineUnits are called.
 	## Resets forces and momenta the act on bodies
-	StandAloneEngine('PhysicalActionContainerReseter'),
+	PhysicalActionContainerReseter(),
 	## associates bounding volume - in this case, AxisAlignedBoundingBox (AABB) - to each body.
 	## MetaEngine calls corresponding EngineUnit, depending on whether the body is Sphere, Box, or MetaBody (rootBody).
 	## AABBs will be used to detect collisions later, by PersistentSAPCollider
-	MetaEngine('BoundingVolumeMetaEngine',[
-		EngineUnit('InteractingSphere2AABB'),
-		EngineUnit('InteractingBox2AABB'),
-		EngineUnit('MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB')
+	BoundingVolumeMetaEngine([
+		InteractingSphere2AABB(),
+		InteractingBox2AABB(),
+		MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB()
 	## Using bounding boxes created by the previous engine, find possible body collisions.
 	## These possible collisions are inserted in Omega.interactions container (MetaBody::transientInteractions in c++).
-	StandAloneEngine('PersistentSAPCollider'),
+	PersistentSAPCollider(),
 	## Decide whether the potential collisions are real; if so, create geometry information about each potential collision.
 	## Here, the decision about which EngineUnit to use depends on types of _both_ bodies.
 	## Note that there is no EngineUnit for box-box collision. They are not implemented.
-	MetaEngine('InteractionGeometryMetaEngine',[
-		EngineUnit('InteractingSphere2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry'),
-		EngineUnit('InteractingBox2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry')
+	InteractionGeometryMetaEngine([
+		InteractingSphere2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry(),
+		InteractingBox2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry()
 	## Create physical information about the interaction.
 	## This may consist in deriving contact rigidity from elastic moduli of each body, for example.
 	## The purpose is that the contact may be "solved" without reference to related bodies,
 	## only with the information contained in contact geometry and physics.
-	MetaEngine('InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine',[EngineUnit('SimpleElasticRelationships')]),
+	InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine([SimpleElasticRelationships()]),
 	## "Solver" of the contact, also called (consitutive) law.
 	## Based on the information in interaction physics and geometry, it applies corresponding forces on bodies in interaction.
-	StandAloneEngine('ElasticContactLaw'),
+	ElasticContactLaw(),
 	## Apply gravity: all bodies will have gravity applied on them.
 	## Note the engine parameter 'gravity', a vector that gives the acceleration.
-	DeusExMachina('GravityEngine',{'gravity':[0,0,-9.81]}),
+	GravityEngine(gravity=[0,0,-9.81]),
 	## Forces acting on bodies are damped to artificially increase energy dissipation in simulation.
 	## (In this model, the restitution coefficient of interaction is 1, which is not realistic.)
 	## This MetaEngine acts on all PhysicalActions and selects the right EngineUnit base on type of the PhysicalAction.
 	# note that following 4 engines (till the end) can be replaced by an optimized monolithic version:
-#	DeusExMachina('NewtonsDampedLaw',{'damping':0.0}),
+	# NewtonsDampedLaw(damping=0.1)
-	MetaEngine('PhysicalActionDamper',[
-		EngineUnit('CundallNonViscousForceDamping',{'damping':0.2}),
-		EngineUnit('CundallNonViscousMomentumDamping',{'damping':0.2})
+	PhysicalActionDamper([
+		CundallNonViscousForceDamping(damping=0.2),
+		CundallNonViscousMomentumDamping(damping=0.2)
 	## Now we have forces and momenta acting on bodies. Newton's law calculates acceleration that corresponds to them.
-	MetaEngine('PhysicalActionApplier',[
-		EngineUnit('NewtonsForceLaw'),
-		EngineUnit('NewtonsMomentumLaw'),
+	PhysicalActionApplier([
+		NewtonsForceLaw(),
+		NewtonsMomentumLaw(),
 	## Acceleration results in velocity change. Integrating the velocity over dt, position of the body will change.
-	MetaEngine('PhysicalParametersMetaEngine',[EngineUnit('LeapFrogPositionIntegrator')]),
+	PhysicalParametersMetaEngine([LeapFrogPositionIntegrator()]),
 	## Angular acceleration changes angular velocity, resulting in position and/or orientation change of the body.
-	MetaEngine('PhysicalParametersMetaEngine',[EngineUnit('LeapFrogOrientationIntegrator')]),
+	PhysicalParametersMetaEngine([LeapFrogOrientationIntegrator()])
@@ -97,16 +97,16 @@
 	# set the isDynamic body attribute
 	# Assign geometrical model (shape) to the body: a box of given size
-	b.shape=GeometricalModel('Box',{'extents':[.5,.5,.5],'diffuseColor':[1,0,0]})
+	b.shape=Box(extents=[.5,.5,.5],diffuseColor=[1,0,0])
 	# Assign computational model (mold; may be simplified form of shape) to the body
-	b.mold=InteractingGeometry('InteractingBox',{'extents':[.5,.5,.5],'diffuseColor':[1,0,0]})
+	b.mold=InteractingBox(extents=[.5,.5,.5],diffuseColor=[1,0,0])
 	# physical parameters:
 	# store mass to a temporary
 	# * se3 (position & orientation) as 3 position coordinates, then 3 direction axis coordinates and rotation angle
-	b.phys=PhysicalParameters('BodyMacroParameters',{'se3':[0,0,0,1,0,0,0],'mass':mass,'inertia':[mass*4*(.5**2+.5**2),mass*4*(.5**2+.5**2),mass*4*(.5**2+.5**2)],'young':30e9,'poisson':.3})
+	b.phys=BodyMacroParameters(se3=[0,0,0,1,0,0,0],mass=mass,inertia=[mass*4*(.5**2+.5**2),mass*4*(.5**2+.5**2),mass*4*(.5**2+.5**2)],young=30e9,poisson=.3)
 	# other information about AABB will be updated during simulation by relevant BoundingVolumeMetaEngine
-	b.bound=BoundingVolume('AABB',{'diffuseColor':[0,1,0]})
+	b.bound=AABB(diffuseColor=[0,1,0])
 	# add the body to the simulation