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[svn] r1787 - in trunk: core examples/concrete/pack gui/py lib/computational-geometry pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine pkg/dem pkg/dem/Engine/StandAloneEngine


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-05-31 12:09:14 +0200 (Sun, 31 May 2009)
New Revision: 1787

1. Syntax fixes in ConcretePM model
2. Interactions will be deleted also if the ye4xist, but geometry functor fails (returns false)
3. Add utils.approxSectionArea, utils.spheresFromFileUnixial (get some parameters useful for uniaxial tests from the sphere packing, such as cross-section, principal axis, etc)
4. Add lib/computational-geometry/Hull2d.hpp for computing convex hull in 2d using Graham scan algorithm (I know it is in CGAL already, but I don't want to depend on that commercial stuff)
5. Remove some unused stuff from utils.

Modified: trunk/core/InteractionContainer.cpp
--- trunk/core/InteractionContainer.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/core/InteractionContainer.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 void InteractionContainer::requestErase(body_id_t id1, body_id_t id2){
 	find(id1,id2)->reset(); bodyIdPair v(0,2); v.push_back(id1); v.push_back(id2); 
-	boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(pendingEraseMutex);
+	#ifdef YADE_OPENMP
+		boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(pendingEraseMutex);
+	#endif

Modified: trunk/examples/concrete/pack/mk-pack.py
--- trunk/examples/concrete/pack/mk-pack.py	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/examples/concrete/pack/mk-pack.py	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-	numberOfGrains=500,
+	numberOfGrains=5000,
 	# this is just size ratio if radiusMean is specified
 	# if you comment out the line above, it will be the corner (before compaction) and radiusMean will be set accordingly
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 if cylAxis<0: # box-shaped packing
 	aabbMin,aabbMax=tuple([ext[0][i]+rSphere*cutoffFlat for i in 0,1,2]),tuple([ext[1][i]-rSphere*cutoffFlat for i in 0,1,2])
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 		return True
-outFile2='pack-%d-%s.sphere'%(nSpheres,'box' if cylAxis<0 else 'cyl')
+outFile2='pack-%d-%s.spheres'%(nSpheres,'box' if cylAxis<0 else 'cyl')
 print nSpheres,'spheres written to',outFile2

Modified: trunk/gui/py/_utils.cpp
--- trunk/gui/py/_utils.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/gui/py/_utils.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
@@ -284,7 +285,39 @@
 	return inside;
+/* Compute area of convex hull when when taking (swept) spheres crossing the plane at coord, perpendicular to axis.
+	All spheres that touch the plane are projected as hexagons on their circumference to the plane.
+	Convex hull from this cloud is computed.
+	The area of the hull is returned.
+Real approxSectionArea(Real coord, int axis){
+	std::list<Vector2r> cloud;
+	if(axis<0 || axis>2) throw invalid_argument("Axis must be ∈ {0,1,2}");
+	const int ax1=(axis+1)%3, ax2=(axis+2)%3;
+	const Real sqrt3=sqrt(3);
+	Vector2r mm(-10.,0),mx(0,0);
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *Omega::instance().getRootBody()->bodies){
+		Sphere* s=dynamic_cast<Sphere*>(b->geometricalModel.get());
+		if(!s) continue;
+		const Vector3r& pos(b->physicalParameters->se3.position); const Real r(s->radius);
+		if((pos[axis]>coord && (pos[axis]-r)>coord) || (pos[axis]<coord && (pos[axis]+r)<coord)) continue;
+		Vector2r c(pos[ax1],pos[ax2]);
+		cloud.push_back(c+Vector2r(r,0)); cloud.push_back(c+Vector2r(-r,0));
+		cloud.push_back(c+Vector2r( r/2., sqrt3*r)); cloud.push_back(c+Vector2r( r/2.,-sqrt3*r));
+		cloud.push_back(c+Vector2r(-r/2., sqrt3*r)); cloud.push_back(c+Vector2r(-r/2.,-sqrt3*r));
+		if(mm[0]==-10.){ mm=c, mx=c;}
+		mm=Vector2r(min(c[0]-r,mm[0]),min(c[1]-r,mm[1]));
+		mx=Vector2r(max(c[0]+r,mx[0]),max(c[1]+r,mx[1]));
+	}
+	if(cloud.size()==0) return 0;
+	ConvexHull2d ch2d(cloud);
+	vector<Vector2r> hull=ch2d();
+	return simplePolygonArea2d(hull);
 /* Project 3d point into 2d using spiral projection along given axis;
  * the returned tuple is
@@ -338,6 +371,7 @@
 	def("aabbExtrema",aabbExtrema,aabbExtrema_overloads(args("cutoff","centers"),"Return coordinates of box enclosing all bodies\n centers: do not take sphere radii in account, only their centroids (default=False)\n cutoff: 0-1 number by which the box will be scaled around its center (default=0)"));
 	def("ptInAABB",ptInAABB,"Return True/False whether the point (3-tuple) p is within box given by its min (3-tuple) and max (3-tuple) corners");
 	def("negPosExtremeIds",negPosExtremeIds,negPosExtremeIds_overloads(args("axis","distFactor"),"Return list of ids for spheres (only) that are on extremal ends of the specimen along given axis; distFactor multiplies their radius so that sphere that do not touch the boundary coordinate can also be returned."));
+	def("approxSectionArea",approxSectionArea,"Compute area of convex hull when when taking (swept) spheres crossing the plane at coord, perpendicular to axis.");
 	def("coordsAndDisplacements",coordsAndDisplacements,coordsAndDisplacements_overloads(args("AABB"),"Return tuple of 2 same-length lists for coordinates and displacements (coordinate minus reference coordinate) along given axis (1st arg); if the AABB=((x_min,y_min,z_min),(x_max,y_max,z_max)) box is given, only bodies within this box will be considered."));
 	def("setRefSe3",setRefSe3,"Set reference positions and orientation of all bodies equal to their current ones.");

