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Message #02221
[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 1783: 1. New yade.post2d module for 2d post-processing (raw/smooth scalar/vector field plots), with doc...
revno: 1783
committer: Václav Šmilauer <vaclav@flux>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2009-11-13 12:27:22 +0100
1. New yade.post2d module for 2d post-processing (raw/smooth scalar/vector field plots), with docs and examples
2. Add epydoc brief documentation to all python modules
3. Change constructor of GaussAverage in python to take always the relThreshold parameter
Your team Yade developers is subscribed to branch lp:yade.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~yade-dev/yade/trunk/+edit-subscription.
=== added file 'examples/concrete/uniax-post.py'
--- examples/concrete/uniax-post.py 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ examples/concrete/uniax-post.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# demonstration of the yade.post2d module (see its documentation for details)
+from yade import post2d
+import pylab # the matlab-like interface of matplotlib
+# run uniax.py to get this file
+# flattener that project to the xz plane
+# return scalar given a Body instance
+extractDmg=lambda b: b.phys['normDmg']
+# will call flattener.planar implicitly
+# the same as: extractVelocity=lambda b: flattener.planar(b,b.phys['velocity'])
+extractVelocity=lambda b: b.phys['velocity']
+# create new figure
+# plot raw damage
+# plot smooth damage into new figure
+pylab.figure(); ax,map=post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractDmg,flattener,stDev=2e-3))
+# show color scale
+# raw velocity (vector field) plot
+pylab.figure(); post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractVelocity,flattener))
+# smooth velocity plot; data are sampled at regular grid
+pylab.figure(); ax,map=post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractVelocity,flattener,stDev=1e-3))
+# save last (current) figure to file
+# show the figures
=== modified file 'examples/concrete/uniax.py'
--- examples/concrete/uniax.py 2009-11-04 21:54:10 +0000
+++ examples/concrete/uniax.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@
if abs(sigma[-1]/extremum)<minMaxRatio or abs(strainer['strain'])>5e-3:
if mode=='tension' and doModes & 2: # only if compression is enabled
+ O.save('/tmp/uniax-tension.xml.bz2')
print "Damaged, switching to compression... "; O.pause()
# important! initTest must be launched in a separate thread;
# otherwise O.load would wait for the iteration to finish,
=== modified file 'gui/py/PythonTCPServer.py'
--- gui/py/PythonTCPServer.py 2009-10-22 19:32:22 +0000
+++ gui/py/PythonTCPServer.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# 2008-2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+Remote connections to yade: authenticated python command-line over telnet and anonymous socket for getting some read-only information about current simulation.
+These classes are used internally in gui/py/PythonUI_rc.py and are not intended for direct use.
import SocketServer
import sys,time
@@ -5,7 +13,7 @@
class InfoSocketProvider(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
"""Class providing dictionary of important simulation information,
- without authenticating the access"""
+ without authenticating the access."""
def handle(self):
import pickle, os
@@ -14,6 +22,11 @@
class PythonConsoleSocketEmulator(SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler):
+ """Class emulating python command-line over a socket connection.
+ The connection is authenticated by requiring a cookie.
+ Only connections from localhost (127.0.0.*) are allowed.
+ """
def setup(self):
if not self.client_address[0].startswith('127.0.0'):
print "TCP Connection from non-127.0.0.* address %s rejected"%self.client_address[0]
@@ -72,6 +85,7 @@
self.request.send('\nBye ' + str(self.client_address) + '\n')
class GenericTCPServer:
+ "Base class for socket server, handling port allocation, initial logging and thead backgrounding."
def __init__(self,handler,title,cookie=True,minPort=9000,host='',maxPort=65536,background=True):
import socket, random
=== modified file 'gui/py/ipython.py'
--- gui/py/ipython.py 2008-09-21 10:47:46 +0000
+++ gui/py/ipython.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
# Therefore, it is execfile'd at ipython startup
+"""Yade-specific command-line completion hooks for in ipython (experimental)"""
def yade_completers(self, event):
# this should parse the incomplete line and return only the object that pertains to this ['
# it will work fine in cases like b['clum<TAB> if b is a Body, but not in b['id']+b2['id
=== modified file 'gui/py/runtime.py'
--- gui/py/runtime.py 2008-05-01 06:29:44 +0000
+++ gui/py/runtime.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@
# this module is populated at initialization from the c++ part of PythonUI
+"""Runtime variables, populated at yade startup."""
