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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2152: - Remove unused unregistered engine.


revno: 2152
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bchareyre@r1arduina>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Sun 2010-04-18 19:45:38 +0200
  - Remove unused unregistered engine.


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=== removed file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/HydraulicForceEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/HydraulicForceEngine.cpp	2010-03-20 12:40:44 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/HydraulicForceEngine.cpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-*  Copyright (C) 2004 by Andrea Cortis & Bruno Chareyre                  *
-*  acortis@xxxxxxx,   bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx                         *
-*                                                                        *
-*  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  *
-*  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
-#include "HydraulicForceEngine.hpp"
-#include <yade/core/Scene.hpp>
-#include <yade/core/Body.hpp>
-#include <yade/pkg-dem/CohesiveFrictionalMat.hpp>
-#include <vector>
-#include "HydraulicForceEngine.hpp"
-#include <yade/pkg-dem/Shop.hpp>
-vector<Real> initialPositions;
-HydraulicForceEngine::HydraulicForceEngine() : gravity(Vector3r::ZERO), isActivated(true)
-	dummyParameter = false;
-	HFinverted = false;
-	savePositions = 1;
-	outputFile = "positions.dat";
-	inputFile = "forces.dat";
-	HFinversion_counter = 1000;
-	forceFactor = 1;
-void HydraulicForceEngine::action()
-    if (isActivated)
-    {
-        shared_ptr<BodyContainer>& bodies = scene->bodies;
-        ///This commented is to artificially remove eroded (i.e. bond-breaked) grains by applying a force moving them away
-//cerr << "HFinverted " << HFinverted << " Omega::instance().getTimeStep() " << Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() << endl;
-//         if (HFinversion_counter < (Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() - 1500))
-//         {
-//         //cerr << "HFinverted " << HFinverted << " HFinversion_counter " << HFinversion_counter << endl;
-//             HFinversion_counter = Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration();
-//             HFinverted = !HFinverted;
-// //             initialPositions.clear();
-// //             for (int i =0; i < initialPositions.size(); ++i)
-// //             {
-// //             	initialPositions[i-6] = (static_cast<CohesiveFrictionalMat*> (b->physicalParameters.get()))->se3.position[1];
-// //             	
-// //             }
-//         }
-        if (HFinverted)
-        {
-            BodyContainer::iterator bi    = bodies->begin();
-            BodyContainer::iterator biEnd = bodies->end();
-            for ( ; bi!=biEnd ; ++bi )
-            {
-                shared_ptr<Body> b = *bi;
-                if (b->shape && b->shape->getClassName()=="Sphere")
-                {
-                    //cerr << "translate it" << endl;
-                    if ((static_cast<CohesiveFrictionalMat*> (b->material.get()))->isBroken == true)
-                    {
-								scene->forces.addForce(b->getId(),Vector3r(0,5,0));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            long Nspheres;
-            long id;
-	    Real temp;
-	    Real realID;
-            Real fx, fy, fz, mx, my, mz;
-            ifstream file (inputFile.c_str());
-	    ofstream ofile (outputFile.c_str());
-            //cerr << "r = " << R << endl;
-            if (file.is_open())
-            {
-		file >> realID >> temp >> temp>> temp>> temp>> temp>> temp;
-		Nspheres = realID; 
-		cerr << "Nspheres" << Nspheres << endl;
-		initialPositions.resize(Nspheres);
-		for (long i=6; i<Nspheres+6; ++i)
-		{
-			file >> realID >> fx >> fy >> fz >> mx >> my >> mz;
-			id = realID;
-                	id = i;
-		#endif
-                    Vector3r f (fx,fy,fz);
-                    Vector3r t (mx,my,mz);
-		    f*=forceFactor;
-		    t*=forceFactor;
-// 		    cerr << "f=" << f << " on " << id << endl;
-                    //f /= -10000;
-                    //t *= 0;
-						  	scene->forces.addForce(id,f);
-							scene->forces.addTorque(id,t);
-                }
-		file.close();
-            }
-            else cerr << "problem opening the file with hydraulic forces" << endl;
-	    if (savePositions)
-	    	{Shop::saveSpheresToFile(outputFile.c_str()); savePositions = false;}//only once
-	    #else
-	    {
-		    const shared_ptr<Scene>& rootBody=Omega::instance().getScene();
-		    ofstream f(outputFile.c_str());
-		    if(!f.good()) throw runtime_error("Unable to open file `"+outputFile+"'");
-		    FOREACH(shared_ptr<Body> b, *rootBody->bodies){
-			    if (!b->isDynamic) continue;
-			    shared_ptr<Sphere>	intSph=dynamic_pointer_cast<Sphere>(b->shape);
-			    if(!intSph) continue;
-			    const Vector3r& pos=b->state->pos;
-			    f<< b->getId()<<" "<<pos[0]<<" "<<pos[1]<<" "<<pos[2]<<" "<<intSph->radius<<endl; // <<" "<<1<<" "<<1<<endl;
-		    }
-		    f.close();
-	    }
-	    #endif
-        }
-//         BodyContainer::iterator bi    = bodies->begin();
-//         BodyContainer::iterator biEnd = bodies->end();
-//         for ( ; bi!=biEnd ; ++bi )
-//         {
-//             shared_ptr<Body> b = *bi;
-//             /* skip bodies that are within a clump;
-//              * even if they are marked isDynamic==false, forces applied to them are passed to the clump, which is dynamic;
-//              * and since clump is a body with mass equal to the sum of masses of its components, it would have gravity applied twice.
-//              *
-//              * The choice is to skip (b->isClumpMember()) or (b->isClump()). We rather skip members,
-//              * since that will apply smaller number of forces and (theoretically) improve numerical stability ;-) */
-//             if (b->isClumpMember()) continue;
-//           //  cerr << "particle id = "<< b->getId() << endl;
-//          //   cout << "cout version" << endl;
-//             ParticleParameters* p = dynamic_cast<ParticleParameters*>(b->physicalParameters.get());
-//             //if (p)
-// //             if (b->getId() == 67)
-// //             {
-// //             	static_cast<Force*>( scene->physicalActions->find( b->getId() , actionParameterForce->getClassIndex() ).get() )->force += Vector3r((Real) -100000,(Real) 0,(Real) 0);
-// //             }
-//             //static_cast<Force*>( scene->physicalActions->find( b->getId() , actionParameterForce->getClassIndex() ).get() )->force += gravity * p->mass;
-//         }
-    }

=== removed file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/HydraulicForceEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/HydraulicForceEngine.hpp	2010-03-20 12:40:44 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/HydraulicForceEngine.hpp	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-*  Copyright (C) 2004 by Andrea Cortis & Bruno Chareyre                  *
-*  acortis@xxxxxxx,   bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx                         *
-*                                                                        *
-*  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  *
-*  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
-#pragma once
-class HydraulicForceEngine : public PartialEngine 
-	public :
-		Vector3r gravity;
-		bool isActivated;
-		bool dummyParameter;
-		bool HFinverted;
-		bool savePositions;
-		string outputFile;
-		string inputFile;
-		int HFinversion_counter;
-		Real forceFactor;
-		HydraulicForceEngine();
-		virtual ~HydraulicForceEngine();
-		virtual void action();
-	REGISTER_ATTRIBUTES(PartialEngine,(gravity)(isActivated)(dummyParameter)(HFinverted)(savePositions)(outputFile)(inputFile)(HFinversion_counter)(forceFactor));
-	REGISTER_CLASS_NAME(HydraulicForceEngine);