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Message #05145
[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2329: - Added function to compute average cell velocity
revno: 2329
committer: ecatalano <ecatalano@dt-rv019>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Thu 2010-07-08 11:11:42 +0200
- Added function to compute average cell velocity
- Added function to apply sinusoidal external fluid pressures
Your team Yade developers is subscribed to branch lp:yade.
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=== modified file 'lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp'
--- lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp 2010-06-17 12:30:19 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.cpp 2010-07-08 09:11:42 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 by Emanuele Catalano <catalano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> *
+* *
+* This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the *
+* GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
#include "def_types.h"
#include "CGAL/constructions/constructions_on_weighted_points_cartesian_3.h"
@@ -7,7 +13,7 @@
#include <new>
#include <utility>
#include "vector"
+#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
@@ -23,12 +29,14 @@
#define FAST
+// #define USE_FAST_MATH 1
using namespace std;
namespace CGT
-const bool DEBUG_OUT = false;
+const bool DEBUG_OUT = true;
const double ONE_THIRD = 1.0/3.0;
@@ -78,6 +86,8 @@
distance_correction = true;
meanK_LIMIT = true;
meanK_STAT = false; K_opt_factor=0;
+ noCache=true;
+ computeAllCells=true;//might be turned false IF the code is reorganized (we can make a separate function to compute unitForceVectors outside Compute_Permeability) AND it really matters for CPU time
void FlowBoundingSphere::Compute_Action()
@@ -203,6 +213,122 @@
// }
+int FlowBoundingSphere::Average_Cell_Velocity(int id_sphere, RTriangulation& Tri)
+ Vecteur nullVect(0,0,0);
+ double pos_av_facet [3];
+ int num_cells = 0;
+ double facet_flow_rate;
+ std::ofstream oFile( "Average_Cells_Velocity",std::ios::app);
+ Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = Tri.finite_cells_end();
+ for (Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++) {
+ for (int h=0; h<3;h++) (cell->info().av_vel())[h]=0;}
+ Tesselation::Vector_Cell tmp_cells;
+ tmp_cells.resize(1000);
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id_sphere],cells_it);
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
+ {
+ num_cells++;
+ for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+// oFile << endl << "FACET " << i << " -------------" << endl;
+ for (int i2=0;i2<3;i2++) pos_av_facet[i2] = nullVect[i2];
+ for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
+ {
+ pos_av_facet[j] += ((*it)->vertex(facetVertices[i][j])->point().x())/3 + ((*it)->vertex(facetVertices[i][j])->point().y())/3 +
+ ((*it)->vertex(facetVertices[i][j])->point().z())/3;
+ }
+// oFile << "Average position = " ; for (int g=0; g<3; g++) oFile << pos_av_facet[g] << " "; oFile << endl;
+ facet_flow_rate = ((*it)->info().k_norm())[i] * abs((*it)->info().p() - (*it)->neighbor(Tri.mirror_index((*it), i))->info().p());
+// oFile << "Facet Flow Rate = " << facet_flow_rate << " (p1 = " << (*it)->info().p() << " ,p2 = " << (*it)->neighbor(Tri.mirror_index((*it), i))->info().p() << ", k = " << ((*it)->info().k_norm())[i] << ")." << endl;
+ for (int y=0;y<3;y++) pos_av_facet[y] = pos_av_facet[y]*facet_flow_rate;
+ for (int y2=0;y2<3;y2++)((*it)->info().av_vel())[y2] = ((*it)->info().av_vel())[y2] + pos_av_facet[y2];
+ }
+ for (int y2=0;y2<4;y2++) ((*it)->info().av_vel())[y2] = ((*it)->info().av_vel())[y2]/((*it)->info().volume());
+// oFile << "Volume = " << (*it)->info().volume() << endl;
+ oFile << ((*it)->info().av_vel())[0] << " " << ((*it)->info().av_vel())[1] << " " << ((*it)->info().av_vel())[2] << " Cell Pressure = " << (*it)->info().p() << endl;
+ }
+ oFile << endl << "Forces on grain = " << (T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id_sphere]->info().forces)[0] << " " << (T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id_sphere]->info().forces)[1] << " " << (T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id_sphere]->info().forces)[2] << " " << endl << endl;
+ oFile << "-----------------------------------------" << endl << endl << endl;
+ return num_cells;
+void FlowBoundingSphere::vtk_average_cell_velocity(RTriangulation &Tri, int id_sphere, int num_cells )
+ static unsigned int number = 0;
+ char filename[80];
+ mkdir("./VTK", S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
+ sprintf(filename,"./VTK/out_%d.vtk", number++);
+ basicVTKwritter vtkfile((unsigned int) 4*num_cells, (unsigned int) num_cells);
+ vtkfile.open(filename,"test");
+ Tesselation::Vector_Cell tmp_cells;
+ tmp_cells.resize(1000);
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id_sphere],cells_it);
+ vtkfile.begin_vertices();
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
+ {
+ for (int y2=0; y2<4; y2++){
+ double x,y,z;
+ x = (double)((*it)->vertex(y2)->point().point()[0]);
+ y = (double)((*it)->vertex(y2)->point().point()[1]);
+ z = (double)((*it)->vertex(y2)->point().point()[2]);
+ vtkfile.write_point(x,y,z);}
+ }
+ vtkfile.end_vertices();
+ vtkfile.begin_cells();
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
