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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2028: - Made corrections on flow code


revno: 2028
committer: Emanuele Catalano <ecatalano@r2balme>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2010-02-15 18:58:41 +0100
  - Made corrections on flow code
  - Class registration via new macros introduced


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=== modified file 'lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp'
--- lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp	2010-02-14 22:32:05 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp	2010-02-15 17:58:41 +0000
@@ -226,8 +226,6 @@
 	//  Boundary_Conditions ( Tri );
-	P_SUP = 1, P_INF = 0, P_INS=0;
@@ -237,7 +235,7 @@
 	char *file = "Permeability";
-	Permeameter ( Tri, P_INF, P_SUP, SectionArea, H, file );
+	Permeameter ( Tri, boundary ( y_min_id ).value, boundary ( y_max_id ).value, SectionArea, H, file );
 	clock.top ( "Permeameter" );
@@ -382,30 +380,26 @@
 	for ( Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
-// 		cell->info().fictious() = 0;
+		cell->info().fictious() = 0;
 		pass = 0;
 		for ( int i=0;i<4;i++ )
 			V = cell->vertex ( i );
 			if ( V->info().isFictious )
-// 				cell->info().fictious() ++;
+				cell->info().fictious() ++;
 				pass = 1;
-				//FIXME : remove the isFictious flag and use cell->info().fictious() instead
-// 				cell->info().isFictious = true;
-				Boundary& bi = boundary ( V->info().id() );
-				//     Boundary& bi = boundaries [V->info().id()];
-				if ( bi.flowCondition )
+				// Boundary& bi = boundary ( V->info().id() );
+				// if ( bi.flowCondition )
+				if ( V->info().id() != y_min_id && V->info().id() != y_max_id)
-					// Inf/Sup has priority
 					if ( !cell->info().isSuperior && !cell->info().isInferior )
-						cell->info().isLateral = true;
+						cell->info().isLateral = true;cell->info().isInside=false; cell->info().isInferior=false; cell->info().isSuperior=false;
 #ifdef XVIEW
 						Vue1.SetSpheresColor ( 0.1,0.95,0.1,1 );
-						Vue1.Dessine_Sphere ( cell->info().x(), cell->info().y(), cell->info().z(), 0.02 , 4 );
+						Vue1.Dessine_Sphere (cell->info().x(), cell->info().y(), cell->info().z(), 0.02 , 4 );
@@ -413,9 +407,12 @@
 					if ( V->info().id() == y_min_id )
-						cell->info().isInferior=true; cell->info().isLateral=false; cell->info().isSuperior=false;
-					}
-					else {cell->info().isSuperior=true;cell->info().isLateral=false;cell->info().isInferior=false;}
+						cell->info().isInferior=true; cell->info().isLateral=false; cell->info().isSuperior=false;cell->info().isInside=false;
+					}
+					else{
+						cell->info().isSuperior=true;cell->info().isLateral=false;
+						cell->info().isInferior=false;cell->info().isInside=false;
+					}
 #ifdef XVIEW
 					Vue1.SetSpheresColor ( 1,0.1,0.1,1 );
 					Vue1.Dessine_Sphere ( cell->info().x(), cell->info().y(), cell->info().z(), 0.02 , 4 );
@@ -423,7 +420,7 @@
-		//if (!pass) cell->info().isInside=true;
+		if (!pass) cell->info().isInside=true;
 	cout << "Localised -------------" << endl;
@@ -491,8 +488,6 @@
 			//    else if ( Tri.is_infinite ( neighbour_cell )) k = 0;//connection to an infinite cells
 		cell->info().isvisited = !ref;
-		//    for (int y=0;y<4;y++) cout << "Permeability " << y << " = " << (cell->info().k_norm())[y] << endl;
-		//    for ( int y=0;y<4;y++ ) kFile << y << " = " << ( cell->info().k_norm() ) [y] << endl;
 	cout << "POS = " << POS << " NEG = " << NEG << " pass = " << pass << endl;
@@ -825,7 +820,7 @@
 		if ( !v->info().isFictious )
-			cout << "id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
+// 			cout << "id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
 			TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
@@ -1480,7 +1475,7 @@
 	// 		else cell->info().p() =0;//FIXME : assign better values for faster convergence?
