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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3795: Typo in doc of CohFric Law2 : the shear adhesion is a_s, not a_n


revno: 3795
committer: Jerome Duriez <jerome.duriez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Tue 2014-01-21 16:06:34 +0100
  Typo in doc of CohFric Law2 : the shear adhesion is a_s, not a_n


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw.hpp	2013-05-29 09:48:51 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw.hpp	2014-01-21 15:06:34 +0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 		Real normElastEnergy();
 		Real shearElastEnergy();
 	virtual void go(shared_ptr<IGeom>& _geom, shared_ptr<IPhys>& _phys, Interaction* I);
-	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(Law2_ScGeom6D_CohFrictPhys_CohesionMoment,LawFunctor,"Law for linear traction-compression-bending-twisting, with cohesion+friction and Mohr-Coulomb plasticity surface. This law adds adhesion and moments to :yref:`Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack`.\n\nThe normal force is (with the convention of positive tensile forces) $F_n=min(k_n*u_n, a_n)$, with $a_n$ the normal adhesion. The shear force is $F_s=k_s*u_s$, the plasticity condition defines the maximum value of the shear force, by default $F_s^{max}=F_n*tan(\\phi)+a_s$, with $\\phi$ the friction angle and $a_n$ the shear adhesion. If :yref:`CohFrictPhys::cohesionDisableFriction` is True, friction is ignored as long as adhesion is active, and the maximum shear force is only $F_s^{max}=a_s$.\n\nIf the maximum tensile or maximum shear force is reached and :yref:`CohFrictPhys::fragile` =True (default), the cohesive link is broken, and $a_n, a_s$ are set back to zero. If a tensile force is present, the contact is lost, else the shear strength is $F_s^{max}=F_n*tan(\\phi)$. If :yref:`CohFrictPhys::fragile` =False (in course of implementation), the behaviour is perfectly plastic, and the shear strength is kept constant.\n\nIf :yref:`Law2_ScGeom6D_CohFrictPhys_CohesionMoment::momentRotationLaw` =True, bending and twisting moments are computed using a linear law with moduli respectively $k_t$ and $k_r$ (the two values are the same currently), so that the moments are : $M_b=k_b*\\Theta_b$ and $M_t=k_t*\\Theta_t$, with $\\Theta_{b,t}$ the relative rotations between interacting bodies. The maximum value of moments can be defined and takes the form of rolling friction. Cohesive -type moment may also be included in the future.\n\nCreep at contact is implemented in this law, as defined in [Hassan2010]_. If activated, there is a viscous behaviour of the shear and twisting components, and the evolution of the elastic parts of shear displacement and relative twist is given by $du_{s,e}/dt=-F_s/\\nu_s$ and $d\\Theta_{t,e}/dt=-M_t/\\nu_t$.",
+	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR_PY(Law2_ScGeom6D_CohFrictPhys_CohesionMoment,LawFunctor,"Law for linear traction-compression-bending-twisting, with cohesion+friction and Mohr-Coulomb plasticity surface. This law adds adhesion and moments to :yref:`Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack`.\n\nThe normal force is (with the convention of positive tensile forces) $F_n=min(k_n*u_n, a_n)$, with $a_n$ the normal adhesion. The shear force is $F_s=k_s*u_s$, the plasticity condition defines the maximum value of the shear force, by default $F_s^{max}=F_n*tan(\\phi)+a_s$, with $\\phi$ the friction angle and $a_s$ the shear adhesion. If :yref:`CohFrictPhys::cohesionDisableFriction` is True, friction is ignored as long as adhesion is active, and the maximum shear force is only $F_s^{max}=a_s$.\n\nIf the maximum tensile or maximum shear force is reached and :yref:`CohFrictPhys::fragile` =True (default), the cohesive link is broken, and $a_n, a_s$ are set back to zero. If a tensile force is present, the contact is lost, else the shear strength is $F_s^{max}=F_n*tan(\\phi)$. If :yref:`CohFrictPhys::fragile` =False (in course of implementation), the behaviour is perfectly plastic, and the shear strength is kept constant.\n\nIf :yref:`Law2_ScGeom6D_CohFrictPhys_CohesionMoment::momentRotationLaw` =True, bending and twisting moments are computed using a linear law with moduli respectively $k_t$ and $k_r$ (the two values are the same currently), so that the moments are : $M_b=k_b*\\Theta_b$ and $M_t=k_t*\\Theta_t$, with $\\Theta_{b,t}$ the relative rotations between interacting bodies. The maximum value of moments can be defined and takes the form of rolling friction. Cohesive -type moment may also be included in the future.\n\nCreep at contact is implemented in this law, as defined in [Hassan2010]_. If activated, there is a viscous behaviour of the shear and twisting components, and the evolution of the elastic parts of shear displacement and relative twist is given by $du_{s,e}/dt=-F_s/\\nu_s$ and $d\\Theta_{t,e}/dt=-M_t/\\nu_t$.",
 		((bool,neverErase,false,,"Keep interactions even if particles go away from each other (only in case another constitutive law is in the scene, e.g. :yref:`Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity`)"))
 		((bool,always_use_moment_law,false,,"If true, use bending/twisting moments at all contacts. If false, compute moments only for cohesive contacts."))
 		((bool,shear_creep,false,,"activate creep on the shear force, using :yref:`CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw::creep_viscosity`."))