+ {
+ vtkfile.write_cell((*it)->vertex(0)->info().id()-id_offset, (*it)->vertex(1)->info().id()-id_offset, (*it)->vertex(2)->info().id()-id_offset, (*it)->vertex(3)->info().id()-id_offset);
+ }
+ vtkfile.end_cells();
+// vtkfile.begin_data("Force",POINT_DATA,SCALARS,FLOAT);
+// vtkfile.write_data((T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id_sphere]->info().forces)[1]);
+// vtkfile.end_data();
+ vtkfile.begin_data("Velocity",CELL_DATA,SCALARS,FLOAT);
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
+ {
+ vtkfile.write_data((*it)->info().av_vel()[1]);
+ }
+ vtkfile.end_data();
+void FlowBoundingSphere::ApplySinusoidalPressure(RTriangulation& Tri, double Pressure, double load_intervals)
+ double step = 1/load_intervals;
+ Tesselation::Vector_Cell tmp_cells;
+ tmp_cells.resize(1000);
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
+ for (double alpha=0; alpha<1.001; alpha+=step)
+ {
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[y_max_id],cells_it);
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
+ {
+ if(!Tri.is_infinite(*it)){
+ Point& p1 = (*it)->info();
+ Cell_handle& cell = *it;
+ if (p1.x()>(alpha*(x_max-x_min)) && p1.x()<((alpha+step)*(x_max-x_min))){cell->info().p() = Pressure+cos(alpha*M_PI)*(Pressure);}
+ }
+ }
+ }
void FlowBoundingSphere::Interpolate(Tesselation& Tes, Tesselation& NewTes)
Cell_handle old_cell;
@@ -266,7 +392,7 @@
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
neighbour_cell = cell->neighbor(j);
p2 = neighbour_cell->info();
- if (!Tri.is_infinite(neighbour_cell) && neighbour_cell->info().isvisited==ref) {
+ if (!Tri.is_infinite(neighbour_cell) && (neighbour_cell->info().isvisited==ref || computeAllCells)) {
Rhv = Compute_HydraulicRadius(Tri, cell, j);
if (Rhv<0) NEG++;
@@ -379,7 +505,7 @@
Real Vtotale = (x_max-x_min) * (y_max-y_min) * (z_max-z_min);
if (DEBUG_OUT) {
- cout<<grains<<"grains - " <<"Vtotale = " << Vtotale << " Vgrains = " << Vgrains << " Vporale1 = " << Vtotale-Vgrains << endl;
+ cout<<grains<<"grains - " <<"Vtotale = " << 2*Vtotale << " Vgrains = " << 2*Vgrains << " Vporale1 = " << 2*(Vtotale-Vgrains) << endl;
cout << "Vtotalissimo = " << Vtotalissimo << " Vsolid_tot = " << Vsolid_tot << " Vporale2 = " << Vporale << " Ssolid_tot = " << Ssolid_tot << endl<< endl;
@@ -471,24 +597,101 @@
for (int y=0; y<3;y++) {
cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces = cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces + Facet_Force*cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][y]/* + (cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().isFictious ? 0 : facetNormal*(neighbour_cell->info().p()-cell->info().p())*crossSections[j][y])*/;
if (!cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().isFictious)
- cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces = cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces +
- facetNormal*(neighbour_cell->info().p()-cell->info().p())*crossSections[j][y];
+ {cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces = cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces +
+ facetNormal*(neighbour_cell->info().p()-cell->info().p())*crossSections[j][y];}
+ //Conclusion, we can't easily get ordered vertices from mirror facet...
+// for (int y=0; y<3;y++) {
+// int id1 = cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().id();
+// int id2 = neighbour_cell->vertex(facetVertices[Tri.mirror_index(cell,j)][y])->info().id();
+// cerr <<"id1/id2 : "<<id1<<" "<<id2<<endl;}
- cout << "Facet scheme" <<endl;
- Vecteur TotalForce = nullVect;
- for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
- if (!v->info().isFictious) {
- TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
- if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "real_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
- } else {
- if (boundary(v->info().id()).flowCondition==1) TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
- if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "fictious_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
- }
- }
- cout << "TotalForce = "<< TotalForce << endl;
+ cout << "Facet scheme" <<endl;
+ Vecteur TotalForce = nullVect;
+ for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
+ if (!v->info().isFictious) {
+ TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
+// if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "real_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
+ } else {
+ if (boundary(v->info().id()).flowCondition==1) TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
+ if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "fictious_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ cout << "TotalForce = "<< TotalForce << endl;
+void FlowBoundingSphere::ComputeFacetForcesWithCache()
+ RTriangulation& Tri = T[currentTes].Triangulation();
+ Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = Tri.finite_cells_end();
+ Vecteur nullVect(0,0,0);
+ bool ref = Tri.finite_cells_begin()->info().isvisited;
+ //reset forces
+ for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) v->info().forces=nullVect;
+ Cell_handle neighbour_cell;
+ Vertex_handle mirror_vertex;
+ Vecteur tempVect;
+ if (noCache) for (Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++) {
+ //reset cache
+ for (int k=0;k<4;k++) cell->info().unitForceVectors[k]=nullVect;
