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[Branch ~yade-pkg/yade/git-trunk] Rev 3910: Split all capillary function into smaller one.


revno: 3910
committer: Anton Gladky <gladky.anton@xxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Thu 2014-04-10 15:39:23 +0200
  Split all capillary function into smaller one.
  Use function pointers, should work some faster, probably.


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=== modified file 'pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.cpp'
--- pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.cpp	2014-04-02 17:11:24 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.cpp	2014-04-10 13:39:23 +0000
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
     if (mat1->CapillarType == mat2->CapillarType and mat2->CapillarType != ""){
-      if      (mat1->CapillarType == "Willett_numeric")  phys->CapillarType = Willett_numeric;
-      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Willett_analytic") phys->CapillarType = Willett_analytic;
-      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Weigert")          phys->CapillarType = Weigert;
-      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Rabinovich")       phys->CapillarType = Rabinovich;
-      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Lambert")          phys->CapillarType = Lambert;
-      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Soulie")           phys->CapillarType = Soulie;
-      else                                               phys->CapillarType = None_Capillar;
+      if      (mat1->CapillarType == "Willett_numeric")  {phys->CapillarType = Willett_numeric;  phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Willett_numeric_f;}
+      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Willett_analytic") {phys->CapillarType = Willett_analytic; phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Willett_analytic_f;}
+      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Weigert")          {phys->CapillarType = Weigert;          phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Weigert_f;}
+      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Rabinovich")       {phys->CapillarType = Rabinovich;       phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Rabinovich_f;}
+      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Lambert")          {phys->CapillarType = Lambert;          phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Lambert_f;}
+      else if (mat1->CapillarType == "Soulie")           {phys->CapillarType = Soulie;           phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Soulie_f;}
+      else                                               {phys->CapillarType = None_Capillar;    phys->CapFunct = Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::None_f;}
     } else {
       throw runtime_error("CapillarType should be equal for both particles!.");
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   if (geom.penetrationDepth<0) {
     if (phys.liqBridgeCreated and -geom.penetrationDepth<phys.sCrit and phys.Capillar) {
-      phys.normalForce = -calculateCapillarForce(geom, phys)*geom.normal;
+      phys.normalForce = -phys.CapFunct(geom, phys)*geom.normal;
       if (I->isActive) {
         addForce (id1,-phys.normalForce,scene);
         addForce (id2, phys.normalForce,scene);
@@ -126,167 +126,196 @@
-Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::calculateCapillarForce(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
-  Real fC = 0.0;
-    /* 
-    * Capillar
-    * Some equations have constants, which can be calculated only once per contact. 
-    * No need to recalculate them at each step. 
-    * It needs to be fixed.
-    * 
-    */
-  if (phys.CapillarType == Weigert) {
-      /* Capillar model from [Weigert1999]
-       */
-        Real R = phys.R;
-        Real a = -geom.penetrationDepth;
-        Real Ca = (1.0 + 6.0*a/(R*2.0));                                                          // [Weigert1999], equation (16)
-        Real Ct = (1.0 + 1.1*sin(phys.theta));                                                    // [Weigert1999], equation (17)
-        /*
-        Real Eps = 0.36;                                                                          // Porosity
-        Real fi = phys.Vb/(2.0*M_PI/6.0*pow(R*2.0,3.));                                           // [Weigert1999], equation (13)
