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Message #10594
[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3848: Periodic version of flow engine in separate source files
revno: 3848
committer: Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Fri 2014-03-21 19:47:45 +0100
Periodic version of flow engine in separate source files
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=== added file 'pkg/dem/PeriodicFlowEngine.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/PeriodicFlowEngine.cpp 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/PeriodicFlowEngine.cpp 2014-03-21 18:47:45 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2009 by Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx> *
+* Copyright (C) 2012 by Donia Marzougui <donia.marzougui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>*
+* *
+* This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the *
+* GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
+#ifdef YADE_CGAL
+#include "PeriodicFlowEngine.hpp"
+CVector PeriodicCellInfo::hSize[]={CVector(),CVector(),CVector()};
+CVector PeriodicCellInfo::deltaP=CVector();
+CVector PeriodicCellInfo::gradP=CVector();
+CREATE_LOGGER ( PeriodicFlowEngine );
+void PeriodicFlowEngine:: action()
+ if ( !isActivated ) return;
+ timingDeltas->start();
+ preparePShifts();
+ setPositionsBuffer(true);
+ if (first) {
+ if (multithread) setPositionsBuffer(false);
+ cachedCell= Cell(*(scene->cell));
+ buildTriangulation(pZero,*solver);
+ if (solver->errorCode>0) {LOG_INFO("triangulation error, pausing"); Omega::instance().pause(); return;}
+ initializeVolumes(*solver); backgroundSolver=solver; backgroundCompleted=true;}
+// if ( first ) {buildTriangulation ( pZero ); updateTriangulation = false; initializeVolumes();}
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("Triangulating");
+ updateVolumes (*solver);
+ epsVolCumulative += epsVolMax;
+ retriangulationLastIter++;
+ if (!updateTriangulation) updateTriangulation = // If not already set true by another function of by the user, check conditions
+ (defTolerance>0 && epsVolCumulative > defTolerance) || retriangulationLastIter>meshUpdateInterval;
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("Update_Volumes");
+ ///compute flow and and forces here
+ if (pressureForce){
+ solver->gaussSeidel(scene->dt);
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("Gauss-Seidel");
+ solver->computeFacetForcesWithCache();}
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("compute_Pressure_Forces");
+ ///compute vicscous forces
+ scene->forces.sync();
+ computeViscousForces(*solver);
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("compute_Viscous_Forces");
+ Vector3r force;
+ Vector3r torque;
+ const Tesselation& Tes = solver->T[solver->currentTes];
+ for (int id=0; id<=Tes.maxId; id++){
+ assert (Tes.vertexHandles[id] != NULL);
+ const Tesselation::VertexInfo& v_info = Tes.vertexHandles[id]->info();
+ force =(pressureForce) ? Vector3r ( ( v_info.forces ) [0],v_info.forces[1],v_info.forces[2] ) : Vector3r(0,0,0);
+ torque = Vector3r(0,0,0);
+ if (shearLubrication || viscousShear){
+ force = force +solver->shearLubricationForces[v_info.id()];
+ torque = torque +solver->shearLubricationTorques[v_info.id()];
+ if (pumpTorque)
+ torque = torque +solver->pumpLubricationTorques[v_info.id()];
+ if (twistTorque)
+ torque = torque +solver->twistLubricationTorques[v_info.id()];
+ }
+ if (normalLubrication)
+ force = force + solver->normalLubricationForce[v_info.id()];
+ scene->forces.addForce ( v_info.id(), force);
+ scene->forces.addTorque ( v_info.id(), torque);
+ }
+ ///End Compute flow and forces