+ for (int j=0; j<4; j++) if (!Tri.is_infinite(cell->neighbor(j))) {
+ neighbour_cell = cell->neighbor(j);
+ const Vecteur& Surfk = cell->info().facetSurfaces[j];
+ //FIXME : later compute that fluidSurf only once in hydraulicRadius, for now keep full surface not modified in cell->info for comparison with other forces schemes
+ //The ratio void surface / facet surface
+ Real area = sqrt(Surfk.squared_length());
+ Vecteur facetNormal = Surfk/area;
+ const std::vector<Vecteur>& crossSections = cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections;
+ Real fluidSurfRatio = (area-crossSections[j][0]-crossSections[j][1]-crossSections[j][2])/area;
+ Vecteur fluidSurfk = cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]*fluidSurfRatio;
+ /// handle fictious vertex since we can get the projected surface easily here
+ if (cell->vertex(j)->info().isFictious) {
+ Real projSurf=abs(Surfk[boundary(cell->vertex(j)->info().id()).coordinate]);
+ tempVect=-projSurf*boundary(cell->vertex(j)->info().id()).normal;
+ cell->vertex(j)->info().forces = cell->vertex(j)->info().forces+tempVect*cell->info().p();
+ //define the cached value for later use with cache*p
+ cell->info().unitForceVectors[j]=cell->info().unitForceVectors[j]+ tempVect;
+ }
+ /// Apply weighted forces f_k=sqRad_k/sumSqRad*f
+ Vecteur Facet_Unit_Force = -fluidSurfk*cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][3];
+ Vecteur Facet_Force = cell->info().p()*Facet_Unit_Force;
+ for (int y=0; y<3;y++) {
+ cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces = cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces + Facet_Force*cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][y];
+ //add to cached value
+ cell->info().unitForceVectors[facetVertices[j][y]]=cell->info().unitForceVectors[facetVertices[j][y]]+Facet_Unit_Force*cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][y];
+ if (!cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().isFictious) {
+ cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces = cell->vertex(facetVertices[j][y])->info().forces -facetNormal*cell->info().p()*crossSections[j][y];
+ //add to cached value
+ cell->info().unitForceVectors[facetVertices[j][y]]=cell->info().unitForceVectors[facetVertices[j][y]]-facetNormal*crossSections[j][y];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else //use cached values
+ for (Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++)
+ for (int yy=0;yy<4;yy++) cell->vertex(yy)->info().forces = cell->vertex(yy)->info().forces + cell->info().unitForceVectors[yy]*cell->info().p();
+ noCache=false;//cache should always be defined after execution of this function
+// cout << "Facet cached scheme" <<endl;
+// Vecteur TotalForce = nullVect;
+// for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v)
+// {
+// if (!v->info().isFictious) {
+// TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
+// if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "real_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
+// } else {
+// if (boundary(v->info().id()).flowCondition==1) TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
+// if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "fictious_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
+// }
+// }
+// cout << "TotalForce = "<< TotalForce << endl;
void FlowBoundingSphere::ComputeTetrahedralForces()
@@ -543,6 +746,7 @@
void FlowBoundingSphere::Compute_Forces()
RTriangulation& Tri = T[currentTes].Triangulation();
Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = Tri.finite_cells_end();
Vecteur nullVect(0,0,0);
@@ -575,8 +779,7 @@
V_fict = 0;
single_external_force = false, double_external_force=false, triple_external_force=false;
-// if (!cell->info().isInside) {
- if (cell->info().fictious()!=0){
+ if (!cell->info().isInside) {
for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
if (cell->vertex(i)->info().isFictious) {
@@ -585,11 +788,16 @@
switch (V_fict) {
- case(1) : single_external_force=true;break;
- case(2) : double_external_force=true;break;
- case(3) : triple_external_force=true;break;}
+ case(1) : single_external_force=true;
+ break;
+ case(2) : double_external_force=true;
+ break;
+ case(3) : triple_external_force=true;
+ break;
+ }
- p1 = cell->info(); Cell_Force = nullVect, Vertex_force = nullVect;
+ p1 = cell->info();
+ Cell_Force = nullVect, Vertex_force = nullVect;
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
neighbour_cell = cell->neighbor(j);
@@ -803,32 +1011,30 @@
if (!v->info().isFictious) {
// if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
+ if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "real_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
} else {
if (boundary(v->info().id()).flowCondition==1) TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
- if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "fictious_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
- }
+ if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "fictious_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;}
+ clock.top("tri/tess force calculation");
cout << "TotalForce = "<< TotalForce << endl;
- clock.top("tri/tess force calculation");
//reset forces
for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
-// if (DEBUG_OUT) {
- cout << "tetrahedral scheme" <<endl;
