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[svn] r1938 - in trunk: extra pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine pkg/dem/DataClass pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina pkg/dem/PreProcessor py py/yadeWrapper scripts/test


Author: eudoxos
Date: 2009-08-12 11:27:41 +0200 (Wed, 12 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 1938

1. Fix a few things in SpherePack
2. Remove TriaxialTest::GenerateCloud, replaced by SpherePack::makeCloud
3. Fix crash in BoundingVolumeMetaEngine, if MetaBody has no boundingVolume
4. Improve sorting operator, remove workarounds for std::sort wrapping minima/maxima (https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/402098)
5. Limit minimum cell width in PeriIsoCompressor, to not crash.
6. Add code for periodic packs in pack.triaxialPack (not yet fully functional)

Modified: trunk/extra/PeriodicInsertionSortCollider.cpp
--- trunk/extra/PeriodicInsertionSortCollider.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/extra/PeriodicInsertionSortCollider.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -329,9 +329,6 @@
 					// are equal and the unstable std::sort has swapped them. In that case, we need to go reverse
 					// from V[i] until we meet the upper bound and swap the isMin flag
-					// PERI: this can happen if each boundary wraps to different period. That is OK.
-					// PERI: this should however be somehow distinguished from the case that they are in the same period...
-					// PERI: perhaps check that when periods are assigned and add some hair distance to the maximum...?
 					#if 0
 					if(j==2*(size_t)nBodies-1){ /* handle case 1. of swapped min/max */
 						size_t k=i-1;
@@ -363,13 +360,19 @@
 	if(!rb->isPeriodic){ LOG_FATAL("Being used on non-periodic simulation!"); throw; }
 	if(state>=stresses.size()) return;
 	// initialize values
-	if(charLen<0){
+	if(charLen<=0){
 		BoundingVolume* bv=Body::byId(0,rb)->boundingVolume.get();
 		if(!bv){ LOG_FATAL("No charLen defined and body #0 has no boundingVolume"); throw; }
 		const Vector3r sz=bv->max-bv->min;
 		LOG_INFO("No charLen defined, taking avg bbox size of body #0 = "<<charLen);
+	if(maxSpan<=0){
+		FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *rb->bodies){
+			if(!b->boundingVolume) continue;
+			for(int i=0; i<3; i++) maxSpan=max(maxSpan,b->boundingVolume->max[i]-b->boundingVolume->min[i]);
+		}
+	}
 	if(maxDisplPerStep<0) maxDisplPerStep=1e-2*charLen; // this should be tuned somehow…
 	const long& step=rb->currentIteration;
 	Vector3r cellSize=rb->cellMax-rb->cellMin; //unused: Real cellVolume=cellSize[0]*cellSize[1]*cellSize[2];
@@ -392,6 +395,7 @@
 		// FIXME: or perhaps maxDisplaPerStep=1e-2*charLen is too big??
 		if(abs(cellGrow[axis])>maxDisplPerStep) cellGrow[axis]=Mathr::Sign(cellGrow[axis])*maxDisplPerStep;
+		cellGrow[axis]=max(cellGrow[axis],-(cellSize[0]-2.1*maxSpan));
 		// crude way of predicting sigma, for steps when it is not computed from intrs
 		if(avgStiffness>0) sigma[axis]-=cellGrow[axis]*avgStiffness;
 		if(abs((sigma[axis]-sigmaGoal)/sigmaGoal)>5e-3) allStressesOK=false;
@@ -409,7 +413,7 @@
 				#ifdef YADE_PYTHON
 					if(!doneHook.empty()){ LOG_DEBUG("Running doneHook: "<<doneHook); PyGILState_STATE gstate; gstate=PyGILState_Ensure(); PyRun_SimpleString(doneHook.c_str()); PyGILState_Release(gstate); }
-			} else { LOG_INFO("Loading to "<<sigmaGoal<<" done, starting going to "<<stresses[state]<<" now"); }
+			} else { LOG_INFO("Loaded to "<<sigmaGoal<<" done, going to "<<stresses[state]<<" now"); }
 		} else {
 			if((step%globalUpdateInt)==0) LOG_DEBUG("Stress="<<sigma<<", goal="<<sigmaGoal<<", unbalanced="<<currUnbalanced);

Modified: trunk/extra/PeriodicInsertionSortCollider.hpp
--- trunk/extra/PeriodicInsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/extra/PeriodicInsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -87,8 +87,15 @@
 		//! is it the minimum (true) or maximum (false) bound?