 	// 	}
-	for ( int bound=0; bound<6;bound++ )
+	for ( int bound=0;bound<6;bound++ )
 		int& id = *boundsIds[bound];
 		Boundary& bi = boundary ( id );
@@ -1490,7 +1485,8 @@
 			tmp_cells.resize ( 1000 );
 			Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
 			Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_end = Tri.incident_cells ( T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id],cells_it );
-			for ( Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++ ) ( *it )->info().p() = bi.value;
+			for ( Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++ )
+				( *it )->info().p() = bi.value;
@@ -1554,12 +1550,12 @@
 		if ( j % 1000 == 0 )
-			cout << "pmax " << p_max << "; pmoy : " << p_moy << endl;
+			cout << "pmax " << p_max << "; pmoy : " << p_moy << "; dpmax : " << dp_max << endl;
 			cout << "iteration " << j <<"; erreur : " << dp_max/p_max << endl;
 			//     save_vtk_file ( Tri );
-	while ( ( dp_max/p_max ) > tolerance  /*( dp_max > tolerance )*//* &&*/ /*( j<50 )*/ );
+	while ( ( dp_max/*/p_max*/ ) > tolerance  /*( dp_max > tolerance )*//* &&*/ /*( j<50 )*/ );
 	//   cout << "pmax " << p_max << "; pmoy : " << p_moy << endl;
 	//   cout << "iteration " << j <<"; erreur : " << dp_max/p_max << endl;
@@ -1587,7 +1583,7 @@
 					//Qout = Qout + ( cell->info().k_vector() ) [j2]* ( cell->info().p()-PRESSION_EXT );
-					cout << "outFlow : "<< ( cell->info().k_norm() ) [j2]* ( neighbour_cell->info().p()-cell->info().p() ) <<endl;
+// 					cout << "outFlow : "<< ( cell->info().k_norm() ) [j2]* ( neighbour_cell->info().p()-cell->info().p() ) <<endl;
 					Qout = Qout + ( cell->info().k_norm() ) [j2]* ( neighbour_cell->info().p()-cell->info().p() );
 					cellQout+=1;/*( cell->info().k_vector() ) [j2]* ( cell->info().p()-PRESSION_EXT )*/;
 					p_out_max = std::max ( cell->info().p(), p_out_max );
@@ -1838,7 +1834,11 @@
 	double DeltaY = y_Max-y_Min;
-	P_SUP = 1.0; P_INF = 0.0; P_INS = 0.0;
+	boundary ( y_min_id ).flowCondition=0;
+	boundary ( y_max_id ).flowCondition=0;
+	boundary ( y_min_id ).value=0;
+	boundary ( y_max_id ).value=1;
+// 	P_SUP = 1.0; P_INF = 0.0; P_INS = 0.0;
@@ -1847,7 +1847,7 @@
 	char *kk;
 	kk = ( char* ) key.c_str();
-	Permeameter ( Tri, P_INF, P_SUP, Section, DeltaY, kk );
+	Permeameter ( Tri, boundary ( y_min_id ).value, boundary ( y_max_id ).value, Section, DeltaY, kk );
 void FlowBoundingSphere::AddBoundingPlanes ( Real center[3], Real Extents[3], int id )
@@ -1951,31 +1951,37 @@
 	boundaries[0].p = Corner_min;
 	boundaries[0].normal = Vecteur ( 0,1,0 );
 	boundaries[0].coordinate = 1;
+	cout << "Bottom boundary has been created. ID = " << y_min_id << endl;
 	Tes.insert ( 0.5* ( Corner_min.x() +Corner_max.x() ), Corner_max.y() +FAR* ( Corner_max.x()-Corner_min.x() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.z()-Corner_min.z() ), FAR* ( Corner_max.x()-Corner_min.x() ), y_max_id, true );
 	boundaries[1].p = Corner_max;
 	boundaries[1].normal = Vecteur ( 0,-1,0 );
 	boundaries[1].coordinate = 1;
+	cout << "Top boundary has been created. ID = " << y_max_id << endl;
 	Tes.insert ( Corner_min.x()-FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.z()-Corner_min.z() ), FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), x_min_id, true );
 	boundaries[2].p = Corner_min;
 	boundaries[2].normal = Vecteur ( 1,0,0 );
 	boundaries[2].coordinate = 0;
+	cout << "Left boundary has been created. ID = " << x_min_id << endl;
 	Tes.insert ( Corner_max.x() +FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.z()-Corner_min.z() ), FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), x_max_id, true );
 	boundaries[3].p = Corner_max;
 	boundaries[3].normal = Vecteur ( -1,0,0 );
 	boundaries[3].coordinate = 0;
+	cout << "Right boundary has been created. ID = " << x_max_id << endl;