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("Applying Forces");
+ if (multithread && !first) {
+ while (updateTriangulation && !backgroundCompleted) { /*cout<<"sleeping..."<<sleeping++<<endl;*/ boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::microseconds(1000));}
+ if (updateTriangulation || ellapsedIter>(0.5*meshUpdateInterval)) {
+ if (useSolver==0) LOG_ERROR("background calculations not available for Gauss-Seidel");
+ if (fluidBulkModulus>0) solver->interpolate (solver->T[solver->currentTes], backgroundSolver->T[backgroundSolver->currentTes]);
+ solver=backgroundSolver;
+ backgroundSolver = shared_ptr<FlowSolver> (new FlowSolver);
+ //Copy imposed pressures/flow from the old solver
+ backgroundSolver->imposedP = vector<pair<CGT::Point,Real> >(solver->imposedP);
+ backgroundSolver->imposedF = vector<pair<CGT::Point,Real> >(solver->imposedF);
+ setPositionsBuffer(false);
+ cachedCell= Cell(*(scene->cell));
+ backgroundCompleted=false;
+ retriangulationLastIter=ellapsedIter;
+ ellapsedIter=0;
+ epsVolCumulative=0;
+ boost::thread workerThread(&PeriodicFlowEngine::backgroundAction,this);
+ workerThread.detach();
+ initializeVolumes(*solver);
+ computeViscousForces(*solver);
+ }
+ else if (debug && !first) {
+ if (debug && !backgroundCompleted) cerr<<"still computing solver in the background"<<endl;
+ ellapsedIter++;}
+ } else {
+ if (updateTriangulation && !first) {
+ cachedCell= Cell(*(scene->cell));
+ buildTriangulation (pZero, *solver);
+ initializeVolumes(*solver);
+ computeViscousForces(*solver);
+ updateTriangulation = false;
+ epsVolCumulative=0;
+ retriangulationLastIter=0;
+ ReTrg++;}
+ }
+ first=false;
+ timingDeltas->checkpoint("Ending");
+// void PeriodicFlowEngine::backgroundAction()
+// {
+// if (useSolver<1) {LOG_ERROR("background calculations not available for Gauss-Seidel"); return;}
+// buildTriangulation (pZero,*backgroundSolver);
+// //FIXME: GS is computing too much, we need only matrix factorization in fact
+// backgroundSolver->gaussSeidel(scene->dt);
+// backgroundSolver->computeFacetForcesWithCache(/*onlyCache?*/ true);
+// // boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(10));
+// backgroundCompleted = true;
+// }
+void PeriodicFlowEngine::triangulate( FlowSolver& flow )
+ Tesselation& Tes = flow.T[flow.currentTes];
+ vector<posData>& buffer = multithread ? positionBufferParallel : positionBufferCurrent;
+ FOREACH ( const posData& b, buffer ) {
+ if ( !b.exists || !b.isSphere || b.id==ignoredBody) continue;
+ Vector3i period; Vector3r wpos;
+ // FIXME: use "sheared" variant if the cell is sheared
+ wpos=cachedCell.wrapPt ( b.pos,period );
+ const Body::id_t& id = b.id;
+ const Real& rad = b.radius;
+ const Real& x = wpos[0];
+ const Real& y = wpos[1];
+ const Real& z = wpos[2];
+ VertexHandle vh0=Tes.insert ( x, y, z, rad, id );
+// VertexHandle vh0=Tes.insert ( b.pos[0], b.pos[1], b.pos[2], b.radius, b.id );
+ if (vh0==NULL) {
+ flow.errorCode = 2;
+ LOG_ERROR("Vh NULL in PeriodicFlowEngine::triangulate(), check input data"); continue;}
+ for ( int k=0;k<3;k++ ) vh0->info().period[k]=-period[k];
+ const Vector3r cellSize ( cachedCell.getSize() );
+ //FIXME: if hasShear, comment in
+// wpos=scene->cell->unshearPt ( wpos );
+ // traverse all periodic cells around the body, to see if any of them touches
+ Vector3r halfSize= ( rad+duplicateThreshold ) *Vector3r ( 1,1,1 );
+ Vector3r pmin,pmax;
+ Vector3i i;
+ for ( i[0]=-1; i[0]<=1; i[0]++ )
+ for ( i[1]=-1;i[1]<=1; i[1]++ )
+ for ( i[2]=-1; i[2]<=1; i[2]++ ) {
+ if ( i[0]!=0 || i[1]!=0 || i[2]!=0 ) { // middle; already rendered above
+ Vector3r pos2=wpos+Vector3r ( cellSize[0]*i[0],cellSize[1]*i[1],cellSize[2]*i[2] ); // shift, but without shear!
