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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 1755: 1. Add scene that has been sitting here for a few days (should be run for comparison with pfc3d)


revno: 1755
committer: Václav Šmilauer <vaclav@flux>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2009-09-02 17:40:53 +0200
  1. Add scene that has been sitting here for a few days (should be run for comparison with pfc3d)


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=== added file 'examples/cyl.py'
--- examples/cyl.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ examples/cyl.py	2009-09-02 15:40:53 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+def unitSquare():
+	"""Return square composed of 2 facets in the xy plane, centered at zero with unit extents."""
+	import gts
+	vv=[gts.Vertex(1,1,0),gts.Vertex(-1,1,0),gts.Vertex(-1,-1,0),gts.Vertex(1,-1,0)]
+	ee=[gts.Edge(vv[0],vv[1]),gts.Edge(vv[1],vv[2]),gts.Edge(vv[2],vv[3]),gts.Edge(vv[3],vv[0]),gts.Edge(vv[0],vv[2])]
+	surf=gts.Surface()
+	surf.add(gts.Face(ee[0],ee[1],ee[4])); surf.add(gts.Face(ee[2],ee[3],ee[4]))
+	return surf
+def unitCylinder(nDiv=24):
+	"""Returns GTS surface approximating cylinder (without caps), with
+	of height 2 and radius 2, centered at origin, axis coincident with
+	the z-axis.
+	@param nDiv: polyhedron approximating circle.
+	"""
+	import numpy; from yade import pack
+	thetas=numpy.linspace(0,2*pi,nDiv,endpoint=True)
+	ptsBase=[Vector3(cos(th),sin(th),-1) for th in thetas]
+	ptsTop=[p+Vector3(0,0,2) for p in ptsBase]
+	return pack.sweptPolylines2gtsSurface([ptsBase,ptsTop])
+from yade import pack,timing
+cyl=unitCylinder(); sq=unitSquare(); sq.translate(0,0,-1); cyl.copy(sq)
+cyl.scale(cylRd,cylRd,.5*cylHt); cyl.rotate(1,0,0,-pi/4) # 45° anti-colckwise in the yz plane
+# calling gtsSurface2Facets with just "cyl" (without constructing the faces tuple) ignores 2 faces that were copy'd before; bug in pygts?
+sp=pack.SpherePack(); wd=cylRd*sqrt(2); rMean=(.2*wd*wd*cylHt/(nSpheres*(4/3.)*pi))**(1/3.)
+print 'Generating cloud…'
+O.bodies.append([utils.sphere(s[0],s[1],density=3000) for s in sp])
+	BexResetter(),
+	BoundingVolumeMetaEngine([InteractingSphere2AABB(),InteractingFacet2AABB(),MetaInteractingGeometry2AABB()]),
+	InsertionSortCollider(nBins=5,sweepLength=.1*rMean),
+	InteractionDispatchers(
+		[ef2_Sphere_Sphere_Dem3DofGeom(),ef2_Facet_Sphere_Dem3DofGeom()],
+		[SimpleElasticRelationships()],
+		[Law2_Dem3Dof_Elastic_Elastic()],
+	),
+	GravityEngine(gravity=(0,0,-1e3)), # gravity artificially high, to make it faster going ;-)
+	RotationEngine(rotateAroundZero=True,zeroPoint=(0,0,0),rotationAxis=(0,1,1),angularVelocity=30*(2*pi/60),subscribedBodies=cylIds,label='rotor'),
+	NewtonsDampedLaw(damping=.3),
+O.timingEnabled=True; timing.reset()