 		struct{ unsigned hasBB:1; unsigned isMin:1; } flags;
 		Bound(Real coord_, body_id_t id_, bool isMin): coord(coord_), id(id_), period(0){ flags.isMin=isMin; }
-		bool operator<(const Bound& b) const {return coord<b.coord;}
-		bool operator>(const Bound& b) const {return coord>b.coord;}
+		bool operator<(const Bound& b) const {
+			/* handle special case of zero-width bodies, which could otherwise get min/max swapped in the unstable std::sort */
+			if(id==b.id && coord==b.coord) return flags.isMin;
+			return coord<b.coord;
+		}
+		bool operator>(const Bound& b) const {
+			if(id==b.id && coord==b.coord) return b.flags.isMin;
+			return coord>b.coord;
+		}
 	struct VecBounds{
 		std::vector<Bound> vec;
@@ -149,6 +156,8 @@
 	vector<Real> stresses;
 	//! Characteristic length, should be something like mean particle diameter (default -1=invalid value))
 	Real charLen;
+	//! Maximum body span in terms of bbox, to prevent periodic cell getting too small; is computed automatically at the beginning
+	Real maxSpan;
 	//! if actual unbalanced force is smaller than this number, the packing is considered stable (default 1e-4)
 	Real maxUnbalanced, currUnbalanced;
 	//! how often to recompute average stress, stiffness and unbalanced force (default 100)
@@ -158,8 +167,8 @@
 	//! python command to be run when reaching the last specified stress
 	string doneHook;
 	void action(MetaBody*);
-	PeriIsoCompressor(): avgStiffness(-1), maxDisplPerStep(-1), sumForces(Vector3r::ZERO), sigma(Vector3r::ZERO), charLen(-1), maxUnbalanced(1e-4), currUnbalanced(-1), globalUpdateInt(100), state(0){}
-	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(StandAloneEngine,(stresses)(charLen)(maxUnbalanced)(globalUpdateInt)(state)(doneHook));
+	PeriIsoCompressor(): avgStiffness(-1), maxDisplPerStep(-1), sumForces(Vector3r::ZERO), sigma(Vector3r::ZERO), charLen(-1), maxSpan(-1), maxUnbalanced(1e-4), currUnbalanced(-1), globalUpdateInt(100), state(0){}
+	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(StandAloneEngine,(stresses)(charLen)(maxUnbalanced)(globalUpdateInt)(state)(doneHook)(maxSpan));

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/MetaEngine/BoundingVolumeMetaEngine.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 			aabb->min=aabb->center-aabb->halfSize; aabb->max=aabb->center+aabb->halfSize;
-	operator()(ncb->interactingGeometry,ncb->boundingVolume,ncb->physicalParameters->se3,ncb);
+	if(ncb->physicalParameters && ncb->boundingVolume && ncb->interactingGeometry) operator()(ncb->interactingGeometry,ncb->boundingVolume,ncb->physicalParameters->se3,ncb);
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -215,8 +215,13 @@
 				// skip bodies without bbox since we would possibly never meet the upper bound again (std::sort may not be stable) and we don't want to collide those anyway
 				if(!(V[i].flags.isMin && V[i].flags.hasBB)) continue;
 				const body_id_t& iid=V[i].id;
-				/* If std::sort swaps equal min/max bounds, there are 2 cases distinct cases to handle:
+				/* NOTE: no longer applicable, since operator< behaves specially for same ids and coords
+					NOTE: reported in https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/402098
+					NOTE: remove next comment once the operator< solutions is verified to work
+					If std::sort swaps equal min/max bounds, there are 2 cases distinct cases to handle:
 					1. i is inside V, j gets to the end of V (since it loops till the maxbound is found)
 						here, we swap min/max to get the in the right order and continue with the loop over i;
 						next time this j-bound is handled (with a different i, for sure), it will be OK.
