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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2085: fix bug in utils.py; consistent signs in ViscoelasticPM


revno: 2085
committer: Sergei D. <sega@think>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Wed 2010-03-17 22:04:09 +0300
  fix bug in utils.py; consistent signs in ViscoelasticPM


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/meta/ViscoelasticPM.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/meta/ViscoelasticPM.cpp	2009-12-13 20:11:31 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/meta/ViscoelasticPM.cpp	2010-03-17 19:04:09 +0000
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
 	//Vector3r _c1x_	=  geom->radius1*geom->normal;
 	//Vector3r _c2x_	= -geom->radius2*geom->normal;
 	//Vector3r relativeVelocity		= (de2->velocity+de2->angularVelocity.Cross(_c2x_)) - (de1->velocity+de1->angularVelocity.Cross(_c1x_));
-	Vector3r relativeVelocity = (de2.vel+de2.angVel.Cross(c2x)) - (de1.vel+de1.angVel.Cross(c1x));
+	Vector3r relativeVelocity = (de1.vel+de1.angVel.Cross(c1x)) - (de2.vel+de2.angVel.Cross(c2x)) ;
 	Real normalVelocity	= geom.normal.Dot(relativeVelocity);
 	Vector3r shearVelocity	= relativeVelocity-normalVelocity*geom.normal;
-	shearForce -= (phys.ks*dt+phys.cs)*shearVelocity;
+	shearForce = (phys.ks*dt+phys.cs)*shearVelocity;
-	phys.normalForce = ( phys.kn * geom.penetrationDepth - phys.cn * normalVelocity ) * geom.normal;
+	phys.normalForce = ( phys.kn * geom.penetrationDepth + phys.cn * normalVelocity ) * geom.normal;
 	phys.prevNormal = geom.normal;
 	Real maxFs = phys.normalForce.SquaredLength() * std::pow(phys.tangensOfFrictionAngle,2);

=== modified file 'py/utils.py'
--- py/utils.py	2010-03-15 14:35:44 +0000
+++ py/utils.py	2010-03-17 19:04:09 +0000
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
 	return b
-def facetBox(center,extents,orientation=Quaternion.IDENTITY,wallMask=63,**kw):
+def facetBox(center,extents,orientation=Quaternion().IDENTITY,wallMask=63,**kw):
 	Create arbitrarily-aligned box composed of facets, with given center, extents and orientation.
 	If any of the box dimensions is zero, corresponding facets will not be created. The facets are oriented outwards from the box.