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Re: Different results with different number of threads


> Here https://bugs.launchpad.net/yade/+bug/394687/comments/26
> You said:
> "...Just that everybody knows now that slightly different results are
> OK with openMP (different addition order, hence different rounding; if
> damping!=0, that can make very different results) and it is not a
> bug."
> Could you not explain in a couple of words, why? 
> Can we do something with that?

I thought we've discussed that several times.

In finite precision computations, the order of summation can make the
result different at least sinificant places; try this in python (will be
the same in c++):


you will get


In parallel computation, forces generated by interaction are assigned to
bodies in quasi-random order. Therefore summary force F on body can be
different between single-threaded and multi-threaded, and it can also be
different for different runs of multi-threaded computation depending on
exact thread scheduling by the kernel (inpredictable).

Cundall's damping changes acceleration on body a=F/m to 

ai'=ai(1-d*sgn(Fi*(vi+.5*Δt*ai)), i∈{x,y,z}

where F is force on body, vi is velocity at (t+Δt/2), a is acceleration
at (t), d is dimensionless damping coefficient (say 0.4). The sgn()
function is dicontinuous around zero, therefore there is some (small) ε
that in case |(vi+.5*Δt*ai)|<ε, will make the value of sgn()
arbitrarily ±1, leading non-deterministically to one of


Therefore the rounding "error" at least significant places can lead to
immediate macroscopic effect. 

Note: this is different from integration schemes where little change in
initial conditions makes big difference due to high sensitivity of
continuous equations (e.g. fractals); the equation involved here is
really discontinuous.

I will put it to docs somewhere.


Follow ups
