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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 1927: Add a new periodic compressor engine (candidate for replacing/merging with PeriTriaxController). ...


revno: 1927
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bchareyre@r1arduina>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2009-12-30 16:31:04 +0100
  Add a new periodic compressor engine (candidate for replacing/merging with PeriTriaxController). Most important changes :
  - stress control using mass
  - defines the full stress tensor (not only normal stress for each axis)
  - defines strain with logarithm for comparison with goals and postprocessings


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/NewtonIntegrator.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/NewtonIntegrator.cpp	2009-12-26 21:57:37 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/NewtonIntegrator.cpp	2009-12-30 15:31:04 +0000
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 	Real dt=scene->dt;
-	// precompute transformation increment; using Cell::getTrsfInc would get increment from the previous step, which is not right... (?)
+	// precompute transformation increment; using Cell::getTrsfInc would get increment from the previous step, which is not right... (?) -> should be ok (B.)
 	if(scene->isPeriodic && homotheticCellResize) cellTrsfInc=dt*scene->cell->velGrad;
 	// account for motion of the periodic boundary, if we remember its last position
 	// its velocity will count as max velocity of bodies
@@ -168,7 +168,8 @@
 		//Vector3r dPos(scene->cell->getTrsfInc()*scene->cell->wrapShearedPt(state->pos));
 		Vector3r dPos(cellTrsfInc*scene->cell->wrapShearedPt(state->pos));
 		// apply cell deformation
-		if(homotheticCellResize>=1) state->pos+=dPos;
+		//if(homotheticCellResize>=1) it is the same test again, useless
+		state->pos+=dPos;
 		// update velocity for usage in rate dependant equations (e.g. viscous law)
 		// FIXME : it is not recommended to do that because it impacts the dynamics (this modified velocity will be used as reference in the next time-step)
 		if(homotheticCellResize==2) state->vel+=dPos/dt;

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/PeriIsoCompressor.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/PeriIsoCompressor.cpp	2009-12-26 21:57:37 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/PeriIsoCompressor.cpp	2009-12-30 15:31:04 +0000
@@ -6,10 +6,11 @@
 using namespace std;
@@ -125,6 +126,8 @@
 void PeriTriaxController::action(Scene*){
 	if(!scene->isPeriodic){ throw runtime_error("PeriTriaxController run on aperiodic simulation."); }
 	const Vector3r& cellSize=scene->cell->getSize();
@@ -210,3 +213,132 @@
+void PeriController::action(Scene*){
+	if(!scene->isPeriodic){ throw runtime_error("PeriController run on aperiodic simulation."); }
+	const Vector3r& cellSize=scene->cell->getSize();
+	const Vector3r& refSize=scene->cell->refSize;
+	//Matrix3r Hsize (refSize[0],0,0,0,refSize[1],0,0,0,refSize[2]);
+	//Hsize =  scene->cell->trsf*Hsize;
+	//Vector3r cellArea=Vector3r(cellSize[1]*cellSize[2],cellSize[0]*cellSize[2],cellSize[0]*cellSize[1]);
+	// initial updates
+	LOG_DEBUG("Entering PeriController::action");
+	if(maxBodySpan[0]<=0){
+		FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Body>& b,*scene->bodies){
+			if(!b || !b->bound) continue;
+			for(int i=0; i<3; i++) maxBodySpan[i]=max(maxBodySpan[i],b->bound->max[i]-b->bound->min[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	// check current size
+	if(2.1*maxBodySpan[0]>cellSize[0] || 2.1*maxBodySpan[1]>cellSize[1] || 2.1*maxBodySpan[2]>cellSize[2]){
+		LOG_DEBUG("cellSize="<<cellSize<<", maxBodySpan="<<maxBodySpan);
+		throw runtime_error("Minimum cell size is smaller than 2.1*maxBodySpan (periodic collider requirement)");
+	}
+	stressStrainUpdate();
+	bool allOk=true; Vector3r cellGrow(Vector3r::ZERO);
+	// apply condition along each axis separately (stress or strain)
+	for(int axis=0; axis<3; axis++){
+		Real maxGrow=refSize[axis]*maxStrainRate[axis]*scene->dt;
