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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 1799: Initial commit of new Material and State classes that will replace PhysicalParameters in the futu...


revno: 1799
committer: Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2009-11-20 10:08:07 +0100
  Initial commit of new Material and State classes that will replace PhysicalParameters in the future. No changes in functionality.


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=== modified file 'SConstruct'
--- SConstruct	2009-11-20 08:25:37 +0000
+++ SConstruct	2009-11-20 09:08:07 +0000
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 	ListVariable('exclude','Yade components that will not be built','none',names=['qt3','gui','extra','common','dem','lattice','snow']),
 	EnumVariable('PGO','Whether to "gen"erate or "use" Profile-Guided Optimization','',['','gen','use'],{'no':'','0':'','false':''},1),
 	# OK, dummy prevents bug in scons: if one selects all, it says all in scons.config, but without quotes, which generates error.
-	ListVariable('features','Optional features that are turned on','python,log4cxx,opengl,gts,openmp',names=['opengl','python','log4cxx','cgal','openmp','gts','vtk','shape']),
+	ListVariable('features','Optional features that are turned on','python,log4cxx,opengl,gts,openmp',names=['opengl','python','log4cxx','cgal','openmp','gts','vtk','shape','nomaterial']),
 	('jobs','Number of jobs to run at the same time (same as -j, but saved)',4,None,int),
 	#('extraModules', 'Extra directories with their own SConscript files (must be in-tree) (whitespace separated)',None,None,Split),
 	('buildPrefix','Where to create build-[version][variant] directory for intermediary files','..'),

=== modified file 'core/Body.hpp'
--- core/Body.hpp	2009-11-17 08:55:09 +0000
+++ core/Body.hpp	2009-11-20 09:08:07 +0000
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
@@ -68,8 +71,15 @@
 		// only BodyContainer can set the id of a body
 		friend class BodyContainer;
-		/// here are stored physical things that describe the Body: mass, stiffness
-		shared_ptr<PhysicalParameters>	physicalParameters;
+			/// here are stored physical things that describe the Body: mass, stiffness
+			shared_ptr<PhysicalParameters>	physicalParameters;
+		#else
+			//! material of the body; might be shared among bodies (via shared_ptr)
+			shared_ptr<Material> material;
+			//! state of the body
+			shared_ptr<State> state;
+		#endif
 		#ifdef YADE_SHAPE
 			/// the 'perfect' representation of body's geometry: Polyhedron, Box
 			shared_ptr<GeometricalModel>	geometricalModel;
@@ -94,7 +104,12 @@
-			(physicalParameters)
+				(physicalParameters)
+			#else
+				(material)
+				(state)
+			#endif
 			#ifdef YADE_SHAPE

=== added file 'core/Material.hpp'
--- core/Material.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/Material.hpp	2009-11-20 09:08:07 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+#pragma once
+/*! Material properties associated with a body.
+Historical note: this used to be part of the PhysicalParameters class.
+The other data are now in the State class.
+class Material: public Serializable, public Indexable{
+	public:
+		//! textual name of material; if shared, can be looked up by that name
+		string label;
+	REGISTER_CLASS_AND_BASE(Material,Serializable);
+	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(Serializable,(label));

=== modified file 'core/SConscript'
--- core/SConscript	2009-11-18 14:06:42 +0000
+++ core/SConscript	2009-11-20 09:08:07 +0000
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+			'State.cpp',

