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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2254: Add tangential values for the stiffnesses in HM law so that GSTS can be used (anyway contact forc...


revno: 2254
committer: Chiara Modenese <chia@engs-018373>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Tue 2010-05-25 14:55:40 +0100
  Add tangential values for the stiffnesses in HM law so that GSTS can be used (anyway contact forces are computed from the secant stiffness values to avoid numerical approximations). Avoid to store trialFs to the physics functor as it is already referenced. Correct a banal mistake in failure criterion.


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/HertzMindlin.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/HertzMindlin.cpp	2010-05-13 20:19:38 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/GlobalEngine/HertzMindlin.cpp	2010-05-25 13:55:40 +0000
@@ -48,9 +48,10 @@
 	Real Gb = Eb/(2*(1+Vb));
 	Real G = (Ga+Gb)/2; // average of shear modulus
 	Real V = (Va+Vb)/2; // average of poisson's ratio
-	Real R = 2*Da*Db/(Da+Db); // harmonic average of the radii
-	Real Kno = 2*G*Mathr::Sqrt(2*R)/(3*(1-V)); // coefficient for normal stiffness
-	Real Kso = 2*std::pow((std::pow(G,2)*3*(1-V)*R),1/3)/(2-V); // coefficient for shear stiffness
+	Real E = Ea*Eb/((1.-std::pow(Va,2.0))*Eb+(1.-std::pow(Vb,2.0))*Ea); // Young modulus
+	Real R = Da*Db/(Da+Db); // equivalent radius
+	Real Kno = 4./3.*E*std::pow(R,0.5); // coefficient for normal stiffness
+	Real Kso = 2*sqrt(4*R)*G/(2-V); // coefficient for shear stiffness
 	Real frictionAngle = std::min(fa,fb);
@@ -81,23 +82,24 @@
 	/*** NORMAL FORCE ***/
 	Real uN = scg->penetrationDepth; // get overlapping  
 	if (uN<0) {ncb->interactions->requestErase(contact->getId1(),contact->getId2()); return;}
-	/*** Hertz-Mindlin's formulation (PFC) ***/
-	phys->kn = phys->kno*Mathr::Sqrt(uN); // normal stiffness
-	Real Fn = phys->kn*uN; // normal Force (scalar)
+	/* Hertz-Mindlin's formulation (PFC)
+	Note that the normal stiffness here is a secant value (so as it is cannot be used in the GSTS)
+	In the first place we get the normal force and then we store kn to be passed to the GSTS */
+	Real Fn = phys->kno*std::pow(uN,1.5);// normal Force (scalar)
 	phys->normalForce = Fn*scg->normal; // normal Force (vector)
+	phys->kn = 3./2.*phys->kno*std::pow(uN,0.5); // here we store the value of kn to compute the time step
 	/*** SHEAR FORCE ***/
-	phys->ks = phys->kso*std::pow(Fn,1/3); // normal stiffness
+	phys->ks = phys->kso*std::pow(uN,0.5); // get tangential stiffness (this is a tangent value, so we can pass it to the GSTS)
 	Vector3r& trialFs = phys->shearForce;
   	scg->updateShearForce(trialFs, phys->ks, phys->prevNormal, de1, de2, dt, preventGranularRatcheting);
 	/*** MOHR-COULOMB LAW ***/
-	Real maxFs = phys->normalForce.squaredNorm();
+	Real maxFs = phys->normalForce.squaredNorm()*std::pow(phys->tangensOfFrictionAngle,2);
 	if (trialFs.squaredNorm() > maxFs)
 	{Real ratio = Mathr::Sqrt(maxFs)/trialFs.norm(); trialFs *= ratio;}
-	phys->shearForce = trialFs; // store shearForce now that is at the actual value
 	/*** APPLY FORCES ***/