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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3800: Rename createtar.py to buildppa.py.


revno: 3800
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Fri 2014-01-10 21:03:14 +0100
  Rename createtar.py to buildppa.py.


Your team Yade developers is subscribed to branch lp:yade.
To unsubscribe from this branch go to https://code.launchpad.net/~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk/+edit-subscription
=== added file 'scripts/ppa/buildppa.py'
--- scripts/ppa/buildppa.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ scripts/ppa/buildppa.py	2014-01-10 20:03:14 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse, os, git, shutil, sys, time
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
+parser.add_argument("-i", help="config file")
+parser.add_argument("-u","--update", help="update tarballs, if they are exist", action='store_true')
+parser.add_argument("-j", help="number of processors to build",dest='jobsNumber',default=6, type=int)
+args = parser.parse_args() 
+configfile = args.i
+jobsNumber = args.jobsNumber
+infileconf  = open(configfile)
+linesconf   = infileconf.readlines()
+gitdebdir   = linesconf[1].strip()
+pbdir       = linesconf[4].strip()
+gitupsdir   = linesconf[7].strip()
+userg       = linesconf[10].strip()
+groupg      = linesconf[13].strip()
+dputg       = linesconf[16].strip()
+keyg        = linesconf[19].strip()
+keypasspath = linesconf[22].strip()
+keysecrpath = linesconf[25].strip()
+patharchive = linesconf[28].strip()
+if not(os.path.isdir(gitdebdir)):
+    raise RuntimeError('Git-debian-directory does not exists')
+if not(os.path.isdir(gitupsdir)):
+    raise RuntimeError('Git-upstream-directory does not exists')
+if not(os.path.isdir(pbdir)):
+    print ('Pbuilder-directory does not exists. Creating')
+    os.mkdir(pbdir)
+repodeb = git.Repo(gitdebdir)
+repoups = git.Repo(gitupsdir)
+assert repodeb.bare == False
+assert repoups.bare == False
+if (repodeb.is_dirty()):
+    raise RuntimeError('Git-debian-repo has an uncommitted changes. Exiting.')
+if (repoups.is_dirty()):
+    raise RuntimeError('Git-upstream-repo has an uncommitted changes. Exiting.')
+for branch in repodeb.branches:
+    branchstr = str(branch)
+    if (branchstr<>'master'):
+        print "Switching to branch %s"%(branch)
+        repodeb.git.checkout(branch)
+        infile = open(gitdebdir+"/pbuilder")
+        lines = infile.readlines()
+        mirror = lines[0].strip()
+        components = lines[1].strip()
+        archs = lines[2].split()
+        keyringuse = lines[3].strip()
+        othermirror = lines[4].strip()
+        infile.close()
+        for a in archs:
+            tarball = "%s/%s_%s.tgz"%(pbdir, branchstr, a.strip())
+            addAllowuntrusted = ""
+            if (othermirror!="#"):
+                addAllowuntrusted =  " --allow-untrusted "
+            if not(os.path.isfile(tarball)):
+                createPbTar = ('sudo pbuilder --create --distribution %s --mirror %s --components "%s" --architecture %s --debootstrapopts "--keyring=%s" --basetgz %s'%
+                        (branchstr, mirror, components, a, keyringuse, tarball))
+                if (othermirror!="#"):
+                    createPbTar += ' --othermirror "' + othermirror + '"'
+                    addAllowuntrusted =  " --allow-untrusted "
+                print createPbTar
+                print "Creating tarball %s"%(tarball)
+                os.system(createPbTar)
+            else:
+                print "Tarball %s exists"%(tarball)
+                if (args.update):
+                    print "Updating %s as requested" %(tarball)
+                    updatePbTar = ('sudo pbuilder --update --basetgz %s'%(tarball))
+                    os.system(updatePbTar)
+            # Creating dir for building
+            builddirup="%s_%s/"%(branchstr, a)
+            builddirdeb="%s/build/"%(builddirup)
