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Re: updateShear in ScGeom


Hi Chiara,

I see that in ElasticContactLaw if one wants to use the function 
updateShear of ScGeom, velocities are not shifted there so eventually 
it would not be compatible with pbc.
Any reason why you did not shift the velocities also there? I ask that 
because I need the total shear displacement value and the pbc as well. 
Could not we create another version of the function updateShear for 
pbc exactly as you did for rotateAndGetShear? I can do it for you if 
you agree and if it makes sense.
You can rotate the total shear displacement using the same 
rotateAndGetShear. You just feed it with disp. instead of force (I 
mentionned that in code documentation).
>Could not we add the part relative to the moment rotational law 
somewhere in ScGeom?
I'd prefer not. Better derive a class inheriting for ScGeom and add what 
you need in this class. All code working with ScGeom will work exactly 
the same (since B "inherits from" A means, B "is a" A).
ScGeom should contain only what is needed for elastic-frictional 
behaviour, i.e. radii, normal, prevNormal, and penetrationDepth. Nothing 
Adding orientation data would probably multiply the size of interactions 
in memory by a factor 3.
In CohFric law, this extra data is in fact in interaction physics, but 
it would be more consistent to put it in some Ig class. This is the 
concept behind Dem3Dof vs Dem6Dof.

Follow ups