- TotalForce = nullVect;
- for (Finite_vertices_iterator v = Tri.finite_vertices_begin(); v != Tri.finite_vertices_end(); ++v) {
- if (!v->info().isFictious) {
-// if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
- TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
- } else {
- if (boundary(v->info().id()).flowCondition==1) TotalForce = TotalForce + v->info().forces;
- if (DEBUG_OUT) cout << "fictious_id = " << v->info().id() << " force = " << v->info().forces << endl;
- }
- }
- clock.top("facets force calculation");
- cout << "TotalForce = "<< TotalForce << endl;
+ clock.top("tetrahedral force calculation");
+ ComputeFacetForces();
+ clock.top("facets force calculation");
+ cerr<<"FIXME : we are computing forces 20x"<<endl;
+ for (int l=0;l<20;l++){//here, cash is ignored
+ noCache=true;
+ ComputeFacetForcesWithCache();}
+ clock.top("facets force without cache (x20)");
+ for (int l=0;l<20;l++) ComputeFacetForcesWithCache();//here we use cached values from the previous loop
+ clock.top("facets force with cache (x20)");
double FlowBoundingSphere::surface_external_triple_fictious(Cell_handle cell, Boundary b)
@@ -1191,7 +1397,7 @@
int fictious_vertex=0, real_vertex=0; //counts total fictious/real vertices
double Ssolid1=0, Ssolid1n=0, Ssolid2=0, Ssolid2n=0, Ssolid3=0, Ssolid3n=0, Ssolid=0;
- //solid portions within a pore, for cell () and neighbour_cell (+n). Ssolid total solid surface
+ //solid portions within a pore, for cell () and neighbour_cell (+n). Ssolid total solid surface
//bool fictious_solid = false;
@@ -1223,8 +1429,6 @@
if (fictious_vertex==2) {
double A [3], B[3], C[3];
@@ -1269,68 +1473,86 @@
} else cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetF2]=0;
- else {
- if (fictious_vertex==1) {
- SV1 = cell->vertex(F1);
- SV2 = cell->vertex(Re1);
- SV3 = cell->vertex(Re2);
- Vpore = volume_single_fictious_pore(SV1, SV2, SV3, p1,p2, cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]);
- Boundary &bi1 = boundary(SV1->info().id());
- if (bi1.flowCondition && !SLIP_ON_LATERALS) {
- Ssolid1 = abs(0.5*CGAL::cross_product(p1-p2, SV2->point()-SV3->point())[bi1.coordinate]);
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetF1]=Ssolid1;
- }
- Ssolid2 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
- Ssolid2n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV3->point(),p1, p2);
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetRe1]=Ssolid2+Ssolid2n;
- Ssolid3 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV2->point(),p1, p2);
- Ssolid3n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetRe2]=Ssolid3+Ssolid3n;
- } else {
- SV1 = W[0];
- SV2 = W[1];
- SV3 = W[2];
- cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]=0.5*CGAL::cross_product(SV1->point()-SV3->point(),SV2->point()-SV3->point());
- if (cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]*(p2-p1) > 0) cell->info().facetSurfaces[j] = -1.0*cell->info().facetSurfaces[j];
- Vtot = abs(ONE_THIRD*cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]*(p1-p2));
- Vsolid1=0;
- Vsolid2=0;
- for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
- Vsolid1 += spherical_triangle_volume(v[permut3[i][0]],v[permut3[i][1]],p1,p2);
- Vsolid2 += spherical_triangle_volume(v[permut3[i][0]],v[permut3[i][2]],p1,p2);
- }
- Vsolid = Vsolid1 + Vsolid2;
- Vsolid_tot += Vsolid;
- Vtotalissimo += Vtot;
- Vpore = Vtot - Vsolid;
- Vporale += Vpore;
- Ssolid1 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV1->point(), SV2->point(), p1, p2);
- Ssolid1n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV1->point(), SV3->point(), p1, p2);
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][0]=Ssolid1+Ssolid1n;
- Ssolid2 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
- Ssolid2n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV3->point(),p1, p2);
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][1]=Ssolid2+Ssolid2n;
- Ssolid3 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV2->point(),p1, p2);
- Ssolid3n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][2]=Ssolid3+Ssolid3n;
- }
- }
- Ssolid = Ssolid1+Ssolid1n+Ssolid2+Ssolid2n+Ssolid3+Ssolid3n;
- cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][3]=1.0/Ssolid;
- Ssolid_tot += Ssolid;
- //handle symmetry (tested ok)
- if (/*SLIP_ON_LATERALS &&*/ fictious_vertex>0) {
- //! Include a multiplier so that permeability will be K/2 or K/4 in symmetry conditions
- Real mult= fictious_vertex==1 ? multSym1 : multSym2;
- return Vpore/Ssolid*mult;
- }
+ else if (fictious_vertex==1) {
+ SV1 = cell->vertex(F1);
+ SV2 = cell->vertex(Re1);
+ SV3 = cell->vertex(Re2);
+ Vpore = volume_single_fictious_pore(SV1, SV2, SV3, p1,p2, cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]);
+ Boundary &bi1 = boundary(SV1->info().id());
+ if (bi1.flowCondition && !SLIP_ON_LATERALS) {
+ Ssolid1 = abs(0.5*CGAL::cross_product(p1-p2, SV2->point()-SV3->point())[bi1.coordinate]);
+ cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetF1]=Ssolid1;
+ }
+ Ssolid2 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
+ Ssolid2n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV3->point(),p1, p2);
+ cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetRe1]=Ssolid2+Ssolid2n;
+ Ssolid3 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV2->point(),p1, p2);
