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Relations between (m,tc,en,es) and (kn,cn,ks,cs)



Does anyone can give me a reference about the equations used in Shop::getViscoelasticFromSpheresInteraction?
Usually, I use somethink like that:

   f_n  =  k_n * d_n  +  alpha_n * nu_crit * v_n,

where nu_crit is computed for ALL contacts with spring-mass assumption, and alpha_n is a 'ponderator' in the range [0, 1[. alpha_n can easily be related to a restitution coefficient by accounting for the time step.
For f_t, this is roughly the same.

For the moment, I would like to avoid to write a second version of the visco-elastic law. I will try to understand first the current law, but I need more explanations, so please...

Vincent Richefeu

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