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[svn] r1868 - in trunk: core pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine pkg/dem/PreProcessor py scripts/test


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-07-15 18:10:16 +0200 (Wed, 15 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 1868

1. Add sweepLength to TriaxialTest if fast==true
2. Remove euclid from the pack module, since we use wrapped wm3 now.
3. Add _packObb.cpp to compute minimal oriented bounding box on cloud of points
4. inGtsSurface predicate with triaxialPack will work on the minimum OBB
5. Add check for engine to prevent crash as per https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/399810
6. Enhance the pack.inSpace predicate to work as expected. Custom center can be given to the ctor

Modified: trunk/core/Omega.cpp
--- trunk/core/Omega.cpp	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/core/Omega.cpp	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
 bool Omega::containTimeStepper(){
 	if(!rootBody) return false;
 	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Engine>& e, rootBody->engines){
-		if (isInheritingFrom(e->getClassName(),"TimeStepper")) return true;
+		if (e && isInheritingFrom(e->getClassName(),"TimeStepper")) return true;
 	return false;

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
 		// if False, no type of striding is used
 		// if True, then either sweepLength XOR nBins is set
 		bool strideActive;
+		public:
 		/// Absolute length that will be added to bounding boxes at each side; it should be something like 1/5 of typical grain radius
 		/// this value is used to adapt stride; if too large, stride will be big, but the ratio of potential-only interactions will be very big, 
 		/// thus slowing down collider & interaction loops significantly (remember: O(addLength^3))
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@
 		// parameters to be passed to VelocityBins, if nBins>0
 		int nBins; Real binCoeff, binOverlap;
+	private:
 	//! storage for bounds
 	std::vector<Bound> XX,YY,ZZ;
 	//! storage for bb maxima and minima

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.cpp	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.cpp	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -626,8 +626,10 @@
 	rootBody->engines.push_back(shared_ptr<Engine>(new PhysicalActionContainerReseter));
-	rootBody->engines.push_back(shared_ptr<Engine>(new InsertionSortCollider));
+	shared_ptr<InsertionSortCollider> collider(new InsertionSortCollider);
+	rootBody->engines.push_back(collider);
+		collider->sweepLength=.05*radiusMean;
 		shared_ptr<InteractionDispatchers> ids(new InteractionDispatchers);

Modified: trunk/py/SConscript
--- trunk/py/SConscript	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/py/SConscript	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 			RPATH=env['RPATH']+(['$runtimePREFIX/lib/yade$SUFFIX/py/gts'] if 'GTS' in env['features'] else []),	
+		env.SharedLibrary('_packObb',['_packObb.cpp'],SHLIBPREFIX=''),

Added: trunk/py/_packObb.cpp
--- trunk/py/_packObb.cpp	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/py/_packObb.cpp	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// many thanks to http://codesuppository.blogspot.com/2006_06_01_archive.html
+// the code written after http://www.amillionpixels.us/bestfitobb.cpp
+// which is MIT-licensed
+using namespace boost;
+#ifndef FOREACH
+// compute minimum bounding for a cloud of points
+// returns volume
+Real computeOBB(const std::vector<Vector3r>& pts, const Matrix3r& rot, Vector3r& center, Vector3r& halfSize){
+	const Real inf=std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
+	Vector3r mn(inf,inf,inf), mx(-inf,-inf,-inf);
+	FOREACH(const Vector3r& pt, pts){
+		Vector3r ptT=rot*pt;
+		mn=componentMinVector(mn,ptT); mx=componentMaxVector(mx,ptT);
+	}
+	halfSize=.5*(mx-mn);
+	center=.5*(mn+mx);
+	return 8*halfSize[0]*halfSize[1]*halfSize[2];
+void bestFitOBB(const std::vector<Vector3r>& pts, Vector3r& center, Vector3r& halfSize, Quaternionr& rot){
+	Vector3r angle0(Vector3r::ZERO), angle(Vector3r::ZERO);
+	Vector3r center0; Vector3r halfSize0;
+	Real bestVolume=std::numeric_limits<Real>::infinity();
+	Real sweep=Mathr::PI/4; Real steps=7.;
+	while(sweep>=Mathr::PI/180.){
+		bool found=false;
+		Real stepSize=sweep/steps;
+		for(Real x=angle0[0]-sweep; x<=angle0[0]+sweep; x+=stepSize){
+			for(Real y=angle0[1]-sweep; y<angle0[1]+sweep; y+=stepSize){
+				for(Real z=angle0[2]-sweep; z<angle0[2]+sweep; z+=stepSize){
+					Matrix3r rot0; rot0.FromEulerAnglesXYZ(x,y,z);
+					Real volume=computeOBB(pts,rot0,center0,halfSize0);
+					if(volume<bestVolume){
+						bestVolume=volume;
+						angle=angle0;
+						// set return values, in case this will be really the best fit
+						rot.FromRotationMatrix(rot0); rot=rot.Conjugate(); center=center0; halfSize=halfSize0;
+						found=true;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(found){
+			angle0=angle;
+			sweep*=.5;
+		} else return;
+	}
+python::tuple bestFitOBB_py(const python::tuple& _pts){
+	int l=python::len(_pts);
+	if(l<=1) throw std::runtime_error("Cloud must have at least 2 points.");
+	std::vector<Vector3r> pts; pts.resize(l);
+	for(int i=0; i<l; i++) pts[i]=python::extract<Vector3r>(_pts[i]);
+	Quaternionr rot; Vector3r halfSize, center;
+	bestFitOBB(pts,center,halfSize,rot);
+	return python::make_tuple(center,halfSize,rot);
+	python::def("cloudBestFitOBB",bestFitOBB_py,"Return (Vector3 center, Vector3 halfSize, Quaternion orientation) of\nbest-fit oriented bounding-box for given tuple of points\n(uses brute-force velome minimization, do not use for very large clouds).");