=== modified file 'gui/qt3/qt.py'
--- gui/qt3/qt.py 2009-08-05 09:09:52 +0000
+++ gui/qt3/qt.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# 2008 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+"""Access/manipulation of the qt3-based yade gui."""
# import module parts in c++
from _qt import *
=== modified file 'lib/smoothing/WeightedAverage2d.hpp'
--- lib/smoothing/WeightedAverage2d.hpp 2009-10-11 11:22:25 +0000
+++ lib/smoothing/WeightedAverage2d.hpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
const Vector2i& getSize() const{ return nCells;}
// add new element to the right cell
- void add(const T& t, Vector2r xy){Vector2i cxy=xy2cell(xy); grid[cxy[0]][cxy[1]].push_back(t);}
+ void add(const T& t, Vector2r xy){bool inGrid; Vector2i cxy=xy2cell(xy,&inGrid); if(!inGrid){ if(cxy[0]<0) cxy[0]=0; if(cxy[0]>=nCells[0]) cxy[0]=nCells[0]-1; if(cxy[1]<0) cxy[1]=0; if(cxy[1]>=nCells[1]) cxy[1]=nCells[1]-1; } grid[cxy[0]][cxy[1]].push_back(t);}
/* Filters: return list of cells, based on some spatial criterion: rectangle, ellipse, circle (add more if you need that) */
vector<Vector2i> rectangleFilter(Vector2r bbLo, Vector2r bbHi) const {
@@ -161,9 +161,10 @@
struct Poly2d{vector<Vector2r> vertices; bool inclusive;};
vector<Poly2d> clips;
- pyGaussAverage(python::tuple lo, python::tuple hi, python::tuple nCells, Real stDev){
+ pyGaussAverage(python::tuple lo, python::tuple hi, python::tuple nCells, Real stDev, Real relThreshold=3.){
shared_ptr<GridContainer<Scalar2d> > g(new GridContainer<Scalar2d>(tuple2vec2r(lo),tuple2vec2r(hi),tuple2vec2i(nCells)));
sgda=shared_ptr<SGDA_Scalar2d>(new SGDA_Scalar2d(g,stDev));
+ sgda->relThreshold=relThreshold;
bool pointInsidePolygon(const Vector2r&,const vector<Vector2r>&);
bool ptIsClipped(const Vector2r& pt){
=== modified file 'py/SConscript'
--- py/SConscript 2009-10-04 14:37:41 +0000
+++ py/SConscript 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+ env.File('post2d.py'),
env.SharedLibrary('_customConverters',['yadeWrapper/customConverters.cpp'],SHLIBPREFIX='',LIBS=env['LIBS']+linkPlugins(Split("BoundingVolumeEngineUnit GeometricalModelEngineUnit InteractingGeometryEngineUnit InteractionGeometryEngineUnit InteractionPhysicsEngineUnit PhysicalParametersEngineUnit PhysicalActionDamperUnit PhysicalActionApplierUnit ConstitutiveLaw")))
=== modified file 'py/WeightedAverage2d.cpp'
--- py/WeightedAverage2d.cpp 2009-10-11 11:22:25 +0000
+++ py/WeightedAverage2d.cpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
- boost::python::class_<pyGaussAverage>("GaussAverage",python::init<python::tuple,python::tuple,python::tuple,Real>())
+ boost::python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Smoothing (2d gauss-weighted average) for postprocessing scalars in 2d.";
+ boost::python::class_<pyGaussAverage>("GaussAverage",python::init<python::tuple,python::tuple,python::tuple,Real,Real>(python::args("min","max","nCells","stDev","relThreshold"),"Create empty container for data, which can be added using add and later retrieved using avg."))
