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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2649: 1. python-imaging is added to installation section of sphinx-docs as well as to debian-dependency


revno: 2649
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Thu 2011-01-13 11:21:10 +0100
  1. python-imaging is added to installation section of sphinx-docs as well as to debian-dependency
  2. geom.facetHelix and facetPolygon are added with examples


Your team Yade developers is subscribed to branch lp:yade.
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=== modified file 'debian/control-template'
--- debian/control-template	2011-01-03 19:26:59 +0000
+++ debian/control-template	2011-01-13 10:21:10 +0000
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 Package: yade@_VERSION@
 Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-numpy, ipython, python-matplotlib, python-tk, python-qt4, python-xlib, mencoder, gnuplot
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, python-numpy, ipython, python-matplotlib, python-tk, python-qt4, python-xlib, mencoder, gnuplot, python-imaging
 Description: Platform for discrete element modeling.
  Yet Another Dynamic Engine.
  Extensible open-source framework for discrete numerical models, 

=== modified file 'doc/sphinx/installation.rst'
--- doc/sphinx/installation.rst	2010-11-30 15:41:55 +0000
+++ doc/sphinx/installation.rst	2011-01-13 10:21:10 +0000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 	python-matplotlib libsqlite3-dev python-numeric python-tk gnuplot doxygen \
 	libgts-dev python-pygraphviz libvtk5-dev python-scientific bzr libeigen2-dev \
 	binutils-gold python-xlib python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools \
-	libqglviewer-qt4-dev
+	libqglviewer-qt4-dev python-imaging
 command line (cut&paste to the terminal under root privileges) for Fedora (not good tested yet!)::
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 	log4cxx log4cxx-devel python-devel boost-python ipython python-matplotlib \
 	sqlite-devel python-numeric ScientificPython-tk gnuplot doxygen gts-devel \
 	graphviz-python vtk-devel ScientificPython bzr eigen2-devel libQGLViewer-devel \
-	loki-lib-devel python-xlib PyQt4 PyQt4-devel
+	loki-lib-devel python-xlib PyQt4 PyQt4-devel python-imaging

=== modified file 'examples/packs/packs.py'
--- examples/packs/packs.py	2011-01-12 16:22:18 +0000
+++ examples/packs/packs.py	2011-01-13 10:21:10 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 from yade import pack,ymport,export,log,geom
+import math
 """ This script demonstrates how to use 2 components of creating packings:
@@ -47,23 +48,25 @@
 # Example of geom.facetBox usage 
-oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/3))
+oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(math.pi/3))
-oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/2))
+oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(math.pi/2))
-oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159))
+oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(math.pi))
-# Example of geom.facetCylinder usage, RotationEngine example see below
-oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/2))
+# Example of geom.facetCylinder, facetHelix and RotationEngine usage example
+oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(1,0,0),(math.pi/2.0))
-oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/2))
+oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(math.pi/2))
 O.bodies.append(ymport.gmsh('cone.mesh',orientation=oriBody,**kwMeshes))#generates facets from the mesh file
-oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(3.14159/2))
+oriBody = Quaternion(Vector3(0,0,1),(math.pi/2))
 #facetBunker Demonstration
@@ -104,10 +107,10 @@
-		angularVelocity=10.0,
-		rotationAxis=[0,0,1],
+		angularVelocity=100.0,
+		rotationAxis=[0,-1,0],
-		zeroPoint=[6.0,6.0,0.0]),
+		zeroPoint=[-7.0,-6.0,-5.0]),
 	HarmonicMotionEngine(A=[0,0,0.5], f=[0,0,20.0], fi = [0.0,0.0,pi], ids = vibrationPlate),
 	HarmonicRotationEngine(A=0.2, f=20.0, fi = pi, rotationAxis=[1.0,0.0,0.0], rotateAroundZero = True, zeroPoint = [-15.0,3.0,-7.0], ids = vibrationRotationPlate) 

=== modified file 'py/geom.py'
--- py/geom.py	2011-01-12 16:22:18 +0000
+++ py/geom.py	2011-01-13 10:21:10 +0000
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 from miniEigen import *
 import utils,math,numpy
 def facetBox(center,extents,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,wallMask=63,**kw):
 	Create arbitrarily-aligned box composed of facets, with given center, extents and orientation.
