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[svn] r1862 - in trunk: gui/qt3 pkg/common pkg/common/DataClass pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine pkg/dem pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina scripts/test


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-07-13 21:31:44 +0200 (Mon, 13 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 1862

1. Add velocity binning for collision optimization: requires cooperation of NewtonsDampedLaw, BoundingVolumeMetaEngine and InsertionSortCollider.
2. Remove time-based sweeping from BoundingVOlumeMetaEngine.
3. QtGUI doesn't show annoying warning when run from python session anymore.

Modified: trunk/gui/qt3/QtGUI.cpp
--- trunk/gui/qt3/QtGUI.cpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/gui/qt3/QtGUI.cpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -84,9 +84,14 @@
 void QtGUI::runNaked(){
 	if(!app){ // no app existing yet
+		if(getenv("DISPLAY")==0){
+			LOG_ERROR("$DISPLAY environment var not set, not starting qt3 gui.");
+			return;
+		};
 		LOG_INFO("Creating QApplication");
-	   app=new QApplication(0,NULL);
+		int argc=0;
+	   app=new QApplication(argc,(char**)NULL);
 			mainWindow=new YadeQtMainWindow();

Added: trunk/pkg/common/DataClass/VelocityBins.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/DataClass/VelocityBins.cpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/DataClass/VelocityBins.cpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+#ifndef FOREACH
+bool VelocityBins::incrementDists_shouldCollide(Real dt){
+	int i=0;
+	FOREACH(Bin& bin, bins){
+		bin.currDistSq+=dt*dt*bin.currMaxVelSq; i++;
+		if(bin.currDistSq>pow(bin.maxDist,2)){
+			LOG_TRACE("Collide: bin"<<i<<": max dist "<<bin.maxDist<<", current "<<sqrt(bin.currDistSq));
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
+	return false;
+void VelocityBins::setBins(MetaBody* rootBody, Real currMaxVelSq, Real refSweepLength){
+	// initialization
+		// sanity checks
+		if(nBins<1 || nBins>100){LOG_FATAL("Number of bins must be >=1 and <=100"); abort(); }
+		if(binOverlap>=1 || binOverlap<=0){ LOG_ERROR("binOverlap set to 0.8 (was "<<binOverlap<<", not in range (0…1) )"); binOverlap=0.8;}
+		// number of bins changed
+		if(nBins!=bins.size()){
+			LOG_INFO("New number of bins: "<<nBins);
+			bins.resize(nBins);	
+		}
+		// number of bodies changed
+		if(bodyBins.size()!=rootBody->bodies->size()) bodyBins.resize(rootBody->bodies->size(),-1);
+		// set the new overall refMaxVelSq
+		if(refMaxVelSq<0){ refMaxVelSq=currMaxVelSq; /* first time */}
+		else {
+			// there should be some maximum speed change parameter, so that bins do not change their limits (and therefore bodies, also!) too often, depending on 1 particle going crazy
+			refMaxVelSq=min(max(refMaxVelSq*pow(1-maxRefRelStep,2),currMaxVelSq),refMaxVelSq*pow(1+maxRefRelStep,2));
+			if(refMaxVelSq==0) refMaxVelSq=currMaxVelSq;
+		}
+		LOG_TRACE("new refMaxVel: "<<sqrt(refMaxVelSq));
+		// compute new minima/maxima for all bins, reset distance counters and real max velocity
+		for(size_t i=0; i<nBins; i++){
+			Bin& bin=bins[i];
+			// 0th bin (fastest) has maximum the current maximum; slowest bin has minimum 0.
+			bin.binMaxVelSq=(i==0       ? currMaxVelSq : refMaxVelSq/pow(binCoeff*binCoeff,i));
+			bin.binMinVelSq=(i==nBins-1 ? 0.           : refMaxVelSq/pow(binCoeff*binCoeff,i+1));
+			bin.maxDist=(i==0 ?
+				(refMaxVelSq==0 ? 0: sqrt(currMaxVelSq/refMaxVelSq)*abs(refSweepLength)) :
+				abs(refSweepLength)/pow(binCoeff,i)
+			);
+			bin.currDistSq=0; bin.currMaxVelSq=0; bin.nBodies=0;
+		}
+	long moveFaster=0, moveSlower=0;
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *rootBody->bodies){
+		RigidBodyParameters* rbp=YADE_CAST<RigidBodyParameters*>(b->physicalParameters.get());
+		Real velSq=VelocityBins::getBodyVelSq(rbp);
+		binNo_t newBin=-1, oldBin=bodyBins[b->getId()];
+		// we could compute logarithm and round it here, but perhaps this is faster
+		for(size_t i=0; i<nBins; i++){
+			// 1. do not allow to move up (slow down) more than one bin at time (reasonable?)
+			// 2. for the current bin, put the lower margin lower by binOverlap^2, to avoid too many oscillations
+			if((oldBin>=0 && oldBin==(binNo_t)(i-1)) || velSq>=bins[i].binMinVelSq*(oldBin==(binNo_t)i ? pow(binOverlap,2) : 1.) ){ newBin=(binNo_t)i; break;}
+		}
+		if(newBin<0){ LOG_FATAL("Body #"<<b->getId()<<", velSq="<<velSq<<" not put in any bin!?"); abort(); }
+		if(oldBin>=0) { if(newBin>oldBin) moveSlower++; else if(oldBin>newBin) moveFaster++; }
+		bodyBins[b->getId()]=newBin;
+		// LOG_TRACE("#"<<b->getId()<<": vel="<<sqrt(velSq)<<", bin "<<(int)newBin);
+		bins[newBin].nBodies+=1;
+	}
+	#ifdef LOG4CXX
+		// if debugging output
+		if(logger->isDebugEnabled() && (rootBody->currentIteration-histLast>=histInterval || histLast<0)){
+			histLast=rootBody->currentIteration;
+			LOG_INFO(bodyBins.size()<<" bodies (moves: "<<moveFaster<<" faster, "<<moveSlower<<" slower), refMaxVel="<<sqrt(refMaxVelSq));
+			for(size_t i=0; i<nBins; i++){
+				int nChars=int(80*(bins[i].nBodies/Real(bodyBins.size())));
+				string l; for(int j=0; j<nChars; j++) l+="#"; for(int j=nChars; j<80; j++) l+=" ";
+				cerr<<"\t"<<i<<": |"<<l<<"| ("<<bins[i].nBodies<<") "<<sqrt(bins[i].binMinVelSq)<<"…"<<sqrt(bins[i].binMaxVelSq)<<endl;
+			}
+		}
+	#endif
+/* non-parallel implementations */
+void VelocityBins::binVelSqInitialize(){ FOREACH(Bin& bin, bins) bin.currMaxVelSq=0; }
+void VelocityBins::binVelSqUse(body_id_t id, Real velSq){
+	#ifdef YADE_OPENMP
+		if(omp_get_thread_num()>0) {LOG_FATAL("VelocityBins do not support multiple openMP threads yet!"); abort(); }
+	#endif
+	Real& maxVelSq(bins[bodyBins[id]].currMaxVelSq);
+	maxVelSq=max(maxVelSq,velSq);
+void VelocityBins::binVelSqFinalize(){}

