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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3710: make sure FlowEngine has been compiled before trying the checkTest DEM-PFV, as suggested by Klaus


revno: 3710
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Thu 2013-08-29 13:14:16 +0200
  make sure FlowEngine has been compiled before trying the checkTest DEM-PFV, as suggested by Klaus


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=== modified file 'scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/DEM-PFV-check.py'
--- scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/DEM-PFV-check.py	2013-08-29 10:30:31 +0000
+++ scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/DEM-PFV-check.py	2013-08-29 11:14:16 +0000
@@ -2,135 +2,137 @@
 # Here, we are testing bulk modulus, then permeability, then the consolidation of a specimen.
 # the test is based on examples/FluidCouplingPFV/oedometer.py, only slightly simplified and using less particles
-from yade import pack
-num_spheres=100# number of spheres
-compFricDegree = 3 # initial contact friction during the confining phase
-finalFricDegree = 30 # contact friction during the deviatoric loading
-mn,mx=Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(1,1,1) # corners of the initial packing
-sp.makeCloud(mn,mx,-1,0.3333,num_spheres,False, 0.95,seed=1) #"seed" make the "random" generation always the same
-	maxMultiplier=1.+2e4/young, # spheres growing factor (fast growth)
-	finalMaxMultiplier=1.+2e3/young, # spheres growing factor (slow growth)
-	thickness = 0,
-	stressMask = 7,
-	max_vel = 0.005,
-	internalCompaction=True, # If true the confining pressure is generated by growing particles
-	ForceResetter(),
-	InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(),Bo1_Box_Aabb()]),
-	InteractionLoop(
-		[Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(),Ig2_Box_Sphere_ScGeom()],
-		[Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys()],
-		[Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack()],label="iloop"
-	),
-	FlowEngine(dead=1,label="flow"),#introduced as a dead engine for the moment, see 2nd section
-	GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper(active=1,timeStepUpdateInterval=100,timestepSafetyCoefficient=0.8),
-	triax,
-	newton
-while 1:
-  O.run(200, True)
-  unb=unbalancedForce()
-  if unb<0.01 and abs(10000-triax.meanStress)/10000<0.01:
-    break
-## ______________   Oedometer section   _________________
-#A. Check bulk modulus of the dry material from load/unload cycles
-triax.goal2=11000; O.run(2000,1)
-triax.goal2=10000; O.run(2000,1)
-triax.goal2=11000; O.run(2000,1)
-triax.goal2=10000; O.run(2000,1)
-modulus = 1000./abs(e22)
-if abs((modulus-target)/target)>tolerance :
-	print "DEM-PFV: difference in bulk modulus:", modulus, "vs. target ",target
-	errors+=1
-#B. Activate flow engine and set boundary conditions in order to get permeability
-Qin = flow.getBoundaryFlux(2)
-Qout = flow.getBoundaryFlux(3)
-permeability = abs(Qin)/1.e-4 #size is one, we compute K=V/∇H
-if abs(Qin+Qout)>1e-15 :
-	print "DEM-PFV: unbalanced Qin vs. Qout"
-	errors+=1
-if abs((permeability-target)/target)>tolerance :
-	print "DEM-PFV: difference in permeability:",permeability," vs. target ",target
-	errors+=1
-#C. now the oedometer test, drained at the top, impermeable at the bottom plate
-zeroe22 = triax.strain[1]
-from yade import timing
-if abs((flow.getPorePressure((0.5,0.1,0.5))-target)/target)>tolerance :
-	print "DEM-PFV: difference in final pressure:",flow.getPorePressure((0.5,0.1,0.5))," vs. target ",target
-	errors+=1
-if abs((triax.strain[1]-zeroe22-target)/target)>tolerance :
-	print "DEM-PFV: difference in final deformation",triax.strain[1]-zeroe22," vs. target ",target
-	errors+=1
-if (float(flow.execTime)/float(sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines])))>0.6 :
-	print "DEM-PFV: More than 60\% of cpu time in FlowEngine (",100.*(float(flow.execTime)/float(sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines]))) ,"%). Should not happen with efficient libraries (check blas/lapack/cholmod implementations)"
-	errors+=1
-if (errors):
-	resultStatus +=1	#Test is failed
\ No newline at end of file
+try: FlowEngine
+except NameError:
+	print "skip DEM-PFV check, FlowEngine not available"
+	errors=0
+	tolerance=0.01
+	from yade import pack
+	num_spheres=100# number of spheres
+	young=1e6