 	Tes.insert ( 0.5* ( Corner_min.x() +Corner_max.x() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), Corner_min.z()-FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), z_min_id, true );
 	boundaries[4].p = Corner_min;
 	boundaries[4].normal = Vecteur ( 0,0,1 );
 	boundaries[4].coordinate = 2;
+	cout << "Front boundary has been created. ID = " << z_min_id << endl;
 	Tes.insert ( 0.5* ( Corner_min.x() +Corner_max.x() ), 0.5* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), Corner_max.z() +FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), FAR* ( Corner_max.y()-Corner_min.y() ), z_max_id, true );
 	boundaries[5].p = Corner_max;
 	boundaries[5].normal = Vecteur ( 0,0,-1 );
 	boundaries[5].coordinate = 2;
+	cout << "Back boundary has been created. ID = " << z_max_id << endl;
 	for ( int k=0;k<6;k++ )

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp	2010-02-14 22:32:05 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp	2010-02-15 17:58:41 +0000
@@ -20,27 +20,13 @@
 std::ofstream plotFile ( "plot2",std::ios::out );
-FlowEngine::FlowEngine() : gravity ( Vector3r::ZERO ), isActivated ( true )
-	first = true;
-	currentTes = 0;
-	P_zero=0;
-	PermuteInterval = 100000;
-	permeability_factor=1.0;
-	loadFactor=1.0;
-	compute_K=true;
-	unload=false;
-	tess_based_force=true;
-	flow = shared_ptr<CGT::FlowBoundingSphere> (new CGT::FlowBoundingSphere);
 void FlowEngine::applyCondition ( Scene* ncb )
+	if (!flow) {flow = shared_ptr<CGT::FlowBoundingSphere> (new CGT::FlowBoundingSphere);first=true;}
 	if ( !isActivated ) return;
@@ -141,57 +127,34 @@
 			Initialize ( ncb, P_zero );
-			cout << "ok2" << endl;
-			Oedometer_Boundary_Conditions();
-			cout << "ok3" << endl;
 			flow->Vtotalissimo=0; flow->Vsolid_tot=0; flow->Vporale=0; flow->Ssolid_tot=0;
 			flow->k_factor = permeability_factor;
 			flow->Compute_Permeability ();
-			cout << "Vtotalissimo = " << flow->Vtotalissimo << " Vsolid_tot = " << flow->Vsolid_tot << " Vporale2 = " << flow->Vporale  << " Ssolid_tot = " << flow->Ssolid_tot << endl << endl;
 			flow->DisplayStatistics ();
 			CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
 			int y=0;
 			for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
-// 				cell->info().p() = P_zero;
-				cell->info().dv() = 0;
+				cell->info().dv() = 0; cell->info().p() = 0;
 			cout << y << " deltaV initialised -----------------" << endl;
 			if (compute_K) {flow->Sample_Permeability ( flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation(), flow->x_min, flow->x_max, flow->y_min, flow->y_max, flow->z_min, flow->z_max, flow->key );}
-			double P_ext=0, P_int=0.0;
-			flow->P_SUP=P_ext; flow->P_INF=P_ext; flow->P_INS=P_int;
-			flow->Initialize_pressures( );
+			Oedometer_Boundary_Conditions();
+			flow->Initialize_pressures();
 			flow->GaussSeidel ( );
 			plotFile << "unset key" << endl;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_left_activated=0;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_right_activated=0;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_front_activated=0;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_back_activated=0;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top_activated=1;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_bottom_activated=1;
-			triaxialCompressionEngine->sigma_iso=(triaxialCompressionEngine->sigma_iso)*loadFactor;
 // 			flow->Analytical_Consolidation();
-			first = false;cons=0;
+			first = false; cons=0;
@@ -201,7 +164,16 @@
 	flow->boundary ( flow->y_min_id ).flowCondition=0;
 	flow->boundary ( flow->y_max_id ).flowCondition=0;
 	flow->boundary ( flow->y_min_id ).value=0;
-	flow->boundary ( flow->y_max_id ).value=1;