Modified: trunk/gui/py/eudoxos.py
--- trunk/gui/py/eudoxos.py	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/gui/py/eudoxos.py	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	ph=o.interactions.nth(0).phys # some params are the same everywhere
 	material.append("%g %g"%(ph['E'],ph['G']))
-	material.append("%g %g %g %g"%(ph['epsCrackOnset'],ph['epsFracture'],1e50,ph['xiShear']))
+	material.append("%g %g %g %g"%(ph['epsCrackOnset'],ph['epsFracture'],1e50,0.0))
 	material.append("%g %g"%(ph['undamagedCohesion'],ph['tanFrictionAngle']))
 	# need strainer for getting bodies in positive/negative boundary
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 	f.write("SimpleCS 1 thick 1.0 width 1.0\n")
 	# material
-	f.write("CohInt 1 kn %g ks %g e0 %g ef %g c 0. ksi %g coh %g tanphi %g damchartime %g damrateexp %g plchartime %g plrateexp %g d 1.0\n"%(ph['E'],ph['G'],ph['epsCrackOnset'],ph['epsFracture'],ph['xiShear'],ph['undamagedCohesion'],ph['tanFrictionAngle'],ph['dmgTau'],ph['dmgRateExp'],ph['plTau'],ph['plRateExp']))
+	f.write("CohInt 1 kn %g ks %g e0 %g ef %g c 0. ksi %g coh %g tanphi %g damchartime %g damrateexp %g plchartime %g plrateexp %g d 1.0\n"%(ph['E'],ph['G'],ph['epsCrackOnset'],ph['epsFracture'],0.0,ph['undamagedCohesion'],ph['tanFrictionAngle'],ph['dmgTau'],ph['dmgRateExp'],ph['plTau'],ph['plRateExp']))
 	# boundary conditions
 	f.write('BoundaryCondition 1 loadTimeFunction 1 prescribedvalue 0.0\n')
 	f.write('BoundaryCondition 2 loadTimeFunction 1 prescribedvalue 1.e-4\n')