Modified: trunk/py/_packPredicates.cpp
--- trunk/py/_packPredicates.cpp	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/py/_packPredicates.cpp	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -314,6 +314,7 @@
 		return ptCheck(pt) && ptCheck(pt-Vector3r(pad,0,0)) && ptCheck(pt+Vector3r(pad,0,0)) && ptCheck(pt-Vector3r(0,pad,0))&& ptCheck(pt+Vector3r(0,pad,0)) && ptCheck(pt-Vector3r(0,0,pad))&& ptCheck(pt+Vector3r(0,0,pad));
+	python::object surface() const {return pySurf;}
@@ -342,7 +343,8 @@
 	python::class_<inEllipsoid,python::bases<Predicate> >("inEllipsoid","Ellipsoid predicate",python::init<const Vector3r&,const Vector3r&>(python::args("centerPoint","abc"),"Ctor taking center of the ellipsoid (3-tuple) and its 3 radii (3-tuple)."));
 	python::class_<notInNotch,python::bases<Predicate> >("notInNotch","Outside of infinite, rectangle-shaped notch predicate",python::init<const Vector3r&,const Vector3r&,const Vector3r&,Real>(python::args("centerPoint","edge","normal","aperture"),"Ctor taking point in the symmetry plane, vector pointing along the edge, plane normal and aperture size.\nThe side inside the notch is edge×normal.\nNormal is made perpendicular to the edge.\nAll vectors are normalized at construction time.")); 
 	#ifdef YADE_GTS
-		python::class_<inGtsSurface,python::bases<Predicate> >("inGtsSurface","GTS surface predicate",python::init<python::object,python::optional<bool> >(python::args("surface","noPad"),"Ctor taking a gts.Surface() instance, which must not be modified during instance lifetime.\nThe optional noPad can disable padding (if set to True), which speeds up calls several times.\nNote: padding checks inclusion of 6 points along +- cardinal directions in the pad distance from given point, which is not exact."));
+		python::class_<inGtsSurface,python::bases<Predicate> >("inGtsSurface","GTS surface predicate",python::init<python::object,python::optional<bool> >(python::args("surface","noPad"),"Ctor taking a gts.Surface() instance, which must not be modified during instance lifetime.\nThe optional noPad can disable padding (if set to True), which speeds up calls several times.\nNote: padding checks inclusion of 6 points along +- cardinal directions in the pad distance from given point, which is not exact."))
+			.add_property("surf",&inGtsSurface::surface,"The associated gts.Surface object.");