-        Real S = M_PI*(1-Eps)/(pow(Eps, 2.0))*fi;                                                 // [Weigert1999], equation (14)
-        Real beta = asin(pow(((S/0.36)*(pow(Eps, 2.0)/(1-Eps))*(1.0/Ca)*(1.0/Ct)), 1.0/4.0));     // [Weigert1999], equation (19)
-        */
-        Real beta = asin(pow(phys.Vb/(0.12*Ca*Ct*pow(2.0*R, 3.0)), 1.0/4.0));                     // [Weigert1999], equation (15), against Vb
-        Real r1 = (2.0*R*(1-cos(beta)) + a)/(2.0*cos(beta+phys.theta));                           // [Weigert1999], equation (5)
-        Real r2 = R*sin(beta) + r1*(sin(beta+phys.theta)-1);                                      // [Weigert1999], equation (6)
-        Real Pk = phys.gamma*(1/r1 - 1/r2);                                                       /* [Weigert1999], equation (22),
-                                                                                                   * see also a sentence over the equation
-                                                                                                   * "R1 was taken as positive and R2 was taken as negative"
-                                                                                                   */ 
-        //fC = M_PI*2.0*R*phys.gamma/(1+tan(0.5*beta));                                           // [Weigert1999], equation (23), [Fisher]
-        fC = M_PI/4.0*pow((2.0*R),2.0)*pow(sin(beta),2.0)*Pk +
-             phys.gamma*M_PI*2.0*R*sin(beta)*sin(beta+phys.theta);                                // [Weigert1999], equation (21)
-      } else if (phys.CapillarType == Willett_numeric) {
-        /* Capillar model from [Willett2000]
-         */ 
-        Real R = phys.R;
-        Real s = -geom.penetrationDepth;
-        Real Vb = phys.Vb;
-        Real VbS = Vb/(R*R*R);
-        Real Th1 = phys.theta;
-        Real Th2 = phys.theta*phys.theta;
-        Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
-        /*
-         * [Willett2000], equations in Anhang
-        */
-        Real f1 = (-0.44507 + 0.050832*Th1 - 1.1466*Th2) + 
-                  (-0.1119 - 0.000411*Th1 - 0.1490*Th2) * log(VbS) +
-                  (-0.012101 - 0.0036456*Th1 - 0.01255*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS) +
-                  (-0.0005 - 0.0003505*Th1 - 0.00029076*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS)*log(VbS);
-        Real f2 = (1.9222 - 0.57473*Th1 - 1.2918*Th2) +
-                  (-0.0668 - 0.1201*Th1 - 0.22574*Th2) * log(VbS) +
-                  (-0.0013375 - 0.0068988*Th1 - 0.01137*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS);
-        Real f3 = (1.268 - 0.01396*Th1 - 0.23566*Th2) +
-                  (0.198 + 0.092*Th1 - 0.06418*Th2) * log(VbS) +
-                  (0.02232 + 0.02238*Th1 - 0.009853*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS) +
-                  (0.0008585 + 0.001318*Th1 - 0.00053*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS)*log(VbS);
-        Real f4 = (-0.010703 + 0.073776*Th1 - 0.34742*Th2) +
-                  (0.03345 + 0.04543*Th1 - 0.09056*Th2) * log(VbS) +
-                  (0.0018574 + 0.004456*Th1 - 0.006257*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS);
-        Real sPl = (s/2.0)/sqrt(Vb/R);
-        Real lnFS = f1 - f2*exp(f3*log(sPl) + f4*log(sPl)*log(sPl));
-        Real FS = exp(lnFS);
-        fC = FS * 2.0 * M_PI* R * Gamma;
-      } else if (phys.CapillarType == Willett_analytic) {
-        /* Capillar model from Willet [Willett2000] (analytical solution), but 
-         * used also in the work of Herminghaus [Herminghaus2005]
-         */
-        Real R = phys.R;
-        Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
-        Real s = -geom.penetrationDepth;
-        Real Vb = phys.Vb;
-        /*
-        Real sPl = s/sqrt(Vb/R);                                                            // [Herminghaus2005], equation (sentence between (7) and (8))
-        fC = 2.0 * M_PI* R * Gamma * cos(phys.theta)/(1 + 1.05*sPl + 2.5 *sPl * sPl);       // [Herminghaus2005], equation (7)
-        */ 
-        Real sPl = (s/2.0)/sqrt(Vb/R);                                                      // [Willett2000], equation (sentence after (11)), s - half-separation, so s*2.0
