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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2057: - Modified the type of some function in FlowBoundingSphere


revno: 2057
committer: Emanuele Catalano <ecatalano@r2balme>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2010-03-01 18:55:59 +0100
  - Modified the type of some function in FlowBoundingSphere
  - Adapted FlowEngine to that modifications
  - Adjusted the use of "currentTes" in FlowEngine


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=== modified file 'lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp'
--- lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp	2010-02-19 11:12:48 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp	2010-03-01 17:55:59 +0000
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
         /** END GAUSS SEIDEL */
         char* file ("Permeability");
-        Permeameter(Tri, boundary(y_min_id).value, boundary(y_max_id).value, SectionArea, H, file);
+        double ks = Permeameter(Tri, boundary(y_min_id).value, boundary(y_max_id).value, SectionArea, H, file);
@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@
         Vecteur n;
-        std::ofstream oFile( "Hydraulic_Radius",std::ios::out);
-        std::ofstream kFile ( "Permeability" ,std::ios::out );
+//         std::ofstream oFile( "Hydraulic_Radius",std::ios::out);
+//         std::ofstream kFile ( "Permeability" ,std::ios::out );
         Real meanK=0;
         Real infiniteK=1e10;
         for (Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++) {
@@ -371,9 +371,9 @@
                                 else POS++;
                                 (neighbour_cell->info().Rh())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j)]= Rhv;
-                                if (DEBUG_OUT)
-                                        oFile << pass << " " << Rhv << " "<<cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point()
-                                        << " "<<cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point() << " "<<cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point()<<endl;
+//                                 if (DEBUG_OUT)
+//                                         oFile << pass << " " << Rhv << " "<<cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][0])->point()
+//                                         << " "<<cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][1])->point() << " "<<cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][2])->point()<<endl;
                                 Vecteur l = p1 - p2;
                                 distance = sqrt(l.squared_length());
                                 n = l/distance;
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@
-void FlowBoundingSphere::Permeameter(RTriangulation &Tri, double P_Inf, double P_Sup, double Section, double DeltaY, char *file)
+double FlowBoundingSphere::Permeameter(RTriangulation &Tri, double P_Inf, double P_Sup, double Section, double DeltaY, char *file)
         std::ofstream kFile(file, std::ios::out);
@@ -1686,6 +1686,8 @@
         cout << "The permeability of the sample is = " << k << " m^2" <<endl;
         kFile << "The permeability of the sample is = " << k << " m^2" <<endl;
         //   cout << "The Darcy permeability of the sample is = " << k_darcy/0.987e-12 << " darcys" << endl;
+	return Ks;
 void FlowBoundingSphere::save_vtk_file(RTriangulation &T)
@@ -1801,7 +1803,7 @@
-void FlowBoundingSphere::PermeameterCurve(RTriangulation& Tri, char *filename, Real time)
+double FlowBoundingSphere::PermeameterCurve(RTriangulation& Tri, char *filename, Real time)
         Cell_handle permeameter;
@@ -1839,15 +1841,13 @@
                 //    cout << "P_ave[" << k << "] = " << P_ave[k]/ ( m+n+o ) << " n = " << n << " m = " << m << " o = " << o << endl;
                 P_ave[k]/= (m+n+o);
                 consFile<<k<<" "<<time<<" "<<P_ave[k]<<endl;
-                if (k==15) Pressures.push_back(P_ave[k]);
-                n=0;
-                m=0;
-                o=0;
-                k++;
-        }
+                if (k==intervals/2) Pressures.push_back(P_ave[k]);
+                n=0, m=0, o=0; k++;
+	}
+	return P_ave[intervals/2];
-void FlowBoundingSphere::Sample_Permeability(RTriangulation& Tri, double x_Min,double x_Max ,double y_Min,double y_Max,double z_Min,double z_Max, string key)
+double FlowBoundingSphere::Sample_Permeability(RTriangulation& Tri, double x_Min,double x_Max ,double y_Min,double y_Max,double z_Min,double z_Max, string key)
         double Section = (x_Max-x_Min) * (z_Max-z_Min);
@@ -1865,7 +1865,7 @@
         char *kk;
         kk = (char*) key.c_str();
-        Permeameter(Tri, boundary(y_min_id).value, boundary(y_max_id).value, Section, DeltaY, kk);
+        return Permeameter(Tri, boundary(y_min_id).value, boundary(y_max_id).value, Section, DeltaY, kk);
 void FlowBoundingSphere::AddBoundingPlanes(Real center[3], Real Extents[3], int id)