+            builddirres="%s/result/"%(builddirup)
+            #shutil.rmtree(builddirdeb,ignore_errors=True)
+            shutil.rmtree(builddirup,ignore_errors=True)
+            shutil.copytree(gitupsdir, builddirdeb )
+            shutil.rmtree(builddirdeb+".git")
+            # Get package version
+            versiondebian = repoups.git.describe()[0:-8] + repoups.head.commit.hexsha[0:7] + "~" + branchstr
+            # Get package name
+            infilepname = open(gitdebdir+"/changelog"); sourcePackName = infilepname.readlines()[0].split()[0]
+            print sourcePackName
+            os.system('cd %s; apack %s_%s.orig.tar.xz build'%(builddirup,sourcePackName,versiondebian))
+            shutil.copytree(gitdebdir, builddirdeb+"/debian")
+            os.system('sed -i.bak -e s/VERSION/%s/ -e s/DISTRIBUTION/%s/ %s/debian/changelog'%(versiondebian,branch,builddirdeb))
+            os.system('sed -i.bak -e s/VERSIONYADEREPLACE/%s/ %s/debian/rules'%(versiondebian,builddirdeb))
+            os.system('cd %s; dpkg-source -b -I build'%(builddirup))
+            os.mkdir(builddirres)
+            print "Building package %s_%s"%(sourcePackName, versiondebian)
+            buildPackage = ('sudo pbuilder --build --architecture %s --basetgz %s %s --logfile %s/pbuilder.log --debbuildopts "-j%d" --buildresult %s %s/*.dsc'%
+                (a, tarball, addAllowuntrusted, builddirup, jobsNumber, builddirres, builddirup))
+            print buildPackage
+            os.system(buildPackage)
+            os.system('sudo chown %s:%s %s * -R'%(userg, groupg, builddirup))
+            os.system('sudo chown %s:%s %s * -R'%(userg, groupg, gitdebdir))
+            os.system('sudo chown %s:%s %s * -R'%(userg, groupg, gitupsdir))
+        os.system('cd %s ; su %s -c \'dput %s *.changes\''%(builddirres, userg, dputg))
+for branch in repodeb.branches:
+    branchstr = str(branch)
+    if (branchstr<>'master'):
+        os.system('rm %s/%s/Release.gpg ; su %s -c \'gpg --no-tty --batch --default-key "%s" --detach-sign --passphrase-fd=0 --passphrase-file=%s -o %s/%s/Release.gpg %s/%s/Release\''%(patharchive, branch, userg, keyg, keypasspath, patharchive, branch, patharchive, branch))

=== removed file 'scripts/ppa/createtar.py'
--- scripts/ppa/createtar.py	2013-12-21 07:25:49 +0000
+++ scripts/ppa/createtar.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import argparse, os, git, shutil, sys, time
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process some integers.')
-parser.add_argument("-i", help="config file")
-parser.add_argument("-u","--update", help="update tarballs, if they are exist", action='store_true')
-parser.add_argument("-j", help="number of processors to build",dest='jobsNumber',default=6, type=int)
-args = parser.parse_args() 
-configfile = args.i
-jobsNumber = args.jobsNumber
-infileconf  = open(configfile)
-linesconf   = infileconf.readlines()
-gitdebdir   = linesconf[1].strip()
-pbdir       = linesconf[4].strip()
-gitupsdir   = linesconf[7].strip()
-userg       = linesconf[10].strip()
-groupg      = linesconf[13].strip()
-dputg       = linesconf[16].strip()
-keyg        = linesconf[19].strip()
-keypasspath = linesconf[22].strip()
-keysecrpath = linesconf[25].strip()
-patharchive = linesconf[28].strip()
-if not(os.path.isdir(gitdebdir)):
-    raise RuntimeError('Git-debian-directory does not exists')
-if not(os.path.isdir(gitupsdir)):
-    raise RuntimeError('Git-upstream-directory does not exists')
-if not(os.path.isdir(pbdir)):
-    print ('Pbuilder-directory does not exists. Creating')
-    os.mkdir(pbdir)
-repodeb = git.Repo(gitdebdir)
-repoups = git.Repo(gitupsdir)
-assert repodeb.bare == False
-assert repoups.bare == False
-if (repodeb.is_dirty()):
-    raise RuntimeError('Git-debian-repo has an uncommitted changes. Exiting.')
-if (repoups.is_dirty()):
-    raise RuntimeError('Git-upstream-repo has an uncommitted changes. Exiting.')
