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[svn] r1914 - in trunk: examples/concrete examples/concrete/uniaxial py


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-08-03 21:56:37 +0200 (Mon, 03 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 1914

1. Add an example of uniaxial tension-compression test for concrete (ready long time ago...)

Added: trunk/examples/concrete/uniaxial/rb.py
--- trunk/examples/concrete/uniaxial/rb.py	2009-08-03 18:53:26 UTC (rev 1913)
+++ trunk/examples/concrete/uniaxial/rb.py	2009-08-03 19:56:37 UTC (rev 1914)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# -*- encoding=utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import division
+from yade import utils,plot,pack
+import time, sys, os, copy
+A fairly complex script performing uniaxial tension-compression test on hyperboloid-shaped specimen.
+Most parameters of the model (and of the setup) can be read from table using yade-multi.
+After the simulation setup, tension loading is run and stresses are periodically saved for plotting
+as well as checked for getting below the maximum value so far. This indicates failure (see stopIfDamaged
+function). After failure in tension, the original setup is loaded anew and the sense of loading reversed.
+After failure in compression, strain-stress curves are saved via plot.saveGnuplot and we exit,
+giving some useful information like peak stresses in tension/compression.
+Running this script for the first time can take long time, as the specimen is prepared using triaxial
+compression. Next time, however, an attempt is made to load previously-generated packing 
+(from /tmp/triaxPackCache.sqlite) and this expensive procedure is avoided.
+The specimen length can be specified, its diameter is half of the length and skirt of the hyperboloid is 
+4/5 of the width.
+The particle size is constant and can be specified using the sphereRadius parameter.
+The 3d display has displacement scaling applied, so that the fracture looks more spectacular. The scale
+is 1000 for tension and 100 for compression.
+# default parameters or from table
+utils.readParamsFromTable(noTableOk=True, # unknownOk=True,
+	young=24e9,
+	poisson=.2,
+	G_over_E=.20,
+	sigmaT=3.5e6,
+	frictionAngle=atan(0.8),
+	epsCrackOnset=1e-4,
+	relDuctility=30,
+	intRadius=1.5,
+	dtSafety=.8,
+	damping=0.4,
+	strainRateTension=.1,
+	strainRateCompression=1,
+	setSpeeds=True,
+	# the packing has about 50% porosity, 2×2400==4800
+	density=4800,
+	# 1=tension, 2=compression (ANDed; 3=both)
+	doModes=3,
+	specimenLength=.2,
+	sphereRadius=3.5e-3,
+if 'description' in O.tags.keys(): O.tags['id']=O.tags['id']+O.tags['description']
+# make geom; the dimensions are hard-coded here; could be in param table if desired
+# z-oriented hyperboloid, length 20cm, diameter 10cm, skirt 8cm
+# using spheres 7mm of diameter
+print 'Timestep',O.dt
+mm,mx=[pt[axis] for pt in utils.aabbExtrema()]
+	BexResetter(),
+	BoundingVolumeMetaEngine([InteractingSphere2AABB(aabbEnlargeFactor=intRadius),MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB()]),
+	InsertionSortCollider(),
+	InteractionDispatchers(
+		[ef2_Sphere_Sphere_Dem3DofGeom(distanceFactor=intRadius,label='ss2d3dg')],
+		[Ip2_CpmMat_CpmMat_CpmPhys(sigmaT=sigmaT,relDuctility=relDuctility,epsCrackOnset=epsCrackOnset,G_over_E=G_over_E)],
+		[Law2_Dem3DofGeom_CpmPhys_Cpm()],
+	),
+	NewtonsDampedLaw(damping=damping,label='damper'),
+	CpmPhysDamageColorizer(realPeriod=1),
+	UniaxialStrainer(strainRate=strainRateTension,axis=axis,asymmetry=0,posIds=posIds,negIds=negIds,crossSectionArea=crossSectionArea,blockDisplacements=False,blockRotations=False,setSpeeds=setSpeeds,label='strainer'),
+	PeriodicPythonRunner(virtPeriod=3e-5/strainRateTension,realLim=5,command='addPlotData()',label='plotDataCollector'),
+	PeriodicPythonRunner(realPeriod=4,command='stopIfDamaged()',label='damageChecker'),
+global mode
+mode='tension' if doModes & 1 else 'compression'
+def initTest():
+	global mode
+	print "init"
+	if O.iter>0:
+		O.wait();
+		O.loadTmp('initial')
+		print "Reversing plot data"; plot.reverseData()
+	strainer['strainRate']=abs(strainRateTension) if mode=='tension' else -abs(strainRateCompression)
+	try:
+		from yade import qt
+		renderer=qt.Renderer()
+		renderer['scaleDisplacements']=True
+		renderer['displacementScale']=(1000,1000,1000) if mode=='tension' else (100,100,100)
+	except ImportError: pass
+	print "init done, will now run."
+	O.run()
+def stopIfDamaged():
+	global mode
+	if O.iter<2 or not plot.data.has_key('sigma'): return # do nothing at the very beginning
+	sigma,eps=plot.data['sigma'],plot.data['eps']
+	extremum=max(sigma) if (strainer['strainRate']>0) else min(sigma)
+	minMaxRatio=0.5 if mode=='tension' else 0.5
+	if extremum==0: return
+	print O.tags['id'],mode,strainer['strain'],sigma[-1]
+	import sys;	sys.stdout.flush()
+	if abs(sigma[-1]/extremum)<minMaxRatio:
+		if mode=='tension' and doModes & 2: # only if compression is enabled
+			mode='compression'
+			print "Damaged, switching to compression... "; O.pause()
+			# important! initTest must be launched in a separate thread;
+			# otherwise O.load would wait for the iteration to finish,
+			# but it would wait for initTest to return and deadlock would result
+			import thread; thread.start_new_thread(initTest,())
+			return
+		else:
+			print "Damaged, stopping."
+			ft,fc=max(sigma),min(sigma)
+			print 'Strengths fc=%g, ft=%g, |fc/ft|=%g'%(fc,ft,abs(fc/ft))
+			title=O.tags['description'] if 'description' in O.tags.keys() else O.tags['params']
+			print'gnuplot',plot.saveGnuplot(O.tags['id'],title=title)
+			print 'Bye.'
+			# O.pause()
+			sys.exit(0)
+def addPlotData():
+	yade.plot.addData({'t':O.time,'i':O.iter,'eps':strainer['strain'],'sigma':strainer['avgStress'],
+		'sigma.25':utils.forcesOnCoordPlane(coord_25,axis)[axis]/area_25,
+		'sigma.50':utils.forcesOnCoordPlane(coord_50,axis)[axis]/area_50,
+		'sigma.75':utils.forcesOnCoordPlane(coord_75,axis)[axis]/area_75,
+		})
+#while True: time.sleep(1)