Added: trunk/pkg/common/DataClass/VelocityBins.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/DataClass/VelocityBins.hpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/DataClass/VelocityBins.hpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+#pragma once 
+#include<yade/core/Interaction.hpp> // for body_id_t
+class MetaBody;
+/* Class for putting bodies to velcoity bins, for optimization
+of collision detection.
+Each bin is characterized by its minimum/maximum velocity. 
+See http://yade.wikia.com/wiki/Insertion_Sort_Collider_Stride#Enhancement_ideas:_velocity_bins for brief design overview.
+class VelocityBins{
+	public:
+	VelocityBins(int _nBins, Real _refMaxVelSq, Real _binCoeff=10, Real _binOverlap=0.8): refMaxVelSq(_refMaxVelSq), binCoeff(_binCoeff), binOverlap(_binOverlap), maxRefRelStep(0.05), nBins(_nBins), histInterval(200), histLast(-1){};
+	typedef signed char binNo_t;
+	struct Bin{
+		Bin(): binMinVelSq(-1), binMaxVelSq(-1), maxDist(0), currDistSq(0), currMaxVelSq(0), nBodies(0){}
+		// limits for bin memebrship
+		Real binMinVelSq, binMaxVelSq;
+		// maximum distance that body in this bin can travel before it goes out of its swept bbox
+		Real maxDist;
+		// distance so far traveled by the fastest body in this bin (since last setBins)
+		Real currDistSq;
+		// maximum velSq over all bodies in this bin
+		Real currMaxVelSq;
+		// number of bodies in this bin (for informational purposes only)
+		long nBodies;
+	};
+	// bins themselves (their number is nBins)
+	vector<Bin> bins;
+	// each body has its bin number stored here
+	vector<binNo_t> bodyBins;
+	// reference overall maximum velocity (may be different from bins[0].maxVelSq)
+	Real refMaxVelSq;
+	// factor by which maximum velocity in each bin is smaller than in the higer one
+	Real binCoeff;
+	// relative overlap beween bins; body will not be moved from faster bin until its velocity is min*binOverlap; must be <=1
+	Real binOverlap;
+	// maximum relative change of reference max velocity per invocation
+	Real maxRefRelStep;
+	// number of bins; must be >=1 and <=100 (artificial upper limit)
+	size_t nBins;
+	// how often to show histogram, if LOG_DEBUG is enabled;
+	long histInterval, histLast;
+	// Assign bins to all bodies
+	void setBins(MetaBody*, Real currMaxVelSq, Real refSweepLength);
+	// Increment maximum per-bin distances and tell whether some bodies may be	already getting out of the swept bbox (in that case, we need to recompute bounding volumes and run the collider)
+	bool incrementDists_shouldCollide(Real dt);
+	/* NOTE: following 3 functions are separated because of multi-threaded operation of NewtonsDampedLaw
+	in that case, every thread must have its own per-bin maximum and binVelSqFinalize will assign the
+	overall maxima to the bins.
+	The non-parallel implementation simply resets all Bin::realMaxVelSq, maximize if for each
+	body in that bin and binVelSqFinalize() will not do nothing.
+	*/
+	// reset per-bin max velocities
+	void binVelSqInitialize();
+	// use body max velocity -- called for every body at every step (from NewtonsDampedLaw, normally)
+	void binVelSqUse(body_id_t id, Real velSq);
+	// actually assign max velocities to their respective bins
+	void binVelSqFinalize();
+	// get velSq for given body; this should be called from NewtonsDampedLaw as well,
+	// to ensure that the same formulas are used (once we have angularVelocity + AABB span,
+	// for instance
+	static Real getBodyVelSq(RigidBodyParameters* rbp){
+		return rbp->velocity.SquaredLength();
+	}

