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cannot find -lqglviewer-qt3 Ubuntu 8.10 (amd 64)


Hello, everyone

these days I plan to move my simulation to the latest version yade0.50.
when I installed yade0.50, it said 'cannot find -lqglviewer-qt3'.
I used 'sudo aptitude install libqglviewer-qt3-dev', but Couldn't find
any package whose name or description matched "libqglviewer-qt3-dev".
My system is Ubuntu 8.10 (amd 64) and I also added the repository as
https://launchpad.net/~yade-users/+archive/external, but it still has
this problem.
I saw a thread as follow, is that mean yade0.50 can not be installed in
Ubuntu 8.10 (amd 64)?
(from [Yade-dev] [Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2281: 1. Remove attic
(use bzr co lp:yade -r2280 to get it))
> This is not supposed to apply for 8.04, is it?
It doesn't, that's right. libqglviewer cannot be compiled with 8.04 (at
least not as it is packaged), since 8.04 lacks the libqt4-opengl-dev

Václav Šmilauer
--------------------------------------------------------install yade0.50

jchen@jturnmir-desktop:~/yade-0.50$ scons PREFIX=/home/jchen/YADE1
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
@@@ Using profile default (scons.profile-default) @@@
Yade version is `0.50' (0.50), installed files will be suffixed with
All intermediary files will be in `/home/jchen/build-0.50'.
Checking whether c++ compiler "g++" works...yes
Finding libstdc++ library... (cached) /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-
Checking for pthread_exit(NULL) in C library pthread... yes
Checking for boost::system::error_code(); /* non-essential */ in C++
library boost_system-mt... no
Checking for boost::system::error_code(); /* non-essential */ in C++
library boost_system... no
Checking for boost::thread() in C++ library boost_thread-mt... yes
Checking for boost::posix_time::time_duration() in C++ library
boost_date_time-mt... yes
Checking for boost::filesystem::path() in C++ library boost_filesystem-
mt... yes
Checking for boost::iostreams::file_sink("") in C++ library
boost_iostreams-mt... yes
Checking for boost::regex("") in C++ library boost_regex-mt... yes
Checking for try{} catch (const boost::archive::archive_exception& e) {}
in C++ library boost_serialization-mt... yes
Checking for boost::program_options::options_description o in C++
library boost_program_options-mt... yes
Checking for C++ header file boost/foreach.hpp... yes
Checking for sqlite3_close(0L) in C++ library sqlite3... yes
Checking for Python development files... yes
Checking for python module `IPython' ...(cached) yes
Checking for boost::python::scope() in C++ library boost_python-mt...
Checking for C++ header file numpy/ndarrayobject.h... yes
Checking for C++ header file Eigen/Core... yes
Checking for glutGetModifiers() in C++ library glut... yes
Checking for qt-mt in /usr/share/qt3... yes
Checking for QGLViewer() in C++ library qglviewer... yes
Checking for vtkInstantiator::New() in C++ library vtkCommon... yes
Checking for gts_object_class() in C++ library gts... yes
Checking for log4cxx::Logger::getLogger("") in C++ library log4cxx...
scons: done reading SConscript files.
scons: Building targets ...
⇒ /home/jchen/YADE1/bin/yade-0.50-multi
Chmod("/home/jchen/YADE1/bin/yade-0.50-multi", 0755)
⇒ /home/jchen/YADE1/bin/yade-0.50
Chmod("/home/jchen/YADE1/bin/yade-0.50", 0755)
/usr/share/qt3/bin/uic -o
/usr/share/qt3/bin/uic -o
/usr/share/qt3/bin/uic -o
/usr/share/qt3/bin/uic -o
U gui/qt3/YadeQtGeneratedMainWindow.ui
C gui/qt3/FileDialog.cpp
L libyade-opengl.so
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqglviewer-qt3
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
scons: *** [/home/jchen/build-0.50/lib/libyade-opengl.so] Error 1
In file included from /home/jchen/build-0.50/core/core.cpp:23:
/usr/include/boost/date_time/gregorian_calendar.ipp: In function
/usr/include/boost/date_time/gregorian_calendar.ipp:122: note:
unsigned int, 1400u, 10000u, boost::gregorian::bad_year> >::value_' was
declared here
scons: building terminated because of errors.
This message was sent from Launchpad by the user
Jingsong Chen (https://launchpad.net/~chenjs923)
using the "Contact this team" link on the Yade developers team page.
For more information see

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