-        Real f_star = cos(phys.theta)/(1 + 2.1*sPl + 10.0 * pow(sPl, 2.0));                 // [Willett2000], equation (12)
-        fC = f_star * (2*M_PI*R*Gamma);                                                     // [Willett2000], equation (13), against F
-      } else if ((phys.CapillarType  == Rabinovich) or (phys.CapillarType  == Lambert)) {
-        /* 
-         * Capillar model from Rabinovich [Rabinov2005]
-         *
-         * This formulation from Rabinovich has been later verified and corrected
-         * by Lambert [Lambert2008]. So we can calculate both formulations
-         * 
-         */
-        Real R = phys.R;
-        Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
-        Real H = -geom.penetrationDepth;
-        Real V = phys.Vb;
-        Real dsp = 0.0;
-        if (H!=0.0) {
-          dsp = H/2.0*(-1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 2.0*V/(M_PI*R*H*H)));                            // [Rabinov2005], equation (20)
-          fC = -(2*M_PI*R*Gamma*cos(phys.theta))/(1+(H/(2*dsp)));                         // [Lambert2008], equation (65), taken from [Rabinov2005]
-          if (phys.CapillarType  == Rabinovich) {
-            const Real alpha = sqrt(H/R*(-1+ sqrt(1 + 2.0*V/(M_PI*R*H*H))));              // [Rabinov2005], equation (A3)
-            fC -= 2*M_PI*R*Gamma*sin(alpha)*sin(phys.theta + alpha);                      // [Rabinov2005], equation (19)
-          }
-        } else {
-          fC = -(2*M_PI*R*Gamma*cos(phys.theta));
-          if (phys.CapillarType == Rabinovich) {
-            const Real alpha = 0.0;
-            fC -= 2*M_PI*R*Gamma*sin(alpha)*sin(phys.theta + alpha);                      // [Rabinov2005], equation (19)
-          }
-        }
-        fC *=-1;
-      } else if (phys.CapillarType  == Soulie) {
-        /* 
-         * Capillar model from Soulie [Soulie2006]
-         *
-         * !!! In this implementation the radiis of particles are taken equal
-         * to get the symmetric forces.
-         * 
-         * Please, use this model only for testing purposes.
-         * 
-         */
-        const Real R = phys.R;
-        const Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
-        const Real D = -geom.penetrationDepth;
-        const Real V = phys.Vb;
-        const Real Theta = phys.theta;
-        const Real a = -1.1*pow((V/(R*R*R)), -0.53);
-        const Real b = (-0.148*log(V/(R*R*R)) - 0.96)*Theta*Theta -0.0082*log(V/(R*R*R)) + 0.48;
-        const Real c = 0.0018*log(V/(R*R*R)) + 0.078;
-        fC = Mathr::PI*Gamma*sqrt(R*R)*(c+exp(a*D/R+b));
-      } else {
-        throw runtime_error("CapillarType is unknown, please, use only Willett_numeric, Willett_analytic, Weigert or Rabinovich");
-      }
-  return fC;
+//======================Capillary bridge models============================================
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Willett_numeric_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+  /* 
+   * Capillar model from [Willett2000]
+   */ 
+  const Real R = phys.R;
+  const Real s = -geom.penetrationDepth;
+  const Real Vb = phys.Vb;
+  const Real VbS = Vb/(R*R*R);
+  const Real Th1 = phys.theta;
+  const Real Th2 = phys.theta*phys.theta;
+  const Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
+  /*
+   * [Willett2000], equations in Attachment
+  */
+  const Real f1 = (-0.44507 + 0.050832*Th1 - 1.1466*Th2) + 
+            (-0.1119 - 0.000411*Th1 - 0.1490*Th2) * log(VbS) +
+            (-0.012101 - 0.0036456*Th1 - 0.01255*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS) +
+            (-0.0005 - 0.0003505*Th1 - 0.00029076*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS)*log(VbS);
+  const Real f2 = (1.9222 - 0.57473*Th1 - 1.2918*Th2) +
+            (-0.0668 - 0.1201*Th1 - 0.22574*Th2) * log(VbS) +
+            (-0.0013375 - 0.0068988*Th1 - 0.01137*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS);
+  const Real f3 = (1.268 - 0.01396*Th1 - 0.23566*Th2) +
+            (0.198 + 0.092*Th1 - 0.06418*Th2) * log(VbS) +
+            (0.02232 + 0.02238*Th1 - 0.009853*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS) +
+            (0.0008585 + 0.001318*Th1 - 0.00053*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS)*log(VbS);
+  const Real f4 = (-0.010703 + 0.073776*Th1 - 0.34742*Th2) +
+            (0.03345 + 0.04543*Th1 - 0.09056*Th2) * log(VbS) +
