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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2046: rename sphere{From, To}File to {ymport, export}.text for consistency.


revno: 2046
committer: Václav Šmilauer <eudoxos@xxxxxxxx>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2010-02-21 10:29:06 +0100
  rename sphere{From,To}File to {ymport,export}.text for consistency.


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=== modified file 'py/export.py'
--- py/export.py	2010-02-21 00:04:22 +0000
+++ py/export.py	2010-02-21 09:29:06 +0000
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
-def spheresToFile(filename, consider=lambda id: True):
+def text(filename, consider=lambda id: True):
 	"""Save sphere coordinates into a text file; the format of the line is: x y z r.
 	Non-spherical bodies are silently skipped.
 	Returns number of spheres which were written.

=== modified file 'py/ymport.py'
--- py/ymport.py	2010-02-21 00:04:22 +0000
+++ py/ymport.py	2010-02-21 09:29:06 +0000
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 from yade import utils
-def spheresFromFile(fileName,shift=[0.0,0.0,0.0],scale=1.0,**kw):
+def text(fileName,shift=[0.0,0.0,0.0],scale=1.0,**kw):
 	"""Load sphere coordinates from file, create spheres, insert them to the simulation.
 	filename is the file which has 4 colums [x, y, z, radius].
 	All remaining arguments are passed the the yade.utils.sphere function which creates bodies.
-	Comments, started from # are supported
+	Lines starting with # are skipped
 	infile = open(fileName,"r")
 	lines = infile.readlines()
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 	for line in lines:
 		data = line.split()
-		if (data[0][0] != "#"):
-			ret.append(utils.sphere([shift[0]+scale*float(data[0]),shift[1]+scale*float(data[1]),shift[2]+scale*float(data[2])],scale*float(data[3]),**kw))
+		if (data[0][0] == "#"): continue
+		ret.append(utils.sphere([shift[0]+scale*float(data[0]),shift[1]+scale*float(data[1]),shift[2]+scale*float(data[2])],scale*float(data[3]),**kw))
 	return ret
 def stl(file, dynamic=False,wire=True,color=None,highlight=False,noBound=False,material=0):

=== modified file 'scripts/test/regular-sphere-pack.py'
--- scripts/test/regular-sphere-pack.py	2010-02-21 00:04:22 +0000
+++ scripts/test/regular-sphere-pack.py	2010-02-21 09:29:06 +0000
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 	]: O.bodies.appendClumped(part)
-""" Example of utils.facetBox usage """
+# Example of utils.facetBox usage 
 q1 = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/3))
 o1,o_angl = q1.ToAxisAngle()
@@ -55,22 +55,22 @@
 o1,o_angl = q1.ToAxisAngle()
-""" Example of utils.facetCylinder usage, RotationEngine example see below"""
+# Example of utils.facetCylinder usage, RotationEngine example see below
 q1 = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/2))
 o1,o_angl = q1.ToAxisAngle()
-"""Import regular-sphere-pack.mesh into the YADE simulation"""
+# Import regular-sphere-pack.mesh into the YADE simulation
 O.bodies.append(ymport.gmsh('regular-sphere-pack.mesh',**kwMeshes))#generates facets from the mesh file
-"""Import regular-sphere-pack-LSMGenGeo.geo into the YADE simulation"""
+# Import regular-sphere-pack-LSMGenGeo.geo into the YADE simulation
-"""spheresToFile saves coordinates and radiuses of all spheres of the simulation into the text file"""
-print "Saved into the OutFile " + str (export.spheresToFile("OutFile")) + " spheres";
+# spheresToFile saves coordinates and radiuses of all spheres of the simulation into the text file
+print "Saved into the OutFile " + str (export.text("OutFile")) + " spheres";
-"""spheresFromFile function imports coordinates and radiuses of all spheres of the simulation into the text file"""
+# spheresFromFile function imports coordinates and radiuses of all spheres of the simulation into the text file"""
 	from yade import qt