=== modified file 'lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.h'
--- lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.h	2010-02-19 11:12:48 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.h	2010-03-01 17:55:59 +0000
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@
 		void Dessine_Triangulation ( Vue3D &Vue, RTriangulation &T );
 		void Dessine_Short_Tesselation ( Vue3D &Vue, Tesselation &Tes );
-		void Permeameter ( RTriangulation& Tri, double P_Inf, double P_Sup, double Section, double DeltaY, char *file );
-		void Sample_Permeability ( RTriangulation& Tri, double x_Min,double x_Max ,double y_Min,double y_Max,double z_Min,double z_Max, std::string key );
+		double Permeameter ( RTriangulation& Tri, double P_Inf, double P_Sup, double Section, double DeltaY, char *file );
+		double Sample_Permeability ( RTriangulation& Tri, double x_Min,double x_Max ,double y_Min,double y_Max,double z_Min,double z_Max, std::string key );
 		double Compute_HydraulicRadius ( RTriangulation& Tri, Cell_handle cell, int j );
-		void PermeameterCurve ( RTriangulation& Tri, char *filename, Real time );
+		double PermeameterCurve ( RTriangulation& Tri, char *filename, Real time );
 		double dotProduct ( Vecteur x, Vecteur y );

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp	2010-02-19 13:31:48 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp	2010-03-01 17:55:59 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
+std::ofstream plot ("pressurees.txt", std::ios::out);
+// std::ofstream cons_NONDAMP ("cons_NONDAMP_SLIP", std::ios::out);
+// std::ofstream settle_DAMP ("settle_DAMP_SLIP", std::ios::out);
+// std::ofstream settle_NONDAMP ("settle_NONDAMP_SLIP", std::ios::out);
 void FlowEngine::applyCondition ( Scene* ncb )
 	if (!flow) {flow = shared_ptr<CGT::FlowBoundingSphere> (new CGT::FlowBoundingSphere);first=true;}
@@ -44,6 +50,7 @@
 			if ( !triaxialCompressionEngine ) cout << "stress controller engine NOT found" << endl;
+		currentStress = triaxialCompressionEngine->stress[triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top][1];
 		current_state = triaxialCompressionEngine->currentState;
 		if ( !first && current_state==3 )
@@ -58,19 +65,19 @@
 			flow->GaussSeidel ( );
-			flow->MGPost(flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation());
+// 			flow->MGPost(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation());
 			flow->Compute_Forces ( );
 			///End Compute flow and forces
-			CGT::Finite_vertices_iterator vertices_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_end ();
+			CGT::Finite_vertices_iterator vertices_end = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_end ();
 			Vector3r f;
 			int id;
-			for ( CGT::Finite_vertices_iterator V_it = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_begin (); V_it !=  vertices_end; V_it++ )
+			for ( CGT::Finite_vertices_iterator V_it = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_begin (); V_it !=  vertices_end; V_it++ )
 				id = V_it->info().id();
 				for ( int y=0;y<3;y++ ) f[y] = ( V_it->info().forces ) [y];
@@ -89,11 +96,17 @@
 			sprintf (file, keyconsol, j);
 			char *g = file;
-			flow->PermeameterCurve(flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation(), g, time);
+			MaxPressure = flow->PermeameterCurve(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation(), g, time);
+			plot << j << " " << MaxPressure << endl;
+// 			if (damped) {cons_DAMP << j << " " << time << " " << flow->Pressures[cons] << endl; cons++;}
+// 			if (!damped){cons_NONDAMP << j << " " << time << " " << flow->Pressures[cons] << endl; cons++;}
+// 			if (damped) {settle_DAMP << j << " " << time << " " << triaxialCompressionEngine->uniaxialEpsilonCurr << endl;}
+// 			if (!damped) {settle_NONDAMP << j << " " << time << " " << triaxialCompressionEngine->uniaxialEpsilonCurr << endl;}
 			if ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() % PermuteInterval == 0 )
-// 				flow->Sample_Permeability ( flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation(), flow->x_min, flow->x_max, flow->y_min, flow->y_max, flow->z_min, flow->z_max );
+// 				K = flow->Sample_Permeability ( flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation(), flow->x_min, flow->x_max, flow->y_min, flow->y_max, flow->z_min, flow->z_max );
 				cout << endl << "---NEW TRIANGULATION---" << endl << endl;
@@ -105,10 +118,10 @@
 				std::ofstream PFile ( "NewTriangulation_Pressures",std::ios::out );
-				CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