+	compFricDegree = 3 # initial contact friction during the confining phase
+	finalFricDegree = 30 # contact friction during the deviatoric loading
+	mn,mx=Vector3(0,0,0),Vector3(1,1,1) # corners of the initial packing
+	O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=young,poisson=0.5,frictionAngle=radians(compFricDegree),density=2600,label='spheres'))
+	O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=young,poisson=0.5,frictionAngle=0,density=0,label='walls'))
+	walls=aabbWalls([mn,mx],thickness=0,material='walls')
+	wallIds=O.bodies.append(walls)
+	sp=pack.SpherePack()
+	sp.makeCloud(mn,mx,-1,0.3333,num_spheres,False, 0.95,seed=1) #"seed" make the "random" generation always the same
+	sp.toSimulation(material='spheres')
+	triax=TriaxialStressController(
+		maxMultiplier=1.+2e4/young, # spheres growing factor (fast growth)
+		finalMaxMultiplier=1.+2e3/young, # spheres growing factor (slow growth)
+		thickness = 0,
+		stressMask = 7,
+		max_vel = 0.005,
+		internalCompaction=True, # If true the confining pressure is generated by growing particles
+	)
+	newton=NewtonIntegrator(damping=0.2)
+	O.engines=[
+		ForceResetter(),
+		InsertionSortCollider([Bo1_Sphere_Aabb(),Bo1_Box_Aabb()]),
+		InteractionLoop(
+			[Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(),Ig2_Box_Sphere_ScGeom()],
+			[Ip2_FrictMat_FrictMat_FrictPhys()],
+			[Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack()],label="iloop"
+		),
+		FlowEngine(dead=1,label="flow"),#introduced as a dead engine for the moment, see 2nd section
+		GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper(active=1,timeStepUpdateInterval=100,timestepSafetyCoefficient=0.8),
+		triax,
+		newton
+	]
+	triax.goal1=triax.goal2=triax.goal3=10000
+	while 1:
+		O.run(200, True)
+		unb=unbalancedForce()
+		if unb<0.01 and abs(10000-triax.meanStress)/10000<0.01: break
+	setContactFriction(radians(finalFricDegree))
+	## ______________   Oedometer section   _________________
+	#A. Check bulk modulus of the dry material from load/unload cycles
+	triax.stressMask=2
+	triax.goal1=triax.goal3=0
+	triax.internalCompaction=False
+	triax.wall_bottom_activated=False
+	triax.goal2=11000; O.run(2000,1)
+	triax.goal2=10000; O.run(2000,1)
+	triax.goal2=11000; O.run(2000,1)
+	e22=triax.strain[1]
+	triax.goal2=10000; O.run(2000,1)
+	e22=e22-triax.strain[1]
+	modulus = 1000./abs(e22)
+	target=263673.1423
+	if abs((modulus-target)/target)>tolerance :
+		print "DEM-PFV: difference in bulk modulus:", modulus, "vs. target ",target
+		errors+=1
+	#B. Activate flow engine and set boundary conditions in order to get permeability
+	flow.dead=0
+	flow.defTolerance=0.3
+	flow.meshUpdateInterval=200
+	flow.useSolver=3
+	flow.viscosity=10
+	flow.bndCondIsPressure=[0,0,1,1,0,0]
+	flow.bndCondValue=[0,0,1,0,0,0]
+	flow.boundaryUseMaxMin=[0,0,0,0,0,0]
+	O.dt=0.1e-3
+	O.dynDt=False
+	O.run(1,1)
+	Qin = flow.getBoundaryFlux(2)
+	Qout = flow.getBoundaryFlux(3)
+	permeability = abs(Qin)/1.e-4 #size is one, we compute K=V/∇H
+	if abs(Qin+Qout)>1e-15 :
+		print "DEM-PFV: unbalanced Qin vs. Qout"
+		errors+=1
+	target=0.0512650663801
+	if abs((permeability-target)/target)>tolerance :
+		print "DEM-PFV: difference in permeability:",permeability," vs. target ",target
+		errors+=1
+	#C. now the oedometer test, drained at the top, impermeable at the bottom plate
+	flow.bndCondIsPressure=[0,0,0,1,0,0]
+	flow.bndCondValue=[0,0,0,0,0,0]
+	newton.damping=0
+	zeroTime=O.time
+	zeroe22 = triax.strain[1]
+	triax.goal2=11000
+	O.timingEnabled=1
+	from yade import timing
+	O.run(3000,1)
+	target=528.554831762
+	if abs((flow.getPorePressure((0.5,0.1,0.5))-target)/target)>tolerance :
+		print "DEM-PFV: difference in final pressure:",flow.getPorePressure((0.5,0.1,0.5))," vs. target ",target
+		errors+=1
+	target=0.00265188596144
+	if abs((triax.strain[1]-zeroe22-target)/target)>tolerance :
+		print "DEM-PFV: difference in final deformation",triax.strain[1]-zeroe22," vs. target ",target
+		errors+=1
+	if (float(flow.execTime)/float(sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines])))>0.6 :
+		print "DEM-PFV: More than 60\% of cpu time in FlowEngine (",100.*(float(flow.execTime)/float(sum([e.execTime for e in O.engines]))) ,"%). Should not happen with efficient libraries (check blas/lapack/cholmod implementations)"
+		errors+=1
+	if (errors):
+		resultStatus +=1	#Test is failed
\ No newline at end of file

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