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Fwd: Non-spherical particle models?


Dear all,
Tomasz Koziara is a lecturer in Computational Mechanics at Durham
University, UK.
He has a project oriented toward HPC in DEM (attached is the outline).
This could result, for instance, in a library of parallel algorithms
that could be re-used in other DEM-codes.
While Tomasz is in the process of getting feedback from many developers
of DEM codes, he contacted me recently for the Yade part of it.
I'm actually enthusiastic, but some of you are more knowledgeable than
me when it comes to HPC and may give more relevant feedback.
So, let me circulate this work program. I think Tomasz would appreciate
as much feedback as possible on this project.



-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Non-spherical particle models?
Date: 	Mon, 2 Jun 2014 09:30:08 +0000
From: 	KOZIARA T. <tomasz.koziara@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: 	Bruno.Chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx <Bruno.Chareyre@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear Bruno,

I work as a lecturer in Computational Mechanics at Durham University,
UK. I am currently developing a research proposal which, I think, could
be of our common interest (I have attached an executive summary).

This is a small scale project, but perhaps the proposed work could be
useful for a wider DEM community (academic and commercial).*
I’d be very happy to have your opinion on this. And of course, I’d be
keen to collaborate or have your support on this proposal 
(as Yade's project leader)
, if the idea seems meaningful from your end.

Best regards,
Tomasz Koziara


For the completeness,
I should add that currently, developers of LIGGGHTS and ESyS-Particle
have expressed their support for such project, while the idea is
hopefully being processed at several commercial companies (Itasca, EDEM,
DYNA More, and CD-adapco). Developers at Itasca (PFC) have expressed
their informal support, although official support has not been confirmed
as yet.


Attachment: vectorised particles.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document