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Message #01301
[svn] r1798 - in trunk: gui/py gui/qt3 lib pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina
Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-06-15 17:39:57 +0200 (Mon, 15 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 1798
1. Fix (hopefully) clump damping
2. Remove unused code from InsertionSortCollider
3. Make SimulationController NOT change timestep (rounding) by just opening it (!!)
4. Fix paths in PythonUI and lib/SConscript for $PREFIX/yade$SUFFIX/py/yade instead of $PREFIX/yade$SUFFIX/gui/yade
Modified: trunk/gui/py/linterpolation.py
--- trunk/gui/py/linterpolation.py 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/gui/py/linterpolation.py 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
+ #print '### wanted _%g; period=%g; periodIntegral=_%g (numPeriods=%g); rests _%g (xFrac=%g)'%(integralValue,period,periodIntegral,numPeriods,integralValue-numPeriods*periodIntegral,xFrac)
+ #print '### returning %g*%g+%g=%g'%(period,numPeriods,xFrac,period*numPeriods+xFrac)
return period*numPeriods+xFrac
def sanitizeInterpolation(x,y,x0,x1):
Modified: trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.cpp
--- trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.cpp 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.cpp 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -86,6 +86,12 @@
else{ LOG_DEBUG("Not loading simulation in ctor"); }
+ int mantissa, exponent;
+ dtIntegerMantissaExponent(mantissa,exponent);
+ sb10PowerSecond->setValue(exponent);
+ sbSecond->setValue(mantissa);
// run timer ANY TIME (simulation may be started asynchronously)
@@ -352,31 +358,27 @@
switch (i)
case 0 : {//Use timeStepper
- //changeSkipTimeStepper = true;
- //skipTimeStepper = false;
- //boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(timeMutex);
case 1 : // Try RealTime -- deprecated
- //changeSkipTimeStepper = true;
- //skipTimeStepper = true;
- //wasUsingTimeStepper=false;
throw logic_error("RealTime timestep is deprecated and you couldn't click on it!");
case 2 : {// use fixed time Step
- //changeSkipTimeStepper = true;
- //skipTimeStepper = true;
- //boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(timeMutex);
changeTimeStep = true;
if(sbSecond->value()==0){ sbSecond->setValue(9); sb10PowerSecond->setValue(sb10PowerSecond->value()-1); }
if(sbSecond->value()==10){ sbSecond->setValue(1); sb10PowerSecond->setValue(sb10PowerSecond->value()+1); }
- Real second = (Real)(sbSecond->value());
- Real powerSecond = (Real)(sb10PowerSecond->value());
- Omega::instance().setTimeStep(second*Mathr::Pow(10,powerSecond));
+ int second=(sbSecond->value()), powerSecond = (sb10PowerSecond->value());
+ int exp10,mantissa; dtIntegerMantissaExponent(mantissa,exp10);
+ // only change timestep if the current timestep would have different representation in this integral thing
+ // important so that merely opening the controller doesn't round the existing timestep
+ if((mantissa!=second) || (exp10!=powerSecond)){
+ LOG_DEBUG("Change timestep: current "<<mantissa<<"^"<<exp10<<"; gui "<<second<<"^"<<powerSecond);
+ Omega::instance().setTimeStep((Real)second*Mathr::Pow(10.,(Real)powerSecond));
+ }
default: break;
@@ -512,10 +514,13 @@
if(rbFixed->isChecked()==usesTimeStepper){ LOG_DEBUG("Checking rbFixed"); rbFixed->setChecked(!usesTimeStepper); }
if(rbTimeStepper->isChecked()!=usesTimeStepper){ LOG_DEBUG("Checking rbTimeStepper"); rbTimeStepper->setChecked(usesTimeStepper); }
- Real dt=Omega::instance().getTimeStep();
- int exp10=floor(log10(dt));
- sb10PowerSecond->setValue(exp10);
