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Message #07057
[Branch ~yade-dev/yade/trunk] Rev 2728: Missing in previous commits (the most important file...)
revno: 2728
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: yade
timestamp: Sat 2011-02-12 14:11:36 +0100
Missing in previous commits (the most important file...)
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=== added file 'doc/sphinx/citing.rst'
--- doc/sphinx/citing.rst 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ doc/sphinx/citing.rst 2011-02-12 13:11:36 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+.. _citing:
+Acknowledging Yade
+In order to let users cite Yade consistently in publications, we provide a list of bibliographic references for the different parts of the documentation, as in the citation model pushed by `CGAL <http://www.cgal.org/bibliography.html>`_. This way of acknowledging Yade is also a way to make developments and documentation of Yade more attractive for researchers, who are evaluated on the basis of citations of their work by others. We therefore kindly ask users to cite Yade as accurately as possible in their papers. A more detailed discussion of the citation model and its application to Yade can be found `here <http://www.cgal.org/bibliography.html>`_.
+If new developments are presented and explained in self-contained papers, we will be glad to include them in the documentation and to reference them in the list below. Any other substantial improvement is welcome and can be discussed in the `yade-dev <https://www.yade-dem.org/wiki/Contact>`_ mailing list.
+Citing chapters of Yade Documentation
+The first edition of Yade documentation is seen as a collection with three volumes (or "chapters"), also provided as `bibtex entries <http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yade-dev/yade/trunk/view/head:/doc/citing_yade.bib>`_:
+* The reference documentation includes details on equations and algorithms found at the highest levels of Yade. Citation of, namely, contact laws, boundary conditions controllers, pre- and post-processing modules, is using `(pdf version) <https://yade-dem.org/wiki/File:YadeRefDoc.pdf>`_:
+ V. Šmilauer, E. Catalano, B. Chareyre, S. Dorofenko, J. Duriez, A. Gladky, J. Kozicki, C. Modenese, L. Scholtès, L. Sibille, J. Stránský, and K. Thoeni, “Yade Reference Documentation,†in Yade Documentation (V. Šmilauer, ed.), The Yade Project, 1st ed., 2010. http://yade-dem.org/doc/.
+* Software design, user's and programmer's manuals are in `(pdf version) <https://yade-dem.org/wiki/File:YadeManuals.pdf>`_:
+ V. Šmilauer, A. Gladky, J. Kozicki, C. Modenese, and J. Stránský, “Yade Using and Programming,†in Yade Documentation (V. Šmilauer, ed.), The Yade Project, 1st ed., 2010. http://yade-dem.org/doc/.
+* Fundamentals of the DEM as implemented in Yade are explained in `(pdf version) <https://yade-dem.org/wiki/File:YadeFormulation.pdf>`_:
+ V. Šmilauer and B. Chareyre, “Yade Dem Formulation,†in Yade Documentation (V. Šmilauer, ed.), The Yade Project, 1st ed., 2010. http://yade-dem.org/doc/formulation.html.
+Citing Yade a a whole
+If you want to cite the Yade project as whole, use this reference (not recommended in scientific papers):
+“Yade: Open source discrete element method.†http://yade-dem.org.