@@ -21,7 +22,6 @@
 	:returns: list of facets forming the box
 	#Defense from zero dimensions
 	if (wallMask>63):
 		print "wallMask must be 63 or less"
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
 	if wallMask&16: ret+=doWall(A,B,C,D)
 	if wallMask&32: ret+=doWall(E,H,G,F)
 	return ret
 def facetCylinder(center,radius,height,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,wallMask=7,angleRange=None,closeGap=False,**kw):
 	Create arbitrarily-aligned cylinder composed of facets, with given center, radius, height and orientation.
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
 	:param Quaternion orientation: orientation of the cylinder; the reference orientation has axis along the $+x$ axis.
 	:param int segmentsNumber: number of edges on the cylinder surface (>=5)
 	:param bitmask wallMask: determines which walls will be created, in the order up (1), down (2), side (4). The numbers are ANDed; the default 7 means to create all walls
-	:param (θmin,Θmax) angleRange: allows to create only part of cylinder by specifying range of angles; if ``None``, (0,2*pi) is assumed.
+	:param (θmin,Θmax) angleRange: allows to create only part of bunker by specifying range of angles; if ``None``, (0,2*pi) is assumed.
 	:param bool closeGap: close range skipped in angleRange with triangular facets at cylinder bases.
 	:param **kw: (unused keyword arguments) passed to utils.facet;
@@ -77,6 +78,8 @@
 	return facetCylinderConeGenerator(center=center,radiusTop=radius,height=height,orientation=orientation,segmentsNumber=segmentsNumber,wallMask=wallMask,angleRange=angleRange,closeGap=closeGap,**kw)
 def facetCone(center,radiusTop,radiusBottom,height,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,wallMask=7,angleRange=None,closeGap=False,**kw):
 	Create arbitrarily-aligned cone composed of facets, with given center, radius, height and orientation.
@@ -97,73 +100,46 @@
 	if ((radiusBottom<=0) and (radiusTop<=0)): raise RuntimeError("The radiusBottom or radiusTop should have the positive value");
 	return facetCylinderConeGenerator(center=center,radiusTop=radiusTop,radiusBottom=radiusBottom,height=height,orientation=orientation,segmentsNumber=segmentsNumber,wallMask=wallMask,angleRange=angleRange,closeGap=closeGap,**kw)
-def facetCylinderConeGenerator(center,radiusTop,height,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,wallMask=7,angleRange=None,closeGap=False,radiusBottom=-1,**kw):
-	"""
-	Please, do not use this function directly! Use geom.facetCylinder and geom.facetCone instead.
-	This is the base function for generating cylinders and cones from facets.
-	:param float radiusTop:  top radius
-	:param float radiusBottom:  bottom radius
-	:param **kw: (unused keyword arguments) passed to utils.facet;
-	"""
-	#For cylinders top and bottom radii are equal
-	if (radiusBottom == -1):
-		radiusBottom = radiusTop
-	# check zero dimentions
-	if (segmentsNumber<3): raise RuntimeError("The segmentsNumber should be at least 3");
-	if (height<=0): raise RuntimeError("The height should have the positive value");
-	if angleRange==None: angleRange=(0,2*math.pi)
-	if (abs(angleRange[1]-angleRange[0]>2.0*math.pi)): raise RuntimeError("The |angleRange| cannot be larger 2.0*math.pi");
-	if isinstance(angleRange,float):
-		print u'WARNING: geom.facetCylinder,angleRange should be (Θmin,Θmax), not just Θmax (one number), update your code.'