Modified: trunk/py/utils.py
--- trunk/py/utils.py	2009-08-03 18:53:26 UTC (rev 1913)
+++ trunk/py/utils.py	2009-08-03 19:56:37 UTC (rev 1914)
@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@
 	l=procStatus('VmData'); ll=l.split(); assert(ll[2]=='kB')
 	return int(ll[1])
-def spheresFromFileUniaxial(filename,areaSections=10,**kw):
-	"""Load spheres from file, but do some additional work useful for uniaxial test:
+def uniaxialTestFeatures(filename=None,areaSections=10,**kw):
+	"""Get some data about the current packing useful for uniaxial test:
 	1. Find the dimensions that is the longest (uniaxial loading axis)
 	2. Find the minimum cross-section area of the speciment by examining several (areaSections)
@@ -475,9 +475,13 @@
 	3. Find the bodies that are on the negative/positive boundary, to which the straining condition
 		should be applied.
+	@param filename if given, spheres will be loaded from this file (ASCII format); if not, current simulation will be used.
+	@param areaSection number of section that will be used to estimate cross-section
 	Returns dictionary with keys 'negIds', 'posIds', 'axis', 'area'.
-	ids=spheresFromFile(filename,**kw)
+	if filename: ids=spheresFromFile(filename,**kw)
+	else: ids=[b.id for b in O.bodies]
 	dim=aabbDim(); axis=dim.index(max(dim))
 	import numpy