+ pmin=pos2-halfSize;
+ pmax=pos2+halfSize;
+ if ( (pmin[0]<=cellSize[0]) && (pmax[0]>=0) && (pmin[1]<=cellSize[1]) && (pmax[1]>=0) && (pmin[2]<=cellSize[2]) && (pmax[2]>=0) ) {
+ //with shear:
+ //Vector3r pt=scene->cell->shearPt ( pos2 );
+ //without shear:
+ const Vector3r& pt= pos2;
+ VertexHandle vh=Tes.insert ( pt[0],pt[1],pt[2],rad,id,false,id );
+ for ( int k=0;k<3;k++ ) vh->info().period[k]=i[k]-period[k];}}
+ }
+ //re-assign the original vertex pointer since duplicates may have overwrite it
+ Tes.vertexHandles[id]=vh0;
+ }
+ Tes.redirected=true;//By inserting one-by-one, we already redirected
+ flow.shearLubricationForces.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+ flow.shearLubricationTorques.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+ flow.pumpLubricationTorques.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+ flow.twistLubricationTorques.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+ flow.shearLubricationBodyStress.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+ flow.normalLubricationForce.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+ flow.normalLubricationBodyStress.resize ( Tes.maxId+1 );
+Real PeriodicFlowEngine::volumeCell ( CellHandle cell )
+ static const Real inv6 = 1/6.;
+ const Vector3r p0 = positionBufferCurrent[cell->vertex(0)->info().id()].pos + makeVector3r(cell->vertex(0)->info().ghostShift());
+ const Vector3r p1 = positionBufferCurrent[cell->vertex(1)->info().id()].pos + makeVector3r(cell->vertex(1)->info().ghostShift());
+ const Vector3r p2 = positionBufferCurrent[cell->vertex(2)->info().id()].pos + makeVector3r(cell->vertex(2)->info().ghostShift());
+ const Vector3r p3 = positionBufferCurrent[cell->vertex(3)->info().id()].pos + makeVector3r(cell->vertex(3)->info().ghostShift());
+ Real volume = inv6*((p0-p1).cross(p0-p2)).dot(p0-p3);
+ if ( ! ( cell->info().volumeSign ) ) cell->info().volumeSign= ( volume>0 ) ?1:-1;
+ return volume;
+Real PeriodicFlowEngine::volumeCellSingleFictious ( CellHandle cell )
+ Vector3r V[3];
+ int b=0;
+ int w=0;
+ cell->info().volumeSign=1;
+ Real Wall_coordinate=0;
+ for ( int y=0;y<4;y++ ) {
+ if ( ! ( cell->vertex ( y )->info().isFictious ) ) {
+ const shared_ptr<Body>& sph = Body::byId ( cell->vertex ( y )->info().id(), scene );
+ V[w]=sph->state->pos+ makeVector3r ( cell->vertex ( y )->info().ghostShift() );
+ w++;
+ } else {
+ b = cell->vertex ( y )->info().id();
+ const shared_ptr<Body>& wll = Body::byId ( b,scene );
+ if ( !solver->boundary ( b ).useMaxMin ) Wall_coordinate = wll->state->pos[solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate]+ ( solver->boundary ( b ).normal[solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate] ) *wallThickness/2.;
+ else Wall_coordinate = solver->boundary ( b ).p[solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate];
+ }
+ }
+ Real Volume = 0.5* ( ( V[0]-V[1] ).cross ( V[0]-V[2] ) ) [solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate] * ( 0.33333333333* ( V[0][solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate]+ V[1][solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate]+ V[2][solver->boundary ( b ).coordinate] ) - Wall_coordinate );
+ return abs ( Volume );
+void PeriodicFlowEngine::locateCell ( CellHandle baseCell, unsigned int& index, int& baseIndex, FlowSolver& flow, unsigned int count)
+ if (count>10) {
+ LOG_ERROR("More than 10 attempts to locate a cell, duplicateThreshold may be too small, resulting in periodicity inconsistencies.");
+ flow.errorCode=1; return;
+ }
+ PeriFlowTesselation::CellInfo& baseInfo = baseCell->info();
+ //already located, return FIXME: is inline working correctly? else move this test outside the function, just before the calls
