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Re: BZR migration


we tried to migrate once. The problem was an insanely long first
checkout and huge amount of used disk space. Does this problem is
still present in BZR ? Also see:


Two years passed since then, so BZR should have improved now.
The initial full checkout is quite fast if you get the full history (say a few minutes, depending on your connection; the very low speed was caused by many roundtrips), which takes something like 40MB on the disk (just guessing, as there is only a part of history in at the launchpad mirror branch). Then, all operations (like diff) are local and run fast.

If you do a shallow checkout (just the latest version), it is very fast. On the other hand, all commands on the branch depend on access to the repository (including diff); speaking of myself, I use this only before commit to check what everything changes, so no big deal.

There is a feature called "history horizons" in development, that will allow you to get just a few version's history; that would be best for us, but it is not yet available (maybe in a few months?).

For my part, what I find the most compelling is the ability to commit locally (and revert etc), so you can save snapshots of your work and push to the shared repository only once everything works. Handling renames and moves is more intelligent. And we would have most things at launchpad, which would allos us to easily have separate branch for a release backporting some fixes and so on. Brnching is very powerful concept and bzr is nice that it allows you to have decentralized workflow, but also centralized (svn-like) one if you want so.


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