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.cpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.cpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@
 	shared_ptr<BodyContainer>& bodies = ncb->bodies;
 	const long numBodies=(long)bodies->size();
+	bool haveBins=(bool)velocityBins;
+	if(sweepDist!=0 && haveBins){ LOG_FATAL("Only one of sweepDist or velocityBins can used!"); abort(); }
 	//#pragma omp parallel for
 	for(int id=0; id<numBodies; id++){
 		if(!bodies->exists(id)) continue; // don't delete this check  - Janek
@@ -36,28 +39,15 @@
-		if(sweepTime>0){
-			/* compute se3 the body would have after given time (linear interpolation), and use the maximum bounding volume then.
-			It is a pessimisation that allows us to not update the aabb during some period of time. */
-			Vector3r min0=b->boundingVolume->min, max0=b->boundingVolume->max;
-			const Se3r& se3=b->physicalParameters->se3;
-			const RigidBodyParameters* rbp=YADE_CAST<RigidBodyParameters*>(b->physicalParameters.get());
-			/* For position change, Δr=vΔt+½aΔt²; similar for orientation. */
-			Se3r sweptSe3; sweptSe3.position=se3.position+(rbp->velocity+.5*rbp->acceleration*sweepTime)*sweepTime;
-			Vector3r axis=rbp->angularVelocity+.5*rbp->angularAcceleration*sweepTime; Real angle=axis.Normalize(); Quaternionr q(axis,angle*sweepTime); sweptSe3.orientation=q*se3.orientation;
-				ig->boundFunctor->go(ig,b->boundingVolume,sweptSe3,b.get());
-			#else
-				operator()(ig,b->boundingVolume,sweptSe3,b.get());
-			#endif
-			AABB* aabb=YADE_CAST<AABB*>(b->boundingVolume.get()); // to update halfSize and center as well
-			aabb->min=componentMinVector(min0,aabb->min); aabb->max=componentMaxVector(max0,aabb->max);
-			aabb->center=.5*(aabb->min+aabb->max); aabb->halfSize=.5*(aabb->max-aabb->min);
+		if(sweepDist>0){
+			AABB* aabb=YADE_CAST<AABB*>(b->boundingVolume.get());
+			aabb->halfSize+=Vector3r(sweepDist,sweepDist,sweepDist);
+			aabb->min=aabb->center-aabb->halfSize; aabb->max=aabb->center+aabb->halfSize;
-		if(sweepDist!=0){
+		if(haveBins){
 			AABB* aabb=YADE_CAST<AABB*>(b->boundingVolume.get());
-			if(sweepDist<0) aabb->halfSize=-sweepDist*aabb->halfSize; // relative scaling by abs(sweepDist)
-			else aabb->halfSize+=Vector3r(sweepDist,sweepDist,sweepDist); // absolute distance increment
+			Real sweep=velocityBins->bins[velocityBins->bodyBins[b->getId()]].maxDist;
+			aabb->halfSize+=Vector3r(sweep,sweep,sweep);
 			aabb->min=aabb->center-aabb->halfSize; aabb->max=aabb->center+aabb->halfSize;