@@ -239,19 +244,23 @@
 					if(!V[j].flags.isMin) continue;
 					/* abuse the same function here; since it does spatial overlap check first, it is OK to use it */
-					// now we are at the last element, but we still have not met the upper bound of V[i].id
-					// that means that the upper bound is before the upper one; that can only happen if they
-					// are equal and the unstable std::sort has swapped them. In that case, we need to go reverse
-					// from V[i] until we meet the upper bound and swap the isMin flag
-					if(j==2*nBodies-1){ /* handle case 1. of swapped min/max */
-						size_t k=i-1;
-						while(V[k].id!=iid && k>0) k--;
-						assert(V[k].id==iid); // if this fails, we didn't meet the other bound in the downwards sense either; that should never happen
-						assert(!V[k].flags.isMin); // the lower bound should be maximum in this (exceptional) case; we will fix that now
-						V[k].flags.isMin=true; V[i].flags.isMin=false;
-						LOG_DEBUG("Swapping coincident min/max of #"<<iid<<" at positions "<<k<<" and "<<i<<" (coords: "<<V[k].coord<<" and "<<V[i].coord<<")");
-						break; // would happen anyways
-					}
+					// no longer applicable since operator< gives minimum as smaller in case of same id and same coords
+					#if 0
+						// now we are at the last element, but we still have not met the upper bound of V[i].id
+						// that means that the upper bound is before the upper one; that can only happen if they
+						// are equal and the unstable std::sort has swapped them. In that case, we need to go reverse
+						// from V[i] until we meet the upper bound and swap the isMin flag
+						if(j==2*nBodies-1){ /* handle case 1. of swapped min/max */
+							size_t k=i-1;
+							while(V[k].id!=iid && k>0) k--;
+							assert(V[k].id==iid); // if this fails, we didn't meet the other bound in the downwards sense either; that should never happen
+							assert(!V[k].flags.isMin); // the lower bound should be maximum in this (exceptional) case; we will fix that now
+							V[k].flags.isMin=true; V[i].flags.isMin=false;
+							LOG_DEBUG("Swapping coincident min/max of #"<<iid<<" at positions "<<k<<" and "<<i<<" (coords: "<<V[k].coord<<" and "<<V[i].coord<<")");
+							break; // would happen anyways
+						}
+					#endif
+					assert(j<2*nBodies-1);

Modified: trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/common/Engine/StandAloneEngine/InsertionSortCollider.hpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -38,8 +38,15 @@
 		//! is it the minimum (true) or maximum (false) bound?