+	flow->boundary ( flow->y_max_id ).value=0;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_left_activated=0;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_right_activated=0;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_front_activated=0;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_back_activated=0;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top_activated=1;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_bottom_activated=1;
+	triaxialCompressionEngine->sigma_iso=(triaxialCompressionEngine->sigma_iso)*loadFactor;
 void FlowEngine::Initialize ( Scene* ncb, double P_zero )
@@ -217,13 +189,11 @@
 	cout << endl << "Tesselating------" << endl << endl;
-	flow->Fictious_cells();
+// 	flow->Fictious_cells();
 	flow->Localize ();
 	Initialize_volumes ( ncb );
-	cout << "ok1" << endl;
 void FlowEngine::AddBoundary ( Scene* ncb )
@@ -233,38 +203,27 @@
 	shared_ptr<Box> bx ( new Box );
 	int Bx_Index = bx->getClassIndexStatic();
-	int contator=0;
 	FOREACH ( const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *ncb->bodies )
 		if ( !b ) continue;
 		if ( b->shape->getClassIndex() == Bx_Index )
 			Box* w = YADE_CAST<Box*> ( b->shape.get() );
 			const body_id_t& id = b->getId();
-			cout << "is it a wall?? id == " << id << endl;
 			Real center [3], Extent[3];
 			for ( int h=0;h<3;h++ ) {center[h] = b->state->pos[h]; Extent[h] = w->extents[h];}
 // 			flow->AddBoundingPlanes ( center, Extent, id );
-			flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, center[0]);
-			flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, center[0]);
-			flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, center[1]);
-			flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, center[1]);
-			flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, center[2]);
-			flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, center[2]);
-			contator+=1;
+			flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, center[0]-wall_thickness);
+			flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, center[0]+wall_thickness);
+			flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, center[1]-wall_thickness);
+			flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, center[1]+wall_thickness);
+			flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, center[2]-wall_thickness);
+			flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, center[2]+wall_thickness);
-	cout << contator << " walls inserted -------- ADDED BOUNDING PLANES" << endl;
 void FlowEngine::Triangulate ( Scene* ncb )
@@ -275,8 +234,6 @@
 	int Sph_Index = sph->getClassIndexStatic();
 	int contator = 0;
-// 	std::list<CGT::Point> input;
 	FOREACH ( const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *ncb->bodies )
@@ -292,21 +249,14 @@
 			flow->T[currentTes].insert(x, y, z, rad, id);
-// 			flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, x-rad );
-// 			flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, x+rad );
-// 			flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, y-rad );
-// 			flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, y+rad );
-// 			flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, z-rad );
-// 			flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, z+rad );
 	cout << contator << "spheres inserted " << endl;
-	double SectionArea = ( flow->x_max-flow->x_min ) * ( flow->z_max-flow->z_min );
+	double SectionArea = ( flow->x_max - flow->x_min ) * ( flow->z_max-flow->z_min );
-	cout << "section area = " << SectionArea << endl;
+	cout << "Section area = " << SectionArea << endl;
 // 	cout << "Rmoy " << Rmoy << endl;
 	cout << "x_min = " << flow->x_min << endl;
 	cout << "x_max = " << flow->x_max << endl;
@@ -314,7 +264,6 @@
 	cout << "y_min = " << flow->y_min << endl;
 	cout << "z_min = " << flow->z_min << endl;