-		angleRange=(0,angleRange)
-	anglesInRad = numpy.linspace(angleRange[0], angleRange[1], segmentsNumber+1, endpoint=True)
-	PTop=[]; PTop.append(Vector3(0,0,+height/2))
-	PBottom=[]; PBottom.append(Vector3(0,0,-height/2))
-	for i in anglesInRad:
-		XTop=radiusTop*math.cos(i); YTop=radiusTop*math.sin(i); 
-		PTop.append(Vector3(XTop,YTop,+height/2))
-		XBottom=radiusBottom*math.cos(i); YBottom=radiusBottom*math.sin(i); 
-		PBottom.append(Vector3(XBottom,YBottom,-height/2))
-	for i in range(0,len(PTop)):
-		PTop[i]=orientation*PTop[i]+center
-		PBottom[i]=orientation*PBottom[i]+center
-	ret=[]
-	for i in range(2,len(PTop)):
-		if (wallMask&1)and(radiusTop!=0):
-			ret.append(utils.facet((PTop[0],PTop[i],PTop[i-1]),**kw))
-		if (wallMask&2)and(radiusBottom!=0):
-			ret.append(utils.facet((PBottom[0],PBottom[i-1],PBottom[i]),**kw))
-		if wallMask&4:
-			if (radiusBottom!=0):
-				ret.append(utils.facet((PTop[i],PBottom[i],PBottom[i-1]),**kw))
-			if (radiusTop!=0):
-				ret.append(utils.facet((PBottom[i-1],PTop[i-1],PTop[i]),**kw))
-	if closeGap and (angleRange[0]%(2*math.pi))!=(angleRange[1]%(2*math.pi)and(abs(angleRange[1]-angleRange[0])>math.pi)): # some part is skipped
-		if (wallMask&1)and(radiusTop!=0):
-			pts=[(radiusTop*math.cos(angleRange[i]),radiusTop*math.sin(angleRange[i])) for i in (0,1)]
-			pp=[(pts[0][0],pts[0][1],+height/2.0),(pts[1][0],pts[1][1],+height/2.0),(0,0,+height/2.0)]
-			pp=[orientation*p+center for p in pp]
-			ret.append(utils.facet(pp,**kw))
-		if (wallMask&2)and(radiusBottom!=0):
-			pts=[(radiusBottom*math.cos(angleRange[i]),radiusBottom*math.sin(angleRange[i])) for i in (0,1)]
-			pp=[(pts[0][0],pts[0][1],-height/2.0),(pts[1][0],pts[1][1],-height/2.0),(0,0,-height/2.0)]
-			pp=[orientation*p+center for p in pp]
-			ret.append(utils.facet(pp,**kw))
-	return ret
+def facetPolygon(center,radiusOuter,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,angleRange=None,radiusInner=0,**kw):
+	"""
+	Create arbitrarily-aligned polygon composed of facets, with given center, radius (outer and inner) and orientation.
+	Return List of facets forming the polygon;
+	:param Vector3 center: center of the created cylinder
+	:param float radiusOuter:  outer radius
+	:param float radiusInner: inner height (can be 0)
+	:param Quaternion orientation: orientation of the polygon; the reference orientation has axis along the $+x$ axis.
+	:param int segmentsNumber: number of edges on the polygon surface (>=3)
+	:param (θmin,Θmax) angleRange: allows to create only part of polygon by specifying range of angles; if ``None``, (0,2*pi) is assumed.
+	:param **kw: (unused keyword arguments) passed to utils.facet;
+	"""
+	# check zero dimentions
+	if (abs(angleRange[1]-angleRange[0])>2.0*math.pi): raise RuntimeError("The |angleRange| cannot be larger 2.0*math.pi");
+	return facetPolygonHelixGenerator(center=center,radiusOuter=radiusOuter,orientation=orientation,segmentsNumber=segmentsNumber,angleRange=angleRange,radiusInner=radiusInner,**kw)
+def facetHelix(center,radiusOuter,pitch,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,angleRange=None,radiusInner=0,**kw):
+	"""
+	Create arbitrarily-aligned helix composed of facets, with given center, radius (outer and inner), pitch and orientation.
+	Return List of facets forming the helix;
+	:param Vector3 center: center of the created cylinder
+	:param float radiusOuter:  outer radius
+	:param float radiusInner: inner height (can be 0)
+	:param Quaternion orientation: orientation of the helix; the reference orientation has axis along the $+x$ axis.
+	:param int segmentsNumber: number of edges on the helix surface (>=3)
+	:param (θmin,Θmax) angleRange: range of angles; if ``None``, (0,2*pi) is assumed.
