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Re: [svn] r1936 - in trunk: . gui/qt3 pkg/dem/DataClass py


It seems I have a problem with this revision. Not sure even it is normally
I get:

Checking for C++ header file boost/foreach.hpp... yes
Checking for sqlite3_close(0L) in C++ library sqlite3... yes

One of the essential libraries above was not found, unable to continue.

Check `/home/gladk/dem/yade/new_build/build-new_build/config.log' for
possible causes, note that there are options that you may need to customize:

PREFIX: Install path prefix
    default: /usr/local
    actual: /home/gladk/dem/yade/new_build/build

runtimePREFIX: Runtime path prefix; DO NOT USE, inteded for packaging only.
    default: $PREFIX
    actual: /home/gladk/dem/yade/new_build/build

variant: Build variant, will be suffixed to all files, along with version
(beware: if PREFIX is the same, headers of the older version will still be

debug: Enable debugging information and disable optimizations (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True

gprof: Enable profiling information for gprof (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

optimize: Turn on heavy optimizations (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: True

openmp: Compile with openMP parallelization support (yes|no)
    default: False
    actual: True

exclude: Yade components that will not be built
    (all|none|comma-separated list of names)
    allowed names: qt3 gui extra common dem fem lattice mass-spring
realtime-rigidbody snow
    default: none

PGO: Whether to "gen"erate or "use" Profile-Guided Optimization (|gen|use)

features: Optional features that are turned on
    (all|none|comma-separated list of names)
    allowed names: openGL python log4cxx CGAL dummy GTS
    default: python,log4cxx,openGL
    actual: GTS log4cxx openGL python

jobs: Number of jobs to run at the same time (same as -j, but saved)
    default: 4
    actual: 4

extraModules: Extra directories with their own SConscript files (must be
in-tree) (whitespace separated)
    default: None
    actual: None

buildPrefix: Where to create build-[version][variant] directory for
intermediary files
    default: ..
    actual: ..

linkStrategy: How to link plugins together
    default: per-class
    actual: per-class

version: Yade version (if not specified, guess will be attempted)
    default: None
    actual: new_build

CPPPATH: Additional paths for the C preprocessor (whitespace separated)
    default: None

LIBPATH: Additional paths for the linker (whitespace separated)
    default: None

QTDIR: Directories where to look for qt3
    default: ['/usr/share/qt3', '/usr/lib/qt', '/usr/lib/qt3', '/usr/qt/3',
    actual: /usr/share/qt3 /usr/lib/qt /usr/lib/qt3 /usr/qt/3

CXX: The c++ compiler
    default: g++
    actual: g++

CXXFLAGS: Additional compiler flags for compilation (like -march=core2).
    default: None

march: Architecture to use with -march=... when optimizing
    default: native
    actual: native

SHCCFLAGS: Additional compiler flags for linking (for plugins).
    default: None
    actual: -fPIC

QUAD_PRECISION: typedef Real as long double (=quad) (yes|no)
    default: 0
    actual: False

pretty: Don't show compiler command line (like the Linux kernel) (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: False

useMiniWm3: use local miniWm3 library instead of Wm3Foundation (yes|no)
    default: 1
    actual: True


[ENG] Best Regards
[GER] Mit freundlichen Grüßen
[RUS] С наилучшими пожеланиями
[UKR] З найкращими побажаннями

Anton Gladkyy

2009/8/11 eudoxos at BerliOS <eudoxos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Author: eudoxos
> Date: 2009-08-11 12:47:18 +0200 (Tue, 11 Aug 2009)
> New Revision: 1936
> Modified:
>   trunk/SConstruct
>   trunk/gui/qt3/GLViewer.cpp
>   trunk/gui/qt3/GLViewer.hpp
>   trunk/gui/qt3/SimulationController.cpp
>   trunk/pkg/dem/DataClass/SpherePack.cpp
>   trunk/pkg/dem/DataClass/SpherePack.hpp
>   trunk/py/_packSpheres.cpp
> Log:
> 1. Try to fix locking with boost-1.35, possibly fixes
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/411572 (please confirm)
> 2. Add periodic repetition function to SpherePack

Follow ups