 	cout << "z_max = " << flow->z_max << endl;
-// 	cout << "SectionArea = " << SectionArea << endl;
 void FlowEngine::NewTriangulation ( Scene* ncb )
@@ -355,7 +304,6 @@
 void FlowEngine::Initialize_volumes ( Scene* ncb )
 	CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
 	for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
 		switch ( cell->info().fictious() )
@@ -374,39 +322,31 @@
 	cout << "Updating volumes.............." << endl;
 	Real deltaT = ncb->dt;
-	cout << "deltaT = " << deltaT << endl;
 	CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
 	for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
 		switch ( cell->info().fictious() )
-			case ( 3 ) :
+			case ( 3 ):
 				cell->info().dv() = ( Volume_cell_triple_fictious ( cell,ncb ) - cell->info().volume() ) /deltaT;
 				cell->info().volume() = Volume_cell_triple_fictious ( cell,ncb );
-			}
-			break;
+			}break;
 			case ( 2 ) :
 				cell->info().dv() = ( Volume_cell_double_fictious ( cell,ncb )-cell->info().volume() ) /deltaT;
 				cell->info().volume() = Volume_cell_double_fictious ( cell,ncb );
-			}
-			break;
+			}break;
 			case ( 1 ) :
 				cell->info().dv() = ( Volume_cell_single_fictious ( cell,ncb )-cell->info().volume() ) /deltaT;
 				cell->info().volume() = Volume_cell_single_fictious ( cell,ncb );
-			}
-			break;
+			}break;
 			case ( 0 ) :
 				cell->info().dv() = ( Volume_cell ( cell,ncb )-cell->info().volume() ) /deltaT;
 				cell->info().volume() = Volume_cell ( cell,ncb );
-			}
-			break;
+			}break;

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp	2010-02-14 22:32:05 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp	2010-02-15 17:58:41 +0000
@@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
 *  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
+// #define FLOW_ENGINE
 #pragma once
@@ -17,29 +21,16 @@
 		shared_ptr<TriaxialCompressionEngine> triaxialCompressionEngine;
 		shared_ptr<CGT::FlowBoundingSphere> flow;
-// 		FlowBoundingSphere* flow;
-		//Tesselation* Tes;
 	public :
 		Vector3r gravity;
-		bool isActivated;
 		bool first;
-		int PermuteInterval,
-		current_state;
-		double permeability_factor;
-		int previous_state;
-		bool currentTes
-		,compute_K
-		,unload
-		,tess_based_force;
-		Real loadFactor;
-		int cons;
+		int current_state
+		,previous_state
+		,cons;
 		Real wall_thickness;
-		double P_zero;
 		void Triangulate ( Scene* ncb );
 		void AddBoundary ( Scene* ncb );
@@ -53,21 +44,23 @@
 		void NewTriangulation ( Scene* ncb );
 		void Oedometer_Boundary_Conditions();
-		FlowEngine();
 		virtual ~FlowEngine();
 		virtual void applyCondition(Scene*);
-		REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(PartialEngine,(isActivated)(first)(currentTes)(P_zero)(PermuteInterval)(compute_K)(permeability_factor)(loadFactor)(unload)(tess_based_force));
-	protected :
+		YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS(FlowEngine,PartialEngine,"An engine to solve the flow problem in saturated granular media",
+					((bool,isActivated,true,"Activates Flow Engine "))
+					((bool,currentTes,false,"Identifies the current triangulation/tesselation of pore space"))
+					((double,P_zero,0,"Initial internal pressure for oedometer test"))
+					((int,PermuteInterval,100000,"Pore space re-triangulation period"))
+					((bool,compute_K,true,"Activates permeability measure within a granular sample"))
+					((double,permeability_factor,1.0,"a permability multiplicator"))
+					((Real,loadFactor,1.5,"Load multiplicator for oedometer test"))
+					((bool,unload,false,"Remove the load in oedometer test"))
+					((bool,tess_based_force,true,"true=force computation based on tessalation, false=force computation based on triangulation")));
\ No newline at end of file