+	:param **kw: (unused keyword arguments) passed to utils.facet;
+	"""
+	# check zero dimentions
+	if (pitch<=0): raise RuntimeError("The pitch should have the positive value");
+	return facetPolygonHelixGenerator(center=center,radiusOuter=radiusOuter,orientation=orientation,segmentsNumber=segmentsNumber,angleRange=angleRange,radiusInner=radiusInner,pitch=pitch,**kw)
 def facetBunker(center,dBunker,dOutput,hBunker,hOutput,hPipe=0.0,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,wallMask=4,angleRange=None,closeGap=False,**kw):
 	Create arbitrarily-aligned bunker, composed of facets, with given center, radii, heights and orientation.
@@ -194,10 +170,10 @@
 	:param float hBunker: bunker height 
 	:param float hOutput: bunker output height 
 	:param float hPipe: bunker pipe height 
-	:param Quaternion orientation: orientation of the cone; the reference orientation has axis along the $+x$ axis.
-	:param int segmentsNumber: number of edges on the cone surface (>=5)
+	:param Quaternion orientation: orientation of the bunker; the reference orientation has axis along the $+x$ axis.
+	:param int segmentsNumber: number of edges on the bunker surface (>=5)
 	:param bitmask wallMask: determines which walls will be created, in the order up (1), down (2), side (4). The numbers are ANDed; the default 7 means to create all walls
-	:param (θmin,Θmax) angleRange: allows to create only part of cone by specifying range of angles; if ``None``, (0,2*pi) is assumed.
+	:param (θmin,Θmax) angleRange: allows to create only part of bunker by specifying range of angles; if ``None``, (0,2*pi) is assumed.
 	:param bool closeGap: close range skipped in angleRange with triangular facets at cylinder bases.
 	:param **kw: (unused keyword arguments) passed to utils.facet;
@@ -219,9 +195,120 @@
 	centerBunker = Vector3(0.0,0.0,hPipe+hOutput+hBunker/2.0)
 	for i in ret:
 	return ret
+def facetPolygonHelixGenerator(center,radiusOuter,pitch=0,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,angleRange=None,radiusInner=0,**kw):
+	"""
+	Please, do not use this function directly! Use geom.facetPloygon and geom.facetHelix instead.
+	This is the base function for generating polygons and helixes from facets.
+	"""
+	# check zero dimentions
+	if (segmentsNumber<3): raise RuntimeError("The segmentsNumber should be at least 3");
+	if (radiusOuter<=0): raise RuntimeError("The radiusOuter should have the positive value");
+	if (radiusInner<0): raise RuntimeError("The radiusInner should have the positive value or 0");
+	if angleRange==None: angleRange=(0,2*math.pi)
+	anglesInRad = numpy.linspace(angleRange[0], angleRange[1], segmentsNumber+1, endpoint=True)
+	heightsInRad = numpy.linspace(0, pitch*(abs(angleRange[1]-angleRange[0])/(2.0*math.pi)), segmentsNumber+1, endpoint=True)
+	POuter=[];
+	PInner=[];
+	PCenter=[];
+	z=0;
+	for i in anglesInRad:
+		XOuter=radiusOuter*math.cos(i); YOuter=radiusOuter*math.sin(i); 
+		POuter.append(Vector3(XOuter,YOuter,heightsInRad[z]))
+		PCenter.append(Vector3(0,0,heightsInRad[z]))
+		if (radiusInner<>0):
+			XInner=radiusInner*math.cos(i); YInner=radiusInner*math.sin(i); 
+			PInner.append(Vector3(XInner,YInner,heightsInRad[z]))
+		z+=1
+	for i in range(0,len(POuter)):
+		POuter[i]=orientation*POuter[i]+center
+		PCenter[i]=orientation*PCenter[i]+center
+		if (radiusInner<>0):
+			PInner[i]=orientation*PInner[i]+center
+	ret=[]
+	for i in range(1,len(POuter)):
+		if (radiusInner==0):
+			ret.append(utils.facet((PCenter[i],POuter[i],POuter[i-1]),**kw))
+		else:
+			ret.append(utils.facet((PInner[i-1],POuter[i-1],POuter[i]),**kw))
+			ret.append(utils.facet((PInner[i],PInner[i-1],POuter[i]),**kw))
+	return ret
+def facetCylinderConeGenerator(center,radiusTop,height,orientation=Quaternion.Identity,segmentsNumber=10,wallMask=7,angleRange=None,closeGap=False,radiusBottom=-1,**kw):
+	"""
+	Please, do not use this function directly! Use geom.facetCylinder and geom.facetCone instead.