- sbSecond->setValue((int)(.1+dt/(pow((float)10,exp10)))); // .1: rounding issues
+ int exp10,mantissa; dtIntegerMantissaExponent(mantissa,exp10);
+ sb10PowerSecond->setValue(exp10); sbSecond->setValue(mantissa);
+void SimulationController::dtIntegerMantissaExponent(int& mantissa, int& exponent){
+ Real dt=Omega::instance().getTimeStep();
+ exponent=floor(log10(dt));
+ mantissa=((int)(.1+dt/(pow((float)10,exponent)))); // .1: rounding issues
Modified: trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.hpp
--- trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.hpp 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.hpp 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
QFrame * scrollViewFrame;
QVBoxLayout* scrollViewLayout;
void addNewView();
+ void dtIntegerMantissaExponent(int& mantissa, int& exponent);
public :
void loadSimulationFromFileName(const std::string& fileName,bool center=true);
Modified: trunk/lib/SConscript
--- trunk/lib/SConscript 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/lib/SConscript 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- env.Install('$PREFIX/lib/yade$SUFFIX/gui/yade',[
+ env.Install('$PREFIX/lib/yade$SUFFIX/py/yade',[
Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -111,20 +111,6 @@
// process interactions that the constitutive law asked to be erased
- #if 0
- FOREACH(const InteractionContainer::bodyIdPair& p, interactions->pendingErase){
- // remove those that do not overlap spatially anymore
- if(!spatialOverlap(p[0],p[1])){ interactions->erase(p[0],p[1]); LOG_TRACE("Deleted interaction #"<<p[0]<<"+#"<<p[1]); }
- else
- {
- const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I=interactions->find(p[0],p[1]);
- if(!I){ LOG_FATAL("Requested deletion of a non-existent interaction #"<<p[0]<<"+#"<<p[1]<<"?!"); throw; }
- I->reset();
- }
- }
- interactions->pendingErase.clear();
- #endif
// sort
if(!doInitSort && !sortThenCollide){
@@ -134,6 +120,7 @@
else {
// the initial sort is in independent in 3 dimensions, may be run in parallel
+ // it seems that there is no time gain running this in parallel, though
#pragma omp parallel sections
#pragma omp section
@@ -159,7 +146,7 @@
// go up until we meet the upper bound
for(size_t j=i+1; V[j].id!=iid; j++){
const body_id_t& jid=V[j].id;
- /// FIXME: not sure why this doesn't work. If this condition is commented out, we have exact same interactions as from SpatialQuickSort. Otherwise some interactions are missing!
+ /// Not sure why this doesn't work. If this condition is commented out, we have exact same interactions as from SpatialQuickSort. Otherwise some interactions are missing!
// skip bodies with smaller (arbitrary, could be greater as well) id, since they will detect us when their turn comes
// if(jid<iid) { /* LOG_TRACE("Skip #"<<V[j].id<<(V[j].flags.isMin?"(min)":"(max)")<<" with "<<iid<<" (smaller id)"); */ continue; }
/* abuse the same function here; since it does spatial overlap check first, it is OK to use it */
Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.cpp 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.cpp 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -26,20 +26,27 @@
damping = 0.2;
+void NewtonsDampedLaw::cundallDamp(const Real& dt, const Vector3r& f, const Vector3r& velocity, Vector3r& acceleration, const Vector3r& m, const Vector3r& angularVelocity, Vector3r& angularAcceleration){
+ for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+ angularAcceleration[i]*= 1 - damping*Mathr::Sign ( m[i]*(angularVelocity[i] + (Real) 0.5 *dt*angularAcceleration[i]) );
+ acceleration [i]*= 1 - damping*Mathr::Sign ( f[i]*(velocity [i] + (Real) 0.5 *dt*acceleration [i]) );
