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Total moment at the mass center of clumps


Hello everybody,

I try to use clumps for sometimes and it seems to me that there is a small "bug" (maybe I'm wrong...). When clumps are used, they are part of the bodyContainer (like common bodies). But when interaction forces are computed, it seems that the resulting moment is computed at the body center and not at clump centroid.
I repeat that I may be wrong but in the "contact law engines" I read :

int id1 = I->getId1(); // where I is the Interaction*
RigidBodyParameters* de1 = YADE_CAST<RigidBodyParameters*>((*bodies) [Id1]->physicalParameters.get());
// here (*bodies)[id1] is a sphere that is part of a clump.
Vector3r c1x = (x - de1->se3.position); // x is the position of the contact point
// f = force_law
addTorque(id1,-c1x.Cross(f), rootBody);

Maybe there is something I do not understand. So please, tell me...

PS: I've got a python example where one can see strange behavior of clumps. I can send it to anyone if necessary.

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