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Re: eigen2 and eigen3 on buildbot



Le 06/02/2012 20:55, Anton Gladky a écrit :
> Remi, is it possible to build YADE on buildbot twice: with eigen2 and eigen3?

Buildbot now builds with eigen2 and eigen3.

> Also it would be good also to make a debug-compilation, if it is not too
> hard for the server.

If you really need it, I will have a look. I need to think about it, as
it uses more cpu time and disk space...


> Thanks
> Anton
> PS if you need eigen3 backport for the Debian Squeeze, just let me know.

Rémi Cailletaud - IE CNRS
3S-R - Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques
BP53, 38041 Grenoble CEDEX 0
Tél: +33 (0)4 76 82 52 78
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 70 43

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