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.hpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.hpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
+class VelocityBins;
 class BoundingVolumeMetaEngine :	public MetaEngine2D
 						InteractingGeometry,						// base classe for dispatch
@@ -34,19 +36,16 @@
 	public :
 		// selectively turn off this engine (from within the collider, for instance)
 		bool activated;
-		//! if < 0, will set bounding volumes that the bodies (most likely) will not go over within given time interval; otherwise, do not sweep
-		Real sweepTime;
-		//! bounding box will be enlarged by this amount in all 3 dimensions;
-		/// if negative, it is relative size (e.g. -2 will make the bounding box 2 × bigger)
-		/// if positive, it is absolute distance; its will be added in all 6 directions (i.e. dimensions will be enlarged by 2 × this value)
+		//! bounding box will be enlarged by this amount in all 3 dimensions; must be non-negative;
 		Real sweepDist;
-		BoundingVolumeMetaEngine(): activated(true), sweepTime(-1), sweepDist(0) {}
+		BoundingVolumeMetaEngine(): activated(true), sweepDist(0) {}
 		virtual void action(MetaBody*);
 		virtual bool isActivated(MetaBody*){ return activated; }
+		shared_ptr<VelocityBins> velocityBins;
-	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(MetaEngine,(activated)(sweepTime)(sweepDist));
+	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(MetaEngine,(activated)(sweepDist));

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
@@ -65,12 +66,15 @@
 	bool InsertionSortCollider::isActivated(MetaBody* rb){
 		// activated if number of bodies changes (hence need to refresh collision information)
 		// or the time of scheduled run already came, or we were never scheduled yet
-		if(sweepLength<=0) return true;
-		if(!newton || newton->maxVelocitySq<0 || sweepVelocity<0) return true; // we wouldn't be able to find the max velocity, or it has not been computed yet, or there were no data available last time
+		if(!strideActive) return true;
+		if(!newton || (nBins>=1 && !newton->velocityBins)) return true;
+		if(nBins>=1 && newton->velocityBins->incrementDists_shouldCollide(rb->dt)) return true;
+		if(nBins<=0){
+			if(fastestBodyMaxDist<0){fastestBodyMaxDist=0; return true;}
+			fastestBodyMaxDist+=sqrt(newton->maxVelocitySq)*rb->dt;
+			if(fastestBodyMaxDist>=sweepLength) return true;
+		}
 		if(XX.size()!=2*rb->bodies->size()) return true;
-		if(fastestBodyMaxDist<0){fastestBodyMaxDist=0; return true;}
-		fastestBodyMaxDist+=sqrt(newton->maxVelocitySq)*rb->dt;
-		if(fastestBodyMaxDist>=sweepLength) return true;
 		// we wouldn't run in this step; in that case, just delete pending interactions
 		// this is done in ::action normally, but it would make the call counters not reflect the stride
@@ -128,21 +132,37 @@
-			if(sweepLength>0){
-				if(newton->maxVelocitySq>=0){ // non-negative, i.e. a really computed value
-					// compute new stride value
-					assert(sweepFactor>1.);
-					sweepVelocity=sqrt(newton->maxVelocitySq)*sweepFactor;
+			// get us ready for strides
+			if(!strideActive && sweepLength>0){
+				if(newton->maxVelocitySq>=0){ // maxVelocitySq is a really computed value
+					strideActive=true;
+					if(nBins>=1){
+						if(!newton->velocityBins){ newton->velocityBins=shared_ptr<VelocityBins>(new VelocityBins(nBins,newton->maxVelocitySq,binCoeff,binOverlap)); }
+						if(!boundDispatcher->velocityBins) boundDispatcher->velocityBins=newton->velocityBins;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if(strideActive){
+				assert(sweepLength>0);
+				if(nBins<=0){
+					// reset bins, in case they were active but are not anymore
+					if(newton->velocityBins) newton->velocityBins=shared_ptr<VelocityBins>(); if(boundDispatcher->velocityBins) boundDispatcher->velocityBins=shared_ptr<VelocityBins>();
+					assert(strideActive); assert(newton->maxVelocitySq>=0); assert(sweepFactor>1.);
+					Real sweepVelocity=sqrt(newton->maxVelocitySq)*sweepFactor; int stride=-1;
 					if(sweepVelocity>0) {
 					} else { // no motion
 						boundDispatcher->sweepDist=0; // nothing moves, no need to make bboxes larger
-				} else { /* no valid data yet, run next time again */ boundDispatcher->sweepDist=0; sweepVelocity=-1; stride=1; }
-				LOG_DEBUG(rb->simulationTime<<"s: stride adapted to "<<stride<<"; sweepVelocity="<<sweepVelocity<<", maxVelocity="<<sqrt(newton->maxVelocitySq)<<", sweepDist="<<boundDispatcher->sweepDist);
-				fastestBodyMaxDist=0; // reset
-			} else { boundDispatcher->sweepTime=-1; boundDispatcher->sweepDist=0; }
+					LOG_DEBUG(rb->simulationTime<<"s: stride ≈"<<stride<<"; maxVelocity="<<sqrt(newton->maxVelocitySq)<<", sweepDist="<<boundDispatcher->sweepDist);
+					fastestBodyMaxDist=0; // reset
+				} else { // nBins>=1
+					assert(newton->velocityBins); assert(boundDispatcher->velocityBins);
+					// re-bin bodies
+					newton->velocityBins->setBins(rb,newton->maxVelocitySq,sweepLength);
+				}
+			}