+				CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
 				int j=0;
-				for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
+				for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
 					PFile << ++j << " " << cell->info().p() << endl;
@@ -129,9 +142,9 @@
 			flow->DisplayStatistics ();
-			CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
+			CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
 			int y=0;
-			for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
+			for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
 				cell->info().dv() = 0; cell->info().p() = 0;
@@ -140,7 +153,7 @@
 			flow->key = triaxialCompressionEngine->Key;
-			if (compute_K) {flow->Sample_Permeability ( flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation(), flow->x_min, flow->x_max, flow->y_min, flow->y_max, flow->z_min, flow->z_max, flow->key );}
+			if (compute_K) {K = flow->Sample_Permeability ( flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation(), flow->x_min, flow->x_max, flow->y_min, flow->y_max, flow->z_min, flow->z_max, flow->key );}
@@ -175,8 +188,8 @@
 void FlowEngine::Initialize ( Scene* ncb, double P_zero )
-	currentTes=0;
-	flow->currentTes=currentTes;
+	flow->currentTes=0;
+	currentTes=flow->currentTes;
 	flow->x_min = 1000.0, flow->x_max = -10000.0, flow->y_min = 1000.0, flow->y_max = -10000.0, flow->z_min = 1000.0, flow->z_max = -10000.0;
@@ -184,9 +197,7 @@
 	Triangulate ( ncb );
 	cout << endl << "Tesselating------" << endl << endl;
-	flow->T[currentTes].Compute();
-// 	flow->Fictious_cells();
+	flow->T[flow->currentTes].Compute();
 	flow->Localize ();
@@ -244,7 +255,7 @@
 			Real y = b->state->pos[1];
 			Real z = b->state->pos[2];
-			flow->T[currentTes].insert(x, y, z, rad, id);
+			flow->T[flow->currentTes].insert(x, y, z, rad, id);
@@ -267,18 +278,17 @@
 	flow->x_min = 1000.0, flow->x_max = -10000.0, flow->y_min = 1000.0, flow->y_max = -10000.0, flow->z_min = 1000.0, flow->z_max = -10000.0;
-// 	flow->currentTes=!currentTes;
-	currentTes=!currentTes;
-	flow->currentTes=currentTes;
+	flow->currentTes=!flow->currentTes;
+	currentTes = flow->currentTes;
-	flow->T[currentTes].Clear();
+	flow->T[flow->currentTes].Clear();
 	Triangulate ( ncb );
 	AddBoundary ( ncb );
 // 	flow->Tesselate();
-	flow->T[currentTes].Compute();
+	flow->T[flow->currentTes].Compute();
 // 	flow->Fictious_cells();
@@ -290,18 +300,18 @@
 // 	flow->Sample_Permeability ( t2.Triangulation(), x_min, x_max, z_min, z_max, y_max, y_min );
-	flow->Interpolate ( flow->T[!currentTes], flow->T[currentTes] );
-// 	currentTes = !currentTes;
-// 	flow->T[currentTes] = flow->T[currentTes];
-// 	t2 = flow->T[!currentTes];
+	flow->Interpolate ( flow->T[!flow->currentTes], flow->T[flow->currentTes] );
+// 	flow->currentTes = !flow->currentTes;
+// 	flow->T[flow->currentTes] = flow->T[flow->currentTes];
+// 	t2 = flow->T[!flow->currentTes];
 void FlowEngine::Initialize_volumes ( Scene* ncb )
-	CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
-	for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
+	CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
+	for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
 		switch ( cell->info().fictious() )
@@ -319,8 +329,8 @@
 	cout << "Updating volumes.............." << endl;
 	Real deltaT = ncb->dt;
-	CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
-	for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
+	CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
+	for ( CGT::Finite_cells_iterator cell = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ )
 		switch ( cell->info().fictious() )

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp	2010-02-19 13:31:48 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp	2010-03-01 17:55:59 +0000
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@
 					((double,permeability_factor,1.0,"a permability multiplicator"))
 					((Real,loadFactor,1.5,"Load multiplicator for oedometer test"))
 					((bool,unload,false,"Remove the load in oedometer test"))
+					((double, K, 0, "Permeability of the sample"))
+					((bool, ComputeFlow, 1,"If false only triangulation is done, if true flow problem is solved"))
+					((double, MaxPressure, 0, "Maximal value of water pressure within the sample"))
+					((double, currentStress, 0, "Current value of normal stress"))
 					((bool,tess_based_force,true,"true=force computation based on tessalation, false=force computation based on triangulation")));