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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 1930: 1. Forgotten new file.


revno: 1930
committer: Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2009-12-30 18:39:02 +0100
  1. Forgotten new file.


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=== added file 'core/Cell.cpp'
--- core/Cell.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ core/Cell.cpp	2009-12-30 17:39:02 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+void Cell::integrateAndUpdate(Real dt){
+	//incremental displacement gradient
+	_trsfInc=dt*velGrad;
+	// total transformation; M = (Id+G).M = F.M
+	trsf+=_trsfInc*trsf;
+	// Hsize will contain colums with transformed base vectors
+	Matrix3r Hsize(refSize[0],refSize[1],refSize[2]); Hsize=trsf*Hsize;
+	// lengths of transformed cell vectors, skew cosines
+	Matrix3r Hnorm; // normalized transformed base vectors
+	for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+		Vector3r base(Hsize.GetColumn(i));
+		_size[i]=base.Normalize(); //returns length
+		Hnorm.SetColumn(i,base);
+	};
+	//cerr<<"Hsize="<<endl<<Hsize[0][0]<<" "<<Hsize[0][1]<<" "<<Hsize[0][2]<<endl<<Hsize[1][0]<<" "<<Hsize[1][1]<<" "<<Hsize[1][2]<<endl<<Hsize[2][0]<<" "<<Hsize[2][1]<<" "<<Hsize[2][2]<<endl;
+	// skew cosines
+	for(int i=0; i<3; i++){
+		int i1=(i+1)%3, i2=(i+2)%3;
+		// sin between axes is cos of skew
+		_cos[i]=(Hnorm.GetColumn(i1).Cross(Hnorm.GetColumn(i2))).SquaredLength();
+	}
+	// pure shear trsf: ones on diagonal
+	_shearTrsf=Hnorm;
+	//cerr<<"shearTrsf="<<endl<<_shearTrsf[0][0]<<" "<<_shearTrsf[0][1]<<" "<<_shearTrsf[0][2]<<endl<<_shearTrsf[1][0]<<" "<<_shearTrsf[1][1]<<" "<<_shearTrsf[1][2]<<endl<<_shearTrsf[2][0]<<" "<<_shearTrsf[2][1]<<" "<<_shearTrsf[2][2]<<endl;
+	// pure unshear transformation
+	_unshearTrsf=_shearTrsf.Inverse();
+	// some parts can branch depending on presence/absence of shear
+	_hasShear=(trsf[0][1]!=0 || trsf[0][2]!=0 || trsf[1][0]!=0 || trsf[1][2]!=0 || trsf[2][0]!=0 || trsf[2][1]!=0);
+	// OpenGL shear matrix (used frequently)
+	fillGlShearTrsfMatrix(_glShearTrsfMatrix);
+void Cell::fillGlShearTrsfMatrix(double m[16]){
+	m[0]=_shearTrsf[0][0]; m[4]=_shearTrsf[0][1]; m[8]=_shearTrsf[0][2]; m[12]=0;
+	m[1]=_shearTrsf[1][0]; m[5]=_shearTrsf[1][1]; m[9]=_shearTrsf[1][2]; m[13]=0;
+	m[2]=_shearTrsf[2][0]; m[6]=_shearTrsf[2][1]; m[10]=_shearTrsf[2][2];m[14]=0;
+	m[3]=0;                m[7]=0;                m[11]=0;               m[15]=1;