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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2692: 1. Make yade and yade-batch run single-threaded simulations


revno: 2692
committer: Václav Šmilauer <eu@xxxxxxxx>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Sun 2011-01-30 00:02:30 +0100
  1. Make yade and yade-batch run single-threaded simulations
  2. Add warning when specifying -j/--threads/--cores when lacking OpenMP support


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=== modified file 'SConstruct'
--- SConstruct	2011-01-21 08:14:28 +0000
+++ SConstruct	2011-01-29 23:02:30 +0000
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 	('CXXFLAGS','Additional compiler flags for compilation (like -march=core2).',None,None,Split),
 	('march','Architecture to use with -march=... when optimizing','native',None,None),
 	('execCheck','Name of the main script that should be installed; if the current one differs, an error is raised (do not use directly, only intended for --rebuild',None),
-	('defThreads','Default number of OpenMP threads to run with, unless overridden with -j. Keep unset (negative) to default to using all cores.',-1),
+	('defThreads','No longer used, specify -j each time yade is run (defaults to 1 now)',-1),
 	#('SHLINK','Linker for shared objects','g++'),
 	('SHCCFLAGS','Additional compiler flags for linking (for plugins).',None,None,Split),
 	BoolVariable('QUAD_PRECISION','typedef Real as long double (=quad)',0),

=== modified file 'core/main/main.py.in'
--- core/main/main.py.in	2011-01-29 22:47:18 +0000
+++ core/main/main.py.in	2011-01-29 23:02:30 +0000
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 # handle command-line options first
 import optparse
 par=optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [ simulation.xml[.bz2] | script.py [script options]]',prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),version='%s (%s; %s)'%(version,','.join(features),buildsAvailable),description="Yade: open-source platform for dynamic compuations. Homepage http://www.yade-dem.org, code hosted at http://www.launchpad.net/yade. This is version %s (with features %s, %s)."%(version,','.join(features),buildsAvailable))
-par.add_option('-j','--threads',help='Number of OpenMP threads to run; defaults to number of cores. Equivalent to setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.',dest='threads',type='int')
+par.add_option('-j','--threads',help='Number of OpenMP threads to run; defaults to 1. Equivalent to setting OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable.',dest='threads',type='int')
 par.add_option('--cores',help='Set number of OpenMP threads (as --threads) and in addition set affinity of threads to the cores given.',dest='cores',type='string')
 par.add_option('--update',help='Update deprecated class names in given script(s) using text search & replace. Changed files will be backed up with ~ suffix. Exit when done without running any simulation.',dest='updateScripts',action='store_true')
 par.add_option('--nice',help='Increase nice level (i.e. decrease priority) by given number.',dest='nice',type='int')
@@ -94,6 +94,9 @@
 # do this early, to have debug messages in the boot code (plugin registration etc)
 if opts.verbosity>1: os.environ['YADE_DEBUG']='1'
+if not 'openmp' in features and (opts.cores or (opts.threads and opts.threads>1)):
+	print 'WARNING: compiled without OpenMP, -j/--threads/--cores have no effect.'
 # OpenMP env variables must be se before loading yade libs ("import yade" below)
 # changes have no effeect after libgomp initializes
 if opts.cores:
@@ -106,8 +109,7 @@
 	os.environ['GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY']=' '.join([str(cores[0])]+[str(c) for c in cores])
 elif opts.threads: os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']=str(opts.threads)
-elif int('$defThreads')>0:
-	os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']='$defThreads'
+else: os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']='1'
 sys.stderr.write('Welcome to Yade '+version+'%s\n'%(' (debug build)' if opts.debug else ''))

=== modified file 'core/main/yade-batch.in'
--- core/main/yade-batch.in	2011-01-22 21:40:08 +0000
+++ core/main/yade-batch.in	2011-01-29 23:02:30 +0000
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 parser=optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog [options] [ TABLE [SIMULATION.py] | SIMULATION.py[/nCores] [...] ]',description='%prog runs yade simulation multiple times with different parameters.\n\nSee https://yade-dem.org/sphinx/user.html#batch-queuing-and-execution-yade-batch for details.\n\nBatch can be specified either with parameter table TABLE (must not end in .py), which is either followed by exactly one SIMULATION.py (must end in .py), or contains !SCRIPT column specifying the simulation to be run. The second option is to specify multiple scripts, which can optionally have /nCores suffix to specify number of cores for that particular simulation (corresponds to !THREADS column in the parameter table), e.g. sim.py/3.')
 parser.add_option('-j','--jobs',dest='maxJobs',type='int',help="Maximum number of simultaneous threads to run (default: number of cores, further limited by OMP_NUM_THREADS if set by the environment: %d)"%numCores,metavar='NUM',default=numCores)
-parser.add_option('--job-threads',dest='defaultThreads',type='int',help="Default number of threads for one job; can be overridden by per-job with !THREADS (or !OMP_NUM_THREADS) column. Defaults to allocate all available cores (%d, which might be further limited with --jobs) for each job when built with OpenMP, otherwise to 1."%maxOmpThreads,metavar='NUM',default=-1)
+parser.add_option('--job-threads',dest='defaultThreads',type='int',help="Default number of threads for one job; can be overridden by per-job with !THREADS (or !OMP_NUM_THREADS) column. Defaults to 1.",metavar='NUM',default=1)
 parser.add_option('--force-threads',action='store_true',dest='forceThreads',help='Force jobs to not use more cores than the maximum (see -j), even if !THREADS colums specifies more.')
 parser.add_option('--log',dest='logFormat',help='Format of job log files -- must contain a $, % or @, which will be replaced by script name, line number or by description column respectively (default: $.@.log)',metavar='FORMAT',default='$.@.log')
 parser.add_option('--global-log',dest='globalLog',help='Filename where to redirect output of yade-batch itself (as opposed to \-\-log); if not specified (default), stdout/stderr are used',metavar='FILE')
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
 for i,l in enumerate(useLines):
 	script=scripts[0] if len(scripts)>0 else None
-	nCores=opts.defaultThreads if opts.defaultThreads>0 else opts.maxJobs
+	nCores=opts.defaultThreads