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Yade book



Two things about Yade documentation.

1/ In recent papers and reports, I tend to cite Yade with the following
reference : http://yade-dem.org (as inspired by
http://www.cgal.org/bibliography.html). Some editors will perhaps
complain on such a "misc" bibtex entry, but I think it should be
accepted most of the time. What about a "Acknowledging Yade" note
similar to the "Acknowledging CGAL" example somewhere on website?

2/ Since Yade's documentation contains documentation typed by different
persons, I was thinking it would be good to include a "contributors"
list on the front page of the pdf. It is a good way to denote
collaborations (see attached).

It is difficult to quantify contributions. I tried the command below,
and variants on *.rst or *.bib files. They all give different results,
and there is in fact not a strong correlation in general between who
actually typed a line and the result of bzr blame at time "t". So, I
included everyone who - I think - documented at least one class and
ordered alphabetically. 

The only clear result is Vaclav is far ahead in all statistics. He of
course wrote 100% of most sections, and designed the whole documentation
system. The fact that he is author is not questionable.

Are there comments, missing names, etc?



find -iname "*hpp" -exec bzr blame --all {} \; | grep YADE_CLASS | awk
'{print $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn
98 eudoxosm 0/37
    50 bruno.c
     38 chia@en
     31 eu@doxo
     10 jduriez
      5 klaus.t
      4 gladky.
      3 sch50p@
      2 c.moden
      1 sj2001@
      1 luc@pc-
      1 honzik@

Bruno Chareyre
Associate Professor
ENSE³ - Grenoble INP
Lab. 3SR
BP 53 - 38041, Grenoble cedex 9 - France
Tél : +33 4 56 52 86 21
Fax : +33 4 76 82 70 43

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