Modified: trunk/gui/py/utils.py
--- trunk/gui/py/utils.py	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/gui/py/utils.py	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 # 2008 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
-#from yade._utils import *
 import math,random
 from yade.wrapper import *
 try: # use psyco if available
@@ -16,16 +14,6 @@
 # c++ implementations for performance reasons
 from yade._utils import *
-def resetEngineClocks():
-	for e in O.engines: e.execTime=0
-def engineClockStats():
-	tSum=sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines])
-	for e in O.engines:
-		print e.name.ljust(30),(str(e.execTime/1000)+'ms').rjust(15),'%6.2f%%'%(e.execTime*100./tSum)
-	print '='*53
-	print 'TOTAL'.ljust(30),(str(tSum/1000)+'ms').rjust(15),'100.00%'
 def saveVars(mark='',loadNow=False,**kw):
 	"""Save passed variables into the simulation so that it can be recovered when the simulation is loaded again.
@@ -381,44 +369,6 @@
 	dictParams.update(dictDefaults); saveVars('table',**dictParams)
 	return len(tagsParams)
-def basicDEMEngines(interPhysics='SimpleElasticRelationships',constitutiveLaw='ElasticContactLaw',gravity=None,damping=.4):
-	"""Set basic set of DEM engines and initializers.
-	interPhysics and constitutiveLaw specify class of respective engines to use instead of defaults.
-	Gravity can be list or tuple to specify numeric value, it can also be an object that will be inserted into
-	engines, however. By default, no gravity is applied.
-	"""
-	O.initializers=[
-		MetaEngine('BoundingVolumeMetaEngine',[EngineUnit('InteractingSphere2AABB'),EngineUnit('InteractingBox2AABB'),EngineUnit('InteractingFacet2AABB'),EngineUnit('MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB')])
-	]
-	O.engines=[
-		StandAloneEngine('PhysicalActionContainerReseter'),
-		MetaEngine('BoundingVolumeMetaEngine',[
-			EngineUnit('InteractingSphere2AABB'),
-			EngineUnit('InteractingBox2AABB'),
-			EngineUnit('InteractingFacet2AABB'),
-			EngineUnit('MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB')
-		]),
-		StandAloneEngine('PersistentSAPCollider'),
-		MetaEngine('InteractionGeometryMetaEngine',[
-			EngineUnit('InteractingSphere2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry'),
-			EngineUnit('InteractingFacet2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry'),
-			EngineUnit('InteractingBox2InteractingSphere4SpheresContactGeometry')
-		]),
-		MetaEngine('InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine',[EngineUnit('SimpleElasticRelationships')]),
-		StandAloneEngine('ElasticContactLaw'),
-	]
-	if gravity:
-		if islist(gravity) or istuple(gravity):
-			O.engines=O.engines+[DeusExMachina('GravityEngine',{'gravity':gravity}),]
-		else:
-			O.engines=O.engines+[gravity]
-	O.engines=O.engines+[DeusExMachina('NewtonsDampedLaw',{'damping':damping}),]
 def ColorizedVelocityFilter(isFilterActivated=True,autoScale=True,minValue=0,maxValue=0,posX=0,posY=0.2,width=0.05,height=0.5,title='Velocity, m/s'):
     f = DeusExMachina('ColorizedVelocityFilter',{'isFilterActivated':isFilterActivated,'autoScale':autoScale,'minValue':minValue,'maxValue':maxValue,'posX':posX,'posY':posY,'width':width,'height':height,'title':title})
@@ -494,4 +444,24 @@
 	return ret
+def spheresFromFileUniaxial(filename,areaSections=10,**kw):
+	"""Load spheres from file, but do some additional work useful for uniaxial test:
+	1. Find the dimensions that is the longest (uniaxial loading axis)
+	2. Find the minimum cross-section area of the speciment by examining several (areaSections)
+		sections perpendicular to axis, computing area of the convex hull for each one. This will
+		work also for non-prismatic specimen.
+	3. Find the bodies that are on the negative/positive boundary, to which the straining condition
+		should be applied.
+	Returns dictionary with keys 'negIds', 'posIds', 'axis', 'area'.
+	"""
+	ids=spheresFromFile(filename,**kw)
+	mm,mx=aabbExtrema()
+	dim=aabbDim(); axis=dim.index(max(dim))
+	import numpy
+	areas=[approxSectionArea(coord,axis) for coord in numpy.linspace(mm[axis],mx[axis],num=10)[1:-1]]
+	negIds,posIds=negPosExtremeIds(axis=axis)
+	return {'negIds':negIds,'posIds':posIds,'axis':axis,'area':min(areas)}

Modified: trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp
--- trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/gui/py/yadeControl.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
 	/* shorthands */ unsigned id1_get(void){ensureAcc(); return proxee->getId1();} unsigned id2_get(void){ensureAcc(); return proxee->getId2();}
+	bool isReal_get(void){ensureAcc(); return proxee->isReal(); }
@@ -807,7 +808,8 @@
-		.add_property("id2",&pyInteraction::id2_get);
+		.add_property("id2",&pyInteraction::id2_get)
+		.add_property("isReal",&pyInteraction::isReal_get);

