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Re: [yade-dev] JointedRockPM



I'm not sure you need to save/load, but perhaps I missed the point.
Did you think about using clumps for the groups of element not traversed by a joint plane?

For modified normal, what is your pane, writing a new Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_XXX which would test if spheres share a common plane before assigning normal? I'm not sure what is the best way here.


luc scholtes a écrit :
Hi all,

Before any commit, I would like to have your opinion on what I did for the moment concerning my project (jointed rock mass simulation). This is really basic stuff for the moment due to my very poor knowledge in programming, but I hope you guys could give me some advices. Please have a look if you can.

I did not attach all the files needed to run a simulation due to a previous sending that have never arrived, but do not hesitate to ask for them. I attached an animated gif as a very simple illustration too.

Here is the idea:

+ For the moment, the JointedRockPM is based on the RockPM. The formulation is exactly the same except that discontinuities (joints) can be taken into account in the computation. The near future will be a specific law for spheres on joint to allow a smoother behavior (a modification of the interacting geometry would be the first step -> probably some questions for you guys), and probably a more complete law for the cohesive behaviour with shear and moment cohesion (-> probably some more questions here too).

+ to take into account joints, I developed a procedure (maybe not very efficient) based on python scripting (IdentificationSpheresOnJoint. py and ImportJointedRockMass.py that I can send you if you want). This can appear a bit complicated for the given illustration, but combining this with some imports from a CAD would give some interesting stuffs (import of complete Discrete Fracture Network for example...)

- first, given a rock (or whatever you want ndlr) sample geometry, and a "joints set" that cut through this sample (defined by facets), spheres belonging to each side of the joints surface are identified with the joint normal and the side to which they belong as attributes. An ascii files is then saved through a modified function of the sphereToFile() function defined in utils.py (oncemore, I can give you the concerned file if you want).

- second, the jointed rock mass is loaded from this ascii files through the asciiJointedRockPM() and the simulation can start. Here is still some weird coding for the import (ImportjointedRockMass.py), but it works. I choose this saving/loading procedure to have a reset of the simulation without the presence of the joints (which would give some unappropriate behavior). Maybe this can be done on the same simulation, but I don't know...

Oncemore, this is just a base. Every comments are welcome (...)

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