Modified: trunk/py/_packSpheres.cpp
--- trunk/py/_packSpheres.cpp	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/py/_packSpheres.cpp	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
 	// I/O
 	void fromList(const python::list& l);
 	python::list toList() const;
+	python::list toList_pointsAsTuples() const;
 	void fromFile(const string file);
 	void toFile(const string file) const;
 	void fromSimulation();
@@ -77,13 +78,23 @@
 	size_t len=python::len(l);
 	for(size_t i=0; i<len; i++){
 		const python::tuple& t=python::extract<python::tuple>(l[i]);
-		const python::tuple& t1=python::extract<python::tuple>(t[0]);
-		pack.push_back(Sph(tuple2vec(t1),python::extract<double>(t[1])));
+		python::extract<python::tuple> tup(t[0]);
+		if(tup.check()) { pack.push_back(Sph(tuple2vec(tup()),python::extract<double>(t[1]))); continue;}
+		python::extract<Vector3r> vec(t[0]);
+		if(vec.check()) { pack.push_back(Sph(vec(),python::extract<double>(t[1]))); continue; }
+		PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "List elements must be (tuple or Vector3, float)!");
+		python::throw_error_already_set();
 python::list SpherePack::toList() const {
 	python::list ret;
+	FOREACH(const Sph& s, pack) ret.append(python::make_tuple(s.c,s.r));
+	return ret;
+python::list SpherePack::toList_pointsAsTuples() const {
+	python::list ret;
 	FOREACH(const Sph& s, pack) ret.append(python::make_tuple(vec2tuple(s.c),s.r));
 	return ret;
@@ -120,6 +131,7 @@
 	python::class_<SpherePack>("SpherePack","Set of spheres as centers and radii",python::init<python::optional<python::list> >(python::args("list"),"Empty constructor, optionally taking list [ ((cx,cy,cz),r), … ] for initial data." ))
 		.def("add",&SpherePack::add,"Add single sphere to packing, given center as 3-tuple and radius")
 		.def("toList",&SpherePack::toList,"Return packing data as python list.")
+		.def("toList_pointsAsTuples",&SpherePack::toList_pointsAsTuples,"Return packing data as python list, but using only pure-python data types (3-tuples instead of Vector3) (for pickling with cPickle)")
 		.def("fromList",&SpherePack::fromList,"Make packing from given list, same format as for constructor. Discards current data.")
 		.def("load",&SpherePack::fromFile,"Load packing from external text file (current data will be discarded).")
 		.def("save",&SpherePack::toFile,"Save packing to external text file (will be overwritten).")

