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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2185: py wrapping for shop::getSpheresVolume(). Used e.g. for computing porosity in a periodic cell.


revno: 2185
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bchareyre@r1arduina>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Mon 2010-04-26 18:09:18 +0200
  py wrapping for shop::getSpheresVolume(). Used e.g. for computing porosity in a periodic cell.


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=== modified file 'py/_utils.cpp'
--- py/_utils.cpp	2010-04-25 13:18:11 +0000
+++ py/_utils.cpp	2010-04-26 16:09:18 +0000
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
 Real PWaveTimeStep(){return Shop::PWaveTimeStep();};
+Real getSpheresVolume(){ return Shop::getSpheresVolume(); }
 Real elasticEnergyInAABB(py::tuple Aabb){
 	Vector3r bbMin=py::extract<Vector3r>(Aabb[0])(), bbMax=py::extract<Vector3r>(Aabb[1])();
@@ -413,6 +414,7 @@
 	py::def("PWaveTimeStep",PWaveTimeStep,"Get timestep accoring to the velocity of P-Wave propagation; computed from sphere radii, rigidities and masses.");
+	py::def("getSpheresVolume",getSpheresVolume,"Compute the total volume of spheres in the simulation (might crash for now if dynamic bodies are not spheres)");
 	py::def("aabbExtrema",aabbExtrema,(py::arg("cutoff")=0.0,py::arg("centers")=false),"Return coordinates of box enclosing all bodies\n\n:Parameters:\n\tcenters : bool\n\t\tdo not take sphere radii in account, only their centroids\n\tcutoff : float ∈〈0…1〉\n\t\trelative dimension by which the box will be cut away at its boundaries.\n\n\n:return: (lower corner, upper corner) as (Vector3,Vector3)\n\n");
 	py::def("ptInAABB",ptInAABB,"Return True/False whether the point (3-tuple) p is within box given by its min (3-tuple) and max (3-tuple) corners");
 	py::def("negPosExtremeIds",negPosExtremeIds,negPosExtremeIds_overloads(py::args("axis","distFactor"),"Return list of ids for spheres (only) that are on extremal ends of the specimen along given axis; distFactor multiplies their radius so that sphere that do not touch the boundary coordinate can also be returned."));

=== modified file 'py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp'
--- py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp	2010-04-26 13:58:23 +0000
+++ py/yadeWrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp	2010-04-26 16:09:18 +0000
@@ -361,8 +361,6 @@
-	// double getSpheresVolume(){ return Shop::getSpheresVolume(); }
 	python::list miscParams_get(){
 		python::list ret;
@@ -518,7 +516,6 @@
 		.def("saveTmp",&pyOmega::saveTmp,(python::args("mark")=""),"Save simulation to memory (disappears at shutdown), can be loaded later with loadTmp. *mark* optionally distinguishes different memory-saved simulations.")
 		.def("tmpToFile",&pyOmega::tmpToFile,(python::arg("fileName"),python::arg("mark")=""),"Save XML of :yref:`saveTmp<Omega.saveTmp>`'d simulation into *fileName*.")
 		.def("tmpToString",&pyOmega::tmpToString,(python::arg("mark")=""),"Return XML of :yref:`saveTmp<Omega.saveTmp>`'d simulation as string.")
-		//.def("getSpheresVolume",&pyOmega::getSpheresVolume,"Compute the total volume of spheres in the simulation (might crash for now if dynamic bodies are not spheres)")
 		.def("run",&pyOmega::run,(python::arg("nSteps")=-1,python::arg("wait")=false),"Run the simulation. *nSteps* how many steps to run, then stop (if positive); *wait* will cause not returning to python until simulation will have stopped.")
 		.def("pause",&pyOmega::pause,"Stop simulation execution. (May be called from within the loop, and it will stop after the current step).")
 		.def("step",&pyOmega::step,"Advance the simulation by one step. Returns after the step will have finished.")

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