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Stress tensor of periodic cell and interactions



I was thinking about implementation of stressTensorOfPeriodicCell
functions (as discussed at
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/yade/+spec/stressgetters ), and I would
suggest this:
- create separate functions for normal and shear contribution (as it is
in utils.normalShearStressTensors)
- other functions can be combined from this function (total stress
vector, symmetrized stress vector etc.)

for the implementation applicable to both Dem3dofGeom and SCGeom, it
would be nice if the IGeom class had giveLength() method. It would be in
GenericSphereContact class and each inherited class would overload it in
its specific way. Would you agree with this approach?

I was also thinking about computation of (secant) stiffness matrix of
periodic cell, the formulas for estimation (even though pretty good
according to my recent tests) are very similar as for stress
computation. The only problem is that current normal and shear stiffness
of the interaction is needed (and in general it can differ from IPhys.kn
or IPhys.ks as each material model treat them in different way). The
solution would be very similar to the stress one, i.e. each IPhys class
would have giveCurrentKn() and giveCurrentKs() methods (which would
return kn and ks by default). Again, would you agree with such

Thanks for any feedback and have a nice day

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