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Re: [Yade-users] Linear law + moment rotation


Let's go back to yade development here. Perhaps it would be more
constructive to improve existing code (and if there is one line you
don't understand, just ask) than writing a full new set of
Ig_+Ip_+Law2's. It would give better cooperation than you writing from
scratch and deleting, and me strugling to get functional things out of
attic. Don't you think?
I don't think this reasoning applies here, L3Geom is not an incrementally "fixed" version of ScGeom, they are substantially different (local vs. global coords). Even if it were not the case, you know that cooperation is difficult, due to both technical (difficult to communicate, lack of documentation and derivations of formulas for other people to understand) and personal (everybody has his/her own piece of code and doesn't like other to touch it, for the fear of others breaking it) reasons -- look at PeriIsoCompressor/PeriTriaxController/Peri3dController, recall our discussion in Grenoble, read recent e-mails on dynCell & mass: it just costs too much energy, which is a scarce resource.
Periodic velocity shift (Vincent told me it was so tricky that nobody
would have been implemented it yet), plasticity, and other things, are
already in Yade. It would be a pitty to derive everything again.
When you say that they are "in Yade", what does it mean? Yade is a toolkit of pieces, some of them fit together, some don't. Everybody is working on his own part anyway and I don't think there is (for good or bad) some substantial convergence. I see Yade now more as software platform (which provides things like data persistence, python bridge, gui, 3d, math libs, the functors/dispatchers framework and a few common engines like the intergrator or collider), not necessarily as a complete DEM solution. Of course the question is what hold the whole code together then (I don't see anything).
Cheers, v.

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