 		struct{ unsigned hasBB:1; unsigned isMin:1; } flags;
 		Bound(Real coord_, body_id_t id_, bool isMin): coord(coord_), id(id_){ flags.isMin=isMin; }
-		bool operator<(const Bound& b) const {return coord<b.coord;}
-		bool operator>(const Bound& b) const {return coord>b.coord;}
+		bool operator<(const Bound& b) const {
+			/* handle special case of zero-width bodies, which could otherwise get min/max swapped in the unstable std::sort */
+			if(id==b.id && coord==b.coord) return flags.isMin;
+			return coord<b.coord;
+		}
+		bool operator>(const Bound& b) const {
+			if(id==b.id && coord==b.coord) return b.flags.isMin;
+			return coord>b.coord;
+		}
 		// keep this dispatcher and call it ourselves as needed

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/DataClass/SpherePack.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/DataClass/SpherePack.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/DataClass/SpherePack.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 		if(!intSph) continue;
-	if(rootBody->isPeriodic) cellSize=rootBody->cellMax-rootBody->cellMin;
+	if(rootBody->isPeriodic) { cellSize=rootBody->cellMax-rootBody->cellMin; }
 long SpherePack::makeCloud(Vector3r mn, Vector3r mx, Real rMean, Real rRelFuzz, size_t num, bool periodic){
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 	for(size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
 		size_t t;
 		for(t=0; t<maxTry; ++t){
-			Real r=(rnd()-.5)*rRelFuzz+rMean; Vector3r c;
+			Real r=(rnd()-.5)*rRelFuzz*rMean+rMean; Vector3r c;
 			if(!periodic) { for(int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) c[axis]=mn[axis]+r+(size[axis]-2*r)*rnd(); }
 			else { for(int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) c[axis]=mn[axis]+size[axis]*rnd(); }
 			size_t packSize=pack.size(); bool overlap=false;

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/TriaxialStressController.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/TriaxialStressController.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/Engine/DeusExMachina/TriaxialStressController.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -148,6 +148,8 @@
 	previousTranslation[wall] = (1-wallDamping)*translation*normal[wall] + 0.8*previousTranslation[wall];// formula for "steady-flow" evolution with fluctuations
 	//cerr << "translation = " << previousTranslation[wall] << endl;
 	p->se3.position += previousTranslation[wall];
+	// this is important is using VelocityBins. Otherwise the motion is never detected. Related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/398089
+	static_cast<RigidBodyParameters*>(p)->velocity=previousTranslation[wall]/ncb->dt;
@@ -411,4 +413,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.cpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
 #include <boost/random/variate_generator.hpp>
 #include <boost/random/normal_distribution.hpp>
@@ -201,7 +203,7 @@
 	 * OTOH, if it is specified, scale the box preserving its ratio and lowerCorner so that the radius can be as requested
 	Real porosity=.75;
-	vector<BasicSphere> sphere_list;
+	SpherePack sphere_pack;
 		Vector3r dimensions=upperCorner-lowerCorner; Real volume=dimensions.X()*dimensions.Y()*dimensions.Z();
 		if(radiusMean<=0) radiusMean=pow(volume*(1-porosity)/(Mathr::PI*(4/3.)*numberOfGrains),1/3.);
@@ -215,11 +217,17 @@
 			dimensions[0]*=fixedDims[0]?1.:boxScaleFactor; dimensions[1]*=fixedDims[1]?1.:boxScaleFactor; dimensions[2]*=fixedDims[2]?1.:boxScaleFactor;
-		message+=GenerateCloud(sphere_list, lowerCorner, upperCorner, numberOfGrains, radiusStdDev, radiusMean, porosity);
+		long num=sphere_pack.makeCloud(lowerCorner,upperCorner,radiusMean,radiusStdDev,numberOfGrains);