+            (0.0018574 + 0.004456*Th1 - 0.006257*Th2) *log(VbS)*log(VbS);
+  const Real sPl = (s/2.0)/sqrt(Vb/R);
+  const Real lnFS = f1 - f2*exp(f3*log(sPl) + f4*log(sPl)*log(sPl));
+  const Real FS = exp(lnFS);
+  const Real fC = FS * 2.0 * M_PI* R * Gamma;
+  return fC;
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Willett_analytic_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+  /* 
+   * Capillar model from Willet [Willett2000] (analytical solution), but 
+   * used also in the work of Herminghaus [Herminghaus2005]
+   */
+  const Real R = phys.R;
+  const Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
+  const Real s = -geom.penetrationDepth;
+  const Real Vb = phys.Vb;
+  /*
+  Real sPl = s/sqrt(Vb/R);                                                            // [Herminghaus2005], equation (sentence between (7) and (8))
+  fC = 2.0 * M_PI* R * Gamma * cos(phys.theta)/(1 + 1.05*sPl + 2.5 *sPl * sPl);       // [Herminghaus2005], equation (7)
+  */ 
+  const Real sPl = (s/2.0)/sqrt(Vb/R);                                                      // [Willett2000], equation (sentence after (11)), s - half-separation, so s*2.0
+  const Real f_star = cos(phys.theta)/(1 + 2.1*sPl + 10.0 * pow(sPl, 2.0));                 // [Willett2000], equation (12)
+  const Real fC = f_star * (2*M_PI*R*Gamma);                                                     // [Willett2000], equation (13), against F
+  return fC;
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Weigert_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+ /*
+  *  Capillar model from [Weigert1999]
+  */
+  const Real R = phys.R;
+  const Real a = -geom.penetrationDepth;
+  const Real Ca = (1.0 + 6.0*a/(R*2.0));                                                          // [Weigert1999], equation (16)
+  const Real Ct = (1.0 + 1.1*sin(phys.theta));                                                    // [Weigert1999], equation (17)
+  /*
+  Real Eps = 0.36;                                                                          // Porosity
+  Real fi = phys.Vb/(2.0*M_PI/6.0*pow(R*2.0,3.));                                           // [Weigert1999], equation (13)
+  Real S = M_PI*(1-Eps)/(pow(Eps, 2.0))*fi;                                                 // [Weigert1999], equation (14)
+  Real beta = asin(pow(((S/0.36)*(pow(Eps, 2.0)/(1-Eps))*(1.0/Ca)*(1.0/Ct)), 1.0/4.0));     // [Weigert1999], equation (19)
+  */
+  const Real beta = asin(pow(phys.Vb/(0.12*Ca*Ct*pow(2.0*R, 3.0)), 1.0/4.0));                     // [Weigert1999], equation (15), against Vb
+  const Real r1 = (2.0*R*(1-cos(beta)) + a)/(2.0*cos(beta+phys.theta));                           // [Weigert1999], equation (5)
+  const Real r2 = R*sin(beta) + r1*(sin(beta+phys.theta)-1);                                      // [Weigert1999], equation (6)
+  const Real Pk = phys.gamma*(1/r1 - 1/r2);                                                       // [Weigert1999], equation (22),
+                                                                                                  // see also a sentence over the equation
+                                                                                                  // "R1 was taken as positive and R2 was taken as negative"
+  //fC = M_PI*2.0*R*phys.gamma/(1+tan(0.5*beta));                                           // [Weigert1999], equation (23), [Fisher]
+  const Real fC = M_PI/4.0*pow((2.0*R),2.0)*pow(sin(beta),2.0)*Pk +
+                  phys.gamma*M_PI*2.0*R*sin(beta)*sin(beta+phys.theta);                     // [Weigert1999], equation (21)
+  return fC;
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Rabinovich_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+  /* 
+   * Capillar model from Rabinovich [Rabinov2005]
+   *
+   * This formulation from Rabinovich has been later verified and corrected
+   * by Lambert [Lambert2008]. So we can calculate both formulations
+   * 
+   */
+  const Real R = phys.R;
+  const Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
+  const Real H = -geom.penetrationDepth;
+  const Real V = phys.Vb;
+  Real fC = 0.0;
+  Real dsp = 0.0;
+  if (H!=0.0) {
+    dsp = H/2.0*(-1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 2.0*V/(M_PI*R*H*H)));                            // [Rabinov2005], equation (20)
+    fC = -(2*M_PI*R*Gamma*cos(phys.theta))/(1+(H/(2*dsp)));                         // [Lambert2008], equation (65), taken from [Rabinov2005]