+ Ssolid3n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
+ cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][facetRe2]=Ssolid3+Ssolid3n;
+ } else {//fictious_vertex==0
+ SV1 = W[0];
+ SV2 = W[1];
+ SV3 = W[2];
+ cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]=0.5*CGAL::cross_product(SV1->point()-SV3->point(),SV2->point()-SV3->point());
+ if (cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]*(p2-p1) > 0) cell->info().facetSurfaces[j] = -1.0*cell->info().facetSurfaces[j];
+ Vtot = abs(ONE_THIRD*cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]*(p1-p2));
+ Vsolid1=0;
+ Vsolid2=0;
+ for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
+ Vsolid1 += spherical_triangle_volume(v[permut3[i][0]],v[permut3[i][1]],p1,p2);
+ Vsolid2 += spherical_triangle_volume(v[permut3[i][0]],v[permut3[i][2]],p1,p2);
+ }
+ Vsolid = Vsolid1 + Vsolid2;
+ Vsolid_tot += Vsolid;
+ Vtotalissimo += Vtot;
+ Vpore = Vtot - Vsolid;
+ Vporale += Vpore;
+ Ssolid1 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV1->point(), SV2->point(), p1, p2);
+ Ssolid1n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV1->point(), SV3->point(), p1, p2);
+ cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][0]=Ssolid1+Ssolid1n;
+ Ssolid2 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
+ Ssolid2n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV2->point(),SV3->point(),p1, p2);
+ cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][1]=Ssolid2+Ssolid2n;
+ Ssolid3 = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV2->point(),p1, p2);
+ Ssolid3n = fast_spherical_triangle_area(SV3->point(),SV1->point(),p1, p2);
+ cell->info().solidSurfaces[j][2]=Ssolid3+Ssolid3n;
+ }
+ //Compute and store the area of sphere-facet intersections for later use
+ //FIXME : code not compiling,, do the same as in "else"
+ assert((v[permut3[jj][1]]-v[permut3[jj][0]])*(v[permut3[jj][2]]-v[permut3[jj][0]])>=0 && (v[permut3[jj][1]]-v[permut3[jj][0]])*(v[permut3[jj][2]]-v[permut3[jj][0]])<=1);
+ for (int jj=0;jj<3;jj++)
+ cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][jj]=0.5*v[jj].weight()*Wm3::FastInvCos1((v[permut3[jj][1]]-v[permut3[jj][0]])*(v[permut3[jj][2]]-v[permut3[jj][0]]));
+ cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j]=Vecteur(
+ W[0]->info().isFictious ? 0 : 0.5*v[0].weight()*acos((v[1]-v[0])*(v[2]-v[0])/sqrt((v[1]-v[0]).squared_length()*(v[2]-v[0]).squared_length())),
+ W[1]->info().isFictious ? 0 : 0.5*v[1].weight()*acos((v[0]-v[1])*(v[2]-v[1])/sqrt((v[1]-v[0]).squared_length()*(v[2]-v[1]).squared_length())),
+ W[2]->info().isFictious ? 0 : 0.5*v[2].weight()*acos((v[0]-v[2])*(v[1]-v[2])/sqrt((v[1]-v[2]).squared_length()*(v[2]-v[0]).squared_length())));
+ //FIXME : cannot be done here because we are still comparing the different methods
+// if (FACET_BASED_FORCES) cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]=cell->info().facetSurfaces[j]*((facetSurfaces[j].length()-facetSphereCrossSections[j][0]-facetSphereCrossSections[j][1]-facetSphereCrossSections[j][2])/facetSurfaces[j].length());
+// if (DEBUG_OUT) std::cerr << "total facet surface "<< cell->info().facetSurfaces[j] << " with solid sectors : " << cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][0] << " " << cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][1] << " " << cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][2] << " difference "<<sqrt(cell->info().facetSurfaces[j].squared_length())-cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][0]-cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][2]-cell->info().facetSphereCrossSections[j][1]<<endl;
+Ssolid = Ssolid1+Ssolid1n+Ssolid2+Ssolid2n+Ssolid3+Ssolid3n;
+Ssolid_tot += Ssolid;
+//handle symmetry (tested ok)
+if (/*SLIP_ON_LATERALS &&*/ fictious_vertex>0)
+ //! Include a multiplier so that permeability will be K/2 or K/4 in symmetry conditions
+ Real mult= fictious_vertex==1 ? multSym1 : multSym2;
+ return Vpore/Ssolid*mult;
// cout << "Vpore " << Vpore << ", Ssolid "<<Ssolid<<endl;
- return Vpore/Ssolid;
+return Vpore/Ssolid;
double FlowBoundingSphere::dotProduct(Vecteur x, Vecteur y)
@@ -1604,41 +1826,67 @@
double Q2=0, Q1=0;
int cellQ1=0, cellQ2=0;
double p_out_max=0, p_out_min=100000, p_in_max=0, p_in_min=100000,p_out_moy=0, p_in_moy=0;
- bool first=false;
- Finite_cells_iterator cell_end = Tri.finite_cells_end();
- for (int bound=0; bound<6;bound++) {
- int& id = *boundsIds[bound];
- Boundary& bi = boundary(id);
- if (!bi.flowCondition) {
- Tesselation::Vector_Cell tmp_cells;
- tmp_cells.resize(1000);
- Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
- Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id],cells_it);
- for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
- {
- Cell_handle& cell = *it;
- if(!first){for (int j2=0; j2<4; j2++) {if (!cell->neighbor(j2)->info().Pcondition){
- Q1 = Q1 + (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().k_norm())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j2)]* (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p()-cell->info().p());
- cellQ1+=1;
- p_out_max = std::max(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_out_max);
- p_out_min = std::min(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_out_min);
- p_out_moy += cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p();}}}