=== modified file 'py/_packObb.cpp'
--- py/_packObb.cpp 2009-07-15 15:10:16 +0000
+++ py/_packObb.cpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
+ python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Computation of oriented bounding box for cloud of points.";
python::def("cloudBestFitOBB",bestFitOBB_py,"Return (Vector3 center, Vector3 halfSize, Quaternion orientation) of\nbest-fit oriented bounding-box for given tuple of points\n(uses brute-force velome minimization, do not use for very large clouds).");
=== modified file 'py/_packPredicates.cpp'
--- py/_packPredicates.cpp 2009-08-20 09:38:22 +0000
+++ py/_packPredicates.cpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
+ python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Spatial predicates for volumes (defined analytically or by triangulation).";
// base predicate class
python::class_<PredicateWrap,/* necessary, as methods are pure virtual*/ boost::noncopyable>("Predicate")
=== modified file 'py/_packSpheres.cpp'
--- py/_packSpheres.cpp 2009-08-22 15:05:20 +0000
+++ py/_packSpheres.cpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
+ python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Creation, manipulation, IO for generic sphere packings.";
python::class_<SpherePack>("SpherePack","Set of spheres as centers and radii",python::init<python::optional<python::list> >(python::args("list"),"Empty constructor, optionally taking list [ ((cx,cy,cz),r), ⦠] for initial data." ))
.def("add",&SpherePack::add,"Add single sphere to packing, given center as 3-tuple and radius")
.def("toList",&SpherePack::toList,"Return packing data as python list.")
=== modified file 'py/eudoxos.py'
--- py/eudoxos.py 2009-07-07 10:54:14 +0000
+++ py/eudoxos.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
# I doubt there functions will be useful for anyone besides me.
+"""Miscillaneous functions that are not believed to be generally usable,
+therefore kept in my "private" module here.
+They comprise notably oofem export and various CPM-related functions.
from yade.wrapper import *
from math import *
from yade._eudoxos import * ## c++ implementations
=== modified file 'py/log.cpp'
--- py/log.cpp 2009-08-20 09:38:22 +0000
+++ py/log.cpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
+ python::scope().attr("__doc__") = "Acess and manipulation of log4cxx loggers.";
python::def("setLevel",logSetLevel,"Set minimum severity level (constants TRACE,DEBUG,INFO,WARN,ERROR,FATAL) for given logger\nleading 'yade.' will be appended automatically to the logger name; if logger is '', the root logger 'yade' will be operated on.");
=== modified file 'py/pack.py'
--- py/pack.py 2009-09-19 19:41:52 +0000
+++ py/pack.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,18 @@
# encoding: utf-8
+# 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+Creating packings and filling volumes defined by boundary representation or constructive solid geometry.
+For examples, see
+ - scripts/test/gts-horse.py
+ - scripts/test/gts-operators.py
+ - scripts/test/gts-random-pack-obb.py
+ - scripts/test/gts-random-pack.py
+ - scripts/test/pack-cloud.py
+ - scripts/test/pack-predicates.py
+ - scripts/test/regular-sphere-pack.py
import itertools,warnings
from numpy import arange
from math import sqrt
=== added file 'py/post2d.py'
--- py/post2d.py 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ py/post2d.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+# 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+Module for 2d postprocessing, containing classes to project points from 3d to 2d in various ways,
+providing basic but flexible framework for extracting arbitrary scalar values from bodies and plotting the
+results. There are 2 basic components: flatteners and extractors.
+Instance of classes that convert 3d (model) coordinates to 2d (plot) coordinates. Their interface is
+defined by the Flatten class (__call__, planar, normal).
+Callable objects returning scalar or vector value, given a body object. If a 3d vector is returned,
+Flattener.planar is called, which should return only in-plane components of the vector.