+		message+="Generated a sample with " + lexical_cast<string>(num) + " spheres inside box of dimensions: ("
+			+ lexical_cast<string>(upperCorner[0]-lowerCorner[0]) + "," 
+			+ lexical_cast<string>(upperCorner[1]-lowerCorner[1]) + "," 
+			+ lexical_cast<string>(upperCorner[2]-lowerCorner[2]) + ").";
 	else {
 		if(radiusMean>0) LOG_WARN("radiusMean ignored, since importFilename specified.");
-		sphere_list=Shop::loadSpheresFromFile(importFilename,lowerCorner,upperCorner);
+		sphere_pack.fromFile(importFilename);
+		sphere_pack.aabb(lowerCorner,upperCorner);
 	// setup rootBody here, since radiusMean is now at its true value (if it was negative)
@@ -333,11 +341,11 @@
-	vector<BasicSphere>::iterator it = sphere_list.begin();
-	vector<BasicSphere>::iterator it_end = sphere_list.end();
-	FOREACH(const BasicSphere& it, sphere_list){
-		LOG_DEBUG("sphere (" << it.first << " " << it.second << ")");
-		createSphere(body,it.first,it.second,false,true);
+	size_t imax=sphere_pack.pack.size();
+	for(size_t i=0; i<imax; i++){
+		const SpherePack::Sph& sp(sphere_pack.pack[i]);
+		LOG_DEBUG("sphere (" << sp.c << " " << sp.r << ")");
+		createSphere(body,sp.c,sp.r,false,true);
 		if(biaxial2dTest){ body->physicalParameters->blockedDOFs=PhysicalParameters::DOF_Z; }
@@ -641,8 +649,8 @@
 	rootBody->physicalParameters 	= physics;
+// 0xdeadc0de, superseded by SpherePack::makeCloud
+#if 0
 string TriaxialTest::GenerateCloud(vector<BasicSphere>& sphere_list, Vector3r lowerCorner, Vector3r upperCorner, long number, Real rad_std_dev, Real mean_radius, Real porosity)
 	typedef boost::minstd_rand StdGenerator;
@@ -684,7 +692,7 @@
 			+ lexical_cast<string>(dimensions[1]) + "," 
 			+ lexical_cast<string>(dimensions[2]) + ").";

Modified: trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.hpp
--- trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.hpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/pkg/dem/PreProcessor/TriaxialTest.hpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -141,8 +141,11 @@
 		void positionRootBody(shared_ptr<MetaBody>& rootBody);
 		typedef pair<Vector3r, Real> BasicSphere;
+	//	0xdeadc0de
+	#if 0
 		//! generate a list of non-overlapping spheres
 		string GenerateCloud(vector<BasicSphere>& sphere_list, Vector3r lowerCorner, Vector3r upperCorner, long number, Real rad_std_dev, Real mean_radius, Real porosity);
+	#endif
 	public : 

Modified: trunk/py/pack.py
--- trunk/py/pack.py	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/py/pack.py	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 		if predicate(s[0],s[1]): ret+=[utils.sphere(s[0],radius=s[1],**kw)]
 	return ret
-def triaxialPack(predicate,radius,dim=None,cropLayers=0,radiusStDev=0.,assumedFinalDensity=.6,memoizeDb=None,useOBB=True,**kw):
+def triaxialPack(predicate,radius,dim=None,cropLayers=0,radiusStDev=0.,assumedFinalDensity=.6,spheresInCell=0,memoizeDb=None,useOBB=True,**kw):
 	"""Generator of triaxial packing, using TriaxialTest. Radius is radius of spheres, radiusStDev is its standard deviation.
 	By default, all spheres are of the same radius. cropLayers is how many layers of spheres will be added to the computed
 	dimension of the box so that there no (or not so much, at least) boundary effects at the boundaries of the predicate.
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@
 	import sqlite3, os.path, cPickle, time, sys
 	from yade import log
 	from math import pi
+	wantPeri=(spheresInCell>0)
 	if type(predicate)==inGtsSurface and useOBB:
 		dim*=2 # gtsSurfaceBestFitOBB returns halfSize
@@ -220,66 +221,72 @@
 		if max(dim)==float('inf'): raise RuntimeError("Infinite predicate and no dimension of packing requested.")