+		if(stressMask & (1<<axis)){ // control stress
+			//accelerate the deformation using the density of the period, includes Cundall's damping
+			Real mass = 0.2;
+			Real dampFactor = 1 - growDamping*Mathr::Sign ( (scene->cell->velGrad[axis][axis])*(goal[axis]-stress[axis]) );
+			scene->cell->velGrad[axis][axis]+=dampFactor*scene->dt*(goal[axis]-stress[axis])/mass;
+			LOG_TRACE(axis<<": stress="<<stress[axis]<<", goal="<<goal[axis]<<", velGrad="<<scene->cell->velGrad[axis][axis]);
+ 		} else { // don't control strainRate, strainRate should always be defined by the user
+// 			cellGrow[axis]=(goal[axis]-strain[axis])*refSize[axis];
+ 			LOG_TRACE(axis<<": strain="<<strain[axis]<<", goal="<<goal[axis]<<", cellGrow="<<cellGrow[axis]);
+		}
+		// limit maximum strain rate
+		//if(abs(cellGrow[axis])>maxGrow) cellGrow[axis]=Mathr::Sign(cellGrow[axis])*maxGrow;
+		// do not shrink below minimum cell size (periodic collider condition), although it is suboptimal WRT resulting stress
+		//cellGrow[axis]=max(cellGrow[axis],-(cellSize[axis]-2.1*maxBodySpan[axis]));
+		// steady evolution with fluctuations; see TriaxialStressController
+		//cellGrow[axis]=(1-growDamping)*cellGrow[axis]+.8*prevGrow[axis];
+		// crude way of predicting stress, for steps when it is not computed from intrs
+		//LOG_DEBUG(axis<<": cellGrow="<<cellGrow[axis]<<", new stress="<<stress[axis]<<", new strain="<<strain[axis]);
+		// signal if condition not satisfied
+		if(stressMask & (1<<axis)){
+			Real curr=stress[axis];
+			if((goal[axis]!=0 && abs((curr-goal[axis])/goal[axis])>relStressTol) || abs(curr-goal[axis])>absStressTol) allOk=false;
+		} else {
+			Real curr=strain[axis];
+			// since strain is prescribed exactly, tolerances need just to accomodate rounding issues
+			if((goal[axis]!=0 && abs((curr-goal[axis])/goal[axis])>1e-6) || abs(curr-goal[axis])>1e-6) {
+				allOk=false;
+				LOG_DEBUG("Strain not OK; "<<abs(curr-goal[axis])<<">1e-6");
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// update stress and strain
+// 	for(int axis=0; axis<3; axis++){
+// 		// either prescribe velocity gradient
+// 		scene->cell->velGrad[axis][axis]=cellGrow[axis]/(scene->dt*refSize[axis]);
+// 	}
+// 	strainRate=cellGrow/scene->dt;
+	if(allOk){
+		if(currUnbalanced<0 || (scene->currentIteration%globUpdate)==0 ) {
+			currUnbalanced=Shop::unbalancedForce(/*useMaxForce=*/false,scene);
+			LOG_DEBUG("Stress/strain="<<(stressMask&1?stress[0]:strain[0])<<","<<(stressMask&2?stress[1]:strain[1])<<","<<(stressMask&4?stress[2]:strain[2])<<", goal="<<goal<<", unbalanced="<<currUnbalanced);
+		}
+		if(currUnbalanced<maxUnbalanced){
+			// LOG_INFO("Goal reached, packing stable.");
+			if(!doneHook.empty()){
+				LOG_DEBUG("Running doneHook: "<<doneHook);
+				PyGILState_STATE gstate; gstate=PyGILState_Ensure(); PyRun_SimpleString(doneHook.c_str()); PyGILState_Release(gstate);
+			} else { Omega::instance().stopSimulationLoop(); }
+		}
+	}
+Matrix3r PeriController::stressStrainUpdate(){
+	//Compute volume
+	Matrix3r Hsize (scene->cell->refSize[0],0,0,
+			0,scene->cell->refSize[1],0,
+  			 0,0,scene->cell->refSize[2]);
+	Hsize =  scene->cell->trsf*Hsize;
+	Real volume = Hsize.Determinant();
+	//"Natural" strain, correct for large deformations, only used for comparison with goals
+	for(int i=0; i<3; i++) strain[i]=Mathr::Log(scene->cell->trsf[i][i]);
+	//Compute sum(fi*lj)
+	Matrix3r stressTensor(Matrix3r::ZERO);
+	FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Interaction>&I, *scene->interactions){
+		if(!I->isReal()) continue;
+		//n++;
+		NormalShearInteraction* nsi=YADE_CAST<NormalShearInteraction*>(I->interactionPhysics.get());
+		GenericSpheresContact* gsc=YADE_CAST<GenericSpheresContact*>(I->interactionGeometry.get());
+		for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+			//Contact force
+			Vector3r f=(reversedForces?-1.:1.)*(nsi->normalForce+nsi->shearForce);
+			//branch vector, FIXME : the first definition generalizes to non-spherical bodies but needs wrapped coords.