+This example can be found in examples/concrete/uniax-post.py ::
+ from yade import post2d
+ import pylab # the matlab-like interface of matplotlib
+ O.load('/tmp/uniax-tension.xml.bz2')
+ # flattener that project to the xz plane
+ flattener=post2d.AxisFlatten(useRef=False,axis=1)
+ # return scalar given a Body instance
+ extractDmg=lambda b: b.phys['normDmg']
+ # will call flattener.planar implicitly
+ # the same as: extractVelocity=lambda b: flattener.planar(b,b.phys['velocity'])
+ extractVelocity=lambda b: b.phys['velocity']
+ # create new figure
+ pylab.figure()
+ # plot raw damage
+ post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractDmg,flattener))
+ # plot smooth damage into new figure
+ pylab.figure(); ax,map=post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractDmg,flattener,stDev=2e-3))
+ # show color scale
+ pylab.colorbar(map,orientation='horizontal')
+ # raw velocity (vector field) plot
+ pylab.figure(); post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractVelocity,flattener))
+ # smooth velocity plot; data are sampled at regular grid
+ pylab.figure(); ax,map=post2d.plot(post2d.data(extractVelocity,flattener,stDev=1e-3))
+ # save last (current) figure to file
+ pylab.gcf().savefig('/tmp/foo.png')
+ # show the figures
+ pylab.show()
+class Flatten:
+ """Abstract class for converting 3d point into 2d. Used by post2d.data2d."""
+ def __init__(self): pass
+ def __call__(self,b):
+ """Given a Body instance, should return either 2d coordinates as a 2-tuple, or None if the Body should be discarded."""
+ pass
+ def planar(self,pos,vec):
+ "Given position and vector value, project the vector value to the flat plane and return its 2 in-plane components."
+ def normal(self,pos,vec):
+ "Given position and vector value, return lenght of the vector normal to the flat plane."
+class SpiralFlatten(Flatten):
+ """Class converting 3d point to 2d based on projection from spiral.
+ The y-axis in the projection corresponds to the rotation axis"""
+ def __init__(self,useRef,thetaRange,dH_dTheta,axis=2,periodStart=0):
+ """@param useRef: use reference positions rather than actual positions
+ @param thetaRange: (thetaMin,thetaMax) tuple; bodies outside this range will be discarded
+ @param dH_dTheta: inclination of the spiral (per radian)
+ @param axis: axis of rotation of the spiral
+ @param periodStart: height of the spiral for zero angle
+ """
+ self.useRef,self.thetaRange,self.dH_dTheta,self.axis,self.periodStart=useRef,thetaRange,dH_dTheta,axis,periodStart
+ self.ax1,self.ax2=(axis+1)%3,(axis+2)%3
+ def _getPos(self,b):
+ return b.phys.refPos if self.useRef else b.phys.pos
+ def __call__(self,b):
+ import yade.utils
+ xy,theta=yade.utils.spiralProject(_getPos(b),self.dH_dTheta,self.axis,self.periodStart)
+ if theta<thetaRange[0] or theta>thetaRange[1]: return None
+ return xy
+ def planar(self,b,vec):
+ from math import sqrt
+ pos=_getPos(b)
+ pos[self.axis]=0; pos.Normalize()
+ return pos.Dot(vec),vec[axis]
+ def normal(self,pos,vec):
+ ax=Vector3(0,0,0); ax[axis]=1; pos=_getPos(b)
+ circum=ax.Cross(pos); circum.Normalize()
+ return circum.Dot(vec)
+class CylinderFlatten(Flatten):
+ """Class for converting 3d point to 2d based on projection from circle.
+ The y-axis in the projection corresponds to the rotation axis; the x-axis is distance form the axis.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,useRef,axis=2):
+ """@param useRef: use reference positions rather than actual positions.
+ @param axis of the cylinder (0, 1 or 2)
+ """
+ if axis not in (0,1,2): raise IndexError("axis must be one of 0,1,2 (not %d)"%axis)
+ self.useRef,self.axis=useRef,axis
+ def _getPos(self,b):
+ return b.phys.refPos if self.useRef else b.phys.pos
+ def __call__(self,b):
+ p=_getPos(b)
+ pp=(p[(self.axis+1)%3],p[(self.axis+2)%3])
+ import math.sqrt
+ return math.sqrt(pp[0]**2+pp[2]**2),p[self.axis]
+ def planar(self,b,vec):
+ pos=_getPos(b)
+ from math import sqrt
+ pos[self.axis]=0; pos.Normalize()
+ return pos.Dot(vec),vec[axis]
+ def normal(self,b,vec):
+ pos=_getPos(b)
+ ax=Vector3(0,0,0); ax[axis]=1
+ circum=ax.Cross(pos); circum.Normalize()
+ return circum.Dot(vec)
+class AxisFlatten(Flatten):
+ def __init__(self,useRef,axis=2):
+ """@param useRef: use reference positions rather than actual positions.