+ if ( baseInfo.index>0 || baseInfo.isGhost ) return;
+ RTriangulation& Tri = flow.T[flow.currentTes].Triangulation();
+ Vector3r center ( 0,0,0 );
+ Vector3i period;
+ if (baseCell->info().fictious()==0)
+ for ( int k=0;k<4;k++ ) center+= 0.25*makeVector3r (baseCell->vertex(k)->point());
+ else {
+ Real boundPos=0; int coord=0;
+ for ( int k=0;k<4;k++ ) {
+ if ( !baseCell->vertex ( k )->info().isFictious ) center+= 0.3333333333*makeVector3r ( baseCell->vertex ( k )->point() );
+ else {
+ coord=flow.boundary ( baseCell->vertex ( k )->info().id() ).coordinate;
+ boundPos=flow.boundary ( baseCell->vertex ( k )->info().id() ).p[coord];}
+ }
+ center[coord]=boundPos;
+ }
+ Vector3r wdCenter= cachedCell.wrapPt ( center,period );
+ if ( period[0]!=0 || period[1]!=0 || period[2]!=0 ) {
+ if ( baseCell->info().index>0 ) {
+ cout<<"indexed cell is found ghost!"<<baseInfo.index <<endl;
+ baseInfo.isGhost=false;
+ return;
+ }
+ CellHandle ch= Tri.locate ( CGT::Point ( wdCenter[0],wdCenter[1],wdCenter[2] )
+// ,/*hint*/ v0
+ );
+ baseInfo.period[0]=period[0];
+ baseInfo.period[1]=period[1];
+ baseInfo.period[2]=period[2];
+ //call recursively, since the returned cell could be also a ghost (especially if baseCell is a non-periodic type from the external contour
+ locateCell ( ch,index,baseIndex,flow,++count );
+ if ( ch==baseCell ) cerr<<"WTF!!"<<endl;
+ //check consistency
+ bool checkC=false;
+ for (int kk=0; kk<4;kk++) if ((!baseCell->vertex(kk)->info().isGhost) && ((!baseCell->vertex(kk)->info().isFictious))) checkC = true;
+ if (checkC) {
+ bool checkV=true;
+ for (int kk=0; kk<4;kk++) {
+ checkV=false;
+ for (int jj=0; jj<4;jj++)
+ if (baseCell->vertex(kk)->info().id() == ch->vertex(jj)->info().id()) checkV = true;
+ if (!checkV) {cerr <<"periodicity is broken"<<endl;
+ for (int jj=0; jj<4;jj++) cerr<<baseCell->vertex(jj)->info().id()<<" ";
+ cerr<<" vs. ";
+ for (int jj=0; jj<4;jj++) cerr<<ch->vertex(jj)->info().id()<<" ";
+ cerr<<endl;}
+ }
+ } else {
+// bool checkV=true;
+// for (int kk=0; kk<4;kk++) {
+// checkV=false;
+// for (int jj=0; jj<4;jj++)
+// if (baseCell->vertex(kk)->info().id() == ch->vertex(jj)->info().id()) checkV = true;
+// if (!checkV) {cerr <<"periodicity is broken (that's ok probably)"<<endl;
+// for (int jj=0; jj<4;jj++) cerr<<baseCell->vertex(jj)->info().id()<<" ";
+// cerr<<" vs. ";
+// for (int jj=0; jj<4;jj++) cerr<<ch->vertex(jj)->info().id()<<" ";
+// cerr<<endl;}
+// }
+ }
+ baseInfo.isGhost=true;
+ baseInfo._pression=& ( ch->info().p() );
+ baseInfo.index=ch->info().index;
+ baseInfo.baseIndex=ch->info().baseIndex;
+ baseInfo.Pcondition=ch->info().Pcondition;
+ } else {
+ baseInfo.isGhost=false;
+ //index is 1-based, if it is zero it is not initialized, we define it here
+ if ( baseInfo.baseIndex<0 ){
+ baseInfo.baseIndex=++baseIndex;
+ if (!baseInfo.Pcondition) baseInfo.index=++index;}
+ }
+Vector3r PeriodicFlowEngine::meanVelocity()
+ solver->averageRelativeCellVelocity();
+ Vector3r meanVel ( 0,0,0 );
+ Real volume=0;
+ FiniteCellsIterator cell_end = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
+ for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell = solver->T[solver->currentTes].Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell != cell_end; cell++ ) {
+ //We could also define velocity using cell's center
+// if ( !cell->info().isReal() ) continue;
+ if ( cell->info().isGhost ) continue;
+ for ( int i=0;i<3;i++ )
+ meanVel[i]=meanVel[i]+ ( ( cell->info().averageVelocity() ) [i] * abs ( cell->info().volume() ) );
+ volume+=abs ( cell->info().volume() );
+ }
+ return ( meanVel/volume );
+void PeriodicFlowEngine::updateVolumes (FlowSolver& flow)
+ if ( debug ) cout << "Updating volumes.............." << endl;
+ Real invDeltaT = 1/scene->dt;