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -46,21 +46,22 @@
 		shared_ptr<BoundingVolumeMetaEngine> boundDispatcher;
 		// we need this to find out about current maxVelocitySq
 		shared_ptr<NewtonsDampedLaw> newton;
-		// interval at which we will run (informative only, is updated automatically)
-		int stride;
+		// if False, no type of striding is used
+		// if True, then either sweepLength XOR nBins is set
+		bool strideActive;
 		/// Absolute length that will be added to bounding boxes at each side; it should be something like 1/5 of typical grain radius
 		/// this value is used to adapt stride; if too large, stride will be big, but the ratio of potential-only interactions will be very big, 
 		/// thus slowing down collider & interaction loops significantly (remember: O(addLength^3))
 		/// If non-positive, collider runs always, without stride adaptivity
 		Real sweepLength;
-		//! Current sweeping velocity; computed from maxVelocity*sweepVelocityFactor
-		Real sweepVelocity;
 		//! Overestimation factor for the sweep velocity; must be >=1.0.
 		/// Has no influence on sweepLength, only on the computed stride.
 		/// Default 1.05
 		Real sweepFactor;
 		//! maximum distance that the fastest body could have travelled since the last run; if >= sweepLength, we could get out of bboxes and will trigger full run
 		Real fastestBodyMaxDist;
+		// parameters to be passed to VelocityBins, if nBins>0
+		int nBins; Real binCoeff, binOverlap;
 	//! storage for bounds
 	std::vector<Bound> XX,YY,ZZ;
@@ -90,7 +91,7 @@
-		stride(0), sweepLength(-1), sweepVelocity(-1), sweepFactor(1.05), fastestBodyMaxDist(-1),
+		strideActive(false), sweepLength(-1), sweepFactor(1.05), fastestBodyMaxDist(-1), nBins(0), binCoeff(5), binOverlap(0.8),
 		sortAxis(0), sortThenCollide(false){
 			#ifdef ISC_TIMING
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
-			(stride)(sweepLength)(sweepFactor)(sweepVelocity)(fastestBodyMaxDist)
+			(strideActive)(sweepLength)(sweepFactor)(fastestBodyMaxDist)(nBins)(binCoeff)(binOverlap)

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/SConscript
--- trunk/pkg/common/SConscript	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/SConscript	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
-	env.SharedLibrary('ParallelEngine',
-		['Engine/ParallelEngine.cpp']),
+	env.SharedLibrary('VelocityBins',['DataClass/VelocityBins.cpp']), # not a plugin
+	env.SharedLibrary('ParallelEngine',['Engine/ParallelEngine.cpp']),