-	fullDim=tuple([dim[i]+4*cropLayers*radius for i in 0,1,2])
+	if not wantPeri: fullDim=tuple([dim[i]+4*cropLayers*radius for i in 0,1,2])
+	else: fullDim=dim
 	if(memoizeDb and os.path.exists(memoizeDb)):
 		# find suitable packing and return it directly
 		conn=sqlite3.connect(memoizeDb); c=conn.cursor();
-		c.execute('select radius,radiusStDev,dimx,dimy,dimz,N,timestamp from packings order by N')
+		c.execute('select radius,radiusStDev,dimx,dimy,dimz,N,timestamp,periodic from packings order by N')
 		for row in c:
-			R,rDev,X,Y,Z,NN,timestamp=row[0:7]; scale=radius/R
+			R,rDev,X,Y,Z,NN,timestamp,isPeri=row[0:8]; scale=radius/R
 			rDev*=scale; X*=scale; Y*=scale; Z*=scale
-			if (radiusStDev==0 and rDev!=0) or (radiusStDev==0 and rDev!=0) or (radiusStDev!=0 and abs((rDev-radiusStDev)/radiusStDev)>1e-2): continue # not suitable, standard deviation differs too much
-			if X<fullDim[0] or Y<fullDim[1] or Z<fullDim[2]: continue # not suitable, not large enough
-			print "Found suitable packing in database (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,scale=%g), created %s"%(R,rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp)))
+			print "Considering packing (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,%s,scale=%g), created %s"%(R,rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,"periodic" if isPeri else "non-periodic",scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp)))
+			if (radiusStDev==0 and rDev!=0) or (radiusStDev==0 and rDev!=0) or (radiusStDev!=0 and abs((rDev-radiusStDev)/radiusStDev)>1e-2): continue # radius fuzz differs too much
+			if isPeri and wantPeri:
+				if spheresInCell>NN: continue
+				if abs((fullDim[1]/fullDim[0])/(dimy/dimx)-1)>0.2 or abs((fullDim[2]/fullDim[0])/(dimz/dimx)-1)>0.2: continue # proportions differing too much
+			else:
+				if (X<fullDim[0] or Y<fullDim[1] or Z<fullDim[2]): continue # not large enough
+			print "Found suitable packing in database (radius=%g±%g,N=%g,dim=%g×%g×%g,%s,scale=%g), created %s"%(R,rDev,NN,X,Y,Z,"periodic" if isPeri else "non-periodic",scale,time.asctime(time.gmtime(timestamp)))
 			c.execute('select pack from packings where timestamp=?',(timestamp,))
 			if orientation: sp.rotate(*orientation.ToAxisAngle())
 			return filterSpherePack(predicate,sp,**kw)
-			#return filterSpherePack(inSpace(predicate.center()),sp,**kw)
 		print "No suitable packing in database found, running triaxial"
-	V=(4/3)*pi*radius**3; N=assumedFinalDensity*fullDim[0]*fullDim[1]*fullDim[2]/V;
-	##
-	O.switchWorld()
-	##
-	TriaxialTest(
-		numberOfGrains=int(N),
-		radiusMean=radius,
-		# this is just size ratio if radiusMean is specified
-		# if you comment out the line above, it will be the corner (before compaction) and radiusMean will be set accordingly
-		upperCorner=fullDim,
-		radiusStdDev=radiusStDev,
-		## no need to touch any the following, I think
-		noFiles=True,
-		lowerCorner=[0,0,0],
-		sigmaIsoCompaction=1e7,
-		sigmaLateralConfinement=1e3,
-		StabilityCriterion=.05,
-		strainRate=.2,
-		fast=True,
-		thickness=-1, # will be set to sphere radius if negative
-		maxWallVelocity=.1,
-		wallOversizeFactor=1.5,
-		autoUnload=True, # unload after isotropic compaction
-		autoCompressionActivation=False # stop once unloaded
-	).load()
-	log.setLevel('TriaxialCompressionEngine',log.WARN)
-	O.run(); O.wait()
-	sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
-	##
-	O.switchWorld()
-	##
+	O.switchWorld() ### !!
+	if wantPeri:
+		from yade.wrapper import *
+		#O.reset() # doesn't (shouldn't) affect the original simulation
+		sp=SpherePack()
+		cloudPorosity=0.25 # assume this number for the initial cloud (can be underestimated)
+		beta,gamma=fullDim[1]/fullDim[0],fullDim[2]/fullDim[0] # ratios β=y₀/x₀, γ=z₀/x₀
+		N100=spheresInCell/cloudPorosity # number of spheres for cell being filled by spheres without porosity
+		x1=radius*(1/(beta*gamma)*N100*(4/3.)*pi)**(1/3.)