+ double newVol, dVol;
+ epsVolMax=0;
+ Real totVol=0;
+ Real totDVol=0;
+ Real totVol0=0;
+ Real totVol1=0;
+ FOREACH(CellHandle& cell, flow.T[flow.currentTes].cellHandles){
+ switch ( cell->info().fictious() ) {
+ case ( 1 ) :
+ newVol = volumeCellSingleFictious ( cell );
+ totVol1+=newVol;
+ break;
+ case ( 0 ) :
+ newVol = volumeCell ( cell );
+ totVol0+=newVol;
+ break;
+ default:
+ newVol = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ totVol+=newVol;
+ dVol=cell->info().volumeSign * ( newVol - cell->info().volume() );
+ totDVol+=dVol;
+ epsVolMax = max ( epsVolMax, abs ( dVol/newVol ) );
+ cell->info().dv() = dVol * invDeltaT;
+ cell->info().volume() = newVol;
+ }
+ if ( debug ) cout << "Updated volumes, total =" <<totVol<<", dVol="<<totDVol<<" "<< totVol0<<" "<< totVol1<<endl;
+void PeriodicFlowEngine::initializeVolumes (FlowSolver& flow)
+ FiniteVerticesIterator vertices_end = flow.T[flow.currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_end();
+ CGT::CVector Zero ( 0,0,0 );
+ for ( FiniteVerticesIterator V_it = flow.T[flow.currentTes].Triangulation().finite_vertices_begin(); V_it!= vertices_end; V_it++ ) V_it->info().forces=Zero;
+ FOREACH(CellHandle& cell, flow.T[flow.currentTes].cellHandles){
+ switch ( cell->info().fictious() )
+ {
+ case ( 0 ) : cell->info().volume() = volumeCell ( cell ); break;
+ case ( 1 ) : cell->info().volume() = volumeCellSingleFictious ( cell ); break;
+ default: cell->info().volume() = 0; break;
+ }
+ //FIXME: the void volume is negative sometimes, hence crashing...
+ if (flow.fluidBulkModulus>0) { cell->info().invVoidVolume() = 1. / (max(0.1*cell->info().volume(),abs(cell->info().volume()) - flow.volumeSolidPore(cell)) ); }
+ }
+ if ( debug ) cout << "Volumes initialised." << endl;
+void PeriodicFlowEngine::buildTriangulation ( double pZero, FlowSolver& flow)
+ flow.resetNetwork();
+ if (first) flow.currentTes=0;
+ else {
+ flow.currentTes=!flow.currentTes;
+ if ( debug ) cout << "--------RETRIANGULATION-----------" << endl;}
+ initSolver(flow);
+ addBoundary ( flow );
+ if ( debug ) cout << endl << "Added boundaries------" << endl << endl;
+ triangulate (flow);
+ if ( debug ) cout << endl << "Tesselating------" << endl << endl;
+ flow.T[flow.currentTes].compute();
+ flow.defineFictiousCells();
+ //FIXME: this is already done in addBoundary(?)
+ boundaryConditions ( flow );
+ if ( debug ) cout << endl << "boundaryConditions------" << endl << endl;
+ flow.initializePressure ( pZero );
+ if ( debug ) cout << endl << "initializePressure------" << endl << endl;
+ // Define the ghost cells and add indexes to the cells inside the period (the ones that will contain the pressure unknowns)
+ //This must be done after boundary conditions and initialize pressure, else the indexes are not good (not accounting imposedP): FIXME
+ unsigned int index=0;
+ int baseIndex=-1;
+ FlowSolver::Tesselation& Tes = flow.T[flow.currentTes];
+ Tes.cellHandles.resize(Tes.Triangulation().number_of_finite_cells());
+ const FiniteCellsIterator cellend=Tes.Triangulation().finite_cells_end();
+ for ( FiniteCellsIterator cell=Tes.Triangulation().finite_cells_begin(); cell!=cellend; cell++ ){
+ locateCell ( cell,index,baseIndex,flow );
+ if (flow.errorCode>0) return;
+ //Fill this vector than can be later used to speedup loops
+ if (!cell->info().isGhost) Tes.cellHandles[cell->info().baseIndex]=cell;
+ }
+ Tes.cellHandles.resize(baseIndex+1);
+ if ( debug ) cout << endl << "locateCell------" << endl << endl;
+ flow.computePermeability ( );
+ porosity = flow.vPoralPorosity/flow.vTotalPorosity;
+ flow.tolerance=tolerance;flow.relax=relax;
+ flow.displayStatistics ();
+ //FIXME: check interpolate() for the periodic case, at least use the mean pressure from previous step.