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.cpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.cpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@
 	// clumpRBP->{acceleration,angularAcceleration} are reset byt Clump::moveMembers, it is ok to just increment here
+	if(haveBins) velocityBins->binVelSqUse(memberId,VelocityBins::getBodyVelSq(rb));
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@
 	Real dt=Omega::instance().getTimeStep();
+	haveBins=(bool)velocityBins;
+	if(haveBins) velocityBins->binVelSqInitialize();
 	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *ncb->bodies){
 		// clump members are non-dynamic; they skip the rest of loop once their forces are properly taken into account, however
@@ -67,6 +71,7 @@
+		if(haveBins) {velocityBins->binVelSqUse(id,VelocityBins::getBodyVelSq(rb));}
 		// blocking DOFs
@@ -94,5 +99,7 @@
 		if(b->isClump()) static_cast<Clump*>(b.get())->moveMembers();
+	if(haveBins) velocityBins->binVelSqFinalize();

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.hpp	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/NewtonsDampedLaw.hpp	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -32,18 +32,22 @@
 class RigidBodyParameters;
+class VelocityBins;
 class NewtonsDampedLaw : public StandAloneEngine{
 	inline void cundallDamp(const Real& dt, const Vector3r& f, const Vector3r& velocity, Vector3r& acceleration, const Vector3r& m, const Vector3r& angularVelocity, Vector3r& angularAcceleration);
 	void handleClumpMember(MetaBody* ncb, const body_id_t memberId, RigidBodyParameters* clumpRBP);
+	bool haveBins;
 		///damping coefficient for Cundall's non viscous damping
 		Real damping;
 		/// store square of max. velocity, for informative purposes; computed again at every step
 		Real maxVelocitySq;
+		/// velocity bins (not used if not created)
+		shared_ptr<VelocityBins> velocityBins;
 		virtual void action(MetaBody *);		
 		NewtonsDampedLaw(): damping(0.2), maxVelocitySq(-1){}

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/SConscript
--- trunk/pkg/dem/SConscript	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/SConscript	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -955,7 +955,8 @@
-			'Clump'
+			'Clump',
+			'VelocityBins'

Modified: trunk/scripts/test/collider-stride-triax.py
--- trunk/scripts/test/collider-stride-triax.py	2009-07-13 15:30:36 UTC (rev 1861)
+++ trunk/scripts/test/collider-stride-triax.py	2009-07-13 19:31:44 UTC (rev 1862)
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
 import os.path
 if not os.path.exists(loadFrom):
-	TriaxialTest(numberOfGrains=8000,fast=True,noFiles=True).load()
-	#O.run(500)
-	O.save(loadFrom)
+	TriaxialTest(numberOfGrains=20000,fast=True,noFiles=True).generate(loadFrom)
 log.setLevel('TriaxialCompressionEngine',log.WARN) # shut up
@@ -15,9 +13,14 @@
 # use striding; say "if 0:" to disable striding and compare to regular runs
-if 0:
+if 1:
 	# length by which bboxes will be made larger
+	# if this is enabled, bboxes will be enlarged based on velocity bin for each body
+	if 0:
+		collider['nBins']=3
+		collider['binCoeff']=10
+		log.setLevel('VelocityBins',log.DEBUG)
 O.step() # filter out initialization
@@ -25,20 +28,12 @@
 # run a few times 500 steps, show timings to see what is the trend
 # notably, the percentage of collider time should decrease as the max velocity decreases as well
 for i in range(0,5):
-	O.run(500,True)
+	O.run(1000,True)
 	totalTime+=sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines])
 	print 'Number of interactions: %d (real ratio: %g)'%(len(O.interactions),float(O.interactions.countReal())/len(O.interactions))
 	print '======================================================='
-	# plot velocity histogram
-	if 0:
-		import pylab
-		pylab.hist([sqrt(sum([v**2 for v in b.phys['velocity']])) for b in O.bodies])
-		pylab.title('step %d; max speed %g'%(O.iter,sqrt(newton['maxVelocitySq'])))
-		pylab.grid()
-		pylab.savefig('%s-%05d.png'%(loadFrom,O.iter),dpi=40)
-		pylab.cla()
 print 'Total time: %g s'%(totalTime/1e9)