- else {for (int j2=0; j2<4; j2++) {if (!cell->neighbor(j2)->info().Pcondition){
- Q2 = Q2 + (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().k_norm())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j2)]* (cell->info().p()-cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p());
- cellQ2+=1;
- p_in_max = std::max(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_in_max);
- p_in_min = std::min(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_in_min);
- p_in_moy += cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p();}}}
- }first=true;}
- }
- cout << "the maximum superior pressure is = " << p_in_max << " the min is = " << p_in_min << endl;
- cout << "the maximum inferior pressure is = " << p_out_max << " the min is = " << p_out_min << endl;
- cout << "superior average pressure is " << p_in_moy/cellQ2 << endl;
- cout << "inferior average pressure is " << p_out_moy/cellQ1 << endl;
- cout << "celle comunicanti in basso = " << cellQ1 << endl;
- cout << "celle comunicanti in alto = " << cellQ2 << endl;
+// bool first=false;
+ Tesselation::Vector_Cell tmp_cells;
+ tmp_cells.resize(1000);
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cell_up_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[y_max_id],cells_it);
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cell_up_end; it++)
+ {
+ Cell_handle& cell = *it;{for (int j2=0; j2<4; j2++) {if (!cell->neighbor(j2)->info().Pcondition){
+ Q1 = Q1 + (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().k_norm())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j2)]* (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p()-cell->info().p());
+ cellQ1+=1;
+ p_out_max = std::max(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_out_max);
+ p_out_min = std::min(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_out_min);
+ p_out_moy += cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p();}
+ }}}
+ Tesselation::VCell_iterator cell_down_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[y_min_id],cells_it);
+ for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cell_down_end; it++)
+ {
+ Cell_handle& cell = *it;{for (int j2=0; j2<4; j2++) {if (!cell->neighbor(j2)->info().Pcondition){
+ Q2 = Q2 + (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().k_norm())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j2)]* (cell->info().p()-cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p());
+ cellQ2+=1;
+ p_in_max = std::max(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_in_max);
+ p_in_min = std::min(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_in_min);
+ p_in_moy += cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p();}
+ }}}
+// for (int bound=0; bound<6;bound++) {
+// int& id = *boundsIds[bound];
+// Boundary& bi = boundary(id);
+// if (!bi.flowCondition) {
+// Tesselation::Vector_Cell tmp_cells;
+// tmp_cells.resize(1000);
+// Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_it = tmp_cells.begin();
+// Tesselation::VCell_iterator cells_end = Tri.incident_cells(T[currentTes].vertexHandles[id],cells_it);
+// for (Tesselation::VCell_iterator it = tmp_cells.begin(); it != cells_end; it++)
+// {
+// Cell_handle& cell = *it;
+// if(!first){for (int j2=0; j2<4; j2++) {if (!cell->neighbor(j2)->info().Pcondition){
+// Q1 = Q1 + (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().k_norm())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j2)]* (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p()-cell->info().p());
+// cellQ1+=1;
+// p_out_max = std::max(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_out_max);
+// p_out_min = std::min(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_out_min);
+// p_out_moy += cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p();}}}
+// else {for (int j2=0; j2<4; j2++) {if (!cell->neighbor(j2)->info().Pcondition){
+// Q2 = Q2 + (cell->neighbor(j2)->info().k_norm())[Tri.mirror_index(cell, j2)]* (cell->info().p()-cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p());
+// cellQ2+=1;
+// p_in_max = std::max(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_in_max);
+// p_in_min = std::min(cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p(), p_in_min);
+// p_in_moy += cell->neighbor(j2)->info().p();}}}
+// }first=true;}
+// }
+ cout << "the maximum superior pressure is = " << p_out_max << " the min is = " << p_in_min << endl;
+ cout << "the maximum inferior pressure is = " << p_in_max << " the min is = " << p_out_min << endl;
+ cout << "superior average pressure is " << p_out_moy/cellQ1 << endl;
+ cout << "inferior average pressure is " << p_in_moy/cellQ2 << endl;
+ cout << "celle comunicanti in basso = " << cellQ2 << endl;
+ cout << "celle comunicanti in alto = " << cellQ1 << endl;
double density = 1;
double viscosity = 1;
@@ -1697,7 +1945,7 @@
for (Finite_cells_iterator cell = T.finite_cells_begin(); cell != T.finite_cells_end(); ++cell) {
- if (cell->info().fictious()==0){vtkfile.write_cell(cell->vertex(0)->info().id()-6, cell->vertex(1)->info().id()-6, cell->vertex(2)->info().id()-6, cell->vertex(3)->info().id()-6);}
+ if (cell->info().fictious()==0){vtkfile.write_cell(cell->vertex(0)->info().id()-id_offset, cell->vertex(1)->info().id()-id_offset, cell->vertex(2)->info().id()-id_offset, cell->vertex(3)->info().id()-id_offset);}
@@ -1727,7 +1975,7 @@