+// 			Vector3r branch=
+//			(reversedForces?-1.:1.)*(Body::byId(I->getId1())->state->pos-Body::byId(I->getId2())->state->pos);
+			Vector3r branch=gsc->normal*(gsc->refR1+gsc->refR2);
+			//Cross product
+			// tensor product f*branch
+			stressTensor+=Matrix3r (f, branch);
+		}
+	}
+	//Compute stress=sum(fi*lj)/Volume (Love equation)
+	stressTensor /= volume;
+	for (int axis=0; axis<3; axis++) stress[axis]=stressTensor[axis][axis];
+	LOG_DEBUG("stressTensor : "<<endl
+			<<stressTensor[0][0]<<" "<<stressTensor[0][1]<<" "<<stressTensor[0][2]<<endl
+			<<stressTensor[1][0]<<" "<<stressTensor[1][1]<<" "<<stressTensor[1][2]<<endl
+			<<stressTensor[2][0]<<" "<<stressTensor[2][1]<<" "<<stressTensor[2][2]<<endl
+			<<"unbalanced = "<<Shop::unbalancedForce(/*useMaxForce=*/false,scene));
+	return stressTensor;

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/PeriIsoCompressor.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/PeriIsoCompressor.hpp	2009-12-25 21:58:25 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/PeriIsoCompressor.hpp	2009-12-30 15:31:04 +0000
@@ -90,3 +90,56 @@
+//TODO :(1) isotropic compression with mean stress/strain (preserve aspect ration like in other engines)
+//	(2) check vs. maxStrainRate? Not sure it is needed in that case
+class PeriController: public GlobalEngine{
+	public:
+	//! For broken constitutive laws, normalForce and shearForce on interactions are in the reverse sense
+	//! see https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/493102
+		bool reversedForces;
+	//! Desired stress or strain values (depending on stressMask)
+		Vector3r goal;
+	//! mask determining strain/stress (0/1) meaning for goal components
+		int stressMask;
+	//! Maximum strain rate of the periodic cell
+		Vector3r maxStrainRate;
+	//! maximum unbalanced force (defaults to 1e-4)
+		Real maxUnbalanced;
+	//! Absolute stress tolerance (1e3)
+		Real absStressTol;
+	//! Relative stress tolerance (3e-5)
+		Real relStressTol;
+	//! Damping of cell resizing (0=perfect control, 1=no control at all); see also TriaxialStressController::wallDamping.
+		Real growDamping;
+	//! how often to recompute average stress, stiffness and unbalaced force (defaults to 100)
+		int globUpdate;
+	//! python command to be run when the desired state is reached
+		string doneHook;
+	//! maximum body dimension (set automatically)
+		Vector3r maxBodySpan;
+	//! average stresses, updated at every step (only every globUpdate steps recomputed from interactions)
+		Vector3r stress;
+	//! cell strain, updated at every step
+		Vector3r strain;
+	//! cell strain rate, updated at every step
+		Vector3r strainRate;
+	//! average stiffness, updated at every step (only every globUpdate steps recomputed from interactions)
+		Vector3r stiff;
+	//! current unbalanced force (updated every globUpdate)
+		Real currUnbalanced;
+	//! previous cell grow
+		Vector3r prevGrow;
+		void action(Scene*);
+		Matrix3r stressStrainUpdate();
+		PeriController(): reversedForces(false),goal(Vector3r::ZERO),stressMask(0),maxStrainRate(Vector3r(1,1,1)),maxUnbalanced(1e-4),absStressTol(1e3),relStressTol(3e-5),growDamping(.5),globUpdate(5),maxBodySpan(Vector3r(-1,-1,-1)),stress(Vector3r::ZERO),strain(Vector3r::ZERO),strainRate(Vector3r::ZERO),stiff(Vector3r::ZERO),currUnbalanced(-1),prevGrow(Vector3r::ZERO){}
+		REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(GlobalEngine,(reversedForces)(goal)(stressMask)(maxStrainRate)(maxUnbalanced)(absStressTol)(relStressTol)(growDamping)(globUpdate)(doneHook)(stress)(strain)(strainRate)(stiff));
+		REGISTER_CLASS_AND_BASE(PeriController,GlobalEngine);