+    const Real alpha = sqrt(H/R*(-1+ sqrt(1 + 2.0*V/(M_PI*R*H*H))));              // [Rabinov2005], equation (A3)
+    fC -= 2*M_PI*R*Gamma*sin(alpha)*sin(phys.theta + alpha);                      // [Rabinov2005], equation (19)
+  } else {
+    fC = -(2*M_PI*R*Gamma*cos(phys.theta));
+    const Real alpha = 0.0;
+    fC -= 2*M_PI*R*Gamma*sin(alpha)*sin(phys.theta + alpha);                      // [Rabinov2005], equation (19)
+  }
+  fC *=-1;
+  return fC;
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Lambert_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+  /* 
+   * Capillar model from Rabinovich [Rabinov2005]
+   *
+   * This formulation from Rabinovich has been later verified and corrected
+   * by Lambert [Lambert2008]. So we can calculate both formulations
+   * 
+   */
+  const Real R = phys.R;
+  const Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
+  const Real H = -geom.penetrationDepth;
+  const Real V = phys.Vb;
+  Real fC = 0.0;
+  Real dsp = 0.0;
+  if (H!=0.0) {
+    dsp = H/2.0*(-1.0 + sqrt(1.0 + 2.0*V/(M_PI*R*H*H)));                            // [Rabinov2005], equation (20)
+    fC = -(2*M_PI*R*Gamma*cos(phys.theta))/(1+(H/(2*dsp)));                         // [Lambert2008], equation (65), taken from [Rabinov2005]
+  } else {
+    fC = -(2*M_PI*R*Gamma*cos(phys.theta));
+  }
+  fC *=-1;
+  return fC;
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::Soulie_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+  /* 
+   * Capillar model from Soulie [Soulie2006]
+   *
+   * !!! In this implementation the radiis of particles are taken equal
+   * to get the symmetric forces.
+   * 
+   * Please, use this model only for testing purposes.
+   * 
+   */
+  const Real R = phys.R;
+  const Real Gamma = phys.gamma;
+  const Real D = -geom.penetrationDepth;
+  const Real V = phys.Vb;
+  const Real Theta = phys.theta;
+  const Real a = -1.1*pow((V/(R*R*R)), -0.53);
+  const Real b = (-0.148*log(V/(R*R*R)) - 0.96)*Theta*Theta -0.0082*log(V/(R*R*R)) + 0.48;
+  const Real c = 0.0018*log(V/(R*R*R)) + 0.078;
+  const Real fC = Mathr::PI*Gamma*sqrt(R*R)*(c+exp(a*D/R+b));
+  return fC;
+Real Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic::None_f(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys) {
+  return 0;

=== modified file 'pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.hpp'
--- pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.hpp	2014-04-02 17:11:24 +0000
+++ pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.hpp	2014-04-10 13:39:23 +0000
@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
 /// Interaction physics
 enum CapType {None_Capillar, Willett_numeric, Willett_analytic, Weigert, Rabinovich, Lambert, Soulie};
 class ViscElCapPhys : public ViscElPhys{
+	typedef Real (* CapillarFunction)(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
 		virtual ~ViscElCapPhys();
 		Real R;
+		CapillarFunction CapFunct;
 	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC_ATTRS_CTOR(ViscElCapPhys,ViscElPhys,"IPhys created from :yref:`ViscElCapMat`, for use with :yref:`Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic`.",
 		((bool,Capillar,false,,"True, if capillar forces need to be added."))
 		((bool,liqBridgeCreated,false,,"Whether liquid bridge was created, only after a normal contact of spheres"))
@@ -50,8 +52,13 @@
 class Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic: public LawFunctor {
 	public :
 		virtual void go(shared_ptr<IGeom>&, shared_ptr<IPhys>&, Interaction*);
-	public :
-		Real calculateCapillarForce(const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real Willett_numeric_f     (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real Willett_analytic_f    (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real Weigert_f             (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real Rabinovich_f          (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real Lambert_f             (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real Soulie_f              (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
+		static Real None_f                (const ScGeom& geom, ViscElCapPhys& phys);
 	YADE_CLASS_BASE_DOC(Law2_ScGeom_ViscElCapPhys_Basic,LawFunctor,"Extended version of Linear viscoelastic model with capillary parameters.");