Modified: trunk/py/pack.py
--- trunk/py/pack.py	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/py/pack.py	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 from _packPredicates import *
 # import SpherePack
 from _packSpheres import *
+from _packObb import *
 from miniWm3Wrap import *
@@ -61,9 +62,13 @@
 class inSpace(Predicate):
 	"""Predicate returning True for any points, with infinite bounding box."""
+	def __init__(self, _center=Vector3.ZERO): self._center=_center
 	def aabb(self):
-		inf=float('inf'); return [-inf,-inf,-inf],[inf,inf,inf]
-	def __call__(self,pt): return True
+		inf=float('inf'); return Vector3(-inf,-inf,-inf),Vector3(inf,inf,inf)
+	def center(self): return self._center
+	def dim(self):
+		inf=float('inf'); return Vector3(inf,inf,inf)
+	def __call__(self,pt,pad): return True
 ## surface construction and manipulation
@@ -121,16 +126,21 @@
 	if threshold>0: surf.cleanup(threshold)
 	return surf
-import euclid
+def gtsSurfaceBestFitOBB(surf):
+	"""Return (Vector3 center, Vector3 halfSize, Quaternion orientation) describing
+	best-fit oriented bounding box (OBB) for the given surface. See cloudBestFitOBB
+	for details."""
+	pts=[Vector3(v.x,v.y,v.z) for v in surf.vertices()]
+	return cloudBestFitOBB(tuple(pts))
-def revolutionSurfaceMeridians(sects,angles,origin=euclid.Vector3(0,0,0),orientation=euclid.Quaternion()):
+def revolutionSurfaceMeridians(sects,angles,origin=Vector3.ZERO,orientation=Quaternion.IDENTITY):
 	"""Revolution surface given sequences of 2d points and sequence of corresponding angles,
 	returning sequences of 3d points representing meridian sections of the revolution surface.
 	The 2d sections are turned around z-axis, but they can be transformed
 	using the origin and orientation arguments to give arbitrary orientation."""
 	import math
 	def toGlobal(x,y,z):
-		return tuple(origin+orientation*(euclid.Vector3(x,y,z)))
+		return tuple(origin+orientation*(Vector3(x,y,z)))
 	return [[toGlobal(x2d*math.cos(angles[i]),x2d*math.sin(angles[i]),y2d) for x2d,y2d in sects[i]] for i in range(0,len(sects))]
@@ -180,7 +190,7 @@
 		if predicate(s[0],s[1]): ret+=[utils.sphere(s[0],radius=s[1],**kw)]
 	return ret
-def triaxialPack(predicate,radius,dim=None,cropLayers=0,radiusStDev=0.,assumedFinalDensity=.6,memoizeDb=None,**kw):
+def triaxialPack(predicate,radius,dim=None,cropLayers=0,radiusStDev=0.,assumedFinalDensity=.6,memoizeDb=None,useOBB=True,**kw):
 	"""Generator of triaxial packing, using TriaxialTest. Radius is radius of spheres, radiusStDev is its standard deviation.
 	By default, all spheres are of the same radius. cropLayers is how many layers of spheres will be added to the computed
 	dimension of the box so that there no (or not so much, at least) boundary effects at the boundaries of the predicate.
@@ -192,14 +202,24 @@
 	the remaining ones, the one with the least spheres will be loaded and returned. If no suitable packing is found, it
 	is generated as usually, but saved into the database for later use.
+	useOBB is effective only if a inGtsSurface predicate is given. If true (default), oriented bounding box will be
+	computed first; it can reduce substantially number of spheres for the triaxial compression (like 10× depending on
+	how much asymmetric the body is), see scripts/test/gts-triax-pack-obb.py.
 	O.switchWorld() magic is used to have clean simulation for TriaxialTest without deleting the original simulation.
 	This function therefore should never run in parallel with some code accessing your simulation.
 	import sqlite3, os.path, cPickle, time, sys
 	from yade import log
 	from math import pi
-	if not dim: dim=predicate.dim()
-	if max(dim)==float('inf'): raise RuntimeError("Infinite predicate and no dimension of packing requested.")
+	if type(predicate)==inGtsSurface and useOBB:
+		center,dim,orientation=gtsSurfaceBestFitOBB(predicate.surf)
+		dim*=2 # gtsSurfaceBestFitOBB returns halfSize
+	else:
+		if not dim: dim=predicate.dim()
+		if max(dim)==float('inf'): raise RuntimeError("Infinite predicate and no dimension of packing requested.")
+		center=predicate.center()
+		orientation=None
 	fullDim=tuple([dim[i]+4*cropLayers*radius for i in 0,1,2])
 	if(memoizeDb and os.path.exists(memoizeDb)):
 		# find suitable packing and return it directly
@@ -213,8 +233,10 @@
 			print "Found suitable packing in database (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,scale=%g), created %s"%(R,rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp)))
 			c.execute('select pack from packings where timestamp=?',(timestamp,))
-			sp.scale(scale)
+			sp.scale(scale);
+			if orientation: sp.rotate(*orientation.ToAxisAngle())
 			return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,**kw)
+			#return filterSpherePack(inSpace(predicate.center()),sp,**kw)
 		print "No suitable packing in database found, running triaxial"
 	V=(4/3)*pi*radius**3; N=assumedFinalDensity*fullDim[0]*fullDim[1]*fullDim[2]/V;
@@ -256,11 +278,12 @@
 			c.execute('create table packings (radius real, radiusStDev real, dimx real, dimy real, dimz real, N integer, timestamp real, pack blob)')
-		packBlob=buffer(cPickle.dumps(sp.toList(),cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
+		packBlob=buffer(cPickle.dumps(sp.toList_pointsAsTuples(),cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))
 		c.execute('insert into packings values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(radius,radiusStDev,fullDim[0],fullDim[1],fullDim[2],len(sp),time.time(),packBlob,))
 		print "Packing saved to the database",memoizeDb
+	if orientation: sp.rotate(*orientation.ToAxisAngle())
 	return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,**kw)

Modified: trunk/scripts/test/gts-triax-pack.py
--- trunk/scripts/test/gts-triax-pack.py	2009-07-15 08:57:09 UTC (rev 1867)
+++ trunk/scripts/test/gts-triax-pack.py	2009-07-15 16:10:16 UTC (rev 1868)
@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
 # without these transformation, it would look a little simpler:
 # 	pts=pack.revolutionSurfaceMeridians([[(pt[0],pt[1]+2e-3*theta) for pt in poly] for theta in thetas],thetas
-import euclid
-pts=pack.revolutionSurfaceMeridians([[(pt[0],pt[1]+2e-3*theta) for pt in poly] for theta in thetas],thetas,origin=euclid.Vector3(0,0,.1),orientation=euclid.Quaternion().new_rotate_axis(pi/4,euclid.Vector3(1,1,0)))
+pts=pack.revolutionSurfaceMeridians([[(pt[0],pt[1]+2e-3*theta) for pt in poly] for theta in thetas],thetas,origin=Vector3(0,0,.1),orientation=Quaternion((1,1,0),pi/4))
 # connect meridians to make surfaces
 # caps will close it at the beginning and the end
 # threshold will merge points closer than 1e-4; this is important: we want it to be closed for filling
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@
 # parameters (or parameters that can be scaled to the same one),
 # it will load the packing instead of running the triaxial compaction again.
 # Try running for the second time to see the speed difference!
 # We could also fill the horse with triaxial packing, but have nice approximation, the triaxial would run terribly long,
 # since horse discard most volume of its bounding box
 # Here, we would use a very crude one, however

Follow ups