=== added file 'core/State.cpp'
--- core/State.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/State.cpp	2009-11-20 09:08:07 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+#ifndef FOREACH
+void State::setDOFfromVector3r(Vector3r disp,Vector3r rot){
+	blockedDOFs=((disp[0]==1.0)?DOF_X :0)|((disp[1]==1.0)?DOF_Y :0)|((disp[2]==1.0)?DOF_Z :0)|
+		((rot [0]==1.0)?DOF_RX:0)|((rot [1]==1.0)?DOF_RY:0)|((rot [2]==1.0)?DOF_RZ:0);
+std::vector<std::string> State::blockedDOFs_vec_get() const {
+	std::vector<std::string> ret;
+	#define _SET_DOF(DOF_ANY,str) if((blockedDOFs & PhysicalParameters::DOF_ANY)!=0) ret.push_back(str);
+	_SET_DOF(DOF_X,"x"); _SET_DOF(DOF_Y,"y"); _SET_DOF(DOF_Z,"z"); _SET_DOF(DOF_RX,"rx"); _SET_DOF(DOF_RY,"ry"); _SET_DOF(DOF_RZ,"rz");
+	#undef _SET_DOF
+	return ret;
+void State::blockedDOFs_vec_set(const std::vector<std::string>& dofs){
+	FOREACH(const std::string s, dofs){
+		#define _GET_DOF(DOF_ANY,str) if(s==str) { blockedDOFs|=PhysicalParameters::DOF_ANY; continue; }
+		_GET_DOF(DOF_X,"x"); _GET_DOF(DOF_Y,"y"); _GET_DOF(DOF_Z,"z"); _GET_DOF(DOF_RX,"rx"); _GET_DOF(DOF_RY,"ry"); _GET_DOF(DOF_RZ,"rz");
+		#undef _GET_DOF
+		throw std::invalid_argument("Invalid  DOF specification `"+s+"', must be ∈{x,y,z,rx,ry,rz}.");
+	}

=== added file 'core/State.hpp'
--- core/State.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/State.hpp	2009-11-20 09:08:07 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// 2009 © Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
+#pragma once
+/*! State (internal & spatial variables) of a body.
+For now, I put position, orientation, velocity and angular velocity here,
+since (AFAIK) we have no bodies that lack them. If in the future
+someone needs bodies without orientation, then orientation and angular
+velocity can be pushed to a derived class (and the rest of code adapted
+to that).
+All state variables are initialized to zeros.
+Historical note: this used to be part of the PhysicalParameters class.
+The other data are now in the Material class.
+class State: public Serializable{
+	public:
+		//! Spatial position and orientation
+		Se3r se3;
+		//! Reference position and orientation
+		Se3r refSe3;
+		//! linear velocity
+		Vector3r velocity;
+		//! angular velocity
+		Vector3r angularVelocity;
+		//! mutex for updating the parameters from within the interaction loop (only used rarely)
+		boost::mutex updateMutex;
+		//! Bitmask for degrees of freedom where velocity will be always zero, regardless of applied forces
+		unsigned blockedDOFs; 
+		// bits
+		enum {DOF_NONE=0,DOF_X=1,DOF_Y=2,DOF_Z=4,DOF_RX=8,DOF_RY=16,DOF_RZ=32};
+		//! shorthand for all DOFs blocked
+		static const unsigned DOF_ALL=DOF_X|DOF_Y|DOF_Z|DOF_RX|DOF_RY|DOF_RZ;
+		//! shorthand for all displacements blocked
+		static const unsigned DOF_XYZ=DOF_X|DOF_Y|DOF_Z;
+		//! shorthand for all rotations blocked
+		static const unsigned DOF_RXRYRZ=DOF_RX|DOF_RY|DOF_RZ; 
+		//! Return DOF_* constant for given axis∈{0,1,2} and rotationalDOF∈{false(default),true}; e.g. axisDOF(0,true)==DOF_RX
+		static unsigned axisDOF(int axis, bool rotationalDOF=false){return 1<<(axis+(rotationalDOF?3:0));}		
+		//! set DOFs according to two Vector3r arguments (blocked is when disp[i]==1.0 or rot[i]==1.0)
+		void setDOFfromVector3r(Vector3r disp,Vector3r rot=Vector3r::ZERO);
+		//! Getter of blockedDOFs for list of strings (e.g. DOF_X | DOR_RX | DOF_RZ → ['x','rx','rz'])
+		std::vector<std::string> blockedDOFs_vec_get() const;
+		//! Setter of blockedDOFs from list of strings (['x','rx','rz'] → DOF_X | DOR_RX | DOF_RZ)
+		void blockedDOFs_vec_set(const std::vector<std::string>& dofs);
+	State(): se3(Vector3r::ZERO,Quaternionr::IDENTITY), velocity(Vector3r::ZERO), angularVelocity(Vector3r::ZERO){}
+	REGISTER_CLASS_AND_BASE(State,Serializable);
+	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(Serializable,(se3)(refSe3)(blockedDOFs)(velocity)(angularVelocity));