+ if ( !first && !multithread && (useSolver==0 || fluidBulkModulus>0)) flow.interpolate ( flow.T[!flow.currentTes], Tes );
+// if ( !first && (useSolver==0 || fluidBulkModulus>0)) flow.interpolate ( flow.T[!flow.currentTes], flow.T[flow.currentTes] );
+ if ( waveAction ) flow.applySinusoidalPressure ( Tes.Triangulation(), sineMagnitude, sineAverage, 30 );
+ if (normalLubrication || shearLubrication || viscousShear) flow.computeEdgesSurfaces();
+ if ( debug ) cout << endl << "end buildTri------" << endl << endl;
+void PeriodicFlowEngine::preparePShifts()
+ CellInfo::gradP = makeCgVect ( gradP );
+ CellInfo::hSize[0] = makeCgVect ( scene->cell->hSize.col ( 0 ) );
+ CellInfo::hSize[1] = makeCgVect ( scene->cell->hSize.col ( 1 ) );
+ CellInfo::hSize[2] = makeCgVect ( scene->cell->hSize.col ( 2 ) );
+ CellInfo::deltaP=CGT::CVector (
+ CellInfo::hSize[0]*CellInfo::gradP,
+ CellInfo::hSize[1]*CellInfo::gradP,
+ CellInfo::hSize[2]*CellInfo::gradP );
+#endif //FLOW_ENGINE
+#endif /* YADE_CGAL */
\ No newline at end of file
=== added file 'pkg/dem/PeriodicFlowEngine.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/PeriodicFlowEngine.hpp 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/PeriodicFlowEngine.hpp 2014-03-21 18:47:45 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2009 by Bruno Chareyre <bruno.chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx> *
+* Copyright (C) 2012 by Donia Marzougui <donia.marzougui@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>*
+* *
+* This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the *
+* GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *
+/// The periodic variant of FlowEngine is defined here. It should become a template class for more flexibility.
+/// It is a bit more complicated as for FlowEngine, though, because we need template inheriting from template, which breaks YADE_CLASS_XXX logic_error
+/// See below the commented exemple, for a possible solution
+#include <yade/pkg/dem/FlowEngine.hpp>
+class PeriodicCellInfo : public FlowCellInfo
+ public:
+ static CVector gradP;
+ //for real cell, baseIndex is the rank of the cell in cellHandles. For ghost cells, it is the baseIndex of the corresponding real cell.
+ //Unlike ordinary index, baseIndex is also indexing cells with imposed pressures
+ int baseIndex;
+ int period[3];
+ static CVector hSize[3];
+ static CVector deltaP;
+ int ghost;
+ Real* _pression;
+ PeriodicCellInfo (void){
+ _pression=&pression;
+ period[0]=period[1]=period[2]=0;
+ baseIndex=-1;
+ volumeSign=0;}
+ ~PeriodicCellInfo (void) {}
+ inline const double shiftedP (void) const {return isGhost? (*_pression)+pShift() :(*_pression) ;}
+ inline const double pShift (void) const {return deltaP[0]*period[0] + deltaP[1]*period[1] +deltaP[2]*period[2];}
+// inline const double p (void) {return shiftedP();}
+ inline void setP (const Real& p) {pression=p;}
+ bool isReal (void) {return !(isFictious || isGhost);}
+class PeriodicVertexInfo : public FlowVertexInfo {
+ public:
+ PeriodicVertexInfo& operator= (const CVector &u) { CVector::operator= (u); return *this; }
+ PeriodicVertexInfo& operator= (const float &scalar) { s=scalar; return *this; }
+ PeriodicVertexInfo& operator= (const unsigned int &id) { i= id; return *this; }
+ int period[3];
+ //FIXME: the name is misleading, even non-ghost can be out of the period and therefore they need to be shifted as well
+ inline const CVector ghostShift (void) {
+ return period[0]*PeriodicCellInfo::hSize[0]+period[1]*PeriodicCellInfo::hSize[1]+period[2]*PeriodicCellInfo::hSize[2];}