+		y1,z1=beta*x1,gamma*x1
+		O.periodicCell=((0,0,0),(x1,y1,z1))
+		print cloudPorosity,beta,gamma,N100,x1,y1,z1,O.periodicCell
+		num=sp.makeCloud(O.periodicCell[0],O.periodicCell[1],radius,radiusStDev,spheresInCell,True)
+		O.engines=[BexResetter(),BoundingVolumeMetaEngine([InteractingSphere2AABB()]),PeriodicInsertionSortCollider(),InteractionDispatchers([ef2_Sphere_Sphere_Dem3DofGeom()],[SimpleElasticRelationships()],[Law2_Dem3Dof_Elastic_Elastic()]),PeriIsoCompressor(charLen=radius/5.,stresses=[100e9,1e9],maxUnbalanced=1e-2,doneHook='O.pause();'),NewtonsDampedLaw(damping=.6)]
+		for s in sp: O.bodies.append(utils.sphere(s[0],s[1],density=1000))
+		O.dt=utils.PWaveTimeStep()
+		#for i in range(10): O.step()
+		O.run(); O.wait()
+		sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
+		sp.cellFill(Vector3(fullDim[0],fullDim[1],fullDim[2]))
+	else:
+		V=(4/3)*pi*radius**3; N=assumedFinalDensity*fullDim[0]*fullDim[1]*fullDim[2]/V;
+		TriaxialTest(
+			numberOfGrains=int(N),radiusMean=radius,radiusStdDev=radiusStDev,
+			# upperCorner is just size ratio, if radiusMean is specified
+			upperCorner=fullDim,
+			## no need to touch any the following
+			noFiles=True,lowerCorner=[0,0,0],sigmaIsoCompaction=1e7,sigmaLateralConfinement=1e3,StabilityCriterion=.05,strainRate=.2,fast=True,thickness=-1,maxWallVelocity=.1,wallOversizeFactor=1.5,autoUnload=True,autoCompressionActivation=False).load()
+		log.setLevel('TriaxialCompressionEngine',log.WARN)
+		O.run(); O.wait()
+		sp=SpherePack(); sp.fromSimulation()
+	O.switchWorld() ### !!
 		if os.path.exists(memoizeDb):
-			c.execute('create table packings (radius real, radiusStDev real, dimx real, dimy real, dimz real, N integer, timestamp real, pack blob)')
+			c.execute('create table packings (radius real, radiusStDev real, dimx real, dimy real, dimz real, N integer, timestamp real, periodic integer, pack blob)')
-		c.execute('insert into packings values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(radius,radiusStDev,fullDim[0],fullDim[1],fullDim[2],len(sp),time.time(),packBlob,))
+		c.execute('insert into packings values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',(radius,radiusStDev,fullDim[0],fullDim[1],fullDim[2],len(sp),time.time(),wantPeri,packBlob,))
 		print "Packing saved to the database",memoizeDb

Modified: trunk/py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp
--- trunk/py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -304,6 +304,8 @@
 	void run(long int numIter=-1,bool doWait=false){
 		if(numIter>0) OMEGA.getRootBody()->stopAtIteration=OMEGA.getCurrentIteration()+numIter;
+		// timespec t1,t2; t1.tv_sec=0; t1.tv_nsec=40000000; /* 40 ms */
+		// while(!OMEGA.isRunning()) nanosleep(&t1,&t2); // wait till we start, so that calling wait() immediately afterwards doesn't return immediately
 		LOG_DEBUG("RUN"<<((OMEGA.getRootBody()->stopAtIteration-OMEGA.getCurrentIteration())>0?string(" ("+lexical_cast<string>(OMEGA.getRootBody()->stopAtIteration-OMEGA.getCurrentIteration())+" to go)"):string(""))<<"!");
 		if(doWait) wait();

Modified: trunk/scripts/test/gts-triax-pack.py
--- trunk/scripts/test/gts-triax-pack.py	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/scripts/test/gts-triax-pack.py	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 from yade import pack
 import pylab