for (Finite_cells_iterator cell = Tri.finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++) {
// if ( !cell->info().isFictious )
- if (cell->info().fictious()!=0) {
+ if (cell->info().fictious()==0) {
double p [3] = {0,0,0};
for (int j2=0; j2!=4; j2++) {
@@ -1738,8 +1986,8 @@
double pressure = cell->info().p();
- double rad = 0.05;
+ double rad = 0.00025;
file << " <body>" << endl;
file << " <SPHER r=\"" << rad << "\">" << endl;
file << " <position x=\"" << p[0] << "\" y=\"" << p[1] << "\" z=\"" << p[2] << "\"/>" << endl;
=== modified file 'lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.h'
--- lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.h 2010-06-17 12:30:19 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.h 2010-07-08 09:11:42 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2010 by Emanuele Catalano <catalano@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> *
+* *
+* This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the *
+* GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
@@ -41,6 +48,8 @@
double RELAX;
double ks; //Hydraulic Conductivity
bool meanK_LIMIT, meanK_STAT, distance_correction;
+ bool noCache;//flag for checking if cached values cell->unitForceVectors have been defined
+ bool computeAllCells;//exececute computeHydraulicRadius for all facets and all spheres (double cpu time but needed for now in order to define crossSections correctly)
double K_opt_factor;
int Iterations;
@@ -88,7 +97,9 @@
void Initialize_pressures ( double P_zero );
/// Define forces using the same averaging volumes as for permeability
void ComputeTetrahedralForces();
+ /// Define forces spliting drag and buoyancy terms
void ComputeFacetForces();
+ void ComputeFacetForcesWithCache();
void save_vtk_file ( RTriangulation &T );
void MGPost ( RTriangulation& Tri );
#ifdef XVIEW
@@ -141,6 +152,11 @@
double volume_double_fictious_pore ( Vertex_handle SV1, Vertex_handle SV2, Vertex_handle SV3, Point PV1 );
//Fast version, assign surface of facet for future forces calculations (pointing from PV2 to PV1)
double volume_double_fictious_pore (Vertex_handle SV1, Vertex_handle SV2, Vertex_handle SV3, Point& PV1, Point& PV2, Vecteur& facetSurface);
+ int Average_Cell_Velocity(int id_sphere, RTriangulation& Tri);
+ void vtk_average_cell_velocity(RTriangulation &T, int id_sphere, int num_cells);
+ void ApplySinusoidalPressure(RTriangulation& Tri, double Pressure, double load_intervals);
} //namespace CGT
=== modified file 'lib/triangulation/def_types.h'
--- lib/triangulation/def_types.h 2010-06-25 10:15:51 +0000
+++ lib/triangulation/def_types.h 2010-07-08 09:11:42 +0000
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
-#define FLOW_ENGINE
+//#define FLOW_ENGINE
namespace CGT{
@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@
// Surface vectors of facets, pointing from outside toward inside the cell
std::vector<Vecteur> facetSurfaces;
+ // Reflects the geometrical property of the cell, so that the force by cell fluid on grain "i" is pressure*unitForceVectors[i]
+ std::vector<Vecteur> unitForceVectors;
// Store the area of triangle-sphere intersections for each facet (used in forces definition)
std::vector<Vecteur> facetSphereCrossSections;
std::vector<Vecteur> cell_force;
@@ -73,6 +75,7 @@
+ unitForceVectors.resize(4);
for (int k=0; k<4;k++) for (int l=0; l<3;l++) solidSurfaces[k][l]=0;
RayHydr.resize(4, 0);
isInside = false;
=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp 2010-06-17 12:30:19 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.cpp 2010-07-08 09:11:42 +0000
@@ -51,8 +51,6 @@
- cout << "new iteration" << endl;
UpdateVolumes ( );
@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@
if (save_vtk) flow->save_vtk_file(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation());
-// flow->MGPost(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation());
+ flow->MGPost(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation());
@@ -81,12 +79,21 @@
///End Compute flow and forces
CGT::Finite_vertices_iterator vertices_end = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_end ();
- Vector3r f;int id;
+ Vector3r f; int id;
for ( CGT::Finite_vertices_iterator V_it = flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_begin (); V_it != vertices_end; V_it++ )
id = V_it->info().id();
+// scene->forces.sync();
+// const Vector3r& fbef = scene->forces.getForce(id);
+// if (id==id_sphere) cout << "force before = " << fbef << endl;
+// if (id==id_sphere) cout << "fluid force = " << V_it->info().forces << endl;
for ( int y=0;y<3;y++ ) f[y] = ( V_it->info().forces ) [y];
scene->forces.addForce ( id, f );
+// scene->forces.sync();
+// const Vector3r& faft = scene->forces.getForce(id);
+// if (id==id_sphere) cout << "force after = " << faft << endl;
@@ -111,16 +118,18 @@
std::ofstream settle ("settle.txt", std::ios::app);
settle << j << " " << time << " " << currentStrain << endl;
- if ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() % PermuteInterval == 0 )
+ first=false;
+ if ( Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration()>1 && Omega::instance().getCurrentIteration() % PermuteInterval == 0 )
{ Update_Triangulation = true; }
if ( Update_Triangulation ) { Build_Triangulation( );}
timingDeltas->checkpoint("Storing Max Pressure");
- first=false;
- cout << "end iteration" << endl;