+ PeriodicVertexInfo (void) {isFictious=false; s=0; i=0; period[0]=period[1]=period[2]=0; isGhost=false;}
+ bool isReal (void) {return !(isFictious || isGhost);}
+typedef CGT::TriangulationTypes<PeriodicVertexInfo,PeriodicCellInfo> PeriFlowTriangulationTypes;
+typedef CGT::PeriodicTesselation<CGT::_Tesselation<PeriFlowTriangulationTypes> > PeriFlowTesselation;
+#ifdef LINSOLV
+#define _PeriFlowSolver CGT::PeriodicFlowLinSolv<PeriFlowTesselation>
+#define _PeriFlowSolver CGT::PeriodicFlow<PeriFlowTesselation>
+//CGT::PeriodicFlowLinSolv<CGT::PeriodicTesselation<CGT::_Tesselation<TriangulationTypes<PeriodicVertexInfo,PeriodicCellInfo> > > >
+typedef TemplateFlowEngine< PeriodicCellInfo,
+ PeriodicVertexInfo,
+ CGT::PeriodicTesselation<CGT::_Tesselation<CGT::TriangulationTypes<PeriodicVertexInfo,PeriodicCellInfo> > >,
+ _PeriFlowSolver>
+ FlowEngine_PeriodicInfo;
+class PeriodicFlowEngine : public FlowEngine_PeriodicInfo
+ public :
+ void triangulate (FlowSolver& flow);
+ void buildTriangulation (Real pzero, FlowSolver& flow);
+ void initializeVolumes (FlowSolver& flow);
+ void updateVolumes (FlowSolver& flow);
+ Real volumeCell (CellHandle cell);
+ Real volumeCellSingleFictious (CellHandle cell);
+ inline void locateCell(CellHandle baseCell, unsigned int& index, int& baseIndex, FlowSolver& flow, unsigned int count=0);
+ Vector3r meanVelocity();
+ virtual ~PeriodicFlowEngine();
+ virtual void action();
+ //Cache precomputed values for pressure shifts, based on current hSize and pGrad
+ void preparePShifts();
+ YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_INIT_CTOR_PY(PeriodicFlowEngine,FlowEngine_PeriodicInfo,"A variant of :yref:`FlowEngine` implementing periodic boundary conditions. The API is very similar.",
+ ((Real,duplicateThreshold, 0.06,,"distance from cell borders that will triger periodic duplication in the triangulation |yupdate|"))
+ ((Vector3r, gradP, Vector3r::Zero(),,"Macroscopic pressure gradient"))
+ ,,
+ wallIds=vector<int>(6,-1);
+ solver = shared_ptr<FlowSolver> (new FlowSolver);
+ epsVolMax=epsVolCumulative=retriangulationLastIter=0;
+ ReTrg=1;
+ first=true;
+ ,
+ //nothing special to define, we re-use FlowEngine methods
+ //.def("meanVelocity",&PeriodicFlowEngine::meanVelocity,"measure the mean velocity in the period")
+ )
+// //Keep this: Example of inheriting from template combined with YADE_CLASS_... macro. checkPyClassRegistersItself has to be defined, or it wont compile.
+// template<class T>
+// class Test : public T
+// {
+// public :
+// virtual ~Test();
+// // typedef TemplateFlowEngine<T,T> FlowEngineT;
+// virtual void checkPyClassRegistersItself(const std::string& thisClassName) const
+// {
+// if(getClassName()!=thisClassName) throw std::logic_error(("Class "+getClassName()+" does not register with YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTR*, would not be accessible from python.").c_str());
+// }
+// YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_DEPREC_INIT_CTOR_PY(Test,PeriodicFlowEngine,"A variant of :yref:`FlowEngine` implementing periodic boundary conditions. The API is very similar.",
+// ((Real,duplicateThreshold, 0.06,,"distance from cell borders that will triger periodic duplication in the triangulation |yupdate|"))
+// ((Vector3r, gradP, Vector3r::Zero(),,"Macroscopic pressure gradient"))
+// ,,,
+// ,
+// //nothing special to define, we re-use FlowEngine methods
+// //.def("meanVelocity",&Test::meanVelocity,"measure the mean velocity in the period")
+// )
+// };