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Re: libWm3Foundation linking problems


> But I'd like to link my stuff with libWm3Foundation, because in
> lattice I'm using it. Currently I get this error on startup:
>   FATAL /home/janek/20-Programowanie/10-cpp/50-Yade/Code/HEAD/trunk/core/Omega.cpp:183 scanPlugins: libLatticeExample: undefined symbol `Wm3::Delaunay<double>::GetSimplexQuantity() const'
>   FATAL /home/janek/20-Programowanie/10-cpp/50-Yade/Code/HEAD/trunk/core/Omega.cpp:183 scanPlugins: libLatticeExample: /home/janek/40-Yade/Bin/HEAD-fast/lib/yade-0.12.1-fast/plugins/libLatticeExample.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK3Wm38DelaunayIdE18GetSimplexQuantityEv
> I'm lost in the SConscript jungle, so would be happy if you could
> install wm3 from your repo :)
>   deb-src http://geo.hmg.inpg.fr/~smilauer/yade ./
> Compile yade with wm3 (useMiniWm3 = False) then try to run it.

I am not able to compile it with g++-4.3 :-| (INT_MAX missing, that is
easy, but there are other things I don't know how to make work).

Please file a bug at launchpad so that it can be tracked. I will try to
simply do what I thought it did before and you will let me know if it
works or not.

