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[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2707: 1. Hopefully fixes bug 707966, additional libraries are added for linking in shared libraries (vtk*)


revno: 2707
fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/707966
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Wed 2011-02-02 11:39:58 +0100
  1. Hopefully fixes bug 707966, additional libraries are added for linking in shared libraries (vtk*)


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=== modified file 'SConstruct'
--- SConstruct	2011-01-31 19:09:24 +0000
+++ SConstruct	2011-02-02 10:39:58 +0000
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
 			else: featureNotOK('qt4','Building with Qt4 implies the QGLViewer library installed (package libqglviewer-qt4-dev package in debian/ubuntu, libQGLViewer in RPM-based distributions)')
 	if 'vtk' in env['features']:
-		env.Append(LIBS='vtkHybrid')
+		env.Append(LIBS=['vtkHybrid','vtkFiltering','vtkRendering','vtkIO','vtkexoIIc','vtkParallel','vtkGraphics','vtkverdict','vtkImaging','vtkftgl','vtkDICOMParser','vtkmetaio','vtksqlite','vtkNetCDF'])
 		if not ok: featureNotOK('vtk',note="Installer can`t find vtk-library. Be sure you have it installed (usually, libvtk5-dev package). Or you might have to add VTK header directory (e.g. /usr/include/vtk-5.4) to CPPPATH.")
 	if 'gts' in env['features']:
 		env.ParseConfig('pkg-config gts --cflags --libs');