 # define the section shape as polygon in 2d; repeat first point at the end to close the polygon
 # show us the meridian shape
-pylab.plot(*zip(*poly)); pylab.xlim(xmin=0); pylab.grid(); pylab.title('Meridian of the revolution surface\n(close to continue)'); pylab.gca().set_aspect(aspect='equal',adjustable='box'); pylab.show()
+#pylab.plot(*zip(*poly)); pylab.xlim(xmin=0); pylab.grid(); pylab.title('Meridian of the revolution surface\n(close to continue)'); pylab.gca().set_aspect(aspect='equal',adjustable='box'); pylab.show()
 # angles at which we want this polygon to appear
 # create 3d points from the 2d ones, turning the 2d meridian around the +y axis
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 # without these transformation, it would look a little simpler:
 # 	pts=pack.revolutionSurfaceMeridians([[(pt[0],pt[1]+2e-3*theta) for pt in poly] for theta in thetas],thetas
-pts=pack.revolutionSurfaceMeridians([[(pt[0],pt[1]+2e-3*theta) for pt in poly] for theta in thetas],thetas,origin=Vector3(0,0,.1),orientation=Quaternion((1,1,0),pi/4))
+pts=pack.revolutionSurfaceMeridians([[(pt[0],pt[1]+1e-2*theta) for pt in poly] for theta in thetas],thetas,origin=Vector3(0,-.05,.1),orientation=Quaternion((1,1,0),pi/4))
 # connect meridians to make surfaces
 # caps will close it at the beginning and the end
 # threshold will merge points closer than 1e-4; this is important: we want it to be closed for filling
@@ -31,12 +31,18 @@
 # parameters (or parameters that can be scaled to the same one),
 # it will load the packing instead of running the triaxial compaction again.
 # Try running for the second time to see the speed difference!
 # We could also fill the horse with triaxial packing, but have nice approximation, the triaxial would run terribly long,
 # since horse discard most volume of its bounding box
 # Here, we would use a very crude one, however
-if 0:
+if 1:
 	import gts
-	horse.scale(.1)
-	O.bodies.append(pack.triaxialPack(pack.inGtsSurface(horse),radius=5e-4))
+	#horse.scale(.25,.25,.25)
+	O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(horse))
+	O.bodies.append(pack.triaxialPack(pack.inGtsSurface(horse),radius=5e-3,memoizeDb=memoizeDb))
+	## NB: periodic triaxial doesn't work yet
+	#horse.translate(0,.2,0)
+	#O.bodies.append(pack.gtsSurface2Facets(horse))
+	#O.bodies.append(pack.triaxialPack(pack.inGtsSurface(horse),radius=1,spheresInCell=2000))#,memoizeDb=memoizeDb))

Modified: trunk/scripts/test/periodic-compress.py
--- trunk/scripts/test/periodic-compress.py	2009-08-11 11:37:21 UTC (rev 1937)
+++ trunk/scripts/test/periodic-compress.py	2009-08-12 09:27:41 UTC (rev 1938)
@@ -16,22 +16,23 @@
-	PeriIsoCompressor(charLen=.1,stresses=[50e9,1e8],doneHook="print 'FINISHED'; O.pause() "),
+	PeriIsoCompressor(charLen=.5,stresses=[50e9,1e8],doneHook="print 'FINISHED'; O.pause() "),
+print O.periodicCell
 from yade import qt; qt.Controller(); qt.View()
 # now take that packing and pad some larger volume with it
-sp.fromSimulation() # take spheres from simulation; cellSize is set as well
-print sp.cellSize
-print sp.cellSize
-for s in sp:
-	O.bodies.append(utils.sphere(s[0],s[1]))
+#sp.fromSimulation() # take spheres from simulation; cellSize is set as well
+#print sp.cellSize
+#print sp.cellSize
+#for s in sp:
+#	O.bodies.append(utils.sphere(s[0],s[1]))