-for branch in repodeb.branches:
-    branchstr = str(branch)
-    if (branchstr<>'master'):
-        print "Switching to branch %s"%(branch)
-        repodeb.git.checkout(branch)
-        infile = open(gitdebdir+"/pbuilder")
-        lines = infile.readlines()
-        mirror = lines[0].strip()
-        components = lines[1].strip()
-        archs = lines[2].split()
-        keyringuse = lines[3].strip()
-        othermirror = lines[4].strip()
-        infile.close()
-        for a in archs:
-            tarball = "%s/%s_%s.tgz"%(pbdir, branchstr, a.strip())
-            addAllowuntrusted = ""
-            if (othermirror!="#"):
-                addAllowuntrusted =  " --allow-untrusted "
-            if not(os.path.isfile(tarball)):
-                createPbTar = ('sudo pbuilder --create --distribution %s --mirror %s --components "%s" --architecture %s --debootstrapopts "--keyring=%s" --basetgz %s'%
-                        (branchstr, mirror, components, a, keyringuse, tarball))
-                if (othermirror!="#"):
-                    createPbTar += ' --othermirror "' + othermirror + '"'
-                    addAllowuntrusted =  " --allow-untrusted "
-                print createPbTar
-                print "Creating tarball %s"%(tarball)
-                os.system(createPbTar)
-            else:
-                print "Tarball %s exists"%(tarball)
-                if (args.update):
-                    print "Updating %s as requested" %(tarball)
-                    updatePbTar = ('sudo pbuilder --update --basetgz %s'%(tarball))
-                    os.system(updatePbTar)
-            # Creating dir for building
-            builddirup="%s_%s/"%(branchstr, a)
-            builddirdeb="%s/build/"%(builddirup)
-            builddirres="%s/result/"%(builddirup)
-            #shutil.rmtree(builddirdeb,ignore_errors=True)
-            shutil.rmtree(builddirup,ignore_errors=True)
-            shutil.copytree(gitupsdir, builddirdeb )
-            shutil.rmtree(builddirdeb+".git")
-            # Get package version
-            versiondebian = repoups.git.describe() + "~" + branchstr
-            # Get package name
-            infilepname = open(gitdebdir+"/changelog"); sourcePackName = infilepname.readlines()[0].split()[0]
-            print sourcePackName
-            os.system('cd %s; apack %s_%s.orig.tar.xz build'%(builddirup,sourcePackName,versiondebian))
-            shutil.copytree(gitdebdir, builddirdeb+"/debian")
-            os.system('sed -i.bak -e s/VERSION/%s/ -e s/DISTRIBUTION/%s/ %s/debian/changelog'%(versiondebian,branch,builddirdeb))
-            os.system('sed -i.bak -e s/VERSIONYADEREPLACE/%s/ %s/debian/rules'%(versiondebian,builddirdeb))
-            os.system('cd %s; dpkg-source -b -I build'%(builddirup))
-            os.mkdir(builddirres)
-            print "Building package %s_%s"%(sourcePackName, versiondebian)
-            buildPackage = ('sudo pbuilder --build --architecture %s --basetgz %s %s --logfile %s/pbuilder.log --debbuildopts "-j%d" --buildresult %s %s/*.dsc'%
-                (a, tarball, addAllowuntrusted, builddirup, jobsNumber, builddirres, builddirup))
-            print buildPackage
-            os.system(buildPackage)
-            os.system('sudo chown %s:%s %s * -R'%(userg, groupg, builddirup))
-            os.system('sudo chown %s:%s %s * -R'%(userg, groupg, gitdebdir))
-            os.system('sudo chown %s:%s %s * -R'%(userg, groupg, gitupsdir))
-        os.system('cd %s ; su %s -c \'dput %s *.changes\''%(builddirres, userg, dputg))
-for branch in repodeb.branches:
-    branchstr = str(branch)
-    if (branchstr<>'master'):
-        os.system('rm %s/%s/Release.gpg ; su %s -c \'gpg --no-tty --batch --default-key "%s" --detach-sign --passphrase-fd=0 --passphrase-file=%s -o %s/%s/Release.gpg %s/%s/Release\''%(patharchive, branch, userg, keyg, keypasspath, patharchive, branch, patharchive, branch))