Added: trunk/lib/computational-geometry/Hull2d.hpp
--- trunk/lib/computational-geometry/Hull2d.hpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/lib/computational-geometry/Hull2d.hpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx> 
+/*! Computing convex hull of a 2d cloud of points passed to the constructor,
+	using Graham scan algorithm.
+	Use the operator() to launch computation and get the hull as std::list<Vector2r>.
+	The source http://marknelson.us/2007/08/22/convex/ is gratefully acknowledged.
+	Look there for detailed description and more information.
+class ConvexHull2d{
+	list<Vector2r> raw_points, lower_partition_points, upper_partition_points, hull;
+	Vector2r left, right;
+	static Real direction(const Vector2r& p0, const Vector2r& p1, const Vector2r& p2) {
+		return ((p0[0]-p1[0])*(p2[1]-p1[1]))-((p2[0]-p1[0])*(p0[1]-p1[1]));
+	}
+	struct Vector2r_xComparator{
+		bool operator()(const Vector2r& p1, const Vector2r& p2){return p1[0]<p2[0];}
+	};
+	void partition_points(){
+		raw_points.sort(Vector2r_xComparator());
+		left=raw_points.front(); raw_points.pop_front();
+		right=raw_points.back(); raw_points.pop_back();
+		FOREACH(const Vector2r& p, raw_points){
+			if(direction(left,right,p)<0) upper_partition_points.push_back(p);
+			else lower_partition_points.push_back(p);
+		}
+	}
+	vector<Vector2r> build_half_hull(list<Vector2r>& in, int factor){
+		vector<Vector2r> out;
+		in.push_back(right); out.push_back(left);
+		while(in.size()>0){
+			out.push_back(in.front()); in.pop_front();
+			while(out.size()>=3){
+				size_t end=out.size()-1;
+				if(factor*direction(out[end-2],out[end],out[end-1])<=0) out.erase(out.begin()+end-1);
+				else break;
+			}
+		}
+		return out;
+	}
+	public:
+	ConvexHull2d(const list<Vector2r>& pts){raw_points.assign(pts.begin(),pts.end());};
+	ConvexHull2d(const vector<Vector2r>& pts){raw_points.assign(pts.begin(),pts.end());};
+	vector<Vector2r> operator()(void){
+		partition_points();
+		vector<Vector2r> lower_hull=build_half_hull(lower_partition_points,1);
+		vector<Vector2r> upper_hull=build_half_hull(upper_partition_points,-1);
+		vector<Vector2r> ret; ret.reserve(lower_hull.size()+upper_hull.size()-2);
+		for(size_t i=upper_hull.size()-1; i>0; i--) ret.push_back(upper_hull[i]);
+		size_t lsize=lower_hull.size();
+		for(size_t i=0; i<lsize-1;  i++) ret.push_back(lower_hull[i]);
+		return ret;
+	}
+/*! Compute area of a simple 2d polygon, using the Surveyor's formula.
+	http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon
+	The first and last points shouldn't be given twice.
+Real simplePolygonArea2d(vector<Vector2r> P){
+	Real ret=0.; size_t n=P.size();
+	for(size_t i=0; i<n-1; i++) { ret+=P[i][0]*P[i+1][1]-P[i+1][0]*P[i][1];}
+	ret+=P[n-1][0]*P[0][1]-P[0][0]*P[n-1][1];
+	return abs(ret/2.);

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/InteractionDispatchers.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/InteractionDispatchers.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/InteractionDispatchers.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -53,8 +53,12 @@
 			const shared_ptr<Body>& b2=Body::byId(I->getId2(),rootBody);
+			bool wasReal=I->isReal();
 			bool geomCreated=I->functorCache.geom->go(b1->interactingGeometry,b2->interactingGeometry,b1->physicalParameters->se3, b2->physicalParameters->se3,I);
-			if(!geomCreated) continue;
+			if(!geomCreated){
+				if(wasReal) rootBody->interactions->requestErase(I->getId1(),I->getId2()); // fully created interaction without geometry is reset and perhaps erased in the next step
+				continue; // in any case don't care about this one anymore
+			}
 			// InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine
@@ -80,10 +84,14 @@
 			const shared_ptr<Body>& b1=Body::byId(I->getId1(),rootBody);
 			const shared_ptr<Body>& b2=Body::byId(I->getId2(),rootBody);
 			// InteractionGeometryMetaEngine
+			bool wasReal=I->isReal();
 			bool geomCreated =
 				b1->interactingGeometry && b2->interactingGeometry && // some bodies do not have interactingGeometry
 				geomDispatcher->operator()(b1->interactingGeometry, b2->interactingGeometry, b1->physicalParameters->se3, b2->physicalParameters->se3,I);
-			if(!geomCreated) continue;
+			if(!geomCreated){
+				if(wasReal) *rootBody->interactions->requestErase(I->getId1(),I->getId2());
+				continue;
+			}
 			// InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine
 			// geom may have swapped bodies, get bodies again
 			physDispatcher->operator()(Body::byId(I->getId1(),rootBody)->physicalParameters, Body::byId(I->getId2(),rootBody)->physicalParameters,I);