+ @param axis: axis normal to the plane (0, 1 or 2); the return value will be simply position with this component dropped."""
+ if axis not in (0,1,2): raise IndexError("axis must be one of 0,1,2 (not %d)"%axis)
+ self.useRef,self.axis=useRef,axis
+ self.ax1,self.ax2=(self.axis+1)%3,(self.axis+2)%3
+ def __call__(self,b):
+ p=b.phys.refPos if self.useRef else b.phys.pos
+ return (p[self.ax1],p[self.ax2])
+ def planar(self,pos,vec):
+ return vec[self.ax1],vec[self.ax2]
+ def normal(self,pos,vec):
+ return vec[self.axis]
+def data(extractor,flattener,onlyDynamic=True,stDev=None,relThreshold=3.,div=(50,50),margin=(0,0)):
+ """Filter all bodies (spheres only), project them to 2d and extract required scalar value;
+ return either discrete array of positions and values, or smoothed data, depending on whether the stDev
+ value is specified.
+ @param extractor: callable object that receives Body instance; it should return scalar, a 2-tuple (vector fields) or None (to skip that body)
+ @param flattener: callable object that receives Body instance and returns its 2d coordinates or None (to skip that body)
+ @param onlyDynamic: skip all non-dynamic bodies
+ @param stDev: standard deviation for averaging, enables smoothing; None (default) means raw mode.
+ @param relThreshold: threshold for the gaussian weight function relative to stDev (smooth mode only)
+ @param div: 2-tuple specifying number of cells for the gaussian grid (smooth mode only)
+ @param margin: 2-tuple specifying margin around bounding box for data (smooth mode only)
+ @return: Dictionary always containing keys 'type' (one of 'rawScalar','rawVector','smoothScalar','smoothVector', depending on value of smooth and on return value from extractor), 'x', 'y', 'bbox'.
+ Raw data further contains 'radii'.
+ Scalar fields contain 'val' (value from extractor), vector fields have 'valX' and 'valY' (2 components returned by the extractor).
+ """
+ from miniWm3Wrap import Vector3
+ xx,yy,dd1,dd2,rr=[],[],[],[],[]
+ nDim=0
+ for b in O.bodies:
+ if onlyDynamic and not b.dynamic: continue
+ if b.shape.name!='Sphere': continue
+ xy,d=flattener(b),extractor(b)
+ if xy==None or d==None: continue
+ if nDim==0: nDim=1 if isinstance(d,float) else 2
+ if nDim==1: dd1.append(d);
+ elif len(d)==2:
+ dd1.append(d[0]); dd2.append(d[1])
+ elif len(d)==3:
+ d1,d2=flattener.planar(b,Vector3(d))
+ dd1.append(d1); dd2.append(d2)
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError("Extractor must return float or 2 or 3 (not %d) floats"%nDim)
+ xx.append(xy[0]); yy.append(xy[1]); rr.append(b.shape['radius'])
+ if stDev==None:
+ bbox=(min(xx),min(yy)),(max(xx),max(yy))
+ if nDim==1: return {'type':'rawScalar','x':xx,'y':yy,'val':dd1,'radii':rr,'bbox':bbox}
+ else: return {'type':'rawVector','x':xx,'y':yy,'valX':dd1,'valY':dd2,'radii':rr,'bbox':bbox}
+ from yade.WeightedAverage2d import GaussAverage
+ import numpy
+ lo,hi=(min(xx),min(yy)),(max(xx),max(yy))
+ llo=lo[0]-margin[0],lo[1]-margin[1]; hhi=hi[0]+margin[0],hi[1]+margin[1]
+ ga=GaussAverage(llo,hhi,div,stDev,relThreshold)
+ ga2=GaussAverage(llo,hhi,div,stDev,relThreshold)
+ for i in range(0,len(xx)):
+ ga.add(dd1[i],(xx[i],yy[i]))
+ if nDim>1: ga2.add(dd2[i],(xx[i],yy[i]))
+ step=[(hhi[i]-llo[i])/float(div[i]) for i in [0,1]]
+ xxx,yyy=[numpy.arange(llo[i]+.5*step[i],hhi[i],step[i]) for i in [0,1]]
+ ddd=numpy.zeros((len(yyy),len(xxx)),float)
+ ddd2=numpy.zeros((len(yyy),len(xxx)),float)
+ for cx in range(0,div[0]):
+ for cy in range(0,div[1]):
+ ddd[cy,cx]=float(ga.avg((xxx[cx],yyy[cy])))
+ if nDim>1: ddd2[cy,cx]=float(ga2.avg((xxx[cx],yyy[cy])))
+ if nDim==1: return {'type':'smoothScalar','x':xxx,'y':yyy,'val':ddd,'bbox':(llo,hhi)}
+ else: return {'type':'smoothVector','x':xxx,'y':yyy,'valX':ddd,'valY':ddd2,'bbox':(llo,hhi)}
+def plot(data,axes=None,alpha=.5,clabel=True,**kw):
+ """Given output from post2d.data, plot the scalar as discrete or smooth plot.