+	This is the base function for generating cylinders and cones from facets.
+	:param float radiusTop:  top radius
+	:param float radiusBottom:  bottom radius
+	:param **kw: (unused keyword arguments) passed to utils.facet;
+	"""
+	#For cylinders top and bottom radii are equal
+	if (radiusBottom == -1):
+		radiusBottom = radiusTop
+	# check zero dimentions
+	if (segmentsNumber<3): raise RuntimeError("The segmentsNumber should be at least 3");
+	if (height<=0): raise RuntimeError("The height should have the positive value");
+	if angleRange==None: angleRange=(0,2*math.pi)
+	if (abs(angleRange[1]-angleRange[0])>2.0*math.pi): raise RuntimeError("The |angleRange| cannot be larger 2.0*math.pi");
+	if isinstance(angleRange,float):
+		print u'WARNING: geom.facetCylinder,angleRange should be (Θmin,Θmax), not just Θmax (one number), update your code.'
+		angleRange=(0,angleRange)
+	anglesInRad = numpy.linspace(angleRange[0], angleRange[1], segmentsNumber+1, endpoint=True)
+	PTop=[]; PTop.append(Vector3(0,0,+height/2))
+	PBottom=[]; PBottom.append(Vector3(0,0,-height/2))
+	for i in anglesInRad:
+		XTop=radiusTop*math.cos(i); YTop=radiusTop*math.sin(i); 
+		PTop.append(Vector3(XTop,YTop,+height/2))
+		XBottom=radiusBottom*math.cos(i); YBottom=radiusBottom*math.sin(i); 
+		PBottom.append(Vector3(XBottom,YBottom,-height/2))
+	for i in range(0,len(PTop)):
+		PTop[i]=orientation*PTop[i]+center
+		PBottom[i]=orientation*PBottom[i]+center
+	ret=[]
+	for i in range(2,len(PTop)):
+		if (wallMask&1)and(radiusTop!=0):
+			ret.append(utils.facet((PTop[0],PTop[i],PTop[i-1]),**kw))
+		if (wallMask&2)and(radiusBottom!=0):
+			ret.append(utils.facet((PBottom[0],PBottom[i-1],PBottom[i]),**kw))
+		if wallMask&4:
+			if (radiusBottom!=0):
+				ret.append(utils.facet((PTop[i],PBottom[i],PBottom[i-1]),**kw))
+			if (radiusTop!=0):
+				ret.append(utils.facet((PBottom[i-1],PTop[i-1],PTop[i]),**kw))
+	if closeGap and (angleRange[0]%(2*math.pi))!=(angleRange[1]%(2*math.pi)and(abs(angleRange[1]-angleRange[0])>math.pi)): # some part is skipped
+		if (wallMask&1)and(radiusTop!=0):
+			pts=[(radiusTop*math.cos(angleRange[i]),radiusTop*math.sin(angleRange[i])) for i in (0,1)]
+			pp=[(pts[0][0],pts[0][1],+height/2.0),(pts[1][0],pts[1][1],+height/2.0),(0,0,+height/2.0)]
+			pp=[orientation*p+center for p in pp]
+			ret.append(utils.facet(pp,**kw))
+		if (wallMask&2)and(radiusBottom!=0):
+			pts=[(radiusBottom*math.cos(angleRange[i]),radiusBottom*math.sin(angleRange[i])) for i in (0,1)]
+			pp=[(pts[0][0],pts[0][1],-height/2.0),(pts[1][0],pts[1][1],-height/2.0),(0,0,-height/2.0)]
+			pp=[orientation*p+center for p in pp]
+			ret.append(utils.facet(pp,**kw))
+	return ret