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/InteractionGeometryMetaEngine.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/InteractionGeometryMetaEngine.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/InteractionGeometryMetaEngine.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -58,14 +58,17 @@
 		const long size=ncb->transientInteractions->size();
 		#pragma omp parallel for
 		for(long i=0; i<size; i++){
-			const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction=(*ncb->transientInteractions)[i];
+			const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I=(*ncb->transientInteractions)[i];
-		FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Interaction>& interaction, *ncb->interactions){
+		FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I, *ncb->interactions){
-			const shared_ptr<Body>& b1=(*bodies)[interaction->getId1()];
-			const shared_ptr<Body>& b2=(*bodies)[interaction->getId2()];
-			b1->interactingGeometry && b2->interactingGeometry && // some bodies do not have interactingGeometry
-			operator()(b1->interactingGeometry, b2->interactingGeometry, b1->physicalParameters->se3, b2->physicalParameters->se3, interaction);
+			const shared_ptr<Body>& b1=(*bodies)[I->getId1()];
+			const shared_ptr<Body>& b2=(*bodies)[I->getId2()];
+			bool wasReal=I->isReal();
+			if (!b1->interactingGeometry || !b2->interactingGeometry) { assert(!wasReal); continue; } // some bodies do not have interactingGeometry
+			bool geomCreated=operator()(b1->interactingGeometry, b2->interactingGeometry, b1->physicalParameters->se3, b2->physicalParameters->se3, I);
+			// reset && erase interaction that existed but now has no geometry anymore
+			if(wasReal && !geomCreated){ ncb->interactions->requestErase(I->getId1(),I->getId2()); }

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/ConcretePM.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/ConcretePM.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/ConcretePM.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -164,14 +164,14 @@
 		// very simplified version of the constitutive law
-		kappaD=max(max(0,epsN),kappaD); // internal variable, max positive strain (non-decreasing)
+		kappaD=max(max(0.,epsN),kappaD); // internal variable, max positive strain (non-decreasing)
 		omega=isCohesive?funcG(kappaD,epsCrackOnset,epsFracture,neverDamage):1.; // damage variable (non-decreasing, as funcG is also non-decreasing)
 		sigmaN=(1-(epsN>0?omega:0))*E*epsN; // damage taken in account in tension only
 		sigmaT=G*epsT; // trial stress
 		Real yieldSigmaT=max((Real)0.,undamagedCohesion*(1-omega)-sigmaN*tanFrictionAngle); // Mohr-Coulomb law with damage
 			sigmaT*=yieldSigmaT/sigmaT.Length(); // stress return
-			epsPlSum+=rT*contGeom->slipToStrainTMax(rT/G); // adjust strain
+			epsPlSum+=yieldSigmaT*contGeom->slipToStrainTMax(yieldSigmaT/G); // adjust strain

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/ConcretePM.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/ConcretePM.hpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/ConcretePM.hpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
 			// init to signaling_NaN to force crash if not initialized (better than unknowingly using garbage values)
-			cohesiveThresholdIter=-1;
+			cohesiveThresholdIter=10;
 			dmgTau=-1; dmgRateExp=0; plTau=-1; plRateExp=-1;

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/StandAloneEngine/UniaxialStrainer.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/StandAloneEngine/UniaxialStrainer.cpp	2009-05-29 14:35:22 UTC (rev 1786)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/StandAloneEngine/UniaxialStrainer.cpp	2009-05-31 10:09:14 UTC (rev 1787)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-	stressUpdateInterval=max(1,(int)(2e-5/(abs(strainRate)*Omega::instance().getTimeStep())));
+	stressUpdateInterval=max(1,(int)(1e-5/(abs(strainRate)*Omega::instance().getTimeStep())));
 	LOG_INFO("Stress will be updated every "<<stressUpdateInterval<<" steps.");
 	/* if we have default (<0) crossSectionArea, try to get it from root's AABB;