+ For raw discrete data, plot filled circles with radii of particles, colored by the scalar value.
+ For smooth discrete data, plot image with optional contours and contour labels.
+ For vector data (raw or smooth), plot quiver (vector field), with arrows colored by the magnitude.
+ @param axes: matplotlib.axes instance to plot to; if None, will be created from scratch
+ @param data: return value from post2d.data
+ @param clabel: show contour labels (smooth mode only)
+ @return: tuple of (axes,mappable); mappable can be used in further calls to pylab.colorbar
+ """
+ import pylab,math
+ if not axes: axes=pylab.gca()
+ if data['type']=='rawScalar':
+ from matplotlib.patches import Circle
+ import matplotlib.collections,numpy
+ patches=[]
+ for x,y,d,r in zip(data['x'],data['y'],data['val'],data['radii']):
+ patches.append(Circle(xy=(x,y),radius=r))
+ coll=matplotlib.collections.PatchCollection(patches,linewidths=0.,**kw)
+ coll.set_array(numpy.array(data['val']))
+ bb=coll.get_datalim(coll.get_transform())
+ axes.add_collection(coll)
+ axes.set_xlim(bb.xmin,bb.xmax); axes.set_ylim(bb.ymin,bb.ymax)
+ axes.grid(True); axes.set_aspect('equal')
+ return axes,coll
+ elif data['type']=='smoothScalar':
+ loHi=data['bbox']
+ img=axes.imshow(data['val'],extent=(loHi[0][0],loHi[1][0],loHi[0][1],loHi[1][1]),origin='lower',aspect='equal',**kw)
+ ct=axes.contour(data['x'],data['y'],data['val'],colors='k',origin='lower',extend='both')
+ axes.update_datalim(loHi)
+ if clabel: axes.clabel(ct,inline=1,fontsize=10)
+ axes.set_xlim(loHi[0][0],loHi[1][0]); axes.set_ylim(loHi[0][1],loHi[1][1])
+ axes.grid(True); axes.set_aspect('equal')
+ return axes,img
+ elif data['type'] in ('rawVector','smoothVector'):
+ import numpy
+ loHi=data['bbox']
+ valX,valY=numpy.array(data['valX']),numpy.array(data['valY']) # rawVector data are plain python lists
+ scalars=numpy.sqrt(valX**2+valY**2)
+ # numpy.sqrt computes element-wise sqrt
+ quiv=axes.quiver(data['x'],data['y'],data['valX'],data['valY'],scalars,**kw)
+ #axes.update_datalim(loHi)
+ axes.set_xlim(loHi[0][0],loHi[1][0]); axes.set_ylim(loHi[0][1],loHi[1][1])
+ axes.grid(True); axes.set_aspect('equal')
+ return axes,quiv
=== modified file 'py/tests/__init__.py'
--- py/tests/__init__.py 2009-08-05 07:32:18 +0000
+++ py/tests/__init__.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+# 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+"""All defined functionality tests for yade."""
import unittest
# add any new test suites to the list here, so that they are picked up by testAll
=== modified file 'py/tests/wrapper.py'
--- py/tests/wrapper.py 2009-09-19 19:41:52 +0000
+++ py/tests/wrapper.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
+# 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+This test module covers python/c++ transitions, for both classes deriving from Serializable,
+but also for other classes that we wrap (like Wm3).
import unittest
from yade.wrapper import *
from miniWm3Wrap import *
from yade._customConverters import *
from math import *
-This test module covers python/c++ transitions, for both classes deriving from Serializable,
-but also for other classes that we wrap (like Wm3).