+ }
void NewtonsDampedLaw::applyCondition ( MetaBody * ncb )
+ Real dt=Omega::instance().getTimeStep();
FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *ncb->bodies){
// clump members are non-dynamic; they skip the rest of loop once their forces are properly taken into account, however
if (!b->isDynamic && !b->isClumpMember()) continue;
RigidBodyParameters* rb = YADE_CAST<RigidBodyParameters*>(b->physicalParameters.get());
- body_id_t id = b->getId();
+ const body_id_t& id=b->getId();
const Vector3r& m=ncb->bex.getTorque(id);
const Vector3r& f=ncb->bex.getForce(id);
- Real dt = Omega::instance().getTimeStep();
//Newtons mometum law :
if (b->isStandalone()){
@@ -53,27 +60,23 @@
else {
- const shared_ptr<Body>& clump ( Body::byId ( b->clumpId ) );
+ const shared_ptr<Body>& clump=Body::byId(b->clumpId,ncb);
RigidBodyParameters* clumpRBP=YADE_CAST<RigidBodyParameters*> ( clump->physicalParameters.get() );
- /* angularAcceleration is reset by ClumpMemberMover engine */
- clumpRBP->angularAcceleration+=diagDiv ( m,clumpRBP->inertia );
- clumpRBP->acceleration+=f/clumpRBP->mass;
- clumpRBP->angularAcceleration+=diagDiv ( ( rb->se3.position-clumpRBP->se3.position ).Cross ( f ),clumpRBP->inertia ); //acceleration from torque generated by the force WRT particle centroid on the clump centroid
+ Vector3r diffClumpAccel=f/clumpRBP->mass;
+ // angular acceleration from: normal torque + torque generated by the force WRT particle centroid on the clump centroid
+ Vector3r diffClumpAngularAccel=diagDiv(m,clumpRBP->inertia)+diagDiv((rb->se3.position-clumpRBP->se3.position).Cross(f),clumpRBP->inertia);
+ // damp increment of accels on the clump, using velocities of the clump MEMBER
+ cundallDamp(dt,f,rb->velocity,diffClumpAccel,m,rb->angularVelocity,diffClumpAngularAccel);
+ // clumpRBP->{acceleration,angularAcceleration} are reset byt Clump::moveMembers, it is ok to just increment here
+ clumpRBP->acceleration+=diffClumpAccel;
+ clumpRBP->angularAcceleration+=diffClumpAngularAccel;
+ assert(!b->isClumpMember());
+ // damping: applied to non-clumps only, as clumps members were already damped above
+ if(!b->isClump()) cundallDamp(dt,f,rb->velocity,rb->acceleration,m,rb->angularVelocity,rb->angularAcceleration);
- // damping: applied to both clumps and non-clumps
- // FIXME: clumps with just 1 body are not dumped? See sphere jumping forever in scripts/test/clump.py
- // other clumps seem to be damped in some strange way (again, see the same script).
- // The damping also looks different from ClumpTestGen, which uses separate engines instead of NewtonsDampedLaw
- for ( int i=0; i<3; ++i ) {
- //Damping moments
- rb->angularAcceleration[i] *= 1 - damping*Mathr::Sign ( m[i]*(rb->angularVelocity[i] + (Real) 0.5 *dt*rb->angularAcceleration[i]) );
- //Damping force :
- rb->acceleration[i] *= 1 - damping*Mathr::Sign ( f[i]*(rb->velocity[i] + (Real) 0.5 *dt*rb->acceleration[i]) );
- }
// blocking DOFs
if(rb->blockedDOFs==0){ /* same as: rb->blockedDOFs==PhysicalParameters::DOF_NONE */
Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.hpp 2009-06-15 13:43:29 UTC (rev 1797)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.hpp 2009-06-15 15:39:57 UTC (rev 1798)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
class NewtonsDampedLaw : public DeusExMachina
+ inline void cundallDamp(const Real& dt, const Vector3r& f, const Vector3r& velocity, Vector3r& acceleration, const Vector3r& m, const Vector3r& angularVelocity, Vector3r& angularAcceleration);
public :
///damping coefficient for Cundall's non viscous damping
Real damping;