+// int numero = flow->Average_Cell_Velocity(id_sphere, flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation());
+// flow->vtk_average_cell_velocity(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation(), id_sphere, numero);
@@ -142,20 +151,6 @@
flow->boundary ( flow->z_min_id ).value=Pressure_BACK_Boundary;
-void FlowEngine::Oedometer_Boundary_Conditions()
- flow->boundary ( flow->y_min_id ).flowCondition=0;
- flow->boundary ( flow->y_max_id ).flowCondition=0;
- flow->boundary ( flow->y_min_id ).value=0;
- flow->boundary ( flow->y_max_id ).value=0;
- triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_left_activated=0;
- triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_right_activated=0;
- triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_front_activated=0;
- triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_back_activated=0;
- triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_top_activated=1;
- triaxialCompressionEngine->wall_bottom_activated=1;
void FlowEngine::Build_Triangulation ()
@@ -180,11 +175,12 @@
flow->x_min = 1000.0, flow->x_max = -10000.0, flow->y_min = 1000.0, flow->y_max = -10000.0, flow->z_min = 1000.0, flow->z_max = -10000.0;
- AddBoundary ( );
+AddBoundary ( );
Triangulate ( );
cout << endl << "Tesselating------" << endl << endl;
@@ -202,6 +198,8 @@
if (compute_K) {flow->TOLERANCE=1e-06; K = flow->Sample_Permeability ( flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation(), flow->x_min, flow->x_max, flow->y_min, flow->y_max, flow->z_min, flow->z_max, flow->key );}
flow->Initialize_pressures( P_zero );
+// flow->ApplySinusoidalPressure(flow->T[flow->currentTes].Triangulation(), Sinus_Pressure, 5);
+ BoundaryConditions();
@@ -220,6 +218,35 @@
void FlowEngine::AddBoundary ()
+ shared_ptr<Sphere> sph ( new Sphere );
+ int Sph_Index = sph->getClassIndexStatic();
+ int contator = 0;
+ FOREACH ( const shared_ptr<Body>& b, *scene->bodies )
+ {
+ if ( !b ) continue;
+ if ( b->shape->getClassIndex() == Sph_Index )
+ {
+ Sphere* s=YADE_CAST<Sphere*> ( b->shape.get() );
+ const body_id_t& id = b->getId();
+ Real rad = s->radius;
+ Real x = b->state->pos[0];
+ Real y = b->state->pos[1];
+ Real z = b->state->pos[2];
+ flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, x-rad);
+ flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, x+rad);
+ flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, y-rad);
+ flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, y+rad);
+ flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, z-rad);
+ flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, z+rad);
+ contator+=1;
+ }
+ }
cout << "Adding Boundary------" << endl;
shared_ptr<Box> bx ( new Box );
@@ -236,16 +263,18 @@
for ( int h=0;h<3;h++ ) {center[h] = b->state->pos[h]; Extent[h] = w->extents[h];}
wall_thickness = min(min(Extent[0],Extent[1]),Extent[2]);
- flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, center[0]+wall_thickness);
- flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, center[0]-wall_thickness);
- flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, center[1]+wall_thickness);
- flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, center[1]-wall_thickness);
- flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, center[2]+wall_thickness);
- flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, center[2]-wall_thickness);
+// flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, center[0]+wall_thickness);
+// flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, center[0]-wall_thickness);
+// flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, center[1]+wall_thickness);
+// flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, center[1]-wall_thickness);
+// flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, center[2]+wall_thickness);
+// flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, center[2]-wall_thickness);
- flow->id_offset = flow->T[flow->currentTes].max_id+1;
+ id_offset = flow->T[flow->currentTes].max_id+1;
+ flow->id_offset = id_offset;
@@ -278,6 +307,13 @@
flow->T[flow->currentTes].insert(x, y, z, rad, id);
+// flow->x_min = min ( flow->x_min, x-rad);
+// flow->x_max = max ( flow->x_max, x+rad);
+// flow->y_min = min ( flow->y_min, y-rad);
+// flow->y_max = max ( flow->y_max, y+rad);
+// flow->z_min = min ( flow->z_min, z-rad);
+// flow->z_max = max ( flow->z_max, z+rad);
=== modified file 'pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp 2010-06-17 12:30:19 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/Engine/PartialEngine/FlowEngine.hpp 2010-07-08 09:11:42 +0000
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
Real wall_thickness;
bool Update_Triangulation;
bool currentTes;
+ int id_offset;
void Triangulate ();
void AddBoundary ();
@@ -79,6 +80,8 @@
((double, Pressure_BACK_Boundary, 0, "Pressure imposed on back boundary"))
((double, Pressure_LEFT_Boundary, 0, "Pressure imposed on left boundary"))
((double, Pressure_RIGHT_Boundary, 0, "Pressure imposed on right boundary"))
+ ((double, Sinus_Pressure, 0, "Pressure value (amplitude) when sinusoidal pressure is applied"))
+ ((int, id_sphere, 0, "Average velocity will be computed for all cells incident to that sphere"))
,timingDeltas=shared_ptr<TimingDeltas>(new TimingDeltas));
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