# copied from PythonUI_rc, should be in some common place (utils? runtime?)
def listChildClassesRecursive(base):
=== modified file 'py/timing.py'
--- py/timing.py 2009-07-07 10:54:14 +0000
+++ py/timing.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
# encoding: utf-8
+# 2008 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+"""Functions for accessing timing information stored in engines and functors.
+See https://yade.hmg.inpg.fr/index.php/Speed_profiling_using_TimingInfo_and_TimingDeltas_classes
+for more details on usage."""
def _resetEngine(e):
if e.timingDeltas: e.timingDeltas.reset()
if e.__class__.__name__=='EngineUnit': return
@@ -9,6 +15,7 @@
def reset():
+ "Zero all timing data."
for e in O.engines: _resetEngine(e)
@@ -58,6 +65,28 @@
return lines
def stats():
+ """Print summary table of timing information from engines and functors. Absolute times as well as percentages are given. Sample output::
+ Name Count Time Rel. time
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ PhysicalActionContainerReseter 400 9449μs 0.01%
+ BoundingVolumeMetaEngine 400 1171770μs 1.15%
+ PersistentSAPCollider 400 9433093μs 9.24%
+ InteractionGeometryMetaEngine 400 15177607μs 14.87%
+ InteractionPhysicsMetaEngine 400 9518738μs 9.33%
+ ConstitutiveLawDispatcher 400 64810867μs 63.49%
+ ef2_Spheres_Brefcom_BrefcomLaw
+ setup 4926145 7649131μs 15.25%
+ geom 4926145 23216292μs 46.28%
+ material 4926145 8595686μs 17.14%
+ rest 4926145 10700007μs 21.33%
+ TOTAL 50161117μs 100.00%
+ "damper" 400 1866816μs 1.83%
+ "strainer" 400 21589μs 0.02%
+ "plotDataCollector" 160 64284μs 0.06%
+ "damageChecker" 9 3272μs 0.00%
+ TOTAL 102077490μs 100.00%
+ """
print 'Name'.ljust(_statCols['label'])+' '+'Count'.rjust(_statCols['count'])+' '+'Time'.rjust(_statCols['time'])+' '+'Rel. time'.rjust(_statCols['relTime'])
print '-'*(sum([_statCols[k] for k in _statCols])+len(_statCols)-1)
_engines_stats(O.engines,sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines]),0)
=== modified file 'py/utils.py'
--- py/utils.py 2009-11-12 20:40:12 +0000
+++ py/utils.py 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
# utility functions for yade
-# 2008 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+# 2008-2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+"""Heap of functions that don't (yet) fit anywhere else.
+Devs: please DO NOT ADD more functions here, it is getting too crowded!
import math,random
from yade.wrapper import *
@@ -533,8 +538,7 @@
return {'negIds':negIds,'posIds':posIds,'axis':axis,'area':min(areas)}
def NormalRestitution2DampingRate(en):
- """Compute the normal damping rate as a function of the normal coefficient of restitution.
- """
+ """Compute the normal damping rate as a function of the normal coefficient of restitution. """
if en == 0.0: return 0.999999999
if en == 1.0: return 0.0
from math import sqrt,log,pi
=== modified file 'py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp'
--- py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp 2009-10-21 15:22:14 +0000
+++ py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp 2009-11-13 11:27:22 +0000
@@ -634,6 +634,7 @@
+ python::scope().attr("__doc__")="Wrapper for c++ internals of yade.";
.add_property("iter",&pyOmega::iter,"Get current step number")
.add_property("stopAtIter",&pyOmega::stopAtIter_get,&pyOmega::stopAtIter